False Child Porn Persecution: The Child Custody Scenario

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October 27th, 2009 Leave a comment Go to comments

Do you ever have guests in your home? Not to be antisocial, but your guests could inadvertently help land you in a heap of trouble, even if they do nothing illegal or immoral and have no ill intentions towards you. That’s because of America’s blatant disregard for its Constitution. If this doesn’t make sense to you, read on because you need to know about this threat to your family, your freedom, and even your life.

Let’s say you had an out-of-town relative staying with you for a medical conference in your city. He’s a dermatologist and was in your home in June 2005 and used your computer to finish preparing his speech because his laptop computer broke. No big deal. In fact it is so minor, you don’t even remember it.

Fast-forward to April 2008. Like many selfish child-abusing parties in divorces, your ex started a parental alienation campaign against you. She’s emotionally explosive, controlling, and expertly falsely portrays herself as a victim to gain the support of others. She gets them to give her money to pay for her court battles, lie about you, and even threaten you. Maybe she has Borderline Personality Disorder or Narcissistic Personality Disorder and is running a distortion campaign to ruin your life. Maybe she is just an evil person. Regardless, you are going to suffer. She’ll make sure of it. That she and her buddies will hurt your children doesn’t matter to her as like many sociopaths, she thinks of them as her property, not as individuals with rights including the rights to have a father in their lives and to not be subjected to unwarranted intrusive and traumatic medical exams and interrogations by creepy strangers.

In your case, your psycho ex starts with the usual physical child abuse allegations that get you investigated repeatedly by CPS. They find nothing except for a father who is terrified of them, something of which they are happy because it motivates you to try to avoid them and their harassment and they will increasingly spin that as you are being uncooperative in preparation for what they will do soon. They know what is coming next as they are a part of it on a daily basis.

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Nuclear Option: Escalation to False Child Sexual Abuse & Porn Allegations

Four months and three baseless CPS child abuse investigations into the divorce, your ex-wife manages to brainwash one of your three children into making false allegations of sexual abuse and pornography against you to a CPS social worker.

“Daddy took pictures of me with no clothes on,” your five year old daughter tells the CPS worker. Technically it’s true, but it is also distorted. She was running around the house while wearing a bath towel (not clothes) and smiling cutely while making her rubber ducky “quack” loudly. What parent wouldn’t think that was cute and might want a photo of it? From our story In US, Baby Bath Pictures Yield Living Hell for Family, you may know just how dangerous such common photos can be when the government gets involved.

“I’ve seen him naked in the shower,” she reports. Again, true but distorted. Her mother asked her to barge in on you in the bathroom and she did so, even though you had locked the door. Her mother taught her to open doors with a screwdriver in the lock and told her that surprising daddy would make him laugh. Now you’re being portrayed as a pervert because of it.

Her mother claims your daughter has also been reporting genital penetration, watching pornographic movies with you, and other bizarre claims. That none of these happened, your daughter and other children don’t confirm any of them, there is no physical evidence despite a medical exam, and you don’t have any pornographic movies in your home doesn’t matter to CPS. They now have many “reasons” to “provide services” to your family and a written record of your “uncooperative” behavior from past baseless investigations. In their sick sexist minds, you must be a criminally abusive pervert. After all, you are a man, and like most CPS social workers they are women. It’s gender warfare and they have the upper hand because they work for the government, a government that habitually and aggressively ruins the lives of the falsely accused and their children. They can define you as a “pervert” because you have a “penis” and by golly since the first two letters are same, that’s good enough for government work.

Family law attorneys often call this behavior of false sexual abuse allegations “the nuclear option” in child custody battles. It doesn’t matter that it is not true nor justified, it will destroy the target’s life and almost certainly ensure a period of sole custody for the accuser that can last weeks to years. Generally even when the abusive parent who uses such dirty games is shown to be a liar, she (or sometimes he) is never punished for it. That it results in emotional abuse of the children by the abusive parent and abusive government is whitewashed with the “it was necessary for the investigation” drivel spouted by these abusers. The severe harassment and sometimes job loss, false imprisonment, bankruptcy, and even suicide of the falsely accused parent is treated with little concern by the government and courts.

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Lying is Rewarded by Family Law Courts and CPS

Family law courts stay busy in part because many litigants lie and perjure to get their way in their pursuit of “punishing” an ex-spouse and obtaining sole custody of children, regardless of how that will hurt the children. If nobody lied and perjured, family law judges might be worried for their jobs. It’s self-serving of them to not punish perjury. Instead, they often claim that it would be “too much work” to hold dishonest litigants responsible for perjury and false accusations. Then they proceed to reward the liars with increased custody, influencing them to lie even more.

