San Diego Custody Evaluators Generate Cash Flow by Victimizing Families Using Restraining Orders

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October 5th, 2010 Leave a comment Go to comments

Once someone like Stephen Doyne, ill-reputed San Diego custody evaluator, or many of his Associate Family Court Dismantlers recommend a restraining order between two parents, the divorce industry is on its way to milking profits from yet another family. The Honorable Judge is highly likely to rubberstamp such recommendations. Why? We suspect many, perhaps most, have been receiving unpublicized Election Campaign Donations from such people. Such judges know how to support their financial backers.

As soon as the restraining order is issued, if mom or dad tries to communicate on any level, it will be considered a crime! No collateral contacts of any type are allowed — no priests, no friends, no family members of any side, no direct or indirect contact or any US mail or email or phone communications from any parent is allowed. Why? The divorce industry wants to isolate the parties from each other, sticking themselves in the middle where they can be sure to encourage the parents to fight until they exhaust their funds by limiting, monitoring, and controlling all communications.

The court then finds itself justified to make the next move by ordering a “mediator” such as Doyne & Associates. Stephen Doyne and those like him charge for back and forth phone communications between parents because it is now illegal for parents to communicate by any means by order of the court. Every phone call is about $75 or more to each parent. The more phone calls claimed, the richer the dismantlers become. Even if there is a simple inquiry about food for the children, instructions for medication, or questions about a school assignment, with a restraining order on board the divorce industry profiteers will be the only ones making the calls. They make a fat check from back and forth phone calls between them and both parents, turning a few minutes direct conversations into claims of several phone calls. The court won’t allow verification of such calls, so families should be rightly wondering just how many of them were actually placed and how long they took.

Imagine this order is enforced for a few years. Would this order alone pay the evaluator’s or mediator’s house payments? Would this order compel such dismantlers serving the court order to more generously contribute secretive judicial election campaign funds?

While conducting endless “mediation sessions,” the mediator can scope out the family’s money. A simple address can go a long way in providing asset information, along with the help from some computer research via “skip-tracing”. Attorneys have this special investigative access, and of course the attorneys talk with the dismantlers over the phone. When the mediator realizes that one of the parents wears expensive clothing, not yet in tattered rags, it’s clear there is more money to be milked. Having a nice car is another sign of profits to come. Even mentioning the grandparents and what they do and where they live is an indication of how the extended family can be milked for profit.

If a parent refuses to offer a subtle bribe, one that is requested by the dismantlers via subtle blackmail threats to reduce child/parent time and destroy the relationship if the parent does not pay, the dismantlers will switch positions to favor the parent paying more money. Subsequently the mediator, through subtle language with the evaluator’s prompting, fabricates claims that this “cash-cow parent” need only to go to one of the Doyne’s associate therapists at $250-300 a session on a weekly basis for unlimited months. The recommendation will stand until the child turns 18 years old or as long as the parents are financially open for the racket to leech on them down to the bone.

The referred therapist confirms the same subtle financial observations of this “cash-cow parent”. The therapist returns the favor back to associate-therapist-dismantlers by making further court recommendations through the evaluator or mediator to request supervision of the “cash-cow” parent at $200 an hour to be with his/her child(ren).

One of the mothers we know was Teacher of the Year, yet was required to be supervised to see her kids over the weekend. At Doyne’s recommendations she paid a supervisor $200 an hour for a total of many hours every weekend with cost of thousand of dollars per month, going only to the Supervisor recommended by Doyne and ordered by the court. She and her family were robbed of a total of $2.3 million while making her undergo supervised visits with her kids! Supervisited visits are often imposed on good parents to engage in piracy of their income and assets.

Does Doyne himself get kick-backs to be a supervisor on other cases where he mutually refers to a limited number of court service providers? Such referrals would be very mutually lucrative. The Court maintains that they do not keep a list of providers, but the Court has been working with the same providers over, and over, and over for many years!

This racketeering of professionals, including mutual referrals and kickbacks to each other, operates such that every family dismantler functions in all three roles (evaluator, mediator, therapist), all distributed over different cases, all by court orders. Seldom do other professionals outside the court service racket providers get involved as the subtle destruction language that is aimed at the parents’ retirement funds and children’s college funds is planned to continue until the family is totally broke and their funds are siphoned into the dismantlers’ pockets.

Do any of these unprofessionally collected funds go directly to the unpublicized, illegal, and secretive judicial election campaign funds? Does any one know? Or are we, the public, now placed in a position to never be able to figure this out about our judges?

The public asks the question and needs answers as to why 33 out of 26 San Diego County Family Court judges do not report or fill out their California Form 700 Statement of Economic Interests which is their formal Election Campaign Funds reporting? Would that fit the definition of a racket? The above mentioned figures are backed up by real and concrete evidence.

Doyne has been very clever by relying heavily on his smooth connections, racketeering operations, experienced con-artist appearance, fake vocabulary, and impressing our judiciary. Despite the evidence of Doyne’s questionable credentials and profiteering, Doyne continues to be favored by our Family Court Judiciary. Does anyone wonder why?

Greed driving the fraud and abuse in family courts isn’t limited to the judges, lawyers, custody evaluators, mediators, and therapists. There are a whole load of other parties who also benefit and sometimes conspire similarly. They include minors’ counsel, parental coordinators, case managers, supervised exchange monitors, and supervised visitation monitors. There are also “special masters” who are there to charge thousands of dollars extra to do the court’s own job dividing up property, examining evidence, and other tasks that judges should be doing.

Those in the know are clear that taking on the family dismantlers in San Diego courts will fail easily, not because the cause is without merit but because the corruption and the practice of covering each other’s backs is so embedded in the divorce industry culture that it is like one well-tuned big, giant, destructive machine, even when mistakes are glaring. Former San Diego City Attorney Michael Aguirre advised that the San Diego judiciary is corrupt and any cases against it and its interests are doomed to fail unless they are heard outside the county courts.

Good luck to the San Diego public being victimized by this system. They’ll need it in spades to get anything but misery out of the San Diego family dismantlers.

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Further Reading

Judge Lorna Alksne On The Way Out After Home Picketed

A Judge’s View of “Best Interests of the Children”

Cole Stuart Considers $10M False Arrest Suit Against SDCBA

Judge Lorna Alksne Eager For New Weapons For Judicial Abuse

San Diego Lawyer Jeffrey Fritz Increases Conflict and Costs

CCFC Family Law Protest in San Diego Results in Arrest of Group Leader

CCFC Protests San Diego Family Courts on April 15, 2010

San Diego DA Bonnie Dumanis Attempts to Pervert Justice

Reader Feedback on San Diego Judge Lisa Schall

Why Is San Diego Judge Lisa Schall Still On The Bench?

CCFC Family Court Reform Presentation in Del Mar, California

CCFC Press Release On Stephen Doyne Corruption/Fraud Case

Eileen Lasher on San Diego CPS/Family Law Court Misconduct

Flyer Protest in San Diego Family Law Courts

San Diego Courts Cover Up Missing Forms and Psych Evals

Stephen Doyne and San Diego Family Law Courts Under Fire

Crimes Against Children: “Zero Tolerance” and “Kids for Cash”

Corrupt Pennsylvania Courts Jail Kids for Cash

Files on Stephen Doyne’s questionable credentials and conduct

Dr. Emad Tadros and Activist Lawyer Cole Stuart discuss the corrupt San Diego divorce industry with Fred Sottile

  1. Victims of San Diego Courts
    October 6th, 2010 at 00:18 | #1

    Minor’s counsel attorneys are another major area of fraud and abuse in the county. Abusive judges from Lorna Alksne on down fail to supervise or hold these attorneys accountable for their actions and inactions. Many judges help minor’s counsel attorneys pillage the resources of the parents paying for them while they do nothing to resolve conflicts. By California court rules, they are required to file bills and reports with the courts but fail to do so. The judges ignore these violations.

    Many minor’s counsel attorneys in San Diego are in direct violation of the requirement to file a form FL-322 upon appointment and to submit billing on a regular basis. Alksne and many of her cohorts are helping them to violate these rules, just as they helped the custody evaluators violate the FL-326 and FL-327 requirements.

    Many of the minor’s counsel attorneys also cause more conflict in order to jack up their billings. Then judges increase their bill rates, seemingly rewarding them for failing to do their jobs efficiently and honestly.

  2. San Diego Parent
    October 8th, 2010 at 03:30 | #2

    San Diego — listen up. Your family court system is incompetent at best, but more likely simply corrupt. We all want to believe these people have our best interests in mind. That they work hard to “do the right thing.” I know I did. But after years witnessing the insanity and complete incompetence of divorce court judges, attorneys, staff, and psychologists, and working with dozens of parents who had similar experiences, you should have zero confidence — that’s right — ZERO — that these boobs will get it right. Even if you’re right, they have so little ability to discern truth from lies that they’ll screw it up.

    Consider this: Divorce court is bottom of the barrel — below even traffic court for competence. It’s where they send judges to be “punished.” The attorneys are equally bottom of the barrel scavengers, yet make tons of money through dishonest tactics screwing you over. Don’t think you’ll get away with screwing your ex — he or she may the be main course, but you’re the dessert.

    Solution? To be honest I can’t recommend anything other than staying out of the system. Abduct the kids if you have to. Move out of state. Tank the accounts. Disobey any and all orders — compliance just gets your attorney or your ex’s attorney more money, and you get caught in an endless maze of costly misery. Until these jackasses get their ship in order, don’t step foot on the deck of their ship or you’ll end up looking at the world from the bottom of the sea.

    Good luck San Diego — only you can give them the power. Don’t do it.

  3. One of Thousands
    October 10th, 2010 at 04:09 | #3

    San Diego Citizens: Don’t use evaluators. They’re extraordinarily expensive and entirely incompetent. If you haven’t read the horror stories on the web about the rampant abuse by these frauds, take my word for it — no parent is happy with them — most are furious — yet the courts continue to make referrals to them. Why courts repeat this failed experiment over and again is anybody’s guess, but it’s suspected that the courts and/or referring attorneys get kick-backs, the courts and attorneys don’t have to take the heat for an evaluator’s random and/or bad decisions, and simple ignorance about the shoddy science behind the “evaluations.” Here’s why:

    1. Kick-backs. Judges take campaign contributions from anyone. If an attorney gives more than a certain dollar amount ($1,000 in California), the judge must disclose the contribution if the attorney appears in court before the judge. Under $1,000, no obligation. Rest assured every 730 expert/mediator and the myriad of supervisors, centers, profiting off of parental strife are making contributions to every judge’s campaign — contributions coming out of your “evaluation” dollars. Judges like this, and want to keep the cash machine on. They therefore push for dollar-generating evaluations, supervision, centers, and etc. even when it’s entirely unwarranted and more often than not harmful to children and parents alike. It’s plain old “you scratch my robed back, and I’ll keep feeding you divorcing families.”

    2. Judges are elected. If they are put on the spot to make difficult custody decisions, or if they make a decision and it turns out to be the wrong call, they take all the heat in the paper and at the next election. But, if they can put a “professional evaluator” or “mediator” on the hot seat, they have a ready scape-goat. “The evaluator made me do it, so blame the evaluator.” Of course, the evaluator has already made their money (and kick-back campaign contribution) and the evaluator can’t be thrown out of office. Poof — nobody to blame. It’s “pass the buck” politics at its finest. You’ll see TONS of the “where’s the ball” tactics in blameless family court.

    3. Courts have actually stated in family law cases that “psychologists are trained to predict future human behavior.” After reading that, I had to literally pick myself off the floor. Courts actually believe that a psychologist can “predict the future.” It’s such a stunning misunderstanding of the science of psychology I’m embarrassed for my fellow legal professionals (I’m trained and licensed in law and a long-time student of psychology). Forensic psychology can be a useful tool, but it is not a crystal ball. Moreover, the present use of the science and tools is so undisciplined that it makes voodoo look like rocket science.

    Fact is judges have a weak grasp of the scientific method and little understanding of psychology. Despite the fact that “forensic psychologists” are largely rejected by the clinical (i.e., legitimate and therapeutic) psychology community, lawyers and judges welcome them with open arms. Why? Because they make their own bullshit sound convincing.

    No competent psychologist would dare to support the methodology and use of the work of forensics. They’re considered a “bastard child” of psychology. Even their own proponents doubt the usefulness. It’s modern snake oil sales.

    Yet Courts, willfully or simply negligently ignorant themselves, and attorneys motivated by avarice or other harmful desires, lick it up like puppy chow. Incompetence + power is rarely a recipe for success.

    Hence the toxic community-eroding direction of divorce court today.

    Solution: Don’t hire any family court professional. No psychologists, no supervisors, no centers, no “old guard” attorneys. Bill Eddy’s group is good, and is an excellent free resource. Charlie Asher has said “you will either win together or lose together” — make a decision to win for your kids and your ex. No matter what your attorney tells you, there is no such thing as “winning” a divorce: A decision to hurt anyone is a decision to loose for everyone. It’s a tough world — you and your children need love and support to thrive — depriving them of that by a vicious divorce war is child abuse, spousal abuse, and sadly, self-abuse.

