
Posts Tagged ‘British Columbia’

Vancouver Police Brutalize Innocent Civilians

March 8th, 2010 No comments
Yao Wei Wu, Victim of Police Brutality
Yao Wei Wu After Police Beating

In our story Vancouver Police Beat Yao Wei Wu After DV Call from January 2010, we reported on the disturbing case of police abuse against Vancouver resident Yao Wei Wu who was assaulted without provocation by two plainclothes Vancouver Police Department detectives, Nicholas Florkow and Bryan London, as they responded to a domestic violence call from another living unit at the same address. They not only failed to determine if there was any actual domestic violence before acting with severe physical force, they didn’t even bother to determine if they even had the correct person at the door. When Yao Wei Wu answered the door of his home, the cops shoved the door in, hauled him outside, and proceeded to beat him in the face and back in front of his wife before handcuffing and arresting him. Only after all of this did they bother to ask his name and found out they had just assaulted a person who had absolutely nothing to do with the domestic violence call to which they were responding.
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Vancouver Police Beat Yao Wei Wu After DV Call

January 23rd, 2010 3 comments
Yao Wei Wu, Victim of Police Brutality
Yao Wei Wu After Police Beating

Here’s a story that illustrates just how out of control and violent police and law enforcement are regarding domestic violence calls. Vancouver police were called by a woman claiming she was being beaten by her husband and she was afraid for her child. Plainclothes cops with guns showed up at the address and knocked on the door. A man answered the door and opened it for the police. The cops say they identified themselves as Vancouver police, but the man says he complied not because he knew they were police but because they had guns. The cops then kicked in the open door, grabbed the man and pulled him out of the home, and proceeded to beat him bloody. They smashed in the bones around one of his eyes, badly bruised his back, and left him with abrasions and bruises all over his face, torso, and knees. The cops then arrested and handcuffed him.
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Website: Equal Parenting British Columbia

October 7th, 2009 No comments

While researching my recent article Gun Collection + Malicious Mom + Government = Life in Ruins, I found a very interesting website focused on governmental abuses against families in Canada. The Equal Parenting British Columbia website discusses the corruption and abuses of the Canadian judicial system, the large number of pedophiles and child sexual abusers in social services and other agencies that come into contact with children, and the war against families trying to replace the notion of biological parents with the state being the parent. The site is definitely worth a look for victims of the government war on families in Canada and other so-called “established democracies” like the United States, Australia, and United Kingdom.
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Ashley Gonis to Return to Montreal, Placed in Foster Care

July 7th, 2009 1 comment

After months of living in foster care apart from both of her parents, parental abduction victim Ashley Gonis was to be moved from foster care in Vancouver to be placed in foster care in Montreal, the city in which her father Frank Gonis lives. Reports as to whether this happened or not still aren’t available, but the Canadian government promised the father in writing that it would be done by June 25, 2009.

Since Ashley was found by police after running away from her mother Araceli Bravo on April 10, 2009, she hasn’t had anything close to a normal or stable life. The manner in which Canadian authorities are handling the whole matter seems to show more concern for legal technicalities than for Ashley’s well-being.
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Ellie Cunningham Arraignment for Assault on Husband Adam

July 1st, 2009 2 comments

Accused spousal abuser Ellie Cunningham reportedly appeared in court on May 29, 2009. She’s scheduled to appear next on July 6 for her arraignment on charges of assault with a weapon and assault causing bodily harm with regards to her alleged attack on Adam Cunningham that we described in our previous article Canadian Wife Assaults Husband Who Later Dies.
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Araceli Bravo Arrested for Abducting Daughter Ashley Gonis

May 27th, 2009 No comments

Araceli Bravo, 45

British Columbia has finally gotten around to arresting Araceli Bravo, the 45 year old mother of Ashley Gonis, for the illegal parental abduction of her daughter in violation of a Quebec family law law court’s orders. Nearly 1.5 months after Ashley ran away from her mother and called 911 from a train station and reported her mother was abusing her, BC law enforcement was finally satisfied that the Quebec arrest warrant issued months earlier had been extended to an all-Canada warrant.

Bravo had reportedly been in hiding since a previous court date in BC family law court. It appears her BC lawyer was not aware of the arrest warrant being extended to all of Canada until after being contacted by reporters on May 25. Canadian media reports are vague as to whether Bravo turned herself in to police or they captured her without her cooperation.
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Abducted Ashley Gonis Still Can’t See Her Father

May 20th, 2009 7 comments

Never in the history of the world has there been a situation so bad that the government can’t make it worse. — Unknown author

Ashley Gonis, who went missing in 2007, is expected to be reunited with her father

Ashley Gonis

Frank Gonis of Montreal, Canada, hasn’t seen his 10 year old daughter Ashley in two years. His ex, Araceli Bravo, illegally abducted her in January 2007 and took her to British Columbia to keep her from seeing her father despite court orders that required her to share custody of their daughter. An arrest warrant was issued for her in Quebec, but she wasn’t found until Ashley dialed 911 from a train station pay phone to get help after running away from her mother.
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Canadian Wife Assaults Husband Who Later Dies

April 29th, 2009 24 comments





On March 20, 2009, Ellie Cunningham viciously attacked her husband Adam with a broken wine glass, repeatedly slashing him and leaving him with multiple severe cuts on his arms and legs and a broken ankle. When police arrived and found him on the steps outside of their home in Surrey, British Columbia, Canada, it was clear Ellie had badly assaulted him.

Ellie was arrested by police and a domestic violence (DV) investigation ensued. A restraining order was issued on the wife, and Adam moved in with his mother to recover from the assault. He had extensive stitches to hold together his slashed skin and surgery to repair his broken ankle. Unfortunately, he was found dead on his mother’s sofa three weeks later. An autopsy indicated the cause of death to be complications from the surgery to fix the damage from the DV assault.

During the time between the assault and his death, Adam was interviewed by police and wrote about his experiences during the nearly four years of marriage to Ellie. He recounted how Ellie would have outbursts and become verbally abusive.

Video news coverage of Adam’s death, including photos of his injuries and an interview with his sister Nikki, can be found at:

Global BC TV News Coverage of Death of Adam Cunningham

Oddly, his wife published this obituary claiming that she’ll miss him:
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