Why Is San Diego Judge Lisa Schall Still On The Bench?

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January 22nd, 2010 Leave a comment Go to comments
Judge Lisa Schall
Judge Lisa Schall

People often complain about incompetent, biased, and even vicious judges. That’s especially the case for litigants cursed with enduring the injustices of family law courts in the Western world. Often the judges are causing more destruction by following bad laws as judges can’t make law on their own, aside from the judicial activists who may try only to be often overturned by a higher court. Many times the judges may be more concerned with saving their political futures than with following the laws or dispensing fair rulings. Hence we get illegal and immoral “guilty until proven innocent” rulings that kick a person out of his or her home, ban contact with the kids, and label the person as a pseudo-criminal all without a shred of evidence based upon false allegations or distortions for which the false accuser will never be punished even if his or her lies are proven. For many suffering from the wrongs of the family law courts, this is business as usual. Sometimes, however, a judge really is notably bad in ways beyond the typical judicial incompetence, selfish disregard for the rights of others, and maliciousness when displeased. Based upon public records and accounts of people who have been in her courtroom, Judge Lisa Schall of San Diego County, California, is one such judge.

After plea-bargaining down from drunk driving charges from her September 2007 arrest, Schall was “re-elected” with no opposition in June 2008. But Schall is not just a drunk driver, she’s a judge who abuses people’s civil rights, insults and attacks litigants in her courtroom, and helps reinforce the reputation of the San Diego family law courts as a corrupt, biased, and unjust “organized crime ring” (a phrase often used by San Diego citizens who have been abused by these courts) that violates the law and the rights of citizens. San Diego County Superior Court Judge Lisa Schall is a disgrace even to the disgraceful San Diego courts.

Schall has been employed as a judge in the county since 1985. She was formerly known as Lisa Guy-Schall and later changed her name due to legal separation and divorce. The separation was in 2006 from husband Steven Guy in SDSC Case DN144055. The divorce was in 2007 in SDSC Case DN147397. Whatever name she’s using today, her bad reputation has been earned by her and her alone. Unfortunately, her mistakes and misconduct are harming the public because of her employment as a judge.

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Lisa Schall: Reckless Drunk Driver

Schall was stopped by the Escondido Police Department on September 12, 2007, for driving the wrong way on Centre City Parkway, a street classified as a four-lane divided highway. After failing a field sobriety test, she was arrested for drunk driving as a violation of the California Vehicle Code 23152(a). Her blood alcohol test was 0.09 percent, above the legal limit of 0.08.

Schall plea-bargained to a lesser reckless driving charge of “driving the wrong way” in March 2008.

(from San Diego Judge Publicly Censured Over ‘Wet Reckless’ Plea)

The Commission on Judicial Performance has publicly admonished San Diego Superior Court Judge Lisa Schall over her conviction stemming from a 2007 arrest for drunk driving.

Seven of the commission’s 10 members voted 6-1 to admonish Schall—who is referred to in the admonishment as Lisa Guy-Schall, but who dropped the hyphenation of her name in June—in a letter dated Sept. 5.

Schall, who could not be reached for comment, currently presides over civil trials in the court’s Vista Courthouse, and was arrested on the evening of Sept. 12, 2007 when an officer of the Escondido Police Department conducted a traffic stop after observing her vehicle traveling in the wrong direction on the Centre City Parkway, a divided four-lane highway.

The jurist was charged with driving under the influence of alcohol in violation of Vehicle Code Sec.23152(a), and driving with a blood alcohol level in excess of 0.08 percent in violation of Sec. 23152(b), after she allegedly failed a field sobriety test, and a blood test performed within the hour indicated a blood alcohol level of approximately 0.09 percent.

She pled guilty to the lesser offense of alcohol-related reckless driving in March.

The commission wrote that Schall’s unlawful conduct “evidence[d] a serious disregard of the principles of personal and official conduct embodied in the California Code of Judicial Ethics,” and violated canons one and two of the code, which require that members of the judiciary maintain high standards of conduct so that the integrity and independence of the judiciary will be preserved, respect and comply with the law, and act at all times in a manner that promotes public confidence in the integrity and impartiality of the judiciary.

I can’t help but wonder if the prosecutor would have offered a plea bargain to somebody seemingly so clearly guilty of DUI and endangering public safety if she wasn’t a judge.

Abuse of Contempt of Court Power

Many judges seldom do a thing about perjury and contempt of court. Schall is usually no different, but when she has chosen to act, she’s done so abusively and illegally. In 1995, Schall abusively misused a contempt of court ruling to imprison an upset litigant for five days in violation of court rules. She illegally ordered the bailiff, an apparently uninformed and/or spineless employee of the San Diego Sheriff’s Department, to violate the litigant’s legal rights and throw her in jail. As many bailiffs errantly believe they are akin to a personal security detail for judge-dictators, the bailiff did Schall’s illegal bidding.

The California Commission on Judicial Performance publicly admonished Schall for this misconduct.

(from Judicial Performance Commission Issues Public Admonishment of Judge Lisa Guy-Schall)

On December 18, 1995, Joanna Slivka appeared before Judge Guy-Schall for a hearing on a petition for a restraining order against Ms. Slivka. During the hearing, Ms. Slivka began yelling and acting aggressively, and Judge Guy-Schall ordered her out of the courtroom. While Ms. Slivka was outside the courtroom, Judge Guy-Schall had her bailiff ask Ms. Slivka if she would be willing to reappear in court and keep herself under control; the bailiff reported to the judge that Ms. Slivka had responded that if the judge would not allow her to tell her story, she would probably “go off” again. In Ms. Slivka’s absence, without citing her for contempt or having her returned to the courtroom, Judge Guy-Schall found her in contempt and sentenced her to five days in jail. The order issued by Judge Guy-Schall stated that Ms. Slivka was in direct contempt and was to serve five actual days in jail. With respect to the facts underlying the finding of contempt, the order stated, “full order and findings are set forth in the reporter’s transcript that is order [sic] this date.”