    Just say “no.”

    Good luck and God Bless.

  4. OneMoreFamilyScrewedByFamilyCourt
    October 17th, 2010 at 00:38 | #4

    Family court judges use psychologists to no end, for reasons of which “OneOfThousands” points out.
    Predict the future? Wow. Shouldn’t they know-it-all then, if they can predict the future, and people’s behaviors? Shouldn’t that knowledge then, be worth Billions?
    Judges allow them to do their dirtywork in court for one simple reason: It takes the responsibility off the judges shoulders, and supposedly puts it onto the tarat card readers shoulders. It is a matter of spreading the responsibility around, and also a matter of spreading our children’s college funds around as well.
    They believe they have the best interests of your children in mind.

  5. October 18th, 2010 at 19:50 | #5

    I’m on this website because I oppose what hell Mr. Fine has been through, and have begun to see the blood-curdling extent of corruption in the courts. I also recommend the site “” and ask people to consider (see what happened to Mr. Fine’s home after he was incarcerated falsely, etc.) how the next (and going strong) line of business is in probate takeovers, “not dying fast enough elders,” and in general, Lord help us!

    Regarding restraining orders; they are the doorway into family court, which is where people who have received them run to hide, and be drained of their life energies. Also, they’re unenforceable, and draw federal funding. BUT I’m here writing you: sometimes, restraining orders save lives. Mine did. Had it not been issued, my husband (who had been collecting weapons AND talking about doing this) was going to shoot, stab or otherwise kill someone, which might’ve been me, or might’ve been both, and we had children. The best thing ever done for him, and us, was to separate; it gave us a fighting chance. … His father later did commit suicide (with gun) in another state. This could’ve been us.

    People who sought restraining orders did not create the family law system. In Mr. Fine, Marv Bryer, et al, you can see the financial origins of this system.

    Whoever Dr. Tadros is, he’s not using the word “mediator” as it’s practiced in N. and S. CA, when it comes to court-appointed. And the no-contact as a crime is rarely enforced; civil restraining orders with kids typically go right to mediation. The first thing my mediator did was to undo ours, practically making a lose-lose situation for the children.

    I don’t know why year after year, the Parental Alienation conferences are acting like the poor, distressed parties in this matter. AFCC runs conferences on this, judges jail “alienators” now (see my recent post) — but find me one man who was jailed for “alienating” a child.

    The fact that real abuse does happen to children in families, and to women, has to be addressed. I don’t buy this “united we stand” line when I was asked to (if I continued to buy that line) sacrifice my young daughters’ potential at staying alive, physically, (or continuing to grow up with this role model) as well as mine. I’m a Christian. “I bowed the knee,” a few decades earlier, and when forced to choose between the idol called a farce of a marriage with beatings, slappings, throwings, and deprivations, then show up in church and smile, with kids wondering which way was up. For taking action to save all of our lives, I became a family (of origin) outcast. I’m with you in we live in a lawless system, and against in profiling people by their gender, or by which court actions they chose to file.

    Read the “ABCs of family court on my website to find out what this system is based in, and let’s drop the rhetoric which departs from analysis. The more emotional people are, the less able to reason they are. Family law exists to compromise restraining orders, not to accommodate and produce restraining orders. Add to that the religious aspect, and no one is thinking clearly. It also happens to be a racket (based on federal grants) doesn’t eradicate the federal grants on the other side of the picture (something for everyone in this venue).

    I am 10 years post restraining order, and still the court case is not closed and there has not been one custody evaluator in there yet. No court orders are enforceable, and to punish me, my ex dropped the children (after taking them from me) off with his ex-girlfriend, and hid this from the courts (and me) after forcibbly — and in violation of court orders — cutting off all contact. This is common to women who report abuse or domestic violence, of them, OR their kids. We are not considered “alienated” parents by the courts, or by groups promoting alienation, although many times this is exactly what happens. What we are really alienated from is society, who won’t let women stay in safety (under sanctity of it’s a private matter) or leave in safety (under “sanctity” of it’s best for kids to have ongoing contact with a parent whose behavior has been criminal). Or be a single mother safely, either.

    Ecclesiastes, to every thing, there is a season…. There are times to break up marriages, when marriages are breaking up houses, or people’s physical bodies — that’s past time. Those who want to push marriage at the expense of everything else are asking someone else — not themselves — to lay down possibly a physical life, including sometimes of minor children, and risk death. That’s not their choice to make!

    I agree with boycott everything possible in family court, but I do not stand with angiemedia in trashing groups of people one is not familiar with. Not all allegations are false. And police do not always arrest even after violence has happened, producing a criminal record. Arrests do not always result in prosecution — but they do result in upsetting the other parent and in subequent retaliation. Unless you’ve walked in those shoes, weighing the pros and cons (without knowing the full scope of possibilities) and risk even as some psychologists (thereafter) in the courts pretend to do this — spare me, OK?

    Let’s focus the judicial bribes issues, and I personally favor dismantling (or, as said, boycotting) family law system, which is an unholy hybrid business referral/wealth transfer enterprise, obviously. If it’s possible to cease from blaming it on the feminists or whoever the other side is at the time, I’d appreciate it. Signed, “I survived a religious marriage — barely.”

    NB. I’m still a Christian, but steer clear of churches; works OK so far.

    • October 20th, 2010 at 01:11 | #6

      Withheld-a Mom,

      Thank you for your comments.

      We don’t deny that domestic violence occurs. It’s clearly obvious that it does. It is far more common than most people realize.

      The truth of the matter is, however, that domestic violence is a lot more than physical assault. When you include psychological violence via emotional and verbal abuse, domestic violence is a routine matter that occurs in a large number of relationships between adults and between adults and children. The emphasis on physical violence to the exclusion of psychological violence causes severe misunderstandings of the scope and nature of the problems. The same harm is caused by the wrongful emphasis on gender.

      We’re not totally against the idea of protecting people in need of it. Please see some of our past articles discussing topics such as how to file for a restraining order for examples of this.

      That said, it is very clear that restraining orders are often used as a means to abuse others and deprive them of their rights. It is not unusual for the violent party in a relationship to file for a restraining order against the non-violent or less violent party to gain an immediate advantage. The first to accuse is generally the winner, even if the accusations are baseless.

      Restraining orders on their very face are an abomination of due process. The failure to punish people who perjure themselves to obtain restraining orders makes it virtually impossible for anybody to be worse off from filing for a restraining order falsely.

      Further, even when a restraining order is granted against a genuinely violent person, the way it is done is often directly instigating further violence that in many cases is far worse than any violence which already occurred. So you end up seeing people murdered as a result of how the legal system mismanages these conflicts and drives people to desperate actions. You point to many cases of men murdering women and children, but there are also many cases of women murdering children and sometimes men, too. Sociopathic behaviors are not exclusive to either gender.

      If the intent of restraining orders was to ensure people avoid further physical conflict, then they should be issued as “mutual keep away orders” that imply no fault and don’t penalize anybody until there is a hearing with a chance to present allegations and defend against them.

      By your comments, you seem to understand that the very act of getting a restraining order against another person is enough to encourage retaliation. That’s so even if the target of the restraining order is not violent and abusive. Nobody likes to be blamed and have their rights taken away. Being falsely treated this way is enough to really anger a lot of non-violent people.

      But even if the target of the restraining order is actually violent and abusive, the current practices provide great motivation for these people to retaliate with violence. Criminals don’t like to be called out for their crimes — just look at the way judges, lawyers, and other scum populating our nation behave when they are caught red-handed abusing, stealing, and ruining other people’s lives. The result of the current practices regarding restraining orders is to increase murders, assaults, and other crimes that are directly precipitated by restraining orders and would likely not have happened if the courts had simply clearly stated “you two are not getting along and we don’t yet know why — stay away from each other!”

      Restraining orders are about money. Money to be made by the lawyers. Money to be made by the “experts”. Money to be made by “domestic violence” organizations spouting rhetoric that makes it sounds like they are opposed to DV while actually doing everything they can to ensure it and they government funding will continue.

      In a nation with a highly heterogeneous mix of cultures such as the United States, the current approach to domestic violence is particularly troublesome. I personally consider spanking a child to be on the edge of domestic violence and the context is very important to determining on which side of the line it falls, yet others may think spanking is a normal and proper parental behavior. Likewise, an immigrant from another land may consider whipping a child with a belt to be acceptable punishment, whereas most people born here in the last three or four decades would not. Throwing these people in jail or slapping restraining orders on them it not likely to produce the best possible outcome.

      The first step dealing with domestic violence that is short of leaving serious physical injuries, those more severe than something resembling the minor bruises, cuts, and scrapes a child could easily inflict upon himself or herself running and falling on a sidewalk, should be education and counseling, not law enforcement and the courts. But today’s laws provide money and other incentives for lawyers, judges, therapists, counselors, cops, teachers, and activists to accuse anybody and everybody they can, even when the people they are accusing are often much more victims than perpetrators. The mandatory abuse reporting laws are even written to penalize them if they do not accuse somebody, yet they know that often when they do report legitimate concerns about abuse that the children are more traumatized by what CPS does to them than by their actual injuries and the abuse doesn’t stop anyway.

      As for the absence of articles on alienating fathers being arrested or jailed for parental alienation, that’s because it happens even less often than the already rare case of alienating mothers being arrested or jailed for parental alienation. Off the top of my head, I can only think of a handful of cases we’ve reported on that included jail time for an alienating mother, and those were only after many years of severe alienation in violation of court orders. When it comes right down to it, I don’t believe any parent should be thrown into jail by a family law court. If the case isn’t strong enough to get a conviction in criminal court, then jail is probably not a reasonable option given how family law courts make decisions often more on bias and who is the better liar than on fair and impartial due process based upon factual evidence.

      At their core, parental alienation and domestic violence are not gender issues. But gender groups and politicians have turned them into gender issues to the detriment of many including legitimate victims, children, parents, and society.

      If you know of any cases regarding alienating fathers who have been jailed for this crime, we’d welcome hearing about them. From your website, it looks like you haven’t found any such cases but have, like us, found a few cases of mothers being jailed for parental alienation.

      As much as it may appear to be just reward to jail somebody for parental alienation, it is probably not the best way to be handling this sort of problem even if it were severe enough to warrant a criminal conviction. You have to remember that most, perhaps nearly all, alienators were abused as children and developed their hostile, manipulative, and controlling behaviors as adaptive means to deal with child abuse. These people regard the breakup of a relationship as a kind of threat that reminds them of abuse and thus triggers their same anxieties and manipulative behaviors anew, this time with the other parent as a target and the children as pawns in their conflict.

      Finally, as for your comment about “trashing groups of people one is not familiar with” it would be helpful for you to be more specific. That comment plus your own website seems to imply you think we are trashing mothers. That is definitely not the case. There are many cases of excellent and perfectly adequate mothers who are being victimized by the government, courts, and ex-partners and whose children are badly suffering. Because of the obvious anti-male bias in society regarding anything to do with families, these women have an even harder time getting any justice or fair treatment. People look at them and think that a mother who has been banned from contact with her children must really have something wrong with her, even worse than most fathers in the same position. Sexism is hurting these mothers just as it is hurting so many fathers.

      On your website you seem to identify yourself as being a “protective mother” and associate and identify with similar people. It appears you also point out that some of these people are such extremists that they are doing themselves and their children a great disservice. We agree. That’s why we think that putting “mother” or “father” into the name of an organization dealing with the family law, child abuse, and domestic violence industries is counterproductive. You instantly anger and bias a lot of people who might have been your allies. Some organizations with such names are clearly not sexist in their actual practices (Fathers & Families appears to be an example of such an organization, as does National Association of Non-Custodial Moms), but they actually have to overcome a sexist first impression created by their names.

      In the meantime, there are plenty of very sexist organizations that don’t even begin to consider that abuse is not a gender issue because they are so busy trashing virtually all members of the opposite gender. The Claudine Dombrowski style freaks are among these people, implying we support slavery for women because we reported multiple names — including the “slave name” (i.e. married name) — used by a child abducting mother and that this clearly means we are sexist and horrible people and should burn in hell along with all who think like us.

      In one of your articles, you made a statement “Joint legal custody — one cannot do “joint legal custody” with an abuser; there is no “we” anywhere in there” that seems to be from your own experience. We have likewise seen the actual abusers awarded with sole legal custody, people who are completely unwilling to discuss anything, hide information on care providers, illnesses, injuries, doctors, schools, etc. from the other parent who simply wants to be involved in their children’s lives and has a right to do so. The courts often side with such abusers and cut the healthier parent out of the children’s lives because that healthier parent is not an expert on lying, cheating, and manipulating other people and so comes off looking like a problem next to the real abuser who is an expert at all of that and more. In reality, virtually anything the maligned falsely accused parent has done “wrong” was as the direct result of abuse and misconduct directed at him or her along with a complete lack of support for helping protect the children and them from the actual abuser. When you are being lied about, lied to, and your children are hurting, what prepares you to deal with this? It is not like people are trained in school or anywhere else on how to handle such situations. So they try to apply what they do know, that you tell the truth and talk with people to try to stop the problems. And this is turned against them, soon they are being painted as the troublemakers because they have talked with doctors, CPS, etc. trying to stop the abuse against their children. This happens to mothers and fathers alike. The system is set up to reward and assist the party who is an expert at lying and manipulating others.

