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Search Our Archive
January 2013
- A New Way For Mainstream Media to Help Criminals: Harass Gun Owners By Publishing License Addresses
December 2012
- Mass Killings, Including Sandy Hook Elementary, Suggest Government And Psychiatric Medications Can Be Deadly
- Former NSA Employee William Binney Discusses Massive Surveillance of US Email, Phone, and Text Communications
- Could US Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act (PREPA) Be Used To Legally Sanction Mass Murder?
November 2012
- American Civil Forfeiture Laws Require Drastic Reforms
October 2012
- What Can We Learn From Narcissist Sam Vaknin?
September 2012
- Parents Who Kill Kids Often Enraged To Murder By Courts And Governments
- Mom Arrested Over Neighbor's Alleged False Report of Child Abandonment In La Porte, Texas
- What Will Happen To The Children Of Gordon And Tiffany Smith?
- RFID Tracking Of School Children Has Potential For Abuse By Government And Criminals
- Former US Marine Brandon Raub Incarcerated in Mental Hospital Because Feds Didn't Like His Facebook Political Statements
August 2012
- Serial False Accuser Tiffany Marie Smith of Delaware Belongs In Prison
- Government By Sociopaths, For Sociopaths Dooms Family Law Reform Efforts
- Mom Files Suit For Being Strip Searched At Gunpoint After Cops Pull Her Over For Rolling Through Stop Sign
- Firefighter Wrongly Implied to be Child Sex Offender by Virgin Australia Flight Attendant Enforcing Sexist Airline Policies
- Commissioner Alan Friedenthal's Public Admonishment By California Commission on Judicial Performance
- Mildly Alienating Parents Can Sometimes Be Helped To Stop Abuse, Steps You Can Take To Help Your Kids
July 2012
- Alienated Moms Have It Bad Due to NOW's Support of Child Abuse
- Psychopathic Women Dangerous to Men and Children Alike
- Abusive Conduct and Failure To Follow Law by Judge William Watkins Requires His Removal From Bench
- Los Angeles DA Must Prosecute Wanetta Gibson for False Rape Allegation Against Brian Banks
- Taxi Cab Driver Falsely Accused of Sexual Assault As Ploy to Avert $13 Cab Fare
- US Courthouses Are Venues for Sociopathic Harassment Against Targets Without Audio and Video Recording Devices
June 2012
- Summers And Holidays Are Seasons of Elevated Child Custody Conflict With A Psycho Ex
May 2012
- A Vote for Bonnie Dumanis Is A Vote For Corruption And Abuse
- Treatment of Depression and Anxiety from High Conflict Divorce and Child Custody Battles Using Antidepressants and Benzodiazepines Is Risky
April 2012
- Eileen Lasher and Dr. Emad Tadros Interviewed Regarding "Kids for Cash" San Diego Family Law Court Crimes
March 2012
- How and Why Psycho Parents Manipulate Kids to Resist Custody Exchanges
- Alleged Killers, the Foster Parents of Victim 3 Year Old Serenity Gandara, Captured in Mexico
- Los Angeles DCFS (CPS) Employee Arrested by LAPD for Prostitution
February 2012
- "I Want The Litigation To End" May Be A Warning You Are Being Manipulated By A Sociopath
- Judge Diane E. Gibbons Confirms Herself An Enemy of Free Speech and Supporter of Abuse By Silencing The Psycho Ex Wife Website
January 2012
- Review of Dr. Warshak's Parental Alienation DVD "Welcome Back Pluto"
November 2011
- Former Gov. Jesse Ventura Rightly Labels United States the "Fascist States of America"
- CJP Investigation of Judge Lisa Schall Heats Up, Citizen Input Sought
April 2011
- Depressed and Exhausted from Divorce and Child Custody Battles? You May Be Suffering From Adrenal Fatigue.