Ms. Slivka was taken into custody outside the courtroom and remained in custody for five days.

Judge Guy-Schall’s actions constituted an abuse of the contempt power. By failing to return Ms. Slivka to court to inform her that she was in contempt, failing to give her a chance to respond to the contempt order, and finding her in contempt in her absence, Judge Guy-Schall failed to follow the required procedures for holding an individual in contempt of court. (See, Ryan v. Commission on Judicial Performance (1988) 45 Cal.3d 518, 533, in which the commission and the California Supreme Court found that a judge committed willful misconduct by holding a litigant in contempt in her absence and incarcerating her, for a remark uttered as she left the courtroom.) The contempt order entered by Judge Guy-Schall failed to state on its face facts sufficient to constitute a contempt, as also required by law. (See, In re Baroldi (1987) 189 Cal.App.3d 101, 110; Cannon v. Commission on Judicial Qualifications (1975) 14 Cal.3d 678, 694.) Judge Guy-Schall, who had been a judge for ten years at the time of the incident, was obligated to know or research proper contempt procedures. (See, Cannon, supra, 14 Cal.3d at p. 694; Ryan, supra, 45 Cal.3d at p. 533.)

The contempt power, which permits a single official to deprive a citizen of his fundamental liberty interest without all of the procedural safeguards normally accompanying such a deprivation, must be used with great prudence and caution. It is essential that judges know and follow proper procedures in exercising this power. (See, Furey v. Commission on Judicial Performance (1987) 43 Cal.3d 1297, 1314; Ryan v. Commission on Judicial Performance, supra, 45 Cal.3d at p. 533; Cannon v. Commission on Judicial Qualifications, supra, 14 Cal.3d at p. 694.)

Judge Guy-Schall has informed the commission that this is the only instance in which she has found an individual in contempt. However, she has acknowledged no problems in her handling of this matter.

Is it really conducive to resolving issues to toss a litigant upset over the way he or she is being treated in the courtroom into jail for five days?

It is not surprising that a litigant who believes he or she is being prevented from discussing what happened would be upset about it. The public has a very inaccurate perception that people have a right to present their version of events and facts in a family law court. That’s not at all what happens in many of these courts. Often the lawyers and judges appear to litigants to do everything they can to silence the truth, often while letting dishonest parties commit perjury unabated and “aggressive” lawyers lie and harass with twisted questions.

Further, many family law court litigants are self-represented because they don’t have the money to pay for legal representation at $250 or more per hour. It’s not reasonable to treat these people the same as trained and experienced lawyers who are not deeply emotionally involved in their cases.

The state has wrongly decided to handle divorces and child custody matters in senselessly counterproductive and damaging adversarial fashion. Compounding this already amply demonstrated error, its judges are unwilling to even let many people, especially self-represented parties, talk, question witnesses, or present evidence. All of these complaints have been leveled against Schall and many other family law judges in San Diego, California, and the United States.

Private Admonishment in 1995 for Misconduct in Juvenile Dependency Case

Prior to her current involvement in San Diego family law cases, Schall was previously a judge in civil cases. Prior to that, she was a judge in juvenile court. In 1995, she was privately admonished over his misconduct in a juvenile dependency case. Details are not available as the Commission on Judicial Performance has not yet published adequate information on her actions.

Improper Involvement in Political Activities

Judges are supposed to stay out of politics to avoid the creation of a perception of bias. Even at the start of her judicial career when you might think she’d be keen on playing by the rules, Schall didn’t stay uninvolved. Attorney Michael Aguirre filed a complaint against Schall for her involvement in the re-election campaign of Governor George Deukmejian in what appears to be a possible violation of the Code of Judicial Conduct. This is the same person who appointed her to San Diego Municipal Court in 1985 and then to San Diego Superior Court in 1989.

(from Lawyer Seeks Probe of Forum Speech by Judge)

A San Diego lawyer has requested that a state panel investigate whether Municipal Court Judge Lisa Guy-Schall violated judicial ethics guidelines when she appeared on behalf of Gov. George Deukmejian at a candidates’ forum last week.

In a complaint filed with the California Commission on Judicial Performance, Michael Aguirre charged that Guy-Schall’s appearance at the forum violated a judicial conduct rule stating that judges should not take active roles in political campaigns. The commission is likely to decide whether to investigate the incident at its meeting Oct. 23 and 24, a spokesman said Tuesday.

Poor Reputation

In family law cases, Schall has been widely criticized for rude, arrogant, malicious, and unjust behaviors in her courtroom. These include refusing to allow a party to be represented telephonically in an ex-parte hearing, disconnecting the call, and then conducting the remainder of the hearing without the party who was effectively banned from participation.

Schall is also reputed to have a poor track record in appeals courts. Some believe she has an unusually high number of her decisions being overturned on appeal.

How Did Schall Get Re-elected?

Despite clearly evident problems with her behaviors, Schall has continued to be re-elected term after term since she was first appointed in 1985 as a judge by then-Governor Deukmejian.

Why is that? It’s for at least three reasons.

  1. Nobody bothers to run against her. In the June 2008 election immediately after her drunk driving fiasco, she wasn’t even on the ballot and won automatic re-election simply because nobody else ran for the office. When you look at the judicial races for that June 2008 election, you see that out of 51 judges up for election, only 3 races were contested. The other 48 judges won by default.
  2. Incumbents have an excessive advantage, especially in elections in which the public has little idea of the basis for selecting the best candidate. Judicial elections are a prime example of this sort of election.
  3. There is no timely oversight of judicial misconduct. Schall’s abusive behavior in December 1995 wasn’t publicly reprimanded until October 1999, nearly four years later. That’s conveniently long after she stood for re-election in 1996 and well before she stood for re-election again in 2002. Schall’s drunk driving conviction in March 2008 wasn’t publicly reprimanded until half a year later, conveniently after the election in June 2008. Perhaps the Commission on Judicial Performance should adopt a name-change to the Commission on Judicial Cover-up.