      Pointing all of this out is not bashing mothers, it is simply telling it like it is. We’re quite sure that many mothers are getting persecuted in courts, but there is no denying that many fathers are also being persecuted. It’s not a gender issue, it is one of the law being violated and people’s rights being tramped upon by parties (judges, lawyers, experts, etc.) who have a financial interest in keeping the conflict going to bleed families of their assets.

  6. one of thousands
    October 20th, 2010 at 07:24 | #7

    Excellent and balanced comments Rob. I too am frequently surprised at how some (not all) gender-based groups so quickly resort to gender stereotypes. Having personally witnessed the agony of both mothers and fathers, it couldn’t be clearer that the problem is not “male” vs. “female”, but a system that is entirely ineffective at dealing with escalated hostilities. What’s worse, the divorce court system completely overlooks the fact that it frequently amplifies the conflict that it is intended to resolve. See my prior posts on the spiral of conflict. Divorce court encourages initial hostility by being hypersensitive to an aggressor parent’s (often false but always hostility-inducing) allegations. Rob is correct–in these cases the “first accuser” almost always gains advantage, thereby encouraging aggression. This in turn promotes counter-aggression, which promotes counter-aggression, etc., until the spiral is completely out of control.

    For purposes of analysis we have to separate the cases of actual abuse from alleged abuse–we often see moms who appear to be the legitimate victims of abuse, or appear to have legitimate concerns about the safety of their children become enraged when the topic of false allegations is raised. This is understandable–if they are legitimate victims, it may feel like a personal attack on them to hear someone state that some–perhaps most–allegations of abuse are false. They respond “you’re calling me a liar, therefore you’re wrong and very, very bad.”

    But these moms ignore the (equally insidious) problem of false allegations–one parent taking advantage of the sensitivity of the broken system for advantage. I’m not aware of any reliable statistics on the percentage of false or exaggerated allegations, but I wouldn’t doubt that it is substantial if not the majority. Further, these moms ignore the fact that the hostile environment created by the “morality play” of divorce court is itself an extraordinarily harmful force–perhaps even more harmful than the actual physical abuse that does occur.

    It’s unfortunate that victims of real abuse become hostile at victims of false allegations or just general aggression. The real target of their anger shouldn’t be a falsely-accused parent–it should be at the false accuser and the system that perpetuates–indeed encourages–such behavior. Falsely-accused and non-aggressive parents are victims of the divorce process as well. Abuse victims–whether it be physical, sexual, or system/aggression-oriented abuse–should be standing together to enact reforms to address all types of abuse. That they do not simply impedes reform, perpetuating harm to both categories of victims.

    Truth be told, courthouses and psychologists offices are simply not the right places to be judging people’s characters as parents. Sure, there are the (relatively rare) cases of clear physical or sexual abuse which should be dealt with–in criminal court. However little is said about the absolute incapacity of courts to accurately judge one parent’s relative strength against another in cases where both parents meet basic fitness thresholds. Moreover, little is mentioned about ways of addressing fitness “issues” other than a change of custody. There are many options available to courts such as education, awareness, or other “kinder, gentler” ways of improving behavior. Instead, courts and psychologists dangle the “prize” of full custody, watch parents go at each other, then pick a “winner.” Problem is, that process is so arbitrary and capricious, and so damaging to both parents, that it is simply not possible to win–both parents and children emerge emotionally traumatized, financially drained, and distracted from more productive activities such as parenting and career, that everybody loses. The current system, then, get this–guarantees failure by both parents and their children. Its a microcosm of “Mutually Assured Destruction” of the Cold War era gone terribly wrong.

    Makes sense if you’re a divorce lawyer, third party service provider, or others dependent on that system living off of the misery of divorcing parents and their children, but if you’re a parent realize it makes no sense for you or your kids. Your obligation–stay out of the system. Don’t be tempted to initiate the fight that will inevitably backfire (if you don’t think it will backfire, you’re blind, and should look into your blindness as it’s a common trait of NPD/BPD and other psychopathological behavior). Research solutions such as or the many other cooperative solutions to avoid escalating conflict. Avoid hiring negative advocates such as Jeff Fritz, Marilyn Bierer, and others. Even if you and your ex can’t agree on anything, you should be able to agree that a nasty battle will hurt you both and harm your child.

    The system is simply set up to fail. How to fix it? Vote out all incumbent judges who have presided over this bloodbath with apparent glee, and only hire attorneys who pledge to cooperate. Work with your ex to seek cooperation rather than disastrous warfare. Avoid “service providers” by seeking non-family law solutions. Believe me, all of the above are so steeped in and dependent on the cesspool of family court that they can’t help you do the right thing for yourself and your kids. Commit yourself to sharing with a fit co-parent, and make every reasonable accommodation you can. Put your fear, anger, and hurt behind you and think about your and your kid’s future.

    Good luck parents–there is never a wrong time to do the right thing.

  7. October 20th, 2010 at 23:49 | #8

    Dear Rob:

    Do you believe in God? If so, then that’s good, I hope we all (who do) believe also in a resurrection. At that time, it’s very likely an account will be asked of how we spent our time here, including if I took more time to engage with someone who enjoys paragraph after paragraph of pronouncements about how the world works.

    I see you are taking apart my comment for the readers. Fair enough, I don’t care particularly what they (or you) think of me.

    Hebrews 4:12 is a good starting point, and a fool (this includes me many times) is known by a multitude of “words.” (Sayings). 4:13 “All things are naked and opened in the eyes of him with whom we have to deal.”

    Above, I just stated how a restraining order saved my life, which was my reason for commenting at all. The response, prating on some more, again, “Restraining orders are about money. ” and paragraphs upon paragraphs of critique of my comments, and your wisdom, and another fan? of your wisdom. Did you or did you not miss that? Would it have been better to have no restraining orders in the world and me and my family be dead? Thanks a lot.

    If a restraining order gets someone angry, and they retaliate and kill someone, the people issuing it lacked honesty (i.e., Gonzales v. Castlerock. Read some more of my site– you might learn things as I learn them also). But murder is murder, and that person is responsible. No shifting blame.

    I have a question. Why were they needed to start with? Perhaps if police considered crimes against family members (assault & battery, etc.) appropriately, and prosecuted for them, someone might get the idea, no deal. Alternately, witnesses, close family members, church or mosque members, neighbors, employers, others could certainly protest or do something. But, sad to say, they don’t.

    Although you also complain about the psychologists, etc., there’s plenty of psychology on the links here, narcissism, sociopath, borderline, etc. Why not just boycott some of that language also? But when there’s complaint about the psychologists in the family law system, and then link after link to the right, and words straight out of the playbook at the top (“High Conflict””Mental Illness”) — what profession are you? Are you in support of the mental health profession? That’s hypocrisy. I picked up on it in some earlier visits (I search things on line, sites come up). This person likes to pronounce, be the expert on situations.

    Look, to me: “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.” If you fear God, you have enough self-restraint to not be a crook, liar, thief, fraud, cheat, etc. (did I say adulterer?). It’s that simple.

    Re: Claudine-bashing. Give me a _ _ _ _ing break. I’ve looked at her court docket — it’s on my site. Why don’t you? Tell us not to notice gender bias in that court docket? ??? She was forbidden to call the police, and tried to go bleed in a neighboring county so the family law court wouldn’t nail her for breaking its orders. This didn’t work, because that hospital was required to report, and it still caused a problem. Other parents are being gagged in court. We had also a married couple parent (in Texas) being gagged after a caseworker was flown to Boston to take control of a young daughter, and slap the Mom with a supervised visitation order for her own sons. Crime? Being poor.

    Claudine has drawn a lot of hate because she keeps speaking up. Her case has gone on 14 years! Legislators have called it a disgrace. There are fatherhood organizations all over Kansas, and a Fathering Court in KCMO (as I recall). There’s a group “” in the same area as the governor of the state, and there are still more “fatherhood initiatives” being passed state level as well as federal. When will this be enough? Which came first — those, or VAWA? (Hint: read my site for a clue). Obama is behind fathers, too, “” and it’s still apparently not enough for people, although he can barely say the word “mothers” in public, and the topic of women didn’t even rate a mention in his inauguration speech.

    It’s easy to yak. It’s hard to put your money where your mouth has. Claudine has, and she’s going to the UN level. Shouldn’t have had to, but she did. So did others, including some children who kept getting sent back to their abusive father.

    Also, she’s a friend of mine. Few friends are left after some years in the la-la- land of the family law court, and sometimes professions run away too. I dedicated myself to researching in some atypical places, and many links are right up there — links to Congressional Records, Executive Orders, printouts of grants (lots of those), organizational genealogies, analyses, and more. I based this a lot on, and after checking out the data (not the “rhetoric”) the pattern became clear. Then I went back to my own state, and looked at the courtinfo site, and sho ’nuff, there were the Access Visitation grants to “help” “Facilitate” noncustodial parents gain contact with their kids. I have looked at this situation from the top down, from the bottom up (meaning Local to Fed) and also tracked many times who’s on who’s conference circuit. And in the street level too.

    Some of us, the crime was being female. That issue isn’t going away because it’s uncomfortable.
    Regarding it’s not a gender issue — that sounds like a man talking. Maybe you just didn’t appreciate it being noticed, that vote came to women in WHICH century?

    In case I’m not clear on this again: Why not focus on the issues raised by Dr. Zernik in Los Angeles on the dual-system Court dockets, i.e., change from PACER to SUSTAIN? That’s a major topic, and pertains, as I originally came her, to Richard Fine’s case. Also, there’s the relationship of the probate takeovers to bribes judges are getting. These are worth following and pursuing.

    (in the middle of the blog on Alienated Ex-wife jailed, I put some links).

    Not sure if this comment was….

  8. One of Thousands
    October 21st, 2010 at 14:19 | #9

    @Witheld-a mom:

    It sounds like you’ve been through an extraordinarily tough and potentially dangerous situation. I’ve very, very sorry for what you’ve been through. Believe me, many of us–men and women–can relate very deeply with your pain and trouble.

    I do have a couple questions for you–you mention that the DVTRO saved your life. I wonder why you think that a piece of paper could have done that? Certainly it didn’t put a shield around you–if your ex was truly intent on hurting you (and I’m not saying he wasn’t), what about that piece of paper prevented him from hurting you? In fact, recent events seem to indicate that a DVTRO can have exactly the opposite effect–instigating rather than preventing violence. Witness the horrible tragedy of the Evan Nash murder/suicide by his father Bill Hoffine ( My impression is that the DVTRO may have sent Hoffine off the deep end, actually instigating the violence it was intended to prevent. The recent stories of parents–both moms and dads–instigating violence in response to court action are numerous and tragic.

    I’d suggest that a far, far more effective way of preventing such violence is to calm parents down, and assure that fit parents (i.e., those who have no history of abuse) receive relatively unencumbered, relatively equal access to their children. Few life events would drive a fit parent to radical violence other than the threat of separation from their offspring. From what I’ve seen, media accounts of the multitude of violent events focus on the “spurned lover” aspect–someone’s upset at getting dumped.

    But I question if that’s in fact true. I’d be willing to bet that the violent episode probably has much more to do with the offender facing loss of a meaningful relationship with the child, or some other calamity such as loss of property, a job, or other serious threat. Would it make sense to find cooperative solutions through mediation, collaborative solutions, etc., instead of imposing rulings resulting in such catastrophic consequences (which are common in divorce court)? I tend to think it would, but I’d like to hear the opinions of others.

    And to be fair to Rob, he didn’t suggest that TROs were never justified, but his suggestion that a TRO be a “mutual stay-away” order might have addressed this problem–it’s one thing for a court to say “you’re the bad guy, so we’re punishing you.”–that’s an accusation that may or may not be accurate. Would it be less “insulting” for a court to issue mutual orders, essentially saying “you guys are having a hard time getting along, so we’re going to keep you apart for a short period until we can figure out a better method of resolving this.”

    Here’s a thought about how to simplify divorce and potentially save lives and well-being. My experience and the experience of many others familiar with divorce court indicates that judges often take extreme action in divorce court without carefully weighing the necessity for such action. For example, Rob mentioned that the “first to file” has an advantage. I tend to agree. The first party can seek immediate DVTROs, stay-aways, support orders, etc. in an Ex Parte OSC with 24 hours notice. Judges rarely read these papers but almost always grant the requested orders without taking responsibility to set further hearings for clarification. This sets in place a “status quo” that can be difficult to overcome. Strike first, get the kids and the house, then make the other guy (or girl) fight uphill. I experienced it in my separation, and I know many others–moms and dads–who have as well.

