Toronto residents K.D. and A.L. spent more than a decade battling over custody of their three children. Mother K.D. committed parental alienation child abuse against all three daughters starting at birth and continuing until present. Father A.L. was given sole custody of their children on January 2009. Subsequent court decisions have held K.D. liable for $286,641.75 in fines and legal fees due to her contempt of court and bad faith litigation.
The decision announced by Ontario Justice Faye McWatt in January 2009 was that an alienating parent can and will be stripped of child custody for repeated refusal to cooperate with court orders and relentlessly brainwashing the children to hate the other parent. Custody of their three daughters was transferred to their father who had spent more than a decade battling the alienating mother in court to attempt to remain a part of their daughters’ lives. Their mother is only permitted to spend time with them during psychotherapy. It appears it is the hope of the courts and their father that someday their mother will learn to behave reasonably and can become a part of her children’s lives again without continuing her destructive and abusive behaviors against the children.
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| Amy Baker, Bill Eddy, borderline personality disorder, Canada, Child Abuse, Child Custody, Children, contempt of court, contested child custody, Divorce, emotional abuse, false abuse allegations, false accusations in divorce, Government Abuse, Ontario, Parental Alienation, psychiatric treatment, Richard Warshak, Toronto, verbal abuse, William Eddy |
Contrary to feral feminist propaganda and misguided stereotypes, it’s not biological fathers who are committing most of the sexual abuse against children. Statistically, that is rare. It is far more common that the biological mother’s male lovers molest the children.
Most child sexual abuse allegations against biological fathers are made during child custody battles and are stunts by the mother to gain custody. Sometimes nasty fathers make similar false child sexual abuse allegations against mothers, but generally these are given less credibility because “everybody just knows that mothers won’t sexually abuse kids.” Unfortunately, that isn’t true. Sometimes the sexual abuser really is the biological mother. In the case we’re about to describe, the sexual abuse allegations don’t even involve a child custody battle, but they do involve a mother and child pornography, bestiality, and the Internet.
A Lakeshore, Ontario, Canada mother was arrested in her home in April 2009 for webcasting herself performing sexual acts with her toddler and pit bull dog. It’s not clear what her motivations were, but she was turned in by somebody who saw the sexually abusive broadcast on the web. An excerpt of local news media coverage follows:
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Earlier this month a court in Toronto, Cananda, transfered full custody of three daughters ages 9 to 14 to their father after a long-term parental alienation campaign by their mother. She had worked for years to brainwash them to hate their father. Judge McWatt of the Superior Court of Justice found that this constituted emotional child abuse and banned the mother from all further contact with the children except for counselling programs, including a program to help the children recover from parental alienation syndrome.
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| Canada, Child Abuse, Divorce, emotional abuse, false abuse allegations, false accusations in divorce, Government Abuse, Ontario, Parental Alienation, Toronto, verbal abuse |
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