Judges prefer the near certainty of violating the Constitution, needlessly abusing and traumatizing children, and persecuting and traumatizing a parent wrongly. In their perverted “politics over justice” minds, this is infinitely preferable over the slight chance of maybe exposing a child to further harm at the hands of somebody who has probably been falsely accused and for whom not a shred of evidence of wrong-doing has been shown to the court. They think this is the way voters see it, too, because voters keep re-electing these abusive judges who believe that accused parents are guilty and cannot really ever be proven innocent.

CPS social workers like liars, too. Partly it is because they have learned lying helps them justify their abusive actions. Perhaps it is also because they spend considerable time admiring liars in the mirror each day while they are brushing their teeth. Liars help ensure CPS job security. Lying is rewarded by CPS management as they know it helps gain US federal government Title IV-D funding for their agencies. Competent objective investigations of CPS agencies tend to reveal they are among the worst offenders in the government for lying, abuse of civil rights, and abuse of children. Such investigations are so compellingly disturbing that the investigators have urged state governments to strip CPS social workers of immunity and subject them to criminal prosecution and civil liability for their conduct, as has been discussed in articles such as San Diego County Grand Jury Letter Regarding CPS Abuses.

CPS Child Seizure

Now that you’ve been identified as an abusive pervert with a track record of problems with CPS, CPS sends a social worker to take your children. She shows up with four police officers in two squad cars in tow. They demand you to hand over your kids immediately. You ask for the court orders and what this is about. The abusive CPS social worker says you have been accused of child abuse and they don’t need any court orders to take your children. You proceed to state this is ridiculous, they can’t enter your home without a warrant, and that it is a violation of the US Constitution Fourth Amendment protections against unreasonable search and seizure. At this point, the social worker tells you that you are being uncooperative again and this will count against you. She motions to the cops who then draw their guns and step forward. They tell you that if you continue to resist the CPS and police and endanger the children, they will shoot you. They aim their handguns and shotguns at you to make a point. Your screaming children are taken from you while you are being held at gunpoint by the police. They drive off with the children screaming “Daddy, don’t let them take us!” with the neighbors all staring at you like you are a monster.

CPS: Nazi Gestapo Reincarnated

Anybody who has spent much time around family law courts and seen what CPS does to families is aware of the comparison to the Nazi Gestapo. It’s really a far more accurate comparison than you might think. The following is a quote from Wikipedia’s coverage on the Gestapo:

As historian Robert Gellately’s analysis of the local offices established, the Gestapo was for the most part made up of bureaucrats and clerical workers who depended upon denunciations by ordinary Germans for their information. Indeed, the Gestapo was overwhelmed with denunciations and spent most of its time sorting out the credible from the less credible denunciations. Far from being an all-powerful agency that knew everything about what was happening in German society, the local offices were understaffed and overworked, struggling with the paper load caused by so many denunciations. The ratio of Gestapo officers to the population of the areas they were responsible for was extremely low; for example, for Lower Franconia, with a population of about one million in the 1930s, there was only one Gestapo office with 28 staff, half of whom were clerical workers.

Furthermore, for information about what was happening in German society, the Gestapo were mostly dependent upon these denunciations. 80% of all Gestapo investigations were started in response to information provided by denunciations by “ordinary” Germans; while 10% were started in response in to information provided by other branches of the German government and another 10% started in response to information that the Gestapo itself unearthed.

Thus, it was ordinary Germans by their willingness to denounce one another who supplied the Gestapo with the information that determined whom the Gestapo arrested. The popular picture of the Gestapo with its spies everywhere terrorizing German society has been firmly rejected by most historians as a myth invented after the war as a cover for German society’s widespread complicity in allowing the Gestapo to work. Work done by social historians such as Detlev Peukert, Robert Gellately, Reinhard Mann, Inge Marssolek, René Otto, Klaus-Michael Mallamann and Paul Gerhard, which by focusing on what the local offices were doing has shown the Gestapo’s almost total dependence on denunciations from ordinary Germans, and very much discredited the older “Big Brother” picture with the Gestapo having its eyes and ears everywhere.