    But the larger problem is that family court judges operate under such broad, vague standards that everything is “up for grabs.” “Best interest of the child” and “standard of living during the marriage” are so vague that a judge’s likely ruling becomes wildly unpredictable. A confession: I’m a lawyer (not family law, thank Providence), and am often asked by clients to predict the outcome of a given motion, hearing, or other issue. I usually can with reasonable certainty, and that’s because in my area of law (civil litigation) judges have fairly clear guidelines that must be followed.

    However in family law this it’s exactly the opposite. Not one of the several attorneys I worked with would offer predictions of likely outcomes, always stating “it depends on the judge.” They were right too–my ex brought the exact same issue up before five different judges (another problem in family court–the revolving judicial door), and each of them ruled on the matter differently. When she finally got the ruling she wanted (after four failures), she locked in.

    It seems to me that the major problem here is that the lack of predictability and intimate nature of divorce court in putting people’s lives under a microscope, taking over the most important things in most people’s lives (their children, assets, and ability to earn a living), can drive people nuts. Sure, separation from a loved one is tough–especially if you don’t want to end the relationship–but when you add to that the threat that you’ll be homeless, unable to work, and unable to see your kids until they’re 18 is far, far more stressful–especially if it’s imposed arbitrarily, based on lies or half-truths, and driven by someone who perhaps is happy to see you suffer.

    I’d invite your comments on the site–do you think that if parents are ordered to complete such programs (I believe there are several) before the animosities become entrenched during the spiral of conflict that your fears would have been the same? I’m genuinely curious and in no way am attempting to prove a point here–I truly value your perspective.

    Best to all.

  9. October 22nd, 2010 at 06:30 | #10

    This is a very good article. Dr. Tadros does a very good job of explaining how these Crooks operate on people’s assets, bank accounts and credit cards.

    I think that Lawyers, or at least the 90-99% that are Crooks (whom I refer to as Lieyers), should all be removed from our courts: as they are NOT there for the public good, but rather for the MONEY that they can steal from hard-working Americans who love their kids.

    I feel the same way about MANY of the therapists as well: who are there for the MONEY. Anyone with common sense can act as a therapist. No special training is needed, and even if it is, it is a person’s Integrity and concern for others that’s important: especially when dealing with people who are hurting: as in those going through a divorce.

    Alec Baldwin got it right when he compared Family Court officials to paramedics who arrive on the scene, not to stop the bleeding, but to control it and let it go on and on: all the while bilking those who don’t know what is going on, and think they are being “treated.”

  10. one of thousands
    October 22nd, 2010 at 11:22 | #11

    I echo Randy’s sentiments and invite others to voice their opinions on these very important issues.

    On a related note, if you’d like to see a fine example of the lack of integrity of the San Diego County courts (including family, DV, and criminal), see the Commission on Judicial Performance’s scathing indictment of Judge DeAnn Salcido here (Salcido’s matter is at the bottom):

    Salcido’s unbelievably erratic, biased conduct clearly demonstrates that we do not have a competent judiciary system in San Diego–and remember folks–I’m an experienced lawyer and know these people very well. Fact is they’re ex DA types who’ve done nothing significant in their lives other than throw people in a government cage. But what’s worse is that even though Salcido was stupid enough to show the prevailing mentality of the San Diego bench in public, there are likely many more judges who are clever enough to hide their incompetence and bias. While many might indict Salcido for her lack of respect for law and, in many cases, downright viscousness, they don’t realize that her abusive mentality is prevalent among many, if not most, ex-DA judges.

    I say this not only as a practicing lawyer, but as a former prosecutor and colleague of many DAs. They have a very specific mentality–normally it’s “everyone’s guilty and I’m going to fix them.” This is preposterous, of course, yet it’s prevalent in San Diego courts.

    Solution? Vote them out. We cannot continue to blindly rely on a judge’s present status as a judge to be a reliable indicator of competence. Courts love the public’s impression of them as competent and unbiased, but the reality is they’re far too consumed with their own power. It’s easy to build a great impression of yourself if you can hammer (judges use a gavel) and goons with guns and shields are able to push people around. They begin to think “hey, I can use this power to shut people up, make them kiss my ass, and throw them in a cage. I must be pretty sharp.” Yet they don’t realize that they’re not model citizens, and their ideals aren’t consistent with their oaths to protect and defend the constitution. Result: a corrupted and overly-inflated self image wielded by very mediocre (at best) lawyers.

    Result: Tyranny. I can’t say it better than this guy you may have heard about named Thomas Jefferson:

    “The germ of destruction of our nation is in the power of the judiciary, an irresponsible body – working like gravity by night and by day, gaining a little today and a little tomorrow, and advancing its noiseless step like a thief over the field of jurisdiction, until all shall render powerless the checks of one branch over the other and will become as venal and oppressive as the government from which we separated.” – Thomas Jefferson

    “When the people fear the government, you have tyranny. When the government fears the people, you have liberty.” – Thomas Jefferson

    Good luck people–it’s your county, your country, and your money. They work for you. Don’t let them forget it.

  11. Enemy of the Evil State
    October 22nd, 2010 at 20:58 | #12

    The comment about family law judges being former DA prosecutors touches on the real truth. Family law courts are sham used to prosecute innocent people and get convictions. The DA can’t make a case in a criminal court where the jury would laugh them out of the courtroom, but they don’t want their work to go to waste. So they talk it over with their good friends like Christine Goldsmith and Lorna Alksne behind the scenes. These people get together all the time at social functions and professional gatherings and lunch meetings where they plot out their evil-doings. Then the judges are sure to “convict” and “sentence” a parent all on their own. That the evidence doesn’t support their actions does not matter because there are no juries and judges control the evidence. They can admit lies, deny truths, and add more lies of their own all to support the predetermined outcomes. Judges in family law courts can do whatever they like, especially if they go for the kill and destroy a parent’s spirits and financial means to fight. Then the parent can’t afford the appeal process.

    You hear these judges all the time talk about “my law” and being God. They believe it.

    If you get justice in a US court, it is because the government didn’t see how to ream you for its own purposes. There is no true justice in the United States courts.

    The government controls the outcome, to get what it wants or help out its friends. Consider Richard Fine in LA. He exposes their corruption and won’t stop publicizing it, so they threw him into solitary confinement for 18 months to shut him up and destroy his reputation and finances to limit his ability to oppose them. Courts all over the US are like this. Fine had enough friends to raise a stink, few other people do.

    True justice requires lethal injections and firing squads for many of these judges. They are treasonous criminals who deserve nothing more lenient. Before learning the truth, I used to oppose the death penalty. I still do for common citizens — so many of them are railroaded by the government. But now I think the death penalty should be applied widely to government officials convicted of corruption, human rights deprivations, and treasonous violations of the Constitution. Their current punishments of luxury prisons are obviously not enough to act as a deterrent for their treasonous criminal ways.

  12. BS
    October 23rd, 2010 at 01:50 | #13

    …or what about Doctor Emad Tadros exposing the fraud and corruption, blowing the whistle on Stephen Doyne and the Court for his fraud and lies and CRC violations, and for the Court’s CRC violations… now they make Doc Tadros pay ding-dong-Doyne 85k for exposing the fraud, lies, and violations? Now they remove a file from his case that should be there?

    There you have it, yet another example of tyranny brought by those who have lost their moral compass, lost respect for the Constitution, their duty, their colleagues, and the fabric that will make or break this great country, the Families.

    Oppose them and this is what you’ll get… you’ll get ordered to pay the one with “cat credentials.”

  13. October 25th, 2010 at 06:39 | #14

    Withheld A Mom said:

    Whoever Dr. Tadros is, he’s not using the word “mediator” as it’s practiced in N. and S. CA, when it comes to court-appointed. And … civil restraining orders with kids typically go right to mediation. The first thing my mediator did was to undo ours, practically making a lose-lose situation for the children.

    Response: The first thing our court mediator did was to order that I be “supervised.” Thank God we got a mediator who had some integrity, and a psychologist as well: who both agreed that supervision was not necessary: after six months (and $10,000 worth of it). In fact our supervisor said that I was one of “the best parents he had ever seen.”

    About the time that the supervision was over with they had us firmly attached to a “Private Mediator” who at first seemed like she was going to help. But two years (and three false charges, and over 20 “sessions”) later, I could see that they had no intention of admonishing my Ex for anything (including bold-faced lies), but rather covering up for her, and continuing to milk our contentious divorce for ALL it was worth. So I did what many others have done, and walked out of the nitpick / feel good SCAM, that doesn’t work in highly contentious cases. And the mediator promptly trashed me in her report, and covering up for the “most nitpicky client” she ever had.

    And rather than send our case to “High confict resolution” the “Judge-Buddy” appointed 3 more SCAM artists to continue the same thing: one of which was another SCAM artist mediator: who is there ONLY for the MONEY, and who had even less integrity than the first one: and was charging six times as much MONEY.

    So NO, mediation is not always a good thing: especially in a high conflict case: where the less that a mediator does to fix something (or anything) the MORE MONEY they make.

    Withheld-A-Mom continues:
    … I’m a Christian. “I bowed the knee,” a few decades earlier, and when forced to choose between the idol called a farce of a marriage with beatings, slappings, throwings, and deprivations, then show up in church and smile, with kids wondering which way was up. For taking action to save all of our lives, I became a family … outcast. I’m with you in we live in a lawless system …

    snip …
    Let’s focus the judicial bribes issues, and I personally favor dismantling (or … boycotting) family law system, which is an unholy hybrid business referral/wealth transfer enterprise …

    Response: Good advice.

    WAM continues: If it’s possible to cease from blaming it on the feminists or whoever the other side is at the time, I’d appreciate it. Signed, “I survived a religious marriage — barely.”

    Response: The feminists have gone way overboard: with their hatred of men, and deserve to have their funding slashed … They claim that there are still 1400 incidences a year (out of a nation of 308,000,000 people) of men who murder their spouses, or intimate partners … but ignore the 15,000 times a year that an alienated and/or outcast father commits suicide as as direct result of being cut off from his children: and I suspect MANY time unjustly, and for the most trivial of reasons (and/or false charges) … I know because I am one of them. In fact, my former spouse even accused me of being “suicidal” and of planning Evil things … none of which came to pass — except me being needlessly separated from my Daughter.

    And NO TRO was ever needed, nor issued: during the 5.5 year $120KKK ordeal.

    WAM continues: NB. I’m still a Christian, but steer clear of churches; works OK so far.

    Response: I too am a Christian, and saddened that virtually none of the churches are speaking out about the travesty of Family Court, much less WARNING their people to STAY AWAY from the professional Lieyers and Thieves.


    Rob said:
    … today’s laws provide money and other incentives for lawyers, judges, therapists, counselors, cops, teachers, and activists to accuse anybody and everybody they can, even when the people they are accusing are often much more victims than perpetrators. The mandatory abuse reporting laws are even written to penalize them if they do not accuse somebody, yet they know that often when they do report legitimate concerns about abuse that the children are more traumatized by what CPS does to them than by their actual injuries and the abuse doesn’t stop anyway.

    Response: In my case CPS found that the charges were false: which they were…. but since the Court-O-Crooks didn’t punish the False Accuser, she didn’t stop, and finally succeeded in getting the court to (no kidding) order me to NOT Talk to my Daughter about God … which set up a situation where I had to choose between my conscience and worshipping a Crooked Court that could not put 2+2 Two-gether : partially because the Private mediators were pissed off that they were being cut out of the LOOT-LOOP. And rather than recommend “high conflict resolution” that costs a LOT LESS, they settled for another legalized Max-Loot-Extraction / Kid SALE.

    snip …

    Rob continues : I can only think of a handful of cases we’ve reported on that included jail time for an alienating mother, and those were only after many years of severe alienation in violation of court orders. When it comes right down to it, I don’t believe any parent should be thrown into jail by a family law court. If the case isn’t strong enough to get a conviction in criminal court, then jail is probably not a reasonable option given how family law courts make decisions often more on bias and who is the better liar than on fair and impartial due process based upon factual evidence.

    Response: Since DA’s almost Never prosecute perjury, or false Charges, this means that a Criminal Court case would have to be funded by the falsely accused parent: on top of paying double and Triple child support payments — to the Family Court’s cohort of Crooks.

    If a Family Court judge doesn’t punish a parent or other court official who gets caught lying to the court, then that “judge” is a Coward who has NO BUSINESS being a Judge.

    Rob continues: You have to remember that most, perhaps nearly all, alienators were abused as children and developed their hostile, manipulative, and controlling behaviors as adaptive means to deal with child abuse.

    Response: In other words, they don’t have to forgive, nor to grow up, but to “manipulate” and “control” everyone around them … so as to alway get their way.

    Rob continues:
    These people regard the breakup of a relationship as a kind of threat that reminds them of abuse and thus triggers their same anxieties and manipulative behaviors anew, this time with the other parent as a target and the children as pawns in their conflict.

    Response: I was rejected various times before I met my former spouse, but I got over it, and learned from it and changed, and moved on with my life. Your assertion may have some truth to it, but in the final analysis, you are saying it’s OK for them to control and manipulate and that they don’t have to change. Nor to realize that it is their controlling behavior that often pushes other people away from them in the first place.