What kind of confidence can the public have in courts that employ abusive drunk drivers who abuse people’s civil rights? It’s no wonder the public sentiment in California is that its courts are corrupt, slow, unjust, and even abusively illegal.

Court Integrity Requires Means to Vote Out Bad Judges

The public should have had a chance to vote Schall out of office even if there was nobody else running for the office. She’s disreputable and abusive. She doesn’t belong in on the bench, even if nobody else wants the job.

There’s a strong need for judicial candidates outside of the corrupt insider club to run for office. However, it’s clear with only 6% of the offices in 2008 being contested with more than one candidate, there is very little competition for judicial offices. This is unfortunately resulting in some very poor judges remaining in office.

The legislature should enact a “none of the above” choice for all elections of public officials in California. If the public votes 50% or more for “none of the above” choice, then all of the candidates running should be disqualified and not allowed to run for that office again until the next regularly scheduled election. The situation should be handled in a manner similar to what would happen if the elected candidate elected died before taking office. If necessary, the governor could appoint an interim judge. A special election could then be called to select a suitable replacement.

As judges serve six year terms, Schall won’t stand for re-election until 2014. The only ways to get her off the bench in a timely fashion is via the exceptionally slow judicial disciplinary process or to mount a recall effort. It’s our understanding that one or more formal complaints to the Commission on Judicial Performance against Schall are underway by citizens she has abused in San Diego family law courts. There’s also discussion of using the recall process to clean up the California judiciary given the problems in the state courts. Perhaps Schall will find herself looking for a new job sooner than she thinks.

Further Reading

Reader Feedback on San Diego Judge Lisa Schall

Unjust Delays in San Diego Family Law Courts

Eileen Lasher on San Diego CPS/Family Law Court Misconduct

Flyer Protest in San Diego Family Law Courts

San Diego Courts Cover Up Missing Forms and Psych Evals

Stephen Doyne and San Diego Family Law Courts Under Fire

San Diego judge Lisa Schall publicly admonished for drunk driving

San Diego Judge Publicly Censured Over ‘Wet Reckless’ Plea

Judicial Performance Commission Issues Public Admonishment of Judge Lisa Guy-Schall

Court provides rare support for EIR’s water analysis; damages award thrown out; Fallbrook PUD faces new trial.

Lawyer Seeks Probe of Forum Speech by Judge

California Judges Disciplined 2008

San Diego Judges: Injustice

Judge Lisa C. Schall

DUI Law – California Vehicle Code: VC 23152 Alcohol and/or Drugs

  1. One of Thousands
    October 27th, 2010 at 08:51 | #1

    Bad judges? Sure—dozens of them in San Diego.

    Why? Because who the hell want’s to be “the man?” They represent the oppression, fraud, and abuse of incompetent government despised for centuries. They take it up the ass for pennies, waste their lives sifting through other people’s trash, and endure heaps of abuse. No sane person would do it, and frankly there are but a few of them who still have a grasp on reality.

    It’s a shit job, but they have a solution: Change jerseys. Stop being the man. Root for the citizen. Take off the jack boot of oppression and put a foot up “the man’s” ass for a change. Do what’s right for your community—not the assholes who have dough—your neighbors, your family, your friends.

    You’ll soon be free.

    Money won’t cure your guilt. They don’t pay you that much of it to begin with so who the fuck cares?. Power—ugh. Flipping coins for a living—that sounds like fun. If that’s your game there’s an Indian casino down the street with a “help wanted” sign waiting for you.

    What will free you is doing the right thing. You can begin now.

    You already have the power. You lack the courage–here it is.

    We’re behind you.

    Just do it.

  2. Lisa Schall Destroys Yet Another Family
    October 28th, 2010 at 12:11 | #2

    Lisa Schall runs a corrupt courtroom; she makes up her own orders, does not remember facts in the case, changes rulings arbitrarily depending on her mood, and recklessly admonishes litigants in her courtroom. If you are unable to afford representation you will surely loose. While in her courtroom she inappropriately went off into an hour of rambling sentences how she didn’t like her father because he was an alcoholic and how awful he was. She should have to tell litigants about her driving arrest before she hears their case. Vivacious litigants now use alcohol abuse in her courtroom knowing they will get a favorable ruling from her. I have filed a complaint with the judicial complaint commission in San Francisco against her. If you have been abused by Lisa Schall send your complaint to:

    455 Golden Gate Avenue, Suite 14400
    San Francisco, California 94102

    More people need to stand up to this incompetent judge; she needs to be removed from the bench before she destroys more families. It is too late for me, because of her rulings, I will now have to wait until my children are 18 to see them. I have no arrests, educated, respected in the community. I am a good parent who has lost the right to see my children because of Lisa Schall’s abuse of the system.

  3. ex-nanny with an MBA
    November 19th, 2010 at 02:48 | #3

    WOW-this is the first I have read about Lisa. I used to “nanny” for she and her drunk husband and their two stuck up and unnattractive teenage girls. I used to find it so amusing that for some odd reason, their whole family thought they were so much better than everyone else. She was an unpleasant individual who would fly off the handle and who always had a red face from drinking too much. I am not suprised that she is disliked by so many. All I have to say is, what goes around comes around and she will get hers in the end. She should know this, being the good Christian woman she is — at least that is what her family claimed to be…

  4. brian long
    January 2nd, 2011 at 02:28 | #4

    this is how some very evil people are controling our judges elected officials and others in the government they catch them in a dui or their relatives and then use this against them to get control in other case that may apear to be almost normal but it gives them control and i am not sure who them is yet but am going through the same thing but on a much larger scale it wasnt a dui but child porn and when i found the evidence to prove who did what they tried and are still trying to cover it up there were no charges filed in my case but they destroyed the evidence or so they would think now back to the judge they are manipulating her descisions by using this dui against her. probably telling her they can destroy her career and as long as we the people allow this the corruption will continue

  5. TheJKH1999
    January 20th, 2011 at 17:06 | #5

    Here she is getting another case of hers remanded!!

