
Posts Tagged ‘contempt of court’

Parental Abductor Melinda Thompson Arrested in Amsterdam

September 12th, 2010 17 comments

Melinda and Andrew Thompson

On September 9, 2010, law enforcement finally caught up with parental child abductor Melinda Thompson, formerly Melinda Stratton. On April 24, 2008, she had disappeared with son Andrew Thompson after leaving Australia to go to Germany on a Singapore Airlines flight from Sydney to Frankfurt. Her professed intent was to keep the boy away from his father, Ken Thompson of New South Wales, Australia. After more than a year searching for his son, in mid-2010 he traveled to Europe to do a bike tour across the continent in search for his son. He biked over 3000 miles across nine countries raising awareness of his missing son. He wore clothes covered with pictures of Andrew.

Ken discussed in an interview with BBC news about how he discovered Andrew had been found. He had stopped cycling in Germany between Nuremberg and Stuttgart to check his email. There was an anonymous message stating that Andrew had been found and Australian authorities would contact him.
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Singapore Schools and Courts Enable Parental Alienation Child Abuse

September 11th, 2010 6 comments

Parental alienation child abuse is a worldwide problem. As most of our news-oriented coverage is focused on the United States and Canada, some may not realize that parental alienation and destructive family law courts are plentiful outside of North America, too. This story highlights one troubling alienation case in Singapore.

Parental Alienation in Singapore

Alienated Father Wee Cheng and son Adriel Cheng

Wee Cheng of Singapore, one of our many readers worldwide, is a divorced father of a young boy named Adriel Cheng. His limited 8 hours of contact per week hasn’t been honored in two years. The courts will do nothing but reward the mother’s contempt for their orders. Adriel hasn’t seen his father almost half a year because of interference being enabled and enforced by human rights violators in the Singapore schools and family courts.

While Singapore has a fine reputation in many areas, Mr. Cheng’s experience shows that the government of Singapore is engaged in human rights violations and is intent on enabling parental alienators to abuse their children. In Cheng’s case, the courts and schools are directly involved in access blocking and interfering with the parent/child relationship. They have even threatened police action against him for attempting to spend time with his son at a school carnival.
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US Supreme Court Denies Richard Fine Appeal Stay Request

April 26th, 2010 No comments

The US Supreme Court has denied issuing a stay to halt the imprisonment of jailed attorney Richard Fine. Fine has been kept in Los Angeles County jail in solitary confinement by Sheriff LeRoy Baca for more than 14 months due to orders of Judge David Yaffe, a judge who is intent on silencing Fine by abusing contempt of court powers as he uncovered and widely publicized the corruption of the Los Angeles courts and the illegal payments made by the county to the judges there. The corruption has resulted in the county winning almost without exception every lawsuit in which it has been involved since 2005.

In orders issued on April 26, 2010, the US Supreme Court declared:

(from US Supreme Court Orders of April 26, 2010)

09A827 (09-1250) FINE, RICHARD I. V. BACA, SHERIFF, ET AL.

The application for stay addressed to Justice Ginsburg and referred to the Court is denied.

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Reader Feedback on San Diego Judge Lisa Schall

January 25th, 2010 5 comments
Judge Lisa Schall
Judge Lisa Schall

Today we received some interesting feedback on our article regarding San Diego’s abusive reckless drunk driver Judge Lisa Schall from a reader who has experienced what it’s like to appear in front of her. This reader has a lot of experience in courts in multiple states and believes that Schall may be the worst judge the reader has encountered. The reader believes we’ve given Schall and other bad judges too many outs and means to scapegoat others (such as the legislature) for their bad decisions and haven’t pointed out enough effective ways for the public to fight these bad judges. In my view these comments are pretty much on the mark and open up further points for discussion, so I’d like to share them with our other readers. Also, at the end of this posting are two poll questions on which I’d appreciate your feedback.
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Why Is San Diego Judge Lisa Schall Still On The Bench?