If you were to change a few words here and there to focus on CPS agencies and reports from vile alienating parents and the “mandatory reporters” that these people often manipulate to file unwarranted and harassing CPS reports, you would see that CPS operates very much like the Gestapo. CPS constantly complains about being “understaffed” and “underfunded” and their social workers whine about their case loads. They depend upon others to pick out targets to persecute and if those targets are not part of a reviled class (Jews for the Gestapo, men for CPS) then they will take longer to be attacked pending further denunciations. When they need more muscle, they call the SS, ahem, police, to bring guns and tasers to threaten their victims into “voluntary” compliance or to physically attack and subdue them otherwise.

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Police Search Warrant Raid

As you’re frantically trying to get in touch with your family law attorney after the Gestapo and SS took your children, half an hour later more cops arrive with a search warrant and are banging on your door yelling and screaming “police! open up now or we’ll break the door down!” They hold you at gun point again, this time while they handcuff you and start looting your house. When you ask to see the search warrant, again they complain that you are resisting and if you continue, they will arrest you. Half an hour later, they take the handcuffs off and tell you to go sit outside on your porch and not move. Three hours later, after all your neighbors are wondering what is going on and what a horrible person you must be, they finally exit your home and tell you that you can re-enter the trashed out remains of where you lived. In the meantime, they have carted off your desktop and laptop computer plus your camera, camcorder, cell phone, and virtually all your personal records, family photo albums, videotapes, DVDs, CDs, and anything else they wanted to take. They may have even gotten hungry and eaten your snack food while they were at it.

They leave you a copy of the search warrant and an inventory list of what they supposedly took. It is very sloppy and doesn’t detail much of anything, often referring to vague descriptions such as “box of papers on first floor” and “pile of videos by TV”. That’s intentional. They want to be able to add whatever evidence they may fabricate to persecute you and then claim the evidence was found during the search.

You notice that the cops took lots of things that are not even listed on the search warrant. Cops take things that are not on search warrants all the time. If you try to stop them, even simply by pointing out their violations, you may be arrested and/or assaulted for doing so. If you try to claim they didn’t show you the search warrant, they will lie and say whatever it takes to hold up their criminal actions as lawful.

Family Court Violates Your Rights

Your computers end up at a “crime lab” where it will take several months for them to get around to looking at the contents because politically your case doesn’t matter much compared to the murders, arsons, and bank robberies put at higher priority. In the meantime, you are banned from seeing your children at all until you can get a family law court hearing.

That happens about six weeks later at which the judge says you are only allowed supervised visitation which will cost you $5000 per month for ten hours per week with your kids being watched and videotaped by strangers. Your family law attorney protests that there was no legally required CPS detention hearing and there is no proof of any wrongdoing by you. The family court judge says he doesn’t care, the case is not in juvenile court. He will only allow supervised contact until the “investigation” is complete.

This adds all the more reason for the police to drag out the “investigation” as long as possible. Even if they can find no evidence to support the false accusations, they have already seriously harmed you and driven a wedge into your relationship with your children. These are both forms of punishment from their perspective, and they fancy themselves as judge, jury, and executioner.

The police will also probably list you in a child abuse database that is accessible to employers and other law enforcement agencies, thus potentially costing you your job if you do any work with children or elderly people and making you embarrassed to even show your face in public even if you don’t. That you haven’t been convicted of anything and the database is unconstitutional and has been ordered to be shut down by the Supreme Court doesn’t matter, they will do it anyway. They are the SS, alive and well in the United States of America.

Your family law attorney tells you that you should use all 10 hours per week of supervised visitation. You protest that paying $50 per hour to see your kids is outrageous. You only make $6000 per month after taxes and $1000 per month after visitation expenses leaves you with not enough money for your rent and food let alone any other living expenses. He tells you that you’re getting a break on the rate, many other parents are paying even $80 or $100 per hour for supervised visitations. The rate is determined by the “take your entire income policy” of the visitation center by which they try to subsidize the poor bastards like you with the higher charges assessed to people who make more, on up to the $100 per hour assessed to the “rich people” making $100,000 or more per year. Your attorney tells you that if don’t spend that money, your ex will portray you as an uncaring father who values money over the children. You now must max out your credit cards and when they run out in few months, then raid your retirement savings and the college savings for the children. You’ll probably be bankrupt before this is all over, even though you have done nothing wrong.

That your children will be deprived of a college education is an unspoken part of the government’s plan for your family. People with college educations might earn enough to be able to fight these kinds of government atrocities. The government would vastly prefer that you have ignorant, miserable, traumatized children who become depressed and turn to substance abuse so that they can be government dependents that will justify further “family services” for them and their future children. To CPS social workers, children are not people, children are government meal tickets.