    She refused to follow the UCCJEA and got called on it 🙂

    Marr. of Fernandez-Abin and Sanchez 1/11/11 CA4/1

  6. TheJKH1999
  7. January 26th, 2011 at 16:30 | #7

    We need higher caliber people in our courtrooms. Lisa Schall is too much of a shady character with a questionable past. She shouldn’t be running a courtroom.

  8. Sharon Kramer
    March 17th, 2011 at 00:22 | #8


    I would like to make contact with the person who filed a complaint against Lisa Schall on October 28, 2010. I filed a complaint against her on October 25th. How can I make contact with this person?

    Thank you

    • March 17th, 2011 at 03:55 | #9


      We have sent you and other parties who have filed complaints against Schall an email to help you communicate.

      We would encourage all of you to email us copies of your complaints in PDF form to [email protected]. If you do this, we will publish these complaints to help force CJP to act against Schall and to help qualified decent judicial candidates run against her. Without intense public pressure on CJP, they will continue to whitewash judicial corruption and abuse across the state.


  9. Jake
    March 20th, 2011 at 02:47 | #10

    I too want to file a complaint and get in contact with a group that is against Judge Schall. She recently ruled in favor of my psycho ex wife after a horrendous custody battle which I should have won by a land slide. How do I do this?

  10. Aide
    April 3rd, 2011 at 00:53 | #11


  11. Aide
    April 3rd, 2011 at 00:58 | #12


  12. Non-divorce Critic of Schall
    April 4th, 2011 at 20:18 | #13

    @ Aide

    You have no idea what you are talking about.

    There are many litigants Lisa Schall has abused who were not DV abusers. Some were not even in family law courts!

    The woman is a drunk and disorderly wacko. It is a crime that she is still a judge.

  13. Mrs. Kramer
    April 14th, 2011 at 23:39 | #14

    To Aide,

    You are incorrect in your evaluation that all those who speak out of the oddities and inequities of Judge Schall’s rather bizarre interpretation of the legal system, are the man woman haters.

    I am a woman. Married for 30 years and mother of two daughters. I can assure you there is nothing that is sexist motivation in her inabilities as a judicuary.

  14. Mrs. Kramer
    April 22nd, 2011 at 16:02 | #15

    Dear Angie Media,

    Could you let those who have posted to your web site who have had problems with lack of ethics and ability within the San Diego courts with the Commission on Judicial Performance turning a blind eye to complaints of these serious violations, know of an important hearing coming up in Sacramento on April 27th?

    It is hitting the fan and heads are beginning to roll at the highest levels of CA judicial branch. The Administration of the Courts which is overseen by the Judicial Council, is being challenged by the judges themselves for being corrupt and out of control.

    I was able to get the Commission on Judicial Performance included in the scenario of influential justices practicing politics, not law.

    While those speaking in support of AB 1208, that takes control from these conflicted few, will be primarily judiciaries themselves, the CA legislators need to hear from the public how much damage these people have done to the lives of many and to democracy itself.

    Please let those who would like to speak on April 27th (or mail letters) to Sacramento know of this opportunity to make a real difference in the integrity of Ca’s judicial system.

    The information is found within the below link:


  15. Auntie Mom
    May 8th, 2011 at 15:14 | #16

    “The Dishonorable Judge Lisa Guy- Schall”
    I went before Lisa Guy-Schall on a guardianship case early 1998 (I had, and still have legal custody of my nephew) there are few words to describe her behavior. After contacting Star Jones (the View), Oprah Winfrey, the head of Health and Human Services and Pam Slater to name a few, an attorney was appointed to represent my nephew. It was not long before “Lisa” was replaced in probate. The damage that she has done to my family alone is both reprehensible and irreparable, and that is a vast understatement! I am shocked that this mentally and emotionally unstable woman is still on the bench! Please send me your stories, there is strength in numbers and together we can get rid of her! It sickens me that she is still working with children!!! How quickly they have forgotten the child that was being traded for sex after she placed him with a sex offender!! My sister is dead now largely because of “Lisa” and her special interests. Please! Send me your stories! Thank you, Auntie Mom.
    [email protected]

  16. Auntie Mom
    May 8th, 2011 at 18:02 | #17

    @Aide You are as guilty as her if you honestly believe that! I wonder if that young boy she placed in a gaurdianship with a sex offender out in the middle of nowhere would agree with you!

  17. Auntie Mom
    May 8th, 2011 at 18:26 | #18

    Today is Mothers Day; I hope that she is enjoying her day with her children. May God bless all of the mothers whose relationships with their children were destroyed by this Twisted Bitch. That includes Me, My Mother, My Dead Sister and her children. In honor of my sister and the others whose lives she has destroyed I will continue to fight to get her off the bench.

    By the way; I was told by an officer of the court that this is her 3rd DUI !
    Where is MADD!
    I was quite vocal about “The Dishonorable Judge Lisa Guy- Schall” back then, most people agree with me and contact me when she “screws up” which is often.

  18. Auntie Mom
    May 8th, 2011 at 18:43 | #19

    @ex-nanny with an MBA

    “Be on the watch for false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inside they are cruel wolves.”

    Bible in Basic English:

    She definitely played the “Christian Card” in our case. I only needed to point out the separation of church and state to the supervising judge (and others) to be heard.