    Rob continues: The courts often side with such abusers and cut the healthier parent out of the children’s lives because that healthier parent is not an expert on lying, cheating, and manipulating other people and so comes off looking like a problem next to the real abuser who is an expert at all of that and more….

    Response: Here you are Right On, and why our courts need to be taken over by parents, and former parents, and ALL of the Lieyers and Thieves given the BOOT and Ordered out of the People’s Courts: as they are NOT their for the Kids, but rather for the Money, and for themselves.

    One of Thousands said:
    What’s worse, the divorce court system completely overlooks the fact that it frequently amplifies the conflict that it is intended to resolve. See my prior posts on the spiral of conflict. Divorce court encourages initial hostility by being hypersensitive to an aggressor parent’s (often false but always hostility-inducing) allegations. Rob is correct–in these cases the “first accuser” almost always gains advantage, thereby encouraging aggression. This in turn promotes counter-aggression, which promotes counter-aggression, etc., until the spiral is completely out of control.

    Response: Well said! Most Lawyers and Therapists (and their Judge-Buddies) are Sociopaths, who themselves NEED Help. For those who don’t know, a sociopath is basically a Nazi soldier (during World War II) before the Americans and Russians invaded Germany. People who had no compassion whatsoever, and whose power was virtually unlimited.

    One of Thousands contin:
    For purposes of analysis we have to separate the cases of actual abuse from alleged abuse–we often see moms who appear to be the legitimate victims of abuse, or appear to have legitimate concerns about the safety of their children become enraged when the topic of false allegations is raised. This is understandable–if they are legitimate victims, it may feel like a personal attack on them to hear someone state that some–perhaps most–allegations of abuse are false. They respond “you’re calling me a liar, therefore you’re wrong and very, very bad.”

    Response: Very True, but when the person accused has No Crime record, No Driving record, doesn’t do drugs, had no record of violent behavior, etc. then that should be taken into account, yet in Family Court you are considered guilty as charged, and even when it is clear that you were falsely accused, Nothing is done to the false accuser … except in many cases they are Rewarded with MORE, and MORE custody until the Falsely accused is ran out of Loot, and forced to walk away from their own child. In other words, the Crooks “strengthen the hands of evildoers, so that no one (is) turned back from their wickedness.” Jer. 23:14 …

    One of Thousands… But these moms ignore the (equally insidious) problem of false allegations–one parent taking advantage of the sensitivity of the broken system for advantage. I’m not aware of any reliable statistics on the percentage of false or exaggerated allegations,

    Response: I am: In 2004 it was 80% … of custody disputes that contained False allegations.
    See the following article at:
    reference #10

    One of Thousands: It’s unfortunate that victims of real abuse become hostile at victims of false allegations or just general aggression. The real target of their anger shouldn’t be a falsely-accused parent–it should be at the false accuser and the system that perpetuates–indeed encourages–such behavior. Falsely-accused and non-aggressive parents are victims of the divorce process as well. Abuse victims–whether it be physical, sexual, or system/aggression-oriented abuse–should be standing together to enact reforms to address all types of abuse. That they do not simply impedes reform, perpetuating harm to both categories of victims.

    Response: I could’t agee more. Just because you were abused, Does Not mean that ALL men are abusive, nor violent: as radical feminists seem to think.

    One of Thousands: There are many options available to courts such as education, awareness, or other “kinder, gentler” ways of improving behavior. Instead, courts and psychologists dangle the “prize” of full custody, watch parents go at each other, then pick a “winner.” Problem is, that process is so arbitrary and capricious, and so damaging to both parents, that it is simply not possible to win–both parents and children emerge emotionally traumatized, financially drained, and distracted from more productive activities such as parenting and career, that everybody loses.

    Response: And the Crooks emerge a little bit Richer.

    One of Thousands: The system is simply set up to fail. How to fix it? Vote out all incumbent judges who have presided over this bloodbath … and only hire attorneys who pledge to cooperate.

    Response: No I don’t think that is going to work: as there are too many attorneys who are there for the MONEY, and they are all (basically) bosom-buddies. Until attorneys are held to some standard of accountability of ethical behavior, and demonstrate that they actually care about (other people’s) kids, they have NO business being involved with Divorcing families. And the fact that they have insulated themselves via “litigation priviledge” and “release of liability”forms, proves that they are a bunch of Crooks: who are NOT even sworn to tell the truth.

    Withheld-A-Mom said: … “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.” If you fear God, you have enough self-restraint to not be a crook, liar, thief, fraud, cheat, etc. (did I say adulterer?). It’s that simple.

    Well said!

    Obama is behind fathers, too, “” and it’s still apparently not enough for people, although he can barely say the word “mothers” in public, and the topic of women didn’t even rate a mention in his inauguration speech.

    Obama said: “Spend time with your kids … play with them, go to the park and … Take time to be a dad today.”

    Hurray for Obama: Now when are you going to do something to Fix the current B-r-o-k-e-n Court system of Lieyers and Thieves, who are doing virtually EVERYTHING in their power to come between a Father and his Children: UNLESS he can KEEP ON PAYING for their ENDLESS “services.”

    From what I have so far seen of Obama, he is NOT a Christian, but rather a slick politician who supports unrestricted abortion, gay wrongs, open borders, Goldman Sachs former employees, gutting the CIA, and God knows what else???

    One of Thousands said:
    … a DVTRO can have exactly the opposite effect–instigating rather than preventing violence. Witness the horrible tragedy of the Evan Nash murder/suicide by his father Bill Hoffine ( My impression is that the DVTRO may have sent Hoffine off the deep end, actually instigating the violence it was intended to prevent. The recent stories of parents–both moms and dads–instigating violence in response to court action are numerous and tragic.
    I’d suggest that a far, far more effective way of preventing such violence is to calm parents down, and assure that fit parents (i.e., those who have no history of abuse) receive relatively unencumbered, relatively equal access to their children. Few life events would drive a fit parent to radical violence other than the threat of separation from their offspring. From what I’ve seen, media accounts of the multitude of violent events focus on the “spurned lover” aspect–someone’s upset at getting dumped.

    But I question if that’s in fact true. I’d be willing to bet that the violent episode probably has much more to do with the offender facing loss of a meaningful relationship with the child,

    Response: Hoffine was a Doyne victim for many years. He was milked (probably for hundred’s of thousands of Dollars) over a 12-year period, till he ran out of MONEY, and then Doyne & Co (and a cooperative mom who didn’t Want Dad around anymore) were going to shove him off of the back of the bus … and because he didn’t have enough character, or friends, or a strong relationship with the Lord, he cracked … and decided to go on a rampage. I also suspect that his son was being coerced to choose ONLY to live with Mom, and to NOT see him anymore.

    Hoffine also filed a complaint with the State licensing board against Doyne the Crook, but since they have a ZERO level of Accountability, they tossed it in the TRASH…. just like they did with the complaint filed by Dr. Emad Tadros (MD) also against Doyne the CROOK.

    • October 27th, 2010 at 03:56 | #15


      I’d like to clarify that simply because I point out that many abusers who engage in false allegations were abused themselves does not mean that I condone, excuse, or endorse that behavior. Most certainly I do not. Having been falsely accused of domestic violence, child sexual molestation, and many other heinous crimes, I know first hand what it is like to have one’s life ruined by such an abuser using endless false allegations with the full help of the courts and government.

      In my case, I strongly believe my ex developed BPD or something similar from a childhood filled with physical, emotional, verbal, and sexual abuse. I can have sympathy for that, and feel badly that she was so abused, while despising what she has done to our children, my family, and me.

      It is my strong belief that she will never change. She to this day continues her parental alienation tactics, seeks to attack my family and me, suborns perjury, and perjures herself. I frankly am having a very difficult time dealing with it because the government sides with her, the abuser, and every time they call her on her false accusations they either reward her for them or simply let her off the hook. They do absolutely nothing about stopping her abusive behaviors. They even go so far as to punish me for following court orders and professional advice and rewarding her for violating court orders and professional advice.

      She’s learned that lying wins in US family law courts, just as lying often wins in US society. I’m not talking about little white lies, I am talking about whoppers — sexually penetrating young children, beating another person, murderous psychopathic rages, etc. She tells such lies and instantly is rewarded with making me homeless, banned from seeing our children, and treated as a criminal with her spreading these lies everywhere she can. My family and I suffer having to pour money into lawyers and supervised visitation and mental healthcare for myself and our children. Her lies are repeatedly disproven by the court’s own admission, yet she is consistently either rewarded or never punished. That the children actually did suffer documented injuries and harm by her and people associated with her doesn’t matter, only the false accusations that distract attention from those real abuses matter.

      Basically it comes down to this — you call into court that your kids are being burned, bruised, scarred, etc. repeatedly and there is photographic and medical documentation of this and your ex refuses to disclose who is caring for them, what is happening to cause these problems, and you even have solid evidence of her lying about several points regarding the problems the children are having. So your sociopathic ex gets nervous and starts spewing false child sexual abuse allegations to distract from what is really happening. Now all the attention shifts to the false sexual abuse allegations, you are ripped out of your children’s lives and treated as a criminal and zero attention is paid to the real injuries and damage because everybody is too busy persecuting you based upon lies. When it finally becomes clear she was lying, then they won’t admit they did very bad things. No, it is “blame the victim” and “oh, she is such a good mother — she has had to take care of the children by herself for years!” to cover up after their own mistakes and misconduct. They then fill the court record with more provable lies to back up their position, to make themselves look blameless.

      It becomes a life filled with win/never-lose opportunities for her. Every time she lies, she can be confident that she will not be punished and that their is a good chance I will be punished instead, even if they figure out she is the one who lied. If she tells enough lies, there is a strong chance that she will get some of what she wants, such as sole custody of the children, causing hundreds of thousands of dollars in financial damages to people she hates, hurting extended family by depriving them of contact with the children, etc. That she is hurting her own children in the process does not matter one bit to her. She and people like her are so sick and selfish that they willingly harm their children if it will cause harm to others they dislike.

      A person like her will not change, not without being held accountable. Even if she was held accountable with serious punishments including prison time, she may still be unable to change. After all, she has had a lifetime of being able to lie about and abuse other people to get her way. How easy would it ever be to change the perceptions and behaviors built up over multiple decades? Not easy at all. But the courts will not even try, they do nothing to protect the rest of us from her ongoing abuse. I believe that’s because they are complicit in it and so they have a vested interest in adding even more lies and defamation to distract from the great deal of evil they themselves have been doing.

      Even though she and people like her are often ordered to attend therapy, it is basically pointless. Judges think therapy helps somehow. It only helps people who are willing to be at least somewhat honest. Sociopaths are far from that, for them dishonesty is the cardinal rule.

      So they lie to the therapist, use the therapist to file false child abuse or DV allegations against others, and paint themselves as victims to gain control over the therapist. If the therapist starts to catch on over things like having heard five different versions of the same abuse incident — sociopaths lie so much and are so enamored of playing the victim that they often keep inventing new lies to top the old ones — that are at serious odds with each other, there might be some growing doubts. So then a sociopath will switch therapists and give some excuse for doing so about insurance, money, location, etc. Therapists do not see the full picture, only the lies, and so often the only clue they are dealing with a sociopath rather than a victim is that the lies just don’t add up. It’s easy for a sociopath to control people like this for long periods of time, even if they are therapists.

      That’s a stark contrast to my therapist who has seen and heard about all of the allegations, read most court documents including the ones she has filed, talked with many other parties involved, and from all of this can understand that while I may react badly to being attacked and lied about for year after year, that’s a far cry from having a personality disorder or being a sociopath. It is clear from such a complete picture that she acts like she has a personality disorder. That is based both upon years of interaction with me, having full access to evidence and the time to discuss it, and being fully exposed to the outrageous lies and spin jobs she continues to spew. My therapist won’t diagnose her having never seen her, but it is clear there is no doubt there that she is seriously ill, my beliefs about her having a personality disorder are entirely reasonable, and she is not likely to improve her conduct.

      But yet I am ridiculed by the court for having expressed the opinion that she behaves as if she has BPD given a very long long list of reasons that support this conclusion, even though I clearly stated it was never formally diagnosed. No, a psychologist must know better, after all I am not a professional. But any honest and competent psychologist or psychiatrist will tell you that highly sociopathic people like this are often quite capable of fooling a lot of people for very long periods of time, often far longer than they will stay in therapy with any particular therapist. That’s part of why groups like NAMI state that diagnosing a person with BPD takes on average 5 YEARS of therapy. That’s an average, including the cutting/suicidal self-harming people who are way easier to detect than the really nasty sociopaths. So you could imagine that a really smart sociopath (and some of them are very smart) could evade detection for far longer, even decades.

      If I were expecting that she will change, I’d be a fool. She will not change, why should she — she has been an abuser most of her life and she is rewarded for being an abuser! She will go right on being an abuser, terrorizing my family and me with the help of the courts and government every step of the way, so long as they fail to prosecute her for the worst of her crimes and/or put in place adequate safeguards to stop the abuse. They will do neither, however.

