
Posts Tagged ‘Politics’

San Diego Custody Evaluators Generate Cash Flow by Victimizing Families Using Restraining Orders

October 5th, 2010 26 comments

Once someone like Stephen Doyne, ill-reputed San Diego custody evaluator, or many of his Associate Family Court Dismantlers recommend a restraining order between two parents, the divorce industry is on its way to milking profits from yet another family. The Honorable Judge is highly likely to rubberstamp such recommendations. Why? We suspect many, perhaps most, have been receiving unpublicized Election Campaign Donations from such people. Such judges know how to support their financial backers.

As soon as the restraining order is issued, if mom or dad tries to communicate on any level, it will be considered a crime! No collateral contacts of any type are allowed — no priests, no friends, no family members of any side, no direct or indirect contact or any US mail or email or phone communications from any parent is allowed. Why? The divorce industry wants to isolate the parties from each other, sticking themselves in the middle where they can be sure to encourage the parents to fight until they exhaust their funds by limiting, monitoring, and controlling all communications.

The court then finds itself justified to make the next move by ordering a “mediator” such as Doyne & Associates. Stephen Doyne and those like him charge for back and forth phone communications between parents because it is now illegal for parents to communicate by any means by order of the court. Every phone call is about $75 or more to each parent. The more phone calls claimed, the richer the dismantlers become. Even if there is a simple inquiry about food for the children, instructions for medication, or questions about a school assignment, with a restraining order on board the divorce industry profiteers will be the only ones making the calls. They make a fat check from back and forth phone calls between them and both parents, turning a few minutes direct conversations into claims of several phone calls. The court won’t allow verification of such calls, so families should be rightly wondering just how many of them were actually placed and how long they took.

Imagine this order is enforced for a few years. Would this order alone pay the evaluator’s or mediator’s house payments? Would this order compel such dismantlers serving the court order to more generously contribute secretive judicial election campaign funds?
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The Truth About Governments and Economics

March 17th, 2010 No comments

We received an email from a friend today that explained the way of the world in simple bovine terms.

We would cite the author, but unfortunately we were not provided with the source. If the author ever comes across this, I hope that he or she will leave a comment here and claim authorship of this wise and whimsical “cow philosophy”.

21 Business Models Explained With Cows

You have 2 cows.
You give one to your neighbour.

You have 2 cows.
The State takes both and gives you some milk.

You have 2 cows.
The State takes both and sells you some milk..
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“Support? System Down” Film Documents Evils of Family Law

January 7th, 2010 3 comments

At the recent California Coalition for Families and Children (CCFC) meeting in Del Mar, film producer Angelo Lobo was in the audience. He discussed his film Support? System Down which documents injustices in the family courts and child support systems in the form of interviews of 38 parents involved in custody and child support disputes. Also interviewed are a number of other parties and relatives, including family law attorneys, family rights activists, and grandparents.
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America’s Love Affair with Adultery

July 12th, 2009 1 comment

It’s the dawn of a new age. In America, it’s now socially acceptable for married people to not only intentionally seek out extramarital sexual affairs but even for businesses to promote and profit from them doing so. Seedy whorehouses and call-girl services now seem both outdated and out-of-touch as married women want to jump in the sack with men (or women) other than their spouses and can quickly hop on the web to help them quickly hop on top of their next sexual conquest.

While prostitution is still illegal in most of America, the legal business of adultery assistance now features high-tech entrepreneurs who legally make a profit helping their customers to initiate, arrange, and manage those extramarital affairs. is one of them which will help you do it. As I’m writing this article, they claim to have more than 26,000 members online “right now” and over 4 million members signed up. I’m not against profit, but as for this way of doing it — YUCK!
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Sotomayor Nomination Focus on Abortion Rights is Misguided

May 29th, 2009 No comments

Mainstream media and political pundits are winding up their broken record players to interrogate Obama’s Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor with the inevitable and unending question: “What are your views on abortion?”

It’s time to get off this broken-down bandwagon. Her views on rights of due process, parental rights, 2nd amendment gun rights, freedom of speech, illegal government law enforcement tactics, and many other civil rights issues are far more pressing than her views on abortions. Yet abortion questions seem to be the the majority of the discussion on her qualifications for a seat on the US Supreme Court.
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