  19. One of Thousands
    May 26th, 2011 at 13:08 | #20


    Here is a link to the Schall opinion –>


    In short, Schall failed to follow several relevant laws concerning jurisdiction of California Family Courts. Her error created an enormous mess and waste of judicial and party resources. The Court of Appeals is normally very deferential to trial court judges, but in this case the Fourth District (San Diego) Court of Appeals really hammered her, pointing out many errors and unprofessional conduct and analysis, reversing her on several grounds, and sending the case back to her with strict instructions to do it right.

    I reiterate to the readers–Judge Schall continues her pattern of playing “fast and loose” with the law in her courtroom. She’s been admonished three times now and is facing numerous additional complaints with the CJP. If you’ve been injured by Schall or have witnessed unprofessional conduct in your case or the cases of others, please report her to the CJP at the address provided by the reader above. She’s a disaster undermining public confidence in the courts and government in general.

    Blessings and good luck to all.

  20. Peaceful Warrior
    June 9th, 2011 at 19:29 | #21

    I am not an abuser in any way, Ms. Aide. In fact, I am a Peaceful Warrior, in favor of non-violent means to solve any disagreement. My manipulative and brilliant ex-wife, was able to manipulate the entire court system into believing her lies, with the aid of one; Sue Ann Edwards’, LMFT, false testimony.

    I tried to have a peaceful divorce, by absorbing all of our collective marital debt. This made no difference to my ex, and the ensuing custody battle drained every drop of my financial resources. In the end, I lost my business, my home, and my child.

    I have not seen my child in the past two years, except for a handful of special occasions, with the court ordered supervisor present ( a beneficiary of these rulings). I have not had the money to see her, and it is a ridiculous and demeaning notion to have a supervisor present anyway, to me and to anyone who knows me.

    I tried to make this all change, so I got a generous newbie attorney to help me. My attorney was not only shut down by Judge Schall, she was terrified by her presence, and she was not allowed to present our evidence, to prove my innocence. You get the notion that I have to”prove my innocence”, they have not had to prove my guilt, but I am judged guilty without evidence or proof of any kind.

    I am in full support of anyone who has had to endure the painful and unnecessary wrath of Judge Schall, and false testimony of, so called, court operatives.

    I pledge my full support, removing Judge Schall from the bench, and I will go one step further and would like to get a federal Judge to rule that our children’s and our constitutional rights have been violated, by Judge Schall and her cohorts. She needs to be permanently disbarred from ever practicing law again, and we need our constitutional and parental rights restored.

    Also, anyone with the same issues, should become members of a class action suit against Judge Schall, Sue Ann Edwards, LMFT (or any other psyc-cohorts), and the malicious FCS and benefiting parties from these rulings. We can only win with numbers, and attorneys will not touch this without the promise of a lucrative end result. We need to provide this for them to be interested. One person cannot do this alone.

    I want my child’s custody restored and so does my child; we have been denied due process of the law. Our financial conditions also need to be restored. This can be done. Please join me.

    I am ready to move forward on this but I cannot do it alone. We all need to get together and do this in a smart way, or it will be squashed like our hopes and the hopes of our children. No matter how much they have suffered in their hands, we owe it to them to get this to all change back to what is right. Our children are counting on us .

    I am a Peaceful Warrior…please join me in this quest.

    Send me an e-mail with a brief description of your experience, and I will respond. When we get a solid base of litigants, we can select the proper help.

    Anyone who wants to invalidate and negate our efforts need find another forum for your misguided attempts to legitimize state sponsored child abuse. We who are in this together, know the truth. We rest only upon truth.

    [email protected]

  21. Peaceful Warrior
    June 9th, 2011 at 20:09 | #22

    I am not an abuser in any way, Ms. Aide. In fact, I am a Peaceful Warrior, in favor of non-violent means to solve any disagreement. My manipulative and brilliant ex-wife, was able to manipulate the entire court system into believing her lies, with the aid of one; Sue Ann Edwards’, LMFT, false testimony.

    I tried to have a peaceful divorce, by absorbing all of our collective marital debt. This made no difference to my ex, and the ensuing custody battle drained every drop of my financial resources. In the end, I lost my business, my home, and my child.

    I have not seen my child in the past two years, except for a handful of special occasions, with the court ordered supervisor present ( a beneficiary of these rulings). I have not had the money to see her, and it is a ridiculous and demeaning notion to have a supervisor present anyway, to me and to anyone who knows me.

    I tried to make this all change, so I got a generous newbie attorney to help me. My attorney was not only shut down by Judge Schall, she was terrified by her presence, and she was not allowed to present our evidence, to prove my innocence. You get the notion that I have to”prove my innocence”, they have not had to prove my guilt, but I am judged guilty without evidence or proof of any kind.

    I am in full support of anyone who has had to endure the painful and unnecessary wrath of Judge Schall, and false testimony of, so called, court operatives.

    I pledge my full support, removing Judge Schall from the bench, and I will go one step further and would like to get a federal Judge to rule that our children’s and our constitutional rights have been violated, by Judge Schall and her cohorts. She needs to be permanently disbarred from ever practicing law again, and we need our constitutional and parental rights restored.

    Also, anyone with the same issues, should become members of a class action suit against Judge Schall, Sue Ann Edwards, LMFT (or any other psyc-cohorts), and the malicious FCS and benefiting parties from these rulings. We can only win with numbers, and attorneys will not touch this without the promise of a lucrative end result. We need to provide this for them to be interested. One person cannot do this alone.

    I want my child’s custody restored and so does my child; we have been denied due process of the law. Our financial conditions also need to be restored. This can be done. Please join me.

    I am ready to move forward on this but I cannot do it alone. We all need to get together and do this in a smart way, or it will be squashed like our hopes and the hopes of our children. No matter how much they have suffered in their hands, we owe it to them to get this to all change back to what is right. Our children are counting on us .

    I am a Peaceful Warrior…please join me in this quest.

    Send me an e-mail with a brief description of your experience, and I will respond. When we get a solid base of litigants, we can select the proper help.