      The real accountability here lies with the courts and government. While it may be impractical to prosecute all perjury, it is clear that judges and government officials who fail to prosecute and punish for lies that cause massive damage to another person are aiding and abetting in the abuse. The false domestic violence allegations and her taking nearly all our money instantly rendered me homeless without even enough money to pay my basic living expenses. When that didn’t succeed, less than a year later she started in with the false sexual abuse allegations that have destroyed my life, having caused hundreds of thousands of dollars in damage, major depression, anxiety, fear of other people, etc. Yet even though she was found to have lied about all of this, to have coached the children to lie, and the full evidence shows her allegations were ridiculous and she knew it, nothing is done to hold her accountable for her crimes. Instead, it is “poor woman, she has had to care for those children for all these years — bad man!”

      I know full well that the gender reverse of this does happen. While determining if a sociopathic man is abusing a woman using the courts and government as helpers can be difficult, it appears such cases usually involve some rich and/or well-connected man — lawyers, doctors, judges, cops, etc. — who persecute their ex-wives just like my ex has persecuted me. The government is an accessory in these crimes, just as they have been in my case.

      “How can Dr. Sunshine be a narcissistic abuser? Everybody knows and likes him, no, the MOTHER must be evil!” seems to be how these people reason. The truth should not be a popularity contest, but whether you are a man or a woman, the courts and government treat it like it is a popularity contest. It’s the old “oh I need your skilled help, you generous wonderful person, to help me from the horrible man/woman/beast that is attacking me!” played by the sociopathic wolf in sheep’s clothing. This is immensely advantageous to sociopaths who know how to butter up and manipulate others to get what they want. Their victims often haven’t even 1/10th the skill at manipulating other people and often come across as serious disturbed people because of the psychological abuse being inflicted upon them.

      I hold the courts, divorce industry, and government far more accountable for my ex’s actions than she herself is. They had a responsibility to investigate her allegations, but they played games hiding evidence and sometimes themselves lying for years to buy time for more investigation and pad their billable hours until it became totally clear to everybody that there was no case and my ex was caught lying over and over again. But to cover for their crimes, they simply lie some more, painting me to be a problem and spinning and soft-pedaling every crime and abuse my ex has committed.

      In the meantime, they caused immense damage that would have been tiny if they had done their jobs competently and honestly. They should know better and have a responsibility to society stop these abuses and to follow the law, indeed they are paid to do that by the taxpayers. She, by contrast, is so messed up psychologically and variously rewarded and never punished that she has every reason to continue her abusive ways.

      Maybe this is a very fine distinction to make, but I think it is critical. Whether you want to call the abuser in your life a nasty nutcase, personality disordered abuser, Borderline, Narcissist, or sociopath, you cannot legally stop such a person without the help of the courts and government. They will virtually always find somebody else to abuse, even if a target manages to escape by disappearing.

      In my case, she’s been abusing others since childhood and I’m not the only current target. She is today still actively engaging in abuse against our children and their extended family on my side via parental alienation, false allegations, threats, harassment, and intimidation.

      What is particularly sickening is that any step I have taken to defend myself from her defamation campaign and highly damaging lies either is lied about further or painted as a sign that I’m the real problem. It goes so far as the judicial “officer” point blank lying about evidence, sequence of events, etc. directly contradicting all evidence and testimony. In these people’s worlds, because they played the role of Nazis supplying concentration camps with poison gas, that means everybody should be focused on how the US is at fault for causing World War II by bombing Japan with nuclear weapons. Japan and Germany were simply defending themselves against a genocidal onslaught from the aggression Americans. This is how both sociopaths and their allies think.

      As a more concrete example, consider the evil ex makes false domestic violence and sexual abuse allegations and causes massive damage. You point out evil ex is lying, provide evidence refuting the lies, and explain that it appears the reason why evil ex is doing this she or he was heavily abused as a child and is behaving like a Borderline like has been the case for many years. But that could possibly embarrass the evil ex in the process to the people to whom he or she has been lying, and that is just SO MEAN! So the courts and government then paint the victim as the bad guy. Who does the court reward? The evil ex! Wasn’t it horrible that somebody said something bad about her or him! Who does it punish? The falsely accused, accused people in American have no right to defend themselves and should just sit back and let their entire lives be destroyed as the court refuses to enforce its orders, refuses to put in place safeguards to stop the abuse, and refuses to do anything but delay, delay, delay after having immediately assumed every lie was true and acting accordingly. That is how American courts work, reward the sociopath and persecute the victim.

      That this goes on and on is the fault of the courts and government who disregard the abuse simply because it didn’t involve a gun, knife, or other weapon. I would much rather have been stabbed with a knife or shot with a gun than to endure what I have been through. The recovery time would be far less, as would the damage to so many people. I have lost my home, my job, most of my assets, my health, most of the time with my children, and all peace of mind. And the courts encourage it to continue, even after finding clearly she has lied with big damaging horrendous lies over and over again.

      If the courts and government did not lock up a repeatedly convicted serial murderer or rapist and he or she killed or raped again and again, each time being told “don’t do that”, being passed a $1000 bill and more time with future victims, and hearing the judge tell off the victim “nasty person, you wasted our time defending yourself — you are a bad, bad person!”, do you think the worst offender is the sociopath or the government? I’d say it is the government. They should know better, they have the power to do something to stop the crimes, and they instead chose to reward, encourage, and actively participate in the abuse.

      Likewise, if the government randomly vacillates between rewarding a personality disordered abuser for aggression and simply doing nothing to punish nor reward their aggression, who is the worst offender? Again, it is the government. The government is actively training sociopaths to abuse others as a winning way to live that is free from any real risk. “Not getting more money” or “not getting sole custody of the children” is not a risk, especially when the option to lie some more to get those things is always kept open by the government.

      It is in the sociopath’s nature to continue to hurt other people. She or her cannot change this. It is no different than a rabid dog. Should animal control let the rabid dog loose because he or she is infected, the infection causes aggression and attacks, and the dog cannot change? No, they should lock it up or use some means to protect others, people and dogs and other animals, from that rabid dog.

      A sociopath is much like a rabid dog that will live several more decades. Typically sociopaths were infected with evil by being abused as children, then went on to do much evil themselves and even infect a few more people turning them into sociopaths via abusive conditioning, and they will hurt others (especially their children and other family members) if they are let loose to continue their attacks.

      In the case of a rabid dog, the only option may be to put it down or lock it up and let it die.

      In the case of a sociopath, there are usually means to disable the sociopath’s ability to abuse others badly without locking them up forever or executing them. But today, the courts and government do not even try at all. Short of one of these sociopaths killing or seriously physically injuring somebody, they let them run around free and help them set the stage to further attack their victims over and over again. If you dare call them on it, they will turn on you and behave as sociopaths, too.

      Ultimately, when a sociopath has trouble exercising self-control and is taught that being a sociopath is a good thing, is the sociopath to blame? No, the government should bear the blame.

      Today, we have a government that aids and abets sociopaths, possibly because it is populated with many sociopaths who like it this way. It teaches them how to be sociopaths, rewards them for being sociopaths, and encourages them to continue to engage in sociopath behaviors.

      Expecting sociopaths to clean up their acts in such a perverse world is totally unrealistic.

      I hope this helps clear up my meaning and that I really do understand how badly people are being hurt by sociopathic abusers.


  14. One of Thousands
    October 25th, 2010 at 14:50 | #16

    I agree with Mr. Berg completely. This divorce court cancer has become a deadly threat to our communities. Vote them–all of them–out.

  15. October 25th, 2010 at 19:59 | #17

    In my first “Response” paragraph above, I meant to say a “supervisor with some integrity” — whose name is John Baddour: and who actually cares about Kids. And while our first “Private Mediator” / LCSW (licensed clinical social worker) — a Majorie J. Ospeck — did tell the truth (at first: as LONG as she knew that the GAME was going to continue, and you were going to PAY her another $150 for another session … … … but if (or when) you run out of Loot, or get tired of being treated like a teenage kid who is always getting into trouble, and you walk out on the perpetualy Mediation Money Game, then she will very likely bend the truth a bit: to make you look Bad and the False accuser look good. In my case she was so anxious to do so that she forgot to call our Daughter’s “play therapist” to see how she was doing, and instead assumed the opposite of what was. But the Court could care less … about anything other than protecting their own and how much Loot they can make off of another family breakup.

    On a sidenote about Judge Salcido. She was biased in favor of Mom — and didn’t even have her take the 6-week co-parenting class — because she had a degree in “early childhood development” (which I, suppose teaches one all about Co-parenting), but when my Ex. (who was always looking for something bad to say about me) brought up the fact that (years before I was married) I had taken “homeless people” into my house, Judge Salcido began to show some compassion for me, and contempt for my Ex. — whose parents are multi-millionaires who routinely give 3-day notices for late rent, and boot-em out if they don’t pay up. … sort of like our All-In-the-Family-Courts.

    Regarding contempt for case Law and the Family Court Judge’s “Rules of the Court” or something like that…. I happen to know that in Emad Tadros’ case, Judge Bloom also did what he wanted to do: which was to defend Doyne at all Costs: for once the Barrel-O-Worms is open, then Look out … and plug yer nose. … the Musk Oxen circle has been broken… and the kids have to grow up.

  16. One of Thousands
    October 27th, 2010 at 09:34 | #18

    Thank you Mr. Berg.

    San Diego judges are corrupt losers who have done a terrible job of policing their own. If they won’t do it, you can. Kick their sorry asses onto the street as soon as you possibly can. Next week works.

    Good luck to all.

  17. October 28th, 2010 at 22:34 | #19

    Rob summarized what is going on quite well. I can relate with, and I agree with, just about Everything he said, for example that …

    Quoting from Above: “But the courts will not even try, they do nothing to protect the rest of us from her ongoing abuse. I believe that’s because they are complicit in it and so they have a vested interest in adding even more lies and defamation to distract from the great deal of evil they themselves have been doing.”

    That was what I was told Five YEARS before I lost custody of my Daughter: i.e. that I was “Dealing with a Bunch of Crooks who are ALL in cahoots” … AND even though I didn’t believe what he was telling me at the time …. he predicted that I would also LOSE CUSTODY not long after I stopped paying a Lawyer, and a therapist, and a private mediator to keep playing the GAME of milking Parents until they are BROKE and covering up for Liars and False accusers time and time and time again.

    And the man who told me this was one of only TWO people in the US who took on the IRS to their faces — in public — with a 2,000 page book on how to STOP PAYING taxes: that he now offers as a FREE pdf download. He was also sued by the Justice Dept. in Federal court — to try to get him to Stop, and/or to shut down his web site, and he won the case: since he had broken no laws.

    Private Mediator, Marjorie J. Ospeck, LCSW, also caught my Ex telling Whoppers, but covered up for her shortly after I walked out: after two years of the SCAM, and over 20 joint dog-fight “sessions.” Dr. Robert J. Fox was even WORSE: as in one of the BIGGEST SCAM artists in the courts: next to Doyne and Bill Benjamin or Billy the Kidnapper as I now call him.

    At first I was mad at my former spouse for what she was doing and getting away with.

    Then I was angry at the Court for their complicity and egging her on to create more trouble.

    Then I was mad at our Cowardly and/or ignorant, and/or “politically correct” and or apathetic mass media: that has done next to nothing to expose what is, and has been going on for Many years.

    Then I was angry at our politicians for allowing so much corruption and passing laws that allow for ZERO accountability for virtually ALL Court officials.

    And now I am upset and perplexed by the complicity of Christian leaders and parachurch organizations like “Focus on the Family” who have “family oriented programs” on well over 1600 Radio stations in the US and Canada — and have for many years — yet do next to nothing to expose the corruption in our Family Courts and CPS and DCSS … and in the so-called “therapy” and “psychology” business … nor (to my knowledge) have they taken the time to interview even one so-called “deadbeat dad” who just “walked away from his children” and then mysteriously stopped paying child support …. in over 30 years of interviews on “family related” topics: that are almost all directed at intact families and single moms: who are (in many cases of their own choice) raising their children without Dad’s help: in many cases because they DROVE him off: with lie after lie after lie …

    I feel for you, as what you said about your ex constantly slandering you and your family, I also went through, and would probably still be enduring it, had I not ran out of “offerings” to the family court gods: who are a bunch of Liars, cowards, Thieves, and child traffickers.

    In my case these CROOKS had shut off visitation with my Daughter in less than a week after I stopped paying for an attorney: after four years of so-doing (and over $45KKK of offerings) over and above “child support” ostensibly because I was said to be on the verge of “suicide” and planning to go on a rampage. That was over four years ago, and I have not seen, nor spoken to my daughter in over 2.5 years … and it was also a boldfaced lie. But the court nevertheless used it to try to coerce me to see a psychiatrist to see it “Anti-Liar and/or Anti-Thief” medication might help me with my so-called “impulse control” problem that was diagnosed by two of their SCAM artist Lieyers: whose names are William M. Benjamin and Robert W. Lesh. They in turn say that they got their information from Dr. Robert J. (Sly) Fox, who was ticked off that I walked out of his (do-nothing) GAME as well. The same Dr. Fox who was supposed to write a report, but got out of it by making a phone call to Bob, who in turn (violated a court order and) gave his permission … and two Transcripts were Altered in order to cover it up.