March 2011
- New Evidence Stephen Doyne Violated Child Custody Evaluation Laws
January 2011
- On MLK Day, Remember to Use Nonviolent Resistance Against America's Family Law and CPS Systems
December 2010
- San Diego Superior Court Seeks New Grand Jury For 2011 / 2012
November 2010
- Site Notice: New Web Server
- Leon Koziol Files US Civil Rights Lawsuit Against New York Courts and Government Officials
- Amicus Brief in Emad Tadros v. Stephen Doyne Appeal in San Diego
- American Soldiers Persecuted by American Government
- Sociopaths In Our Midst Hate the Truth and Its Advocates
- "The Public Court" Fights Family Court Abuse in San Diego
- San Diego Judge DeAnn Salcido Resigns Under Fire, Yet Shows CJP Is Corrupt
- Dr. Richard Warshak Launches "Plutoverse" Parental Alienation Blog
October 2010
- San Diego Judge DeAnn Salcido Demeans Litigants and Justice to Create Demo Videos for Her Proposed TV Show
- Why We Show Your IP Address
- Southern California Parental Alienation Conference on November 13, 2010
- San Diego Custody Evaluators Generate Cash Flow by Victimizing Families Using Restraining Orders
- Amnesty International Betrays Public By Hiding Human Rights Abuses and Sexism in Sweden
September 2010
- Male Domestic Violence Victims Suffer from Wrongful Gender Bias
- Dr. Amy Baker On Parental Alienation, PAS, and Helping Your Kids Resist Both
- Marriage Rates At Record Lows, Are Americans Realizing Marriage Isn't Safe?
- American Parents, Family Policy, and Courts Contribute to Poor Student Performance
- Telling Your Nasty Ex About BPD or NPD May Hurt You
- Borderline Personality Disorder and Parental Alienation Involve Similar Abusive Behaviors
- Senate Legislation May Increase FDA Persecution of Americans and Violations of First Amendment Rights
- How Sociopathic Parents Use Police Reports for Defamation
- Daddy Justice Movie Preview
- Alleged Medical Fraud in La Mesa, California, by Stowe BioTherapy Selling "Stem Cell Cure" for ALS
- Parental Abductor Melinda Thompson Arrested in Amsterdam
- Singapore Schools and Courts Enable Parental Alienation Child Abuse
- ACFC Supporters Get Discount on New York Parental Alienation Conference
- ACFC Seeking Ideas for Graphics and Slogans for Campaigns to Support Shared Parenting
- Web Site Outage
- Ben Vonderheide Exposes Pennsylvania's Abusive Child Profiteering Racket
- Welcome Back Pluto is Dr. Warshak's New Parental Alienation Video for Kids and Parents
August 2010
- New Site Features: Control Bar and Google Translation
- Donald Bren's $3 to 9 Million in Child Support Enough, Says Jury
- Divorce Books for Kids
- Serenity Gandara's Grandmother Speaks Out Against CPS and Foster Parent Abuses, Advocates Grandparents' Rights
- Will Mass Media Build Awareness and Opposition to State-Sponsored Child Abuse?
- Escaping Sociopathic Abuse Almost Impossible When Children Are Involved
- Extreme BPD / NPD Behaviors Are Internally Triggered
- Seeking Your Input on Child Exchanges and Visitations
- Flawed Calcium and Heart Attack Study Misleads Consumers
- Why Damon Moelter Is Being Abused
- PDA Spam Attack on Shrink4Men Hints at Cyberwarfare Style Distortion Campaigns
- American Judicial Terrorism May Lead to Widespread Violence
- Sacramento Judge Peter James McBrien Dismembers Park Trees and Families In Contempt for Law
- Autopsy Shows Foster Girl Serenity Gandara Died of Blunt-force Trauma
July 2010
- Canadian Symposium for Parental Alienation Syndrome to be held in New York in October 2010
- Stopping Parental Alienation Requires Family Court Reforms
- "Don't Get Arrested in South Carolina" Reveals Cover-Up and Framing by Police and Prosecutors
- Richard Fine Complaint Against Judge David Yaffe, Sheriff Leroy "Lee" Baca, and Others Filed with US Attorney
- Laws Against Audio and Video Recording Protect Liars, Abusers, and Government Criminals
- Bakersfield Foster Child Death Linked to CPS Negligence
- Tonya Craft's Ex, Parental Alienator Joal Henke, Shows Kids Will Lie About Sexual Abuse To Hurt Target Parent
- Borderlines Can Make You Feel Insane Via "Gaslighting"
- Foster Parents Abandoned Dead Child and Brother in Bakersfield, California
- Southwest Airlines Sued Over Child Sexual Harassment
- San Diego Judge Edward Allard On The Way Out for Misconduct?