(from False Allegations Of Abuse In Divorce)

David Blankenhorn gives statistics of fatherless children. He states that forty percent of American children will live apart from their fathers sometime before they are 18. He also says that drugs, child and adult abuse, poverty, teen pregnancy, gangs, crime and growing prison population are all driven by the separation of fathers from their children. He states, “A man can communicate to his son how to be a good man. The best mother in the world can’t do that.”

“Children who are deprived of their natural fathers, compared to children in two-parent families, are more likely to go to prison by eight times, to commit suicide by 5 times, to have behavioral problems by 20 times, to become rapists by 20 times, to run away by 32 times to abuse chemical substances by 10 times, to drop out of high school by 9 times, to be seriously abused by 33 times, to be fatally abused by 73 times and to have a 44 percent higher mortality rate.”

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Finding “Evidence” Against You

On the desktop computer, the crime lab search finds that there are pictures of naked children’s genitalia in the thumbs.db file which is an image cache maintained automatically by the operating system. Windows XP, Vista, and Windows 7 all do this to help the computer user browse through directories of photographs and documents. Microsoft’s Internet Explorer and other web browsers also may insert thumbnail images into image cache files in their attempts to be helpful. The government can’t find the original files, just the thumbnails. But they view this as proof you have accessed and viewed child pornography. A month later, you find yourself charged with accessing, viewing, and possessing child pornography even though you have never looked at any such material.

This is years after your relative visited. You don’t even remember that somebody else used your computer. While the government should have to prove that you are the one who did this, actual practice is that they don’t have to prove it at all. There is no “reasonable doubt” for an accused child pornographer / sexual abuser like you.

Your “Dirty” Relative Did It?

What happened? Is your relative a pervert? Was he viewing porn on your computer?

No, actually he was preparing a paper on differentiating child abuse injuries from common childhood skin conditions and infections. He wanted to show the differences between conditions such as Mongolian spots (common on many children, but often unfamiliar to Caucasians), typical childhood bruises, and abusive bruises. He also wanted to show differences between scalding injuries and diaper rashes. He accessed publicly accessible web sites at universities where he and his colleagues work to retrieve some photos he needed that had been on his computer for his presentation but were unavailable because it broke. He stored them on a USB flash drive. Your computer obligingly inserted thumbnail images of these pictures into its image cache, completely unbeknownst to him and you. You wouldn’t be far wrong to say that Microsoft Windows has helped destroy your life.

Take a look at the Johns Hopkins University Dermatology Atlas for an example of one of these sites. There are many others like these used by medical professionals, concerned parents of injured or sick children, adult patients, and others who have legal reasons to be using them. A few minutes using the search function and you can find hundreds of pictures of naked kids with skin infections, burns, and other problems ranging from minor to grotesque. Are these child pornography? Not by any legal definition. Furthermore, this is Johns Hopkins University. Do you really think they would publish child pornography? What about the University of Iowa, Dr. Sears, or WebMD? They all have naked children images of medical conditions on their web sites. Many children’s hospitals and medical clinics do, also.

But if these legal images show up in the image cache on your computer and you have no idea what is going on, do you think the scum cops are going to tell you how to defend yourself? No, they are going to persecute you and try to distort all of it into false claims that you are a criminal sex pervert who is a danger to society and should be locked up. Even if they were to recognize the images, they won’t tell you. Their goal is not to enforce the law, it is to ruin people’s lives to get promotions for themselves.

If you think the prosecutor assigned to ruin your life is going to “let you off” because he knows the case is weak, think again. Prosecutorial misconduct in which prosecutors withhold important information from the defense is routine and seldom ever punished. Read about how the police and DA did this to a falsely accused police officer under attack by his ex-wife and her police sergeant lover in the case of Clyde Ray Spencer in our article Father Imprisoned 20 Years on Fake Child Sex Abuse Charges. Or see how the Santa Clara County, California, “law enforcement” system has done this numerous people on false sex abuse charges by hiding evidence of medical exams that show there was no abuse in our article Santa Clara County False Child Sex Abuse Scandal.

Persecuting Demonized Citizens is Politically Expedient

You didn’t break any laws, and neither did your relative. The only people who broke the laws are the government scum who are persecuting you and abusing your children at your ex-wife’s demand and your ex who files false police and CPS reports and lies in court. Your life is ruined, your children may never get to see you outside of supervised visitation again, and you likely will be blacklisted on a sex offender list and spend years in prison.