    So there you have it, Another child is growing up without a Dad — or in more and more cases a Mom — and the sociopathic Family Court Crooks could care less: since it isn’t THEIR KIDS nor THEIR MONEY that we’re talkin about.

    And in case you didn’t know, the FEDS also have a Solution in the works … to the problem that they Created: an RFID implant, and constant monitoring of everyone. Otherwise known as the “mark of the beast.”

  18. Emad Tadros MD and the Chronically Cheated Public At Large
    December 16th, 2010 at 20:23 | #20

    On 4-15-10 I stated in public, to Judge Bloom that FL326 is mandated to be filed “Under The Penalty of Perjury.” On this form, a verified signature by the evaluator is mandated according to Rule 5.225 k-1-b, which states in BOLD that this form must be filled out and signed “Under The Penalty of Perjury” 10 days “BEFORE- BEFORE” ANY custody work starts, by any evaluator.

    The ethical, legal and professional instructions from the SDCBA to all San Diego attorneys, who are supposed to care about the child Best Interest, is to never touch any old cases as it is illegal on its face and according to the clear cut mandate outlined by 5.225 k-1-b.

    As a matter of fact filing these forms after the fact is only committing perjury in day-light.

    Any layman would wonder: was this prompting to flagrantly violate CRC, serve the public or serve the Attorneys?

    Was this about Child’s Best Interest or was it about taking the candy out of the kids mouth and keep the attorneys sucking on it, instead?


    —– Forwarded Message —–
    From: [email protected]
    To: [email protected]
    Sent: Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34:31 AM GMT -08:00 US/Canada Pacific
    Subject: Email from Robert Lesh to Family Law Community


    Below is a forwarded email I received from an anonymous source who is a member of the San Diego Family Law community. I was told that this email was sent as a mass emailing to all members of the San Diego County Bar Association who practice in family law. I had originally received this email in early October of 2009 and as you recall, had forwarded it to you and various other members of the ‘Doyned’ community at that time.

    If required, I can and will testify under oath as to the conditions that I received this communication under and the integrity of the individual who forwarded this document to me and his/her professional affiliation (a practicing member of the family law section of the San Diego Bar Association) in order that you can legally establish the veracity of this document with the courts.

    John van Doorn

    Robert Lesh [mailto:[email protected]]
    Sent: Thursday, October 01, 2009 5:19 PM
    To: SDCBA Family Law Section
    Subject: [sdcbafamilylaw] Important Custody Evaluation Forms/Orders

    SDCBA Community Message Sent by: W. Lesh. To reply privately to W. Lesh,
    Click Here

    Note: By replying to this message, your response will be e-mailed
    directly to the individual sender. Click “Reply to All” in your e-mail
    client to send your response to all SDCBA Family Law Section members
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    I have been advised that a press conference occurred today (October 1)
    which involved the issue of custody evaluations and the submission to
    the Court of the attached Family Law Forms 326 and 327. As you may be
    aware from a prior e-mail I sent to all of you, these forms are
    mandatory and have been now for some time. Whenever you are involved in
    a custody evaluation matter, you need to make sure that your custody
    evaluators sign form FL-326 and that that gets filed with the Court, as
    there is a strong possibility that the custody evaluator will not be
    paid for work that they perform prior to the form being signed and
    submitted to the Court.

    As to Family Law 327, that also needs to be signed and contained in the
    case file.

    It seems apparent that there is going to be a tremendous amount of
    scrutiny being placed upon these forms and if you have any old cases
    still pending where these forms have not been used, please make sure
    that they are filed appropriately as you risk claims from your client
    that the matter was not properly handled, if they later disagree with
    the recommendations from the evaluator.

    If you have any particular questions regarding this, feel free to
    contact me.

    Bob Lesh
    CFLS Chair


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  19. California Coalition for Families and Children/CCFC
    December 18th, 2010 at 19:48 | #21

    September 15,2010
    San Diego

    Dear Senator Boxer:

    The pleadings that are screamed aloud by the violated San Diego Families are real, and are of extreme concern. Our San Diego County Judiciary now fits the criteria of a Fascist establishment that operates in conjunction with a specific group of the private industry, who constantly and illegally fund judges’ election campaigns, all to collude and rip off the families and grandparents of their assets while using the suffering children as PAWNS. “Pay for play,” otherwise the financially capable parent cannot be able to see his/her children. The San Diego Court professionals have been unprofessional thugs violating California Rules/CRC of Court for the last 9 years. The CRC were made Mandatory for a reason! As a result parents and their children have been constantly broken down financially, professionally and as a human being stripped off their basic rights.

    The California Administrative Office of the Courts/AOC (which employs the California Judicial Council that establishes California Rules of the Court/CRC), has been cleverly represented by Mr. Eric Pulido. He is, in my opinion, specifically “hand-picked” to be as diplomatic as he can, absorb, waste time and frustrate the complainants from the “clear as day” violated families! By doing so, families feel hopeless, go no further and throw in the towel. All in my opinion, at the hands of the top of our state, the AOC that is located in San Francisco. The Public is not allowed any formal communication with these public officials. Their email is held “confidential.” The one thing allowed is 866-865-6400 with only a recording and very limited time to leave a message for a maximum of 30-45 seconds or so.

    Repeated Phone calls and pleadings to the AOC have not been returned to many of our citizens for a reason! And when AOC does (with much prompting) The documentation is left up to the interpretation and bias of the AOC listener or complaint taker, Erik Pulido. Nobody knows how and what AOC exactly writes when they take such a phone complaint. They have taken some of our email addresses or contact information and said that they would send us a confirmation of our complaints. So far, AOC has done nothing.

    This is exactly what happened in my case, total silence from the AOC. I met with the Senate Judiciary Committee at the State Capital in Sacramento, they expressed that the AOC is the “Fox in the Hen-House.” Is it true?

    AOC very cleverly established a masked “Performa” Complaint Process. They refuse to give their email out and they tell you to locate their physical address off the internet, but they will not give it to you over the phone and God only knows why the AOC behaves this way?

    The AOC only allow a general fax (never a personal one) and this never confirms whether or not they received anything and how many pages they received to start with? Therefore, the AOC has created a complaint process whereby there is no formal way of documenting anything. The AOC makes sure not to have it formal for a very good reason!

    The thievery, lies and deception all in the name of Justice is atop our nose. We are a group of committed high-functioning San Diego parents numbering in the 100s, and on their behalf, CCFC is NOT going to keep quiet with those local and state corrupt officials who are all conspiring “wide eyed,” ripping off family assets, all in the name of justice.

    We are ready to fly to the White House. Whom should we ask to arrange a meeting with our President? Can you help us out?

    Referenced Google sites are:

    Angeimedia Stephen Doyne and San Diego Family COurt Under Fire

    Channel 10 blog Custody Evaluator’ credentials questioned in a lawsuit

    Stephen Doyne City Search Reviews

    Emad Tadros, M.D.
    Diplomate American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology
    Cofounder/California Coalition for Families and Children

    —– Forwarded Message —–
    From: “Emad Tadros”
    To: “benjamin palmer”
    Sent: Wednesday, September 15, 2010 7:29:12 AM GMT -08:00 US/Canada Pacific
    Subject: Fwd: [email protected]

    —– Forwarded Message —–
    From: “Emad Tadros”
    To: “Saskia Kim”
    Cc: “Equalparenting” , “cole” , “Eileen Lasher” , “Maureen Miller” , “Harold Rose” , “John Van Doorn”
    Sent: Wednesday, September 15, 2010 7:22:19 AM GMT -08:00 US/Canada Pacific
    Subject: Fwd: [email protected]

    Dear Senator Saskia:

    On the behalf of San Diego Parents, we are obligated to respect your office and your person as long as your office serves and does not mislead the public! Any silence on what appears to be Organized-Crime, will be carried forwards and WE will go to the White House and IT IS A MATTER OF TIME.

    Please allow me to express to you that I do not appreciate your silence which clearly conveys unprofessional approach, corresponding with my serious concerns, in regards to our County Parents who have constantly been ripped off all her assets by our court Personnel, for many years, conducting illegal activities and flat out violating California Rules of the Court. I do not believe that there should be an iota of any government official who should dream that he/she will ever be “Above the Law.”

    Please take a note that we are documenting any and all email communications with your office. And that we so far, have received nothing from your office.
    Emad Tadros, M.D.

    .—– Forwarded Message —–
    From: “Emad Tadros”
    To: “Saskia Kim”
    Cc: “cole staurt” , [email protected] , [email protected]
    Sent: Thursday, August 26, 2010 3:45:07 PM GMT -08:00 US/Canada Pacific
    Subject: Fwd: [email protected]

    Dear Senator Saskia:

    Did you receive my May 21 2010 earlier email and its same attachments? If you did, we at California Coaliton for Families and Children/CCFC would appreciate your office’s professional reply.. We have a lot of the ripped off families who lost their shirts because of our San Diego county’s court derelict and unprofessional behavior! You reply is pivotal. Our San Diego County Courts, BAR and judges continue to use Doyne who is the solid CA Rules of the Court CRC/Violator and total fraud as their number one referral source and lecturer to our judges and lawyers. I find this to be quite frustrating and is clearly building more anger in our county and our families…. Are you going to do anything here?
    Thank You..
    Emad Tadros MD

    —– Forwarded Message —–
    From: “Emad Tadros”
    To: “Saskia Kim”
    Cc: “cole”
    Sent: Friday, May 21, 2010 3:13:29 PM GMT -08:00 US/Canada Pacific
    Subject: Fwd: [email protected]

    Dear Senator Kim Saskia:

    My name is Emad Tadros, MD, Diplomate American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology. Your email was sent to me from my previous attorney, Mr. Michael Aguirre who used to be the San Diego City Attorney for many years. I accidentally found your email and discovered that I totally forgot to send my requests to you.

    Mr. Aguirre was handling my case as a plaintiff before the San Diego Superior Court accusing Court officials of Fraud. Mr. Aguirre and I both mutually gave up on his further involvement as long as my case stays in San Diego county Courts. Mr gruirre concluded that a BROAD San Diego formal investigation of our county courts would reveal fraudulent and illegal utilization of state funding by our County Courts.

    We have discovered that San Diego county Superior Court had undertaken unusual and unprofessional steps for the last nine years would mount to serious State and Federal Felony Tax Evasion. Please investigate and I attached My Internal Revenue Service Letters for your convenience.

    Emad Tadros, MD
    San Diego
    [email protected]
    office 619-291-4808
    cell: 858-775-2122

    Attorney Cole Stuart
    “cole” ;

    —– Forwarded Message —–
    From: “michael aguirre”
    To: [email protected]
    Sent: Tuesday, December 22, 2009 4:13:21 PM GMT -08:00 US/Canada Pacific
    Subject: [email protected]

    Michael J. Aguirre

    Aguirre, Morris & Severson

    444 West C Street, Suite 210

    San Diego, CA 92129

    (619) 876-5364

    [email protected]

  20. California Coalition for Families and Children/CCFC
    December 18th, 2010 at 20:21 | #22

    —– Forwarded Message —–
    From: “Emad Tadros”
    To: “eric”
    Cc: ……………………………………………….
    Sent: Wednesday, September 22, 2010 4:18:41 PM GMT -08:00 US/Canada Pacific
    Subject: Formal email communication to request a Formal Investigation against San Diego Judiciary filed CCFC


    Dear Mr. Pulido:

    We sincerely appreciate your professional approach handling our San Diego matter. While we will try our best to put restraints on our frustrations to your office, we ask your administration to realize the fact that the parties are at immediate harm, and who have been and continue to be at a total loss are the helpless and “silenced” Children.

    For clarification purposes, the court professionals who for decades put legal “duct tape” on the children mouths to make sure never to allow them to vent their frustration and the truth about who those court professional are, have been those same court professionals mostly Minor’s Council and the Illegal 730 Evaluators, sheltered by our judges fostering such behavior! Some of our honorable county judges are also Family Law Lawyers part-time! This is a gross conflict of interest. One of whom has been a total fraud ripping off parents and putting liens on their homes. Yes, this is done by some of the Family law Honorable, whom 33 (out of total 36) are in the habit of not reporting Election Campaign Funds, when in-fact it is the law to report to the public by filing Form 700 and report it in all relevant court hearings.

    Our San Diego CEO Mr. Michael Roddy is well respected and honored to the point he received medals of some judicial and special recognitions. Mr. Roddy was advanced to be one of the most respected executive members of the California Judicial Committee/CJC and this has been the case already for many years. This CJC is the one that is supposed to sincerely listen to the public, act on behalf of the public, and execute CRC as requested, voted and mandated by the Public.