- DA Bonnie Dumanis, DDA Laura Gunn Not Immune from $20 Million Federal Lawsuit
- Breastfeeding Used As An Excuse To Keep Babies Away From Fathers
- Relationships and Divorces with Someone Who Suffers Borderline Personality Disorder
- Tamworth, NH Shows Why You Should Stay Anonymous
- Six Legal Ways for Cops to Abuse You
- Judge Lorna Alksne On The Way Out After Home Picketed
- A Judge's View of "Best Interests of the Children"
- Brother MFC-9840CDW Color Laser All-in-One for $549.99* plus FREE SHIPPING!
- Child Custody Tactic: Faking Separation Anxiety via Child Abuse
- Counteracting Tactics for Interfering With Custody and Visitation
June 2010
- Moms Discredit Themselves by Denying Parental Alienation
- Cole Stuart's Review of Baskerville's "Taken Into Custody"
May 2010
- FernBlock: Sun Protection In A Pill
- California AB 2475 To Strip Immunity from Custody Evaluators
- Houston Cops Arrest and Injure Chinese Deputy Consul on Consulate Grounds
- FDA Abuse Reminiscent of Family Court Abuse
April 2010
- Cole Stuart Considers $10M False Arrest Suit Against SDCBA
- Invisalign Offers Alternative to Metal Dental Braces
- US Supreme Court Denies Richard Fine Appeal Stay Request
- Richard Fine Prelude to Illegal Imprisonment for the Masses
- Judge Lorna Alksne Eager For New Weapons For Judicial Abuse
- Bill Gore Is Poor Choice For San Diego Sheriff
- LA Protest to Free Political Prisoner Richard Fine on April 20
- Internet Evidence of Suspicious Timing of Court Awareness of CCFC Protest and Arrest Warrant For Group Leader
- San Diego Lawyer Jeffrey Fritz Increases Conflict and Costs
- CCFC Family Law Protest in San Diego Results in Arrest of Group Leader
- CCFC Protests San Diego Family Courts on April 15, 2010
- African-Americans Need More Vitamin D
- Save Our Families Rally in Chicago, Illinois
- Screening Tests Confuse Bipolar and Borderline Disorders
- Co-parenting With A Sociopath (Borderline, Narcissist, etc.)
- CPS Reform Advocate Nancy Schaefer Murdered
- Petition to Support Equal Parenting Bill in Tennessee
- Eric Moelter Speaks Against Cindy Dumas Distortion Campaign
March 2010
- Proposal for DSM-5 to Include Parental Alienation Disorder
- Tennessee House Considering Equal Parenting Bill
- Personality Disordered Abusers in Family Law Courts
- Personality Disordered Abusers in Psychological Evaluations
- Cop Block: Fighting Law Enforcement Abuse
- Reject US Government Attempt to Ban Nutritional Supplements
- Tire Shopping? Get up to $80 Mail in Rebate for Goodyear Tires
- The Truth About Governments and Economics
- Trying Out WPtouch Mobile Web Browser Theme
- Lisa Michalk Takes First Place in Texas 221st Judicial Election
- Why You Should Never Talk With Police And Law Enforcement
- Vancouver Police Brutalize Innocent Civilians
- Looney Laws
February 2010
- John Van Doorn Runs for San Diego County Supervisor in 2010
- San Diego DA Bonnie Dumanis Attempts to Pervert Justice
- US Warns Japan Over Shielding Parental Child Abductors
- Poor Married Joe: Abused by "Psycho Demon" Spouse
- Sleepy, Unfocused, Poor Attention, ADHD? DMAE Might Help
January 2010
- Reader Feedback on San Diego Judge Lisa Schall
- Vancouver Police Beat Yao Wei Wu After DV Call
- Why Is San Diego Judge Lisa Schall Still On The Bench?
- US Senate Candidate Scott Brown Supports Shared Parenting
- Great Deal on Vitamin D3, $6.39 for 500 capsules of 2000 IU each
- Unsecured Wireless Networks Risk Being Framed for Crime
- Parental Alienation Can Happen to Adults and In Marriages
- Montgomery County Court Candidate Lisa Michalk Responds
- Florida Senator Calls for Investigation of Child Abuse Report Against Tiger Woods
- Judge Suzanne Stovall Wins "Babystealer of 2009" Award
- Judge Lorna Alksne in Cindy Dumas v. Eric Moelter
- Babystealer of the Year: Rozita Swinton, Suzanne Stovall, Amy Langley, or Mary Callahan?