    Anyone who wants to invalidate and negate our efforts need find another forum for your misguided attempts to legitimize state sponsored child abuse. We who are in this together, know the truth. We rest only upon truth.

    [email protected]

  22. Peaceful Warrior
    June 9th, 2011 at 20:11 | #23

    My Email address was set up wrong sorry. [email protected]

  23. Peaceful Warrior
    June 9th, 2011 at 21:24 | #24

    They both work though

    [email protected] is also valid. Sorry about any email confusion.

  24. July 18th, 2011 at 18:12 | #25

    Well people, I’ve finally had it with this tyrant. I FEEL YOUR PAIN. My son feels your pain. We can’t heal if we can’t laugh about this atrocious miscarriage of our judicial system; so I’ve decided to tell my story regarding Lisa Schall – and it’s done with a twist of dry humor. So if you would be so kind as to stop by my blog for some juicy “behind the scenes with Lisa Schall” stories… please be my guest at fortheloveofgun.blogspot.com

  25. July 18th, 2011 at 18:14 | #26

    Chris Noble :Well people, I’ve finally had it with this tyrant. I FEEL YOUR PAIN. My son feels your pain. We can’t heal if we can’t laugh about this atrocious miscarriage of our judicial system; so I’ve decided to tell my story regarding Lisa Schall – and it’s done with a twist of dry humor. So if you would be so kind as to stop by my blog for some juicy “behind the scenes with Lisa Schall” stories… please be my guest at http://fortheloveofgun.blogspot.com

  26. July 18th, 2011 at 18:29 | #27

    hey brian – hit me up on my blog fortheloveofgun/blogspot.com . I HEAR YOU… but would prefer to share a name in a less public environment… frightening as that may be (given our freedoms and all….) @ brian long

  27. Peaceful Warrior
    August 17th, 2011 at 23:53 | #28

    Hey Chris…

    I just went to your blogspot and read all your stuff. Here is the deal. None of the truth matters to this court, and publicity in this form can be used against you later.

    I do not know what is going on in this court, but it is a nefarious entity. I thought that I might do the same as you and create a website with all of the facts. But, I have since determined that this requires a federal judge to step in and get involved. Judges who think that they can ignore facts, fail to read pleadings, and dish out “punishments” to parents with no evidence of any wrong doing, and are not in the best interest of the child, are in violation of our 5th amendment rights to due process of law.

    We are in effect being punished for uncommitted crimes, and are children are being punished for them as well. This is totally unconstitutional. Violating the law and making your own rules as a Judge violates constitutional authority. We need to band together and formulate a constitutional challenge and disbarment action subsequent with civil litigation for compensation and emotional damages caused to our children and ourselves.

    See who you can get together with us to do this, we need more than just me, or just me and you…we need numbers to make this work and get the proper legal help to get this done. I cannot bear another summer without my daughter. This is a slam dunk if we have enough numbers. It is the only way to win. Please join me in this fight…

    Peaceful Warrior

  28. One of thousands
    October 9th, 2011 at 16:49 | #29

    Vote them out. Please. April 2012.

  29. Auntie Mom
    November 3rd, 2011 at 17:36 | #30

    I say “Paste her face and info all over facebook” Embarrass her right out of the court room!!

  30. Auntie Mom
    November 3rd, 2011 at 19:35 | #31

    I have lost all faith in the American court system. Not long after “Judge Lisa” my neighbors and I took a neighbor to court for videotaping our kids and posting it on his web page with the heading “Unsuspecting teen porn”. At the Sheriffs request we took him to court for a TRO.

    Judge David Ryan: Ya, Speaking of “Bad Judges”, Judge Felon Hugger! After sarcastically insulting the group of mother and their children representing themselves, he reluctantly granted us a TRO. When Randy returned to taping we called the sheriff, they came out and now, because of the TRO could access his house. As the senior officer exited the house we asked what he had found, he replied “Move, this is one sick F**K! Every room in that house (2 story, 3 bed, 2 bath!) is filled with computers and surveillance equipment and his garage is a dark room. We all thought that a RO was a sure thing, nope; Judge David Ryan found that he had the right… Go figure….To add insult to injury; Judge David Ryan ordered the mothers to collectively pay Randy’s legal fees of more than $10.000!
    Well, those families and others all moved out of the neighborhood.

    While David Ryan may have found Randy’s behavior acceptable someone didn’t, because about a year later Randy just disappeared, his house sat empty, car in the driveway but no sign of him.

    About a year later some guys moved into his house. They asked what had happened with him, when I asked why they told me that they had rented the house over the internet with the agreement that they would pack up his belongings and his car and bring them to him in New Mexico. Stating “that Dude was run out of town, someone took him to the state border and told him to never come back”, there was food on the table and blood on the floor”.

    Encinitas Sheriff and Our H.O.A. were both well aware of his long history of doing these kinds of things unfortunately the law and judges like David Ryan tied their hands.
    I have no idea who dealt with Randy and the damage was already done to us and our children, but I learned something from that………” We all did “.

  31. One of thousands
    November 6th, 2011 at 01:40 | #32

    San Diego-don’t let these incompetent, dishonest scum take our beautiful city. These are discrepulous people. And I’ve worked in DC for Prosecutors. The peaceful way is to vote them out. Are there other ways?

  32. One of Thousands
    November 8th, 2011 at 18:36 | #33


    I have just spoken with the investigator for the Commission on Judicial Performance handling judge Schall’s case, Mr. Brad Batson. He was unable to provide specific comments regarding the investigation of Judge Schall, but mentioned it was “complex”–i.e. ‘serious’ a la De Anne Salcido’s resignation ‘serious.’ He also encouraged others with complaints re: Judge Schall to submit them in writing. As there appear to be many just on this site, the CJP is requesting your cooperation as well as the cooperation of others of whom you may be aware. Submit >specific< complaints in as concise a format as possible to:

    Mr. Brett Battson
    Commission on Judicial Performance
    455 Golden Gate Avenue, Suite 14400
    San Francisco, CA 94102

    (415) 557-1200

    (415) 557-1266

    Good luck and blessings to all.