    These CJC Executive members owe us back Honesty, Integrity and Professionalism. As a result Mr. Michael Roddy being one of the CJC Executive members, was the guard on the Hen House, the state of California in general and San Diego specific.

    Mr. Roddy is getting annual salary ~ $185,000.00 and to my understanding with “incentives”, he gets paid around half a million more or less annually. As for donation to him or his office and who donates to him, this remains to be a secret?

    Mr. Roddy has been travelling to San Francisco on a regular basis (average twice a year or so since ~~ 2000). Mr. Roddy noticed, approved and seconded the CRC 5.225 to:

    1- Establish FL 325, 326 (both are serious forms and they both are signed under the penalty of perjury from day one for a reason to protect the Public) and 327 as strongly recommended in each CA county. To our Knowledge every CA county has been compliant in using those forms as strongly recommended by our CJC Executive members except San Diego County Superior Court where Mr. Roddy is actually the Court CEO! Why?

    2- Every year thereafter these forms are more and more appreciated and detailed for a reason. Yet Mr. Roddy would travel regularly, but somehow as soon as Roddy lands in San Diego, he suffers from “Selective Amnesia” as to what was being strongly recommended under the penalty of perjury in his own San Diego County where he sits as Court Executive Officer.

    3- Starting January 2005 these forms, besides being under the penalty of perjury and being more detailed annually, had become MANDATORY and again in every CA County. Yet, Mr. Roddy somehow continues to suffer from this “Selective Amnesia” Process especially when they become Mandatory.

    Was there a reason or financial incentive for the churning caused by the illegal 730 evaluations who were constantly ripping off and committing frauds on the naive trusting parents and their helpless children? These Evaluators in San Diego County alone have been charging upwards of $350 per 45-minutes, or an average of $15,000 per Evaluation. This is grossly excessive.
    Each and every Evaluator is a multimillionaire, drives a $100,000 Mercedes funded by the stolen and illegally seized college funds, at the court order. To our knowledge many of them take months vacations “around the world” and are cleverly fraudulent that you do not really know where they invest their illegally stolen property at?

    Those mostly led by the fraudulent Evaluator (who also illegally take on other roles by chameleon the same parents case, with different professional colors, at the court order, such as Mediator, Supervisor, Therapist, Reunification Therapist, Case Manager, Special Master) are not held accountable for any of their fraudulent billings that continue on a day to day basis. This is a custom to keep ripping off families with fraudulent work hours, fraudulent phone calls and fraudulent contacts. Judges would not move an inch or ever allow the public any chance to formally expose such a fraud! It is a custom not to make any court orders of any inquiry or allow any details ordering such frauds who “IN REFUND” constantly and illegally fund the Judges’ Election Campaign. Why is that?

    Most of our county judges have been sitting there for years and they un-contested with, in the first place? I learned that it is unspoken language to never dare to challenge a judge on his/her re-elction. The statistics are very low to challenge any judge and strongly speak against any judge losing re-election! Therefore , why do our San Diego County judges (FL 327 repeated Violators and passive violators of both FL325 and FL326) still allow parties at different attorney/evaluators’ homes held for their re-election Campaign Funds? Is this called Money Laundry or Bribery, committed by our San Diego County Judiciary?

    In late 2009 I advised Jaqueline Hernandez MFT who was one the captives in the Riverside Family Court(70 miles away from San Diego). She gave due diligence over Roy Bradbury, Phd credentials claimed expertise, being taught by Doyne’s own CLE courses and his verified status as a 730 Custody Evaluator. Ever since, Dr. Bradbury has been under the Credentials Microscope. When he was due to formally file his credentials and expose them to the court as mandated by the CJC, he shot himself committing suicide in a parking lot in Riverside County on 5-21-10. It was discovered that Bradbury never filled out the mandated CJC forms, same as Doyne, since 2003. Also records confirm that Bradbury actually never fulfilled the legally required CLE hours, to start with. Clearly such unchecked Bogus Credentials taught by Doyne were ripping off and controlling thousands of families. This is totally expected when CRC were violated. This is FRAUD! Fraud by Mr. Michael Roddy, fraud by the Evaluators!


    We are not just parents who have been violated. We are speaking on the behalf of many intentionally kept silent suffering children. For that, we have been spending much time and finances uncovering every deceptive and fraudulent Court-Professional who dares to mess up with the Children. Seeking immunity and shelter behind the judges’ robes and granting it to those violators, have been the bread and butter practice, fostering Fraud in the name of Justice in our San Diego County.

    As long as I refused to keep quiet and or settle earlier with the Fraud Doyne, I am now ordered to pay the Fraudulent Doyne $80,000 in Attorney fees by the Honorable Bloom who makes sure to hold on to the case personally and never let it take a breath out of our corrupt San Diego county, FOR A REASON. The order to pay the “clear as the sun” Fraudulent Doyne $80,000 is nothing more than “Spread the Fear and Terror” in the hearts and minds of San Diego County parents who dare to speak up and uncover the San Diego Superior and Family Court Chronic Judicial Fraud.

    So far, we have been stopping at nothing. We sincerely thank you and your office for taking us seriously. We are sincerely hoping that you would help us to stop at your office and go no further.

    Emad Tadros, MD
    Diplomate American Board of Psyhciatry and Neurology
    California Coalition for Families and Children/CCFC

    Attached Hereto is my Petition for Writ of Mandate, to Recuse Judge Bloom in Tadros V. Doyne.
    Due to email limitations, Petition by the 92 members of the public to Recuse judge Bloom off Tadros V. Doyne filed by the public and filing with the State Supreme Court to recuse judge bloom will be follow on another email.
    Thank you again for your patience and professionalism with us.

    —– Original Message —–
    From: “Eric Pulido”
    To: “Emad Tadros”
    Cc: “Equalparenting” , “cole” , “Eileen Lasher” , “Maureen Miller”
    Sent: Tuesday, September 21, 2010 4:46:54 PM GMT -08:00 US/Canada Pacific
    Subject: RE: Emad Tadros Reply Brief from CCFC

    Dr. Tadros,

    At this time, today, I am in receipt of four messages with attachments from you with timestamps of 3:27p, 3:31p, 3:39p, and 3:40p.

    I am still reviewing all the documentation that both you and Mr. Siegfried provided on Friday. As you know the volume of those submissions is also very high. I am reviewing the information on a first-in-first out basis.

    At the suggestion of Mr. Siegfried, I am carefully reviewing the documents. In addition to a full workload before your group’s complaints and the high volume of documents submitted so far by members of your group, it will take me some time to get through the information submitted so far. This office is not staffed to handle this volume so I respectfully request your patience and consideration.

    You and your colleagues will receive acknowledgement letters soon. You and others in your group have stated your individual and collective frustration. Considering this, I implore you and others not to misinterpret the language in the letter as my office ignoring your complaints. Due to the sensitive nature of any complaint process not much information is provided.

    The information submitted thus far will be reviewed and if needed further contact will be made. You are still welcome to submit more information; I do want you and your colleagues to be aware it is taking time to get through the information.

    Eric Pulido
    Supervising Internal Auditor
    Internal Audit Services
    Judicial Council of California – Administrative Office of the Courts
    455 Golden Gate Avenue
    San Francisco, CA 94102-3688
    415-865-8030, Fax 415-865-4331, [email protected]

    “Serving the courts for the benefit of all Californians”

    —–Original Message—–.
    From: Emad Tadros [mailto:[email protected]]
    Sent: Tuesday, September 21, 2010 3:40 PM
    To: Pulido, Eric
    Cc: Equalparenting; cole; Eileen Lasher; Maureen Miller
    Subject: Fwd: Emad Tadros Reply Brief from CCFC


    Dear Mr. Pulido:

    I appreciate you looking into this serious Public matter. Please take a note of this PUBLIC document (Reply Brief to change Venu filed for 6-11 hearing that never took place) as a part of my formal complaint against what appears to clearly corrupt and unprofessional San Diego Superior Court. This document among many serious concerns outlines the flat outright violation of CRC since 2001 and that only 3 out of 26 judges reported election campaign funds in San Diego County.

    Please let me know that if you do not consider this as a formal document without my signature. I will be glad to sign the last page and send it to you.

    We at California Coalition for Families and Children/CCFC appreciate your candor and professionalism approaching this serious matter. Please maintain this email for your records.
    Emad Tadros, MD
    Cofounder California Coalition for Families and Children
    CC: Some Members of CCFC.

    CONFIDENTIALITY NOTE: The information transmitted in this e-mail message is intended to be confidential and for the use of only the individual or entity named above. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that you are in possession of privileged information, also, you are hereby notified that any retention, dissemination, distribution or copy of this e-mail message is strictly prohibited. If you have received this e-mail in error, immediately notify us via return e-mail at the address above, & discard, remove, delete, & destroy any trace of it.

  21. Emad Tadros MD
    January 22nd, 2011 at 19:30 | #23

    This is my Clarification to the nationwide phone inquiries in regards to the “Authentic-Psychology-Specialty Board”? Please note that we only mention the facts and not opinions.

    The Facts Are:

    The American Academy of Forensic Psychology/AAFP is the one and only legitimate / well respected Forensic Psychology Board. It is the Forensic Sub-specialty branch of the APA: The American Board of Professional Psychology or ABPP. There are a total of 11 sub-specialty ABPP Boards. Each one of them is a well respected psychology subspecialty board recognized by the APA/American Psychological Association as opposed to the counterfeit APA/American Psychotherapy Association that is owned by Robert O’Block.

    Why did O’Block recreate the same “APA-sounding” name?

    Mr. O’Block created a counterfeit APA, (using the same APA initials) as the real APA: as if to convey his entire sham organization as the real APA, and justifying it by calling it the American Psychotherapy Association?

    It is layman’s language to state the APA or AMA or FDA etc. and one rarely states the full three words.

    Would that fit the definition of Fraud?

    The naïve public is victimized and deceived by such counterfeit APA Wall Plaques that appear from a distance to be the real thing (read with the APA in big letters) but the actual words underneath and their meaning need a magnifying lens to tell the difference.

    It is obviously clever that Mr. O’block created a name that sounds exactly the same as the real APA. O’Block’s “sleigh-of-hand” is cleverly crafted counterfeiting of the APA’s name. If you happen to inquire from his phony certificate purchasers as to whether or not their certificate was authorized by the APA, the answer would be “Yes”: Thus confusing and defrauding the naïve public.

    Please review the Real Diplomate Directory dated 9-26-06 under, where it says 0 Dilpomate under the American Academy of Forensic Psychology/AAFP for Stephen Doyne.



    [email protected]

  22. Filth-Buster
    October 16th, 2011 at 05:20 | #24

    “Occupy NY”?
    “Occupy San Diego”?
    “Occupy Rome”?

    Even the uproars in Italy these past few days will pale in comparison to –


    There aren’t nearly enough deputies or national guardsmen to keep the peace for that.


  23. October 5th, 2013 at 12:28 | #25

    WARNING! Stepen Doyne, Lori Love, Love and Alvarez, sued for fedeal criminal racketeering, fraud, abuse of process and his family court clients in United States District Court, Southern District of California, Case No. 13cv1944 CAB BLM. Google ccfc v. sdcba (California Coalition for Families and Children v. San Diego County Bar Association). More details at

  24. October 5th, 2013 at 19:04 | #26

    A Comment on Reviews of Marilyn Bierer and Bierer and Associates on–We’ve detected significant manipulation of Marilyn Bierer’s reviews on Yelp. Marilyn and/or Bierer and Associates are reviewing themselves and petitioning to eliminate unfavorable reviews. If you go to Marilyn Bierer on and search for “Marilyn Bierer” or “Bierer and Associates” you’ll see that Bierer has only one review–but click on the “filtered” tab and you can see that Yelp has blocked numerous reviews. Some are genuine negative reviews (several by me about the lawsuit identified in the previous post). But Yelp has also blocked a number of fraudulent positive reviews by Bierer and/or her colleagues and friends.

    In other words, Marilyn Bierer is posting fraudulent reviews on Yelp about her practice. That should speak volumes if you’re in the market for legal services in a divorce. If your’e still foolish enough to consider using a lawyer who operates in such a way, there’s even more bad news for Marilyn–she’s facing criminal racketeering charges in US District Court in the CCFC v. SDCBA lawsuit ( for press release).

    The only case Marilyn Bierer will be focusing on in the foreseeable future is her own–bankruptcy’s a given. If she’s lucky she’ll avoid prison. But not if we have anything to do with it.

    Good luck San Diego–avoid these divorce industry scum–they’ll just as soon eat you as whomever you hire them to eat. Much healthier alternatives are available and free; Lighthouse Psychological Services is an excellent faith-based service; UpToParents is a free online provider and educator, and TransParenting is an outstanding program.

  1. October 23rd, 2010 at 10:25 | #1
  2. November 23rd, 2010 at 05:19 | #2
  3. December 14th, 2010 at 01:18 | #3
  4. March 18th, 2011 at 03:25 | #4
  5. December 8th, 2013 at 03:09 | #5
  6. June 21st, 2014 at 16:38 | #6

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