- Tiger Woods Golf Club Incident and DV Double Standards
- Montgomery County 221st Judicial Election Candidates
- Corrupt Judge David Yaffe Jails Political Prisoner Richard Fine
- Does Texas Judge Suzanne Stovall Deserve Re-election?
- "Support? System Down" Film Documents Evils of Family Law
- Deadly Divorces: Bonnie Hoult, Bruce Pardo, and Many More
- Jason Fontaine Speaks Up About Child Custody Murders
- CCFC Family Court Reform Presentation in Del Mar, California
December 2009
- Killer Bonnie Hoult Made False Abuse Allegations Against Ex
- Dr. Warshak Discusses Parental Alienation on 20/20 Tonight
- Losing Weight With Alli (Orlistat), Without Yellow Orange Goo
- Draw Jesus, Get Suspended
- DCF Poaching on the Tiger Woods, Elin Nordegren Kids?
- Pennsylvania "Abduction Hoax Mom" Tied to More Fraud
- Toxic Dentistry: How Fillings and Braces Can Harm Your Health
- Hey Kids, Your CPS Social Worker Wants Your Pipe Bombs!
- CCFC Press Release On Stephen Doyne Corruption/Fraud Case
- Gender Polarization Impedes Family Law Reform
- Unjust Delays in San Diego Family Law Courts
November 2009
- Alienating Grandparents Hurts Grandchildren
- Affordable Supplements 5% Off Coupon Code to Nov 30, 2009
- Life Extension Advice on Cold/Flu Infections Including H1N1
- Eileen Lasher on San Diego CPS/Family Law Court Misconduct
- Flyer Protest in San Diego Family Law Courts
- San Diego Courts Cover Up Missing Forms and Psych Evals
- California Men's Centers - San Diego
- California Elkins Family Law Task Force Seeking Comments
- Amicus Curiae brief filed for Emad Tadros v. Stephen Doyne
- California "Access to Justice in Family Court" Law Panel
- Stephen Doyne and San Diego Family Law Courts Under Fire
- Foster Mom Jennifer Montag Charged With Child Molestation
- VAP Test Improves Cardiovascular Risk Determination
- Borderline Mom: Emotional Self Defense for Children
- Framed for Child Porn by a PC Virus
- H1N1 / Swine Flu Risk Increased by Low Vitamin D
- Diaper Changing Instructions
- Finding Savings $$$ on Microsoft Windows 7
- Are Sarah Palin and Family Serial Parental Alienators?
- 1 in 4 Children of Divorce Suffer Parental Alienation Syndrome
- Death by Divorce? Fire, Custody Dispute Yield Death Sentence
October 2009
- Luzerne County Bribes 7 Year Old Boy for Arson "Confession"
- Crimes Against Children: "Zero Tolerance" and "Kids for Cash"
- Vitamin D3 Products For Kids
- Best Deals on Vitamin D3 Supplements
- Do Nutritional Supplements Really Work?
- False Child Porn Persecution: The Child Custody Scenario
- Abusive Women "Acceptable" By Double Standards
- FBI Child Pornographers Persecute Innocent Citizens?