If you think this nightmare is unjust, you’re right. But if you think it is not common, you’d be wrong.

This is how “justice” in America and many other supposedly “free” nations like UK, Canada, and Australia works today, especially for fathers and men. While female victims do get caught in this sick system, mothers are usually treated likes whites and men like black slaves in the rascist 1800’s Confederate States of America. It’s not far different than the unconstitutional Jim Crow laws and illegal lynching of African-Americans based upon accusations. Unlike those atrocities, it is still politically and culturally acceptable today. Ironically, a lot of false blame is still tarred and feathered on African-American men, only this time they are viewed as being subhuman for being accused sex criminals who don’t have the money to defend themselves from false accusations rather than just having a darker skin color.

Just like lynching has been supported by intolerant hate groups including Democrats (they opposed legislation against lynching!), Nazis, and the Ku Klux Klan to support their political agendas of the day, sexist unconstitutional laws are also supported for political reasons today. Democrats support sexist laws that violate civil and human rights and the US Constitution because their constituencies include murderous feminists and their corrupt National Organization of Women who are pleased with anything that hurts men despite how it is illegal, morally and ethically wrong, and hurts children, too.

You may be proud of American ideals of freedom. I am too. But you would be a fool to be proud of the United States today. This nation has followed self-serving vicious politicians who have shamefully abandoned its principals and ideals and shacked up with murderous criminal organizations that violate human rights and spout hate. Together they have spawned reams of unconstitutional laws and armies of vicious government employees bent on persecuting anybody who stands in the way of their brand of evil domination by false accusations, destruction of families, and child abuse.

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Further Reading

Unsecured Wireless Networks Risk Being Framed for Crimes

FBI Child Pornographers Persecute Innocent Citizens?

Gun Collection + Malicious Mom + Government = Life in Ruins

In US, Baby Bath Pictures Yield Living Hell for Family

Father Imprisoned 20 Years on Fake Child Sex Abuse Charges

Teach Your Children: Government is Dangerous to Their Lives

Defending Against False Child Sexual Abuse Allegations (Part 1)

How to Win Custody by Framing Your Ex for Child Sexual Abuse

Republicans Fail to Offer Family-Friendly Policy Choices

Man Falsely Convicted of Child Sexual Abuse Awarded $2 Million from New York State

Santa Clara County False Child Sex Abuse Scandal

False Sexual Abuse Allegations in Child Custody Disputes

BPD Distortion Campaigns

Child Abuse Database Is Unconstitutional

Innocent Parents Sue Over Placement on Child Abuser Database

False Allegations Of Abuse In Divorce

The S.A.I.D. Victim (Sexual Allegations In Divorce)

Vista Thumbnail Cache

Led By The Mouse To Shame: How Child Pornography Could Find Its Way To Your Computer

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  1. SCOTT A.
    February 7th, 2010 at 11:53 | #1


  2. Manda
    April 30th, 2010 at 06:37 | #2

    My boyfriend was accused by his ex-wife of having child porn. She admitted that dozens of people could have put it there, including her convicted pedophile nephew, but that when she found it, she told it was my boyfriend’s. They were married at the time. She turned it in MONTHS later, after their separation and now he is in jail for NOTHING. Heck, if you knew that was there, would you leave it if you were getting a divorce? He has an 8th grade education because he went to work to take care of his single mother. He did not know that trash was there. IF anyone knows how I can help him get home, please contact me @ [email protected]. I found an attorney, but I cannot find the $$ to pay him right now. Who has $25,000 sitting around to pay an attorney to prove your innocence? Those who do, are not in jail, I guess. Please help if you can.

  3. Egerium
    July 1st, 2010 at 18:01 | #3

    This is happening to me now. What is scary is that the “children’s justice center” seems to be acting like they are running a medieval inquisition – with the help of some unscrupulous police tactics. There is even some yahoo that every time I appear in court, to try to see my kids which are being stolen from me, keeps whispering, “We think he has major psychological problems.” This ludicrous assumption is really become frustrating to me as I would like to turn around remind this person that: 1. I can hear you! 2. You don’t know me and your thoughts are a conjecture! 3. My psychologist already has said I have no problems.

    However, I can not do any of that without running the risk of angering the court. So I feel derided and pigeon holed because somebody makes a conjecture based on false charges brought about by angry wife. Worse is that these people in their zealots zeal is doing more damage to family than anybody else ever has – worse it is legal for them to do it and seemingly ignore events.