January 22nd, 2010 50 comments
Judge Lisa Schall
Judge Lisa Schall

People often complain about incompetent, biased, and even vicious judges. That’s especially the case for litigants cursed with enduring the injustices of family law courts in the Western world. Often the judges are causing more destruction by following bad laws as judges can’t make law on their own, aside from the judicial activists who may try only to be often overturned by a higher court. Many times the judges may be more concerned with saving their political futures than with following the laws or dispensing fair rulings. Hence we get illegal and immoral “guilty until proven innocent” rulings that kick a person out of his or her home, ban contact with the kids, and label the person as a pseudo-criminal all without a shred of evidence based upon false allegations or distortions for which the false accuser will never be punished even if his or her lies are proven. For many suffering from the wrongs of the family law courts, this is business as usual. Sometimes, however, a judge really is notably bad in ways beyond the typical judicial incompetence, selfish disregard for the rights of others, and maliciousness when displeased. Based upon public records and accounts of people who have been in her courtroom, Judge Lisa Schall of San Diego County, California, is one such judge.
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Jason Fontaine Speaks Up About Child Custody Murders

January 4th, 2010 8 comments
Catherine Fontaine, 4 and Julia Fontaine, 2
Catherine Fontaine, 4 and Julia Fontaine, 2

If you’re aware of the December 2009 child custody murders described in our article Killer Bonnie Hoult Made False Abuse Allegations Against Ex, you might have been wondering just what father Jason Fontaine has to say about the tragic events. Jason has started to write some about his feelings and thoughts on the horrendous death of his two beautiful little children in what appears be the murder-suicide plot of grandmother Bonnie Hoult and her daughter Catherine Fontaine. One of his recent postings can be found at Dreamcatchers For Abused Children on their coverage of the story. I’ve excerpted it and edited it for typographical errors below.

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Killer Bonnie Hoult Made False Abuse Allegations Against Ex

December 18th, 2009 3 comments

Bonnie Hoult

News station KTLA has reported new details in the San Clemente, California, murder/suicide on December 14, 2009, involving two little girls, their mother, and their killer, grandmother Bonnie Hoult. Investigators believe that Hoult used her .357 handgun to shoot and kill first her 2 year old granddaughter Julia, then her daughter Elizabeth “Liza” Hoult Fontaine, next her 4 year old granddaughter Catherine, and finally herself after Orange County Sheriff’s Department showed up at the home where they were staying. OCSD believes that Elizabeth was holding Julia on her lap as Bonnie put the gun in her mouth and pulled the trigger, meaning that Elizabeth was a willing participant in the murder of both her children and herself.

KTLA interviewed Hoult’s step-son, Howard Hoult, who lives in Culver City, California. He told reporter Chris Wolfe that Bonnie Hoult tried to use false child sexual abuse charges against her ex-husband decades ago. He doesn’t believe the sexual molestation accusations against Jason Fontaine. Howard related how Bonnie Hoult was a negative force who exerted toxic influence on his half-sister Elizabeth Fontaine and likely encouraged her to use false sexual abuse allegations against Jason Fontaine.
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Defending Against False Child Sexual Abuse Allegations (Part 1)

August 13th, 2009 7 comments

In my previous article How to Win Custody by Framing Your Ex for Child Sexual Abuse, I discussed how a significant number of malicious moms in divorce and child custody battles resort to framing their ex-husbands for child sexual abuse. While good mothers won’t stoop to such destructive stunts, malicious moms will often do this after the failure of other false allegations and attempts at parental alienation, harassing, and scaring their ex-husbands to gain sole custody of the children. This means that the defense against false child sexual abuse allegations must start long before the allegations are ever made as they are but one highly damaging step in a much longer escalating series of attacks.
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West Virginia Criminalizes False Child Abuse Allegations

July 10th, 2009 9 comments

In 2008, West Virginia Governor Joe Manchin signed into law House Bill 3065 that permits prosecutors to pursue misdemeanor criminal charges against people filing false child abuse reports. It also allows the victims of false child abuse reports to file for civil damages, even if criminal prosecution has not been pursued. Although the law is a step in the right direction, it does not go far enough.

Criminal Penalties

As a misdemeanor crime, the criminal penalties are rather weak, but are better than nothing. Perhaps they may be enough to keep a few malicious parents from making false accusations of child abuse during child custody battles.
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California Legislature Orders Investigation of Family Law Courts

July 7th, 2009 3 comments

California legislators have proposed an “audit” of two of the state’s most infamous family court systems, those in Marin County and Sacramento County. As reported by the Marin Independent Journal:

(from State orders audit of Marin family court)

Prodded by Sen. Mark Leno and other lawmakers, the state Joint Legislative Audit Committee voted Wednesday to investigate the family courts in Marin and Sacramento counties.
The audit will focus on the use, and potential misuse, of court-appointed specialists in family-law disputes, such as mediators, investigators and therapists.

Critics say such appointees can form incestuous and incompetent networks more concerned with generating fees than helping children through painful custody fights.

“It becomes a service mill, a cottage industry of sorts,” Leno said in an interview Wednesday. “Maybe state law needs to be changed.”
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