- Review: 1FAST400 N-Acetylcysteine (NAC) Bulk Powder
- FDA Harmed Public with Flawed Sunscreen SPF Ratings
- Website: Equal Parenting British Columbia
- Gun Collection + Malicious Mom + Government = Life in Ruins
September 2009
- Swanson Health Products 10% Off Your Order
- In US, Baby Bath Pictures Yield Living Hell for Family
- Oral Probiotics Improve Dental Health for Kids and Adults
- Father Imprisoned 20 Years on Fake Child Sex Abuse Charges
- Higher Vitamin D Levels Improve Weight Loss and Health
- Affordable Supplements 5% Off Coupon Code and AGE-Inhibiting Supplements from NOW Foods, 1FAST400, and Sci-Fit
- Puritan's Pride Vitamin D3, 5-HTP, and $5 Off Coupon
- Swanson Health Products 10% Off Your Order
August 2009
- 10% Off on 1FAST400 Supplements
- Bargain on Top-Notch Mega EPA/DHA Omega-3 Fish Oil
- Child Social Worker Solicits Kids for Pornography
- Defending Against False Child Sexual Abuse Allegations (Part 1)
- 10% Discount on TA-65 Supplement for Life Extension Members
- TA-65 Telomere Activation and Right to Healthcare Choice
- N-Acetylcysteine (NAC) Reduces Hair Pulling Compulsion and May Also Be Useful for OCD
- 70% of US Children Have Low Vitamin D Levels
July 2009
- New Vitamin D3 Products Address Vitamin D Deficiency Crisis
- 40% of US Population May Have Hypothyroidism
- Teach Your Children: Government is Dangerous to Their Lives
- CPS and Police Abuse Wrongly Removed Children
- DSS Threatens to Destroy Family Injured by Car Crash
- Adjusting Your Vitamin D Intake to Optimal Levels
- San Diego County Grand Jury Cites Further CPS Misconduct
- Vince Guiliano's Anti-Aging Blog
- Disregard for Dental Hygiene May Ruin Your Mind
- NFL Football Star Steve McNair Allegedly Murdered by Girlfriend
- Nutritional Problems May Lead to Higher Risk of Autism
- Rationalization of Affairs: A Sign of Personal Moral Confusion
- America's Love Affair with Adultery
- West Virginia Criminalizes False Child Abuse Allegations
- An Online Personality Disorder Test
- Recovering from Personality Disordered Abusive Relationships
- Ashley Gonis to Return to Montreal, Placed in Foster Care
- California Legislature Orders Investigation of Family Law Courts
- Walmart Generic Prescriptions: $4 for 30 days, $10 for 90 days
- Americans Don't Believe in Innocent Until Proven Guilty
- Unconstitutional Child Custody Decisions
- More Debate Over California AB 612 Parental Alienation Bill
- How to Win Custody by Framing Your Ex for Child Sexual Abuse
- Ellie Cunningham Arraignment for Assault on Husband Adam
June 2009
- Borderline Personality Disorder Coverage in New York Times
- Governments and Rent-A-Cops Harass Photographers
- New Journal on Partner Abuse
- Domestic Violence Conference in Los Angeles
- Detecting Borderline Personality Disorder to Begin Treatment
- Tami Green's Website on BPD Recovery: BPD in Children
- Interview with Sandra Levins, Author of "Was it the Chocolate Pudding?"
- Domestic Violence: Women Abusers on the Rise?
- Bad Mom Feeds 3 Year Old Her Own Feces from Diapers
- Georgia Court OKs Teacher Sex with 16 Year Old Students
- Cost-Effective Medications and Supplements
- Father's Day: Time To Remember Kids Need Both Parents
- L-Theanine for Anxiety, Insomnia, and Depression
- Maine Mom Puts Her Kids on Her Live Internet Porn Show
- Canadian Parental Alienation Court Cases
- Alienating Mother Ordered to Pay $286,641.75 in Fines and Fees
- Personal DNA Sequencing "More Affordable" at $48,000
- Meaning and Interpretation of Medical Tests
- Mouth Probiotics Speed Canker Sore Healing and Reduce Cavities, Arthritis Pain, Heart Disease
- Vitamins B12, C, and E May Increase Telomere Length
- F.R.A.M.E.D - Website for Family Rights
- Estimated 3% of US Cell Phones Bugged
- Spying on Your Cell Phone
- See new angiemedia posts in your Gmail updates bar
May 2009
- Sotomayor Nomination Focus on Abortion Rights is Misguided
- Pennsylvania Mom Abducts Child, Goes to Disney World
- Araceli Bravo Arrested for Abducting Daughter Ashley Gonis
- Female Sex Offenders Escape Detection Due to Sexism
- More Studies Show Divorce Hurts Kids' Education
- Canadian Mother Webcasts Self and Toddler Bestiality with Dog
- Cleveland Mother Arrested for Abandoning 2-year-old Baby
- 4 Great Tips Dealing With Your Child Custody Case
- Republicans Fail to Offer Family-Friendly Policy Choices
- Vitamins C and E May Blunt Diabetes-Related Exercise Benefits
- Best 33 Foods For Longevity
- The Shock Doctrine: Naomi Klein's Aid to Abusive Governments
- Is Vitamin D Supplementation Helpful or Hazardous?
