Mainstream media and political pundits are winding up their broken record players to interrogate Obama’s Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor with the inevitable and unending question: “What are your views on abortion?”
It’s time to get off this broken-down bandwagon. Her views on rights of due process, parental rights, 2nd amendment gun rights, freedom of speech, illegal government law enforcement tactics, and many other civil rights issues are far more pressing than her views on abortions. Yet abortion questions seem to be the the majority of the discussion on her qualifications for a seat on the US Supreme Court.
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| 2nd Amendment, abortion, due process, freedom of religion, freedom of speech, Government Abuse, gun control, parental rights, Politics, Second Amendment, Supreme Court |
Bucks County, Pennsylvania mother Bonnie Sweeten, age 38, called 911 repeatedly on May 26, 2009, to report that she and her 9-year-old from a previous marriage, Julia Rakoczy, had been abducted after their SUV was rear-ended and carjacked and the assailants grabbed and pushed them into the trunk of a dark Cadillac. She described the attackers as two black men.
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Araceli Bravo, 45
British Columbia has finally gotten around to arresting Araceli Bravo, the 45 year old mother of Ashley Gonis, for the illegal parental abduction of her daughter in violation of a Quebec family law law court’s orders. Nearly 1.5 months after Ashley ran away from her mother and called 911 from a train station and reported her mother was abusing her, BC law enforcement was finally satisfied that the Quebec arrest warrant issued months earlier had been extended to an all-Canada warrant.
Bravo had reportedly been in hiding since a previous court date in BC family law court. It appears her BC lawyer was not aware of the arrest warrant being extended to all of Canada until after being contacted by reporters on May 25. Canadian media reports are vague as to whether Bravo turned herself in to police or they captured her without her cooperation.
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| Araceli Bravo, Ashley Gonis, British Columbia, Canada, Child Abuse, Child Custody, Children, Frank Gonis, parental abduction, Parental Alienation, Quebec |
Inaccurate sexist stereotypes encourage the public to be skeptical of claims of females abusing children. Further, they cause suspicion of men committing child abuse even when they have done nothing abusive. This enables more easy acceptance of female cover stories for child abuse. Yet despite popular misconception, child abuse is not primarily a crime committed by males.
Statistics are very clear that women are actually more abusive against children than men. US Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) statistics show that of children abused by parents, about 70% of child abuse and child murders are committed by mothers and 30% by fathers.
In particular, females committing sexual abuse against children seems to be very difficult for the general population to accept. This is a tragedy as it frequently enables female sex offenders to continue their abuse for years against children in their care. The children frequently end up with life-long psychological damage. They seldom talk of the abuse at the hands of their mothers or other female caregivers because they know nobody will believe them. Even those who report being raped or sexually assaulted by a female are often laughed at by police. There is a double-standard at work in which sexual assault and abuse committed by adult females on boys is “seduction” and somehow desirable by boys:
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Recent studies of divorced children in Australia, Canada, and the United States have shown the devastating consequences of divorce and family chaos on children’s education. Australian students appear to be more adversely impacted than those in the US and Canada. Divorce is also more disruptive than death of a parent. Multiple divorces worsen outcomes even further, dropping high school graduation rates to 40% or less.
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Contrary to feral feminist propaganda and misguided stereotypes, it’s not biological fathers who are committing most of the sexual abuse against children. Statistically, that is rare. It is far more common that the biological mother’s male lovers molest the children.
Most child sexual abuse allegations against biological fathers are made during child custody battles and are stunts by the mother to gain custody. Sometimes nasty fathers make similar false child sexual abuse allegations against mothers, but generally these are given less credibility because “everybody just knows that mothers won’t sexually abuse kids.” Unfortunately, that isn’t true. Sometimes the sexual abuser really is the biological mother. In the case we’re about to describe, the sexual abuse allegations don’t even involve a child custody battle, but they do involve a mother and child pornography, bestiality, and the Internet.
A Lakeshore, Ontario, Canada mother was arrested in her home in April 2009 for webcasting herself performing sexual acts with her toddler and pit bull dog. It’s not clear what her motivations were, but she was turned in by somebody who saw the sexually abusive broadcast on the web. An excerpt of local news media coverage follows:
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Valencia Davis
28-year-old Cleveland mother Valencia Davis left her 2-year-old baby Nayla alone in their home. The baby suffers from neural problems and cerebral palsy and therefore is fed via feeding tube, but the feeding bag was empty. She was reportedly born healthy but then developed her medical problems after “swallowing a scrunchie” as an infact. That sounds like child neglect that led to severe injury, but further details aren’t available to us.
Knowing that the mother is irresponsible, the baby’s father James was concerned about his kids and went to the house to check on them. He found that the mother had taken her other two children and left the disabled 2-year-old alone inside the house with nobody to care for her.
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Copyright (c) 2009 Ron Lasorsa
Child Custody is a highly litigated area of family law that can be both expensive and emotionally draining, even when done correctly. The following represents some pointers designed to help parties avoid the stress, expense and emotional damage often attributed to child custody litigation:
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With mainstream media regurgitating stories about the demise of the Republican Party, you’d think the Republicans would be working hard to identify issues that would address serious needs and crises that are ignored by the Democratic Party. Yet Republicans seem to be simulating an “ostriches on the beach orgy” when it comes to issues close to the hearts and minds of Americans. These include family issues which the GOP ignores while its members stick their collective heads in the sands of gay marriage and abortion.
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| Child Abuse, Child Custody, Children, dirty legal tactics, Divorce, Domestic Violence, emotional abuse, false abuse allegations, false accusations in divorce, family law court, Government Abuse, Legal, Parental Alienation, partner violence, personality disorder |
In May 2009, the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences published a small study involving 40 participants conducted by German and American researchers on the effects of antioxidant supplementation with 1000 mg/day of vitamin C and 400 IU per day of vitamin E on the impact of exercise. In particular, the study examined the impact of a combination of exercise and vitamins C and E on insulin sensitivity and other parameters of diabetic illness and as well as endogenous (body-produced) antioxidant defenses include superoxide dismutase (SOD)
and glutathione peroxidase.
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| antioxidants, diabetes, exercise, GliSODin, health, Health & Nutrition, insulin, N-acetylcysteine, NAC, SOD, Superoxide Dismutase, vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamins |
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