  33. NT
    November 29th, 2012 at 09:38 | #34

    Wish I had seen this site earlier. Too late now 🙁
    Short url http://www.tinyurl.com/judgelisa

  34. Shelly and John Van Paver
    January 29th, 2013 at 07:27 | #35

    My wife loves Lisa, shelly my wife made a death threat tape and we got the kids away and got out of paying child support, then the grandma gets sick, then the mother ends up in jail, then the daughter who was in our care ends up in hospital.

    My wife was good at lying, verbally abusing my daughters, she was the step mom. I tried to kill my 1st wife, my daughters and my ex-mother in law.

    And we almost killed the mother and get away with it. Judgement day will come

  35. February 25th, 2014 at 18:39 | #36

    I am confused. I have written to the CJP and was informed that I cannot have access to the records of any complaints and such. How was this reporter able to get these? Have I been lied to?

  36. April 23rd, 2014 at 22:54 | #37

    Judge Schall is a very professional and compassionate judge who has EARNED her position. She was interviewed by the Judicial Council, recommended to the Governor, and appointed. She was vetted, appointed, and has need holding that position with dignity. It seems like a deputy attorney general couldn’t make the cut with the judicial council and couldn’t get appointed by the governor; now wants to have voters send her to the bench. But what do we really know about her? I say we trust what we know, Judge Schall has been committed to the community she serves as seen by the support of every sitting judge. We at Southland Law support Judge Schall.

  37. April 30th, 2014 at 04:26 | #38

    Potential Voters in San Diego’s 2014 Judicial Election:

    Weightier Matter is sponsoring election resources, news, and commentary:

    Schall faces stiff challenge from talented challenger, Assistant U.S. Attorney Carla Keehn.

    -Article on Keehn, Schall spat: http://wp.me/p4aG7J-Lv
    -Election Resources from Carpe Dicta: http://www.weightiermatter.com/sandiego/
    -Election Calendar and Info: http://wp.me/p4aG7J-Ep

    More coverage at http://www.weightiermatter.com.

  38. NIck Menas
    May 14th, 2014 at 14:38 | #39

    Please add me to the list of individuals who suffered at the hands of Judge Schall.
    The above comments were EXACTLY the same types of insults I had to endure due to her bias and inconsiderate judgements she made in my divorce case. Facts didn’t matter to her, why would they, she doesn’t care about facts, only her power of authority based on her personal opinion as an ANGRY DIVORCED WOMAN. As a man in her courtroom, I lost before I got there 🙁
    I hope her reign ends soon.

  39. susan
    May 20th, 2014 at 01:30 | #40

    @ One of Thousands
    Hello. As you may or may not know Judge Lis Schall is fighting to keep her seat with the California Courts. The election is June 3rd 2014. Please join me to in saving San Diego children and their families by Voting Judge Lisa Schall OUT! Vote Carle Keehn for Superior Court Judge #20 … Spread The Word!!! Thank you, Auntie Mom… [email protected]

  40. susan
    May 20th, 2014 at 01:52 | #41

    To all of the other victims of the Dis Honorable Judge Lisa Schall..

    Now Is the time to show this crazy, abusive Judge that that she has distroyed th ladt San Diego Family of her career!! No more Judge Lisa!!

    Lisa Schall is currently fighting to hold on to her seat with the San Diego Courts.
    June 3 2014 is our chance to get her out!!
    Join me in Voting “Carla Keehn Superior Court Judge #20”

    In the name of our children and all of the others who have no one to stand up for them…
    we are stronger in numbers. We have only 2 weeks! Please contact me a [email protected]

    Thank you , Auntie Mom ♡ Please copy this and pass it on, let’s get the word out ASAP! Via Social Media, Facebook, Twitter, any way we can!!

  41. milton l. gale
    May 31st, 2014 at 01:09 | #42

    All you people who are perfect and never make mistakes vote for Carla Keehn. I KNOW I am not perfect,but I learn from my mistakes!!! Hence, I voted for someone like myself who falls short of perfection but did not remain in error!!! My candidate is Judge Lisa Schall!!!!!

    June 5th, 2014 at 22:47 | #43

    I was with a friend who was before Lisa Schall. My friend was In Pro Per and was treated properly. There was an allegation that Lisa Schall was “against” In Pro Pers. Nothing could be further from the truth. Judge Schall saw through the lying brother of the attorney who perjured himself doing sewer service. (saying he served a party and did not).
    I have lived in Escondido and during a bright day I started down the ONLY one-way street in Escondido the wrong way and I was stone cold sober. I did this only once.
    Valley Parkway goes east from the I-15. As it is going East it turns into a one-way street. The fact that there is only one, one-way street in Escondido and the fact that it was at night, I can see how someone who was not used to the streets in Escondido, at NIGHT, would get turned around and not expect a one-way street in a city that has only one, one-way street which turns into a one-way street from being a two-way street. (in both directions; East and West)
    OK, so she was .09. In my home state .10 is the limit. She was not a lot over the line, she was a little over the line. I am a non-drinker by choice for 3 1/2 years, not because I went through rehab. Lisa Schall was not obviously dangerously drunk. Somewhat tipsy, probably. Dangerously drunk, no.
    Third, this women who said she was going to “go off” if she came back in the courtroom who was outside the courtroom, you don’t know what that means. Yes, this women’s rights were violated because the “way in which” the belligerent woman was put in jai. My understanding was that Judge Schall rarely put anyone in contempt and jailed. This was not a pattern, but contrary to the pattern of treating litigants. Judge Schall was probably thinking of when the people in the courtroom were leaving, what would happen to them. She probably wants that one back. She didn’t follow rules she almost never used. From what I have read, she rarely used contempt. Not pattern of violating peoples rights, unlike some other judges I know of. Might be she wished she would have put the enraged women in contempt and jail, instead of putting her in the hall just outside the courtroom door where the object of her rage would walk.
    I was only “involved” with the one case before Judge Schall because of my friend, I have had no other contact with Judge Schall. You have to look at how long someone was on the bench. 29 years and she failed to follow court rules once, had a quarter to half of one drink too much, and in 1986, as newbie judge, spoke at a luncheon about women in business and included the governor who appointed her at what she found out later to be a political forum. Twenty-nine years and these three unrelated mistakes, two of which are minor, one where there is no pattern. Senator Ted Kennedy killed two people, and never lost his job in his state. They voted him back in. Why??? Judge Schall has very little shortcomings in her 29 years of her nearly spotless service.