- Abducted Ashley Gonis Still Can't See Her Father
- Chromosome Ends and Aging
- Joe Biden's Blabbering Blubberhead Blunders
- Life Extension Overstock Products: Mega EPA/DHA Fish Oil and Niacin
- Is TA-65 the Means to Immortality?
- Pandering Anti-Family Politicians Abuse Children and Fathers
- Breaking Mental Illness, Violence, Divorce, and Murder Cycles
- US Parental Rights Constitutional Amendment
- Curcumin May Help Reduce Weight Gain and Obesity
- Beall's Attempt to Support Child Abuse is Defanged
- California Democrat Jim Beall Supports Child Abuse
- Child Custody Overview and Strategies
- Preventive Measures for Swine Flu
- Quack Therapies Spread Because They Don't Work
- BPD Treatment: Free Dialectical Behavior Therapy Audio Tracks
- Detecting Autism in Infancy, Starting Treatment Early
- Statin Side Effects, Risks, and Alternatives
- Women Get Off Easy for DV Crimes Due to Sexism
- Help Kids Avoid Type 2 Diabetes: Eat Less Sugar, More Fiber
- FDA Incompetence and Bias Lead to Poor Ratings & Results
- Book Review: "The Five Love Languages of Children" by Gary Chapman, Ph.D & Ross Campbell, M.D.
April 2009
- Pork Industry Crushed by "Swine Flu" and Government Idiots
- Canadian Wife Assaults Husband Who Later Dies
- How to File For a DV TRO (Domestic Violence Temporary Restraining Order) in California
- Book Review: "A Promise To Ourselves" by Alec Baldwin
- Former Chief Justice Supports Shared Parenting
- Man Falsely Convicted of Child Sexual Abuse Awarded $2 Million from New York State
- Website: Friends of the Family
- Many Domestic Violence Temporary Restraining Orders (DV TRO) in the US are Falsely Obtained
- MMPI-2 Can Reveal Parental Alienators
- The Problems with No Fault Divorce
- Borderline Mother, Miserable Father
- angiemedia Now Using Twitter!
- Parent Custody Blog
- The Gregory Mantell Show: Parental Alienation Syndrome
- Throwaway Parents
- Richard Smulczewski Parental Alienation Case
- Jayne Major: Common Questions About Parental Alienation
- RationShed: Equal Parenting Blog/News Site
- Alec Baldwin on Parental Alienation Syndrome
- Dr. Phil: "Brainwashed by My Parents" and UK Parental Alienation Syndrome Video
- Parental Alienation Book For Middle School Kids: "I Don't Want to Choose!"
- Massachusetts Illegally Forcing Families to Pay for GALs
- Murderous Mentally Ill Mothers and Government Negligence
- Loads of Info on Parental Alienation
- How to Spot a Girl with Borderline Personality Disorder
- Parental Alienation Awareness Day on April 25, 2009
- Free One-Year Subscription to Life Extension Magazine
March 2009
- California Elkins Family Law Task Force Meets April 6
- Talking with a Borderline
- Promising Peanut Allergy Treatment in Development
- Idebenone, a Better CoQ10
- US Baby Care Products Contain Carcinogens
- Terrific Deal on Sublingual B12 5000mcg Lozenges
- Great Prices on Life Extension Supplements at BoomJ!
- Health Risks from Tylenol, Acetaminophen, and Paracetamol
- CPSIA Bans Kids' Motor Sports
February 2009
- Lying is America's Favorite Pastime
- Cricket Wireless Service - A Good Deal?
- Keith Fink - Dirtiest Lawyer in Los Angeles?
- Custody Dispute Involves Child in Alleged Murder Attempt on Father's Family By Mother Toni Valentin, Boyfriend Dante Quezada
- Resveratrol: Pro-Health Anti-Aging Miracle?
- Holding Family Law Judges Accountable
- Australian Mother Commits International Child Abduction
- Courts and Illinois Woman Steal Daughter from Father
- Swearing Means You're a Bad Parent?