    The following is a brief chain of events so that you will be able to understand what is happening:

    o January 08, 2010 – I finished a 303 page Instant Message outlining that my wife had been cheating on me since 2007 and that when she left the boys and I in 2008 she went off to Finland to be with her lover there.

    o January 09, 2010 – She overheard me on the phone talking to my friend on the phone about the discovery and my visit to the doctors to get checked-up. She verbally threatened me and began acting violent. I told her that I needed to think about divorce. I decided to talk about it after my son’s birthday.

    o January 21, 2010 – My Son’s Birthday

    o January 30, 2010 – We speak about divorce, she threatens that I will pay this time. I tell her if she plans on taking the kids away then I would use the Instant Message in court. I told her that I wanted it to be a peaceful divorce and we would visit a lawyer after my business trip to San Antonio.

    o February 07, 2010 – I leave to San Antonio for a Sexual Assault Victims Advocate Course “I was selected from the women in my company as the person they most trusted to come to in case of emergencies.” (the irony of it all)

    o February 10, 2010 – I come home and I was arrested in front of my house at 8:00pm at night based on the allegations that my wife brought to the police about me being into child porn and being physically abusive, a drug user, the list is lengthy and equally outrageous.

    This whole incident is making me sick. Where is the justice in this? I am being vilified and stuck on a stake because my wife make some abhorent claims and sets me up? My kids suffer by having their father ripped from them because the “CPS” on the whimsical anger of my wife thinks I am a threat.

    This type of injustice needs to stop. Who is there to help people in these situations?

    • July 1st, 2010 at 18:25 | #4

      What you’re describing happens to many fathers, and even some mothers, every year.

      Local governments earn revenue from the US federal government for violating your rights like they are doing. The intent of the funding was to ensure handling of real child abuse cases, but it is often encouraging local governments to treat far too many things as child abuse even without any evidence. That’s because every parent they label as a child abuser and family to which they “provide services” (enforcing “safety plans” on families, taking the kids away from their families and putting them in foster care, etc.) earns them more funds. The US government is a chief instigator and backer of human rights and civil rights violations because of these policies with no mechanism to police the local governments they are paying to abuse families and children.

      Have any charges been brought against you by the DA?

      You might consider filing a defamation and harassment lawsuit against your wife.

      Please see this story Tonya Craft Declares War on Those Who Falsely Accused Her to get some ideas of the legal options available to a teacher who was falsely accused of sexual abuse and was prosecuted for it then found not guilty. She’s suing all the people and government agencies involved now. We hope she wins. Some of what applies to her may also apply to your situation.

  4. May 18th, 2012 at 12:41 | #5

    I have been accused of neglect by CPS, right in the middle of a custody case, wonder if there is any connection, as I have never been accused of anything like before in the 8 years of my daughter’s life. Obvious answer is, of course there is a connection, as they know such a charge is a custody killer, and they have you ever so much by the testes.
    The more awful thing is, the factual basis of the neglect charges are: letting my daughter have sugar-free soda, decaffeinated coffee, bringing her to McDonalds, letting her have chicken Mcnuggets, weighing her on a scale and measuring her height, discussing with her concerns about who she will live with and visits, talking with her about the side-effects she is complaining about of unknown medications her mother is giving her and trying to find out what they are.
    Essentially routine and discretionary parenting.
    It is getting to point of not only false allegations, but true allegations that are not anything like neglect or abuse, yet cast into legal petitions as if they were.
    The petition alone is enough to have prevented me from seeing or being with my daughter for 8 months now. It is the State who is the child parental alienator; not seeing one’s young child for that long is guaranteed to weaken the bonds between them.
    I have a yahoogroup support group for Dads in family court:
    http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FamilyCourtDads/ particularly for dads who can’t afford an attorney, and need to do it themselves out of sheer self-preservation and necessity.

  1. October 31st, 2009 at 06:21 | #1
  2. October 31st, 2009 at 16:32 | #2
  3. December 18th, 2009 at 06:08 | #3
  4. December 21st, 2009 at 21:05 | #4
  5. January 9th, 2010 at 11:01 | #5
  6. January 19th, 2010 at 17:38 | #6
  7. January 23rd, 2010 at 18:51 | #7
  8. March 11th, 2010 at 02:01 | #8
  9. March 12th, 2010 at 22:03 | #9
  10. April 25th, 2016 at 00:31 | #10

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