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Our Name
Our writers have a diverse set of interests. We thought about what they all had in common. Family, children, physical and mental health, marriage, divorce, experiences with dealing with improper government, child abuse, etc. — all of them are matters that deeply affect the emotions and heart and are part of the “Bittersweet Symphony” of life.
People often remark that something is “heartfelt” if it affects the emotions. So we thought of words and word fragments that had something to do with the heart, and found that a lot of medical terms use “angi” or “angio” as prefixes on words that have to do with the cardiovascular system of which the heart is a part. As a result, we paired “angi” with “e-media” to get “angiemedia”.
We sincerely thank you for taking the time to visit our website and hope that the information and resources we provide are useful and beneficial to you.
Contact Us
email: info [at] angiemedia.com
(Please interpret the [at] as a @ — we just list it this way to reduce web site scraping of email addresses being used for spamming.)
Our Focus
Government has declared a covert war on human rights and families to build dependencies, gain votes, suppress opposition, and extract money. We aim to educate and inform our readers on the problems and events occurring across the United States and in many other nations in which the covert war is in full force. In the process, we hope that some can escape the worst consequences of the cruel and inhumane behaviors of modern fascist governments.
Governments uses agencies such as the family courts and Child Protective Services to pit parents against each other in desparate battles to keep in contact with their kids. They do this to extort and defraud parents out of their income and assets, funneling the money to divorce and child abuse industry “experts” who mostly function as instigators and enablers of conflict, not healers.
Mental illness is a frequent feature in these battles, both as a contributing factor to initiating and continuing conflicts and as an enduring result. Personality disordered individuals often suffered child abuse and in turn become abusers, attacking their partners or former partners often in secret behind closed doors for years or decades. This often leads to devastating divorces featuring false allegations, false imprisonment, unconstitutional violations of civil and human rights, and fraud and theft that benefit almost nobody but the government and its agents and friends. The children of such families are abused and crippled by the conflicts and malicious government interference, leading to more generations of conflicts that will further increase the population’s subservience to the government.
Families are also suffering from the abuses encouraged by the US FDA against the public. The US FDA has a major influence on healthcare around the world, not just in the United States, by effectively controlling the pricing and availability of medical treatments as the US is the world’s biggest market for healthcare. Preventing safe and inexpensive treatments from coming to market is one of this agency’s missions. By doing so, it can extract billions in fees from big pharmaceutical companies while driving up the cost of healthcare that attains less than mediocre health benefits. This ensures that there will be a plentiful supply of chronically ill people dependent upon big pharma’s exorbinantly priced products laced with deadly side effects. They are the cash cows of big pharma and the FDA. People’s suffering is the milk which makes the FDA and big pharma beasts grow ever more powerful. But educated consumers can often obtain simple, inexpensive, and effective dietary supplements that can help with a range of health problems from depression and anxiety caused by the family courts to obesity and diabetes caused by the cheap but toxic foods the FDA and other government agencies ensure nearly all of us will eat.
Many other actors, from politicians to judges to police, involve themselves in the war on families and human rights. Police are quick to arrest and harass people who dare expose their crimes, often using anti-accountability laws like those that make recording a police officer beating or killing an innocent person into a crime itself. Judges are intent on shutting up anybody who might expose their corruption to public view as it would endanger not only their jobs and incomes, but also those of their many friends. Politicians refuse to reign in the government to stop the abuses because they generally profit from every family destroyed, every person imprisoned, and every political opponent silenced.
This dire set of disasters will continue so long as the people do not learn of it and how they are being abused for profits and power. We intend to help spread the knowledge needed to turn the tide in this war to the people’s favor.
Use of Our Content (Reposting and Quoting)
Our website includes copyrighted content written by our authors that has taken countless hours of research, writing, and editing to provide to our readers.
We ask that if you repost our content, please try to selectively quote the portions that you need and include a link back to the original article. You will see we have used this technique in many of our articles when we quote from other websites.
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Rates are negotiable. Please contact us at info.angiemedia [at] gmail.com for further discussion.
(Please interpret the [at] as a @ — we just list it this way to reduce web site scraping of email addresses being used for spamming.)
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This site contains features that allow the posting of public comments. In the future, it may offer chat rooms, forums, message boards and /or news groups available to its users. Please remember that any information that is disclosed in these areas becomes public information. You should exercise caution when deciding to disclose your personal information.
In particular, some of our content may be seen by certain mentally ill individuals and corrupt or abusive government officials and their friends as threatening or adversarial. If you discuss your own experiences with such individuals and they read it, you may be attacked as a result. Such attacks may include physical assault, false police reports, parental alienation campaigns, and unwarranted legal actions designed to harm you. Therefore we’d suggest you don’t identify the hostile and/or mentally ill people in your life and find ways to discuss your problems involving them that protect their identities and your identity, also. This is as much for your protection as theirs.
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