- Corrupt Pennsylvania Courts Jail Kids for Cash
- California Family Law: Elkins Task Force
- Santa Clara County False Child Sex Abuse Scandal
- False Sexual Abuse Allegations in Child Custody Disputes
- San Diego County Grand Jury Letter Regarding CPS Abuses
- Vitamin B12 Reduces Frequency and Severity of Canker Sores
- Multiple Sclerosis Risk Linked to Vitamin D Deficiency
- US Constitution Second Amendment vs. Restraining Orders
- Brain Scans on Borderlines Show Emotional Oversensitivity
- Swedish Mother Kidnaps Australian Boys
- Erin Pizzey, Domestic Violence Pioneer
- Color The Memories Custom Coloring Books
- CPSC Partially Exempts Kids' Books and Clothes from CPSIA
- Update from the "Equal Parenting Petition" Folks
- Cell Phone Jamming Is Bad Idea
- Dirty Divorce Tactics: Theft by Car Loan
- Obesity Spread By Virus
- Parental Lying About Children's Medical Care
- High-Conflict Divorces
- Texas Doctor's Life Destroyed by Government Abuse
- False Feminists and Abusive and Murderous Women
January 2009
- Petition to Support Equal Shared Parenting as Worldwide Legal Standard
- Disruptive Airline Passengers are Terrorists?
- Minnesota Reviews Child Custody Laws
- Governor Blagojevich Removed from Office
- Tennessee Child Custody Case Invokes 14th Amendment
- High Fructose Corn Syrup is Dangerous for Many Reasons
- Court Awards Sole Custody to Father Due to Mother's Parental Alienation
- American Library Association Urges CPSIA Exemption for Libraries
- Illinois Governor may have Narcissistic Personality Disorder?
- Where's the Beef? USDA Opposes Voluntary Mad Cow Disease Testing!
- CPSIA Draws Mass-Media Criticism
- EEG test analysis helps prescribe psychiatric medicine
- Book Review: "An Umbrella for Alex" by Rachel Rashkin, MS
- Brother MFC-9840CDW Color Laser Printer, Scanner, Copier, and Fax
- Sphere: Related Content
- Domestic Violence - Are You Being Abused?
- More CPSIA News and Blogs
- Support for Family Members of Those With BPD
- Study Finds High Correlation of BPD, NPD, and Schizotypal Personality Disorder
- TIME Covers BPD but Omits the Full Story
- Book Publishers Up in Arms Over CPSIA
- No More Green Eggs and Ham for Your Kids?
- February 10, 2009 = National Bankruptcy, Censorship, and Landfill Dumping Day
- Restraining Order 911
- Child Product Lead Law Leads to Government Censorship?
- What is the Cost of BPD to Society?
- Master Cleanser Detox Program
- Government Bans Sale of Used Children's Clothing and Toys !?!
- Canker Sore Prevention with Lysine
- William Stoneking's Blog on Family Court Violence & Corruption
- Overcoming Parental Alienation
- Alleged Family Court Abuses by Missouri Judge Kathryn Davis
- The Diary of a Patient Man, A Father's Struggle
- Mothers More Likely to Abuse Children than Fathers
- Choice of Marriage Therapist is Critical
- Dirty Tactics of Dirty Lawyers
December 2008
- Why Good Lawyers do Bad Things to Good People
- BPD prevalence may be 6%, 3 times higher than previously thought
- BPD Distortion Campaigns
- BPD Linked to Human Chromosome 9
- Female Violence Against Males
- Women commit more than 70% of single-partner DV
- Torture of the Wade Family by San Diego CPS
- Personality Disorders and Police Abuse
November 2008
- Lesbian Relationships More Violent Than Heterosexual Relationships
- Men Are Not the Only Victims of Borderlines
- The Psycho Ex-Wife
- CPS Social Worker broke US Constitution 14th Amendment
- BPD Blog Site by a Former Mental Health Counselor with BPD
- Advances in BPD Awareness and Treatment
- The Family Terrorist
- Is This You? Researchers Are Looking for Men Who've Been Assaulted by an Intimate Partner
- Psychiatrist claims expertise on using meds to treat BPD
- Talking about What is borderline personality disorder? - Today, Weekend Edition - MSNBC.com
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