  43. Robert Pullman
    October 28th, 2014 at 22:36 | #44

    I am an attorney who appeared in Judge Schall’s court room every day for about three years when she was assigned to the Juvenile Dependency Division of the Superior Court. I found her to be polite, fair, knowledgeable and engaging.

  44. ford harvey
    August 21st, 2015 at 16:31 | #45

    I was part of Judge Guy-shall´s legal team with respect to criminal cases in the mid 1990s. I spent up to several hours a day reviewing cases with her or observing court proceedings. In my opinion, she was extremely professional, Always prepared and sought the most just outcome – A very good Judge. She certainly showed no signs of alcohol abuse. The negative comments seem to stem from her subsequente time in Family court – I never worked in Family court. The highly charged comments against her are completely opposite to the judge I knew professionally. I am deeply saddened for what I have read.

  45. March 7th, 2016 at 20:25 | #46

    Yes, I was standing before her in 1995, and she didn’t let me speak in court. Stepmom Shelly Lynn Lawson Paver made a death threat tape and accused me the mother of 3. Next thing I know my head was banged against the table by the bailiff.

    She sent me directly to jail, this transpired right before Christmas, I lost my job and kids. My kids were tortured byt stepmom Shelly Lynn Lawson Paver. I made a copy of the death threat tape and it sure was Shelly Lynn Lawson Paver, she tried to kill me utilizing the family law system al;ong with the father. I get ptsd remembering the horric day. Due to Judge Lisa Guy Schull abuse of Power, my mom the grandma got suicidal and suffered a stroke, due to the JOhn Van Paver and Shelly Lynn Lawson PAver

  46. March 7th, 2016 at 20:34 | #47

    @Shelly and John Van Paver

    Family law needs to be revamped for next generation of kids stuck as cash cows. My daughters are affected by the action of the court along with me the mother.

    I was stuck due to John Van Paver and Shelly Lynn Lawson-Paver, who lied and perjured to court. I am setting up a blog with the court documents to show people the affect it put on
    the grandma who was tortured by John Van Paver and Shelly Lynn Lawson. JOhn Clyde Paver and Helen doesn’t have any balls to tell my kids what the mother suffered along with the grandma to her dying day, the abuse of John Van Paver and Shelly Lynn Lawson Paver. My kids id you read this, I loved you more than you know, had to miss work as YOU ALL WROTE ME LETTERS TO GET YOU AWAY FROM YOUR DAD AND SHELLY LYNN LAWSON PAVER, SO

  47. March 7th, 2016 at 20:36 | #48

    My blog is (www.paver-slivka.com) it will have all the court documents stemming from Lisa Guy Schull. More importantly the letters from my daughters sharing their pain for the next generation of kids stuck AS CASH COWS.

  48. Susan
    September 25th, 2016 at 04:33 | #49

    Judge Lisa Schall is a very, very dangerous BULLY.
    It has been 20 years since I was subjected to her sick narcissistic manipulation, threats and abuse. Her reach is far and her friends many, I have felt her revenge years later, she knows it and I know it. Judge Lisa Schall is a very sick, manipulative, narcissistic woman/Judge, everyone knows it including those that she works with. It is truly sad that this woman with so much power to make wonderful changes in the lives of so many has chosen instead to leave a trail of broken families, children, mothers, fathers, so many broken hearts.

    I know what she put me through. I remember well. It was very twisted, very sick and very abusive. She is a liar, and will manipulate a situation to fit her own mind. My God, what she did and said to me was so sick! she took me in chambers and would go off record and then just tear me apart! I was the guardian of my nephew, I was raising yet another of my sister’s kids for the 10th time! My character was above approach! My sister has been a drug addict for 30 years. I kept thinking “What in God’s name did I do to deserve this! Her behavior continued to get more and more bizarre! Turned out that she was on the board of my sister’s rehab program “Serenity House”.
    My sister is dead now, my mother and I no longer speak, but my SON and I are strong in the truth…. I filed for guardianship for Cody because I believed that the court would stop the cycle of bouncing the children back and forth. That a Judge would hold Janet to a higher standard and require her to work a program and finally provide a better life for herself and her children. I could not have been more wrong. We can all debate this matter all we want, the fact is that anyone that has him before Lisa Schall knows that she is unstable/in my opinion a malignant narcissist. But no one on the legal profession would dare speak up against her to do so would be professional suicide. The rest of us will never be heard. This is what happens when you chose to ask a stranger to make decisions for your families. This should serve as a strong warning to anyone considering divorce or child custody, put your anger, resentment and emotions aside and work it out between yourselves or hire a mediator…. or you too might end up with a psycho stranger deciding the future of your life and the life of your family.
    After all “If you educate a psychopath you have a psychopath with a M.D., a Phd, or a J.D.”.
    It is very sad that someone that was given so much could use it to do so much harm.
    Wishing you all Love and a peaceful heart💜

  49. Erik Kopp
    February 7th, 2017 at 02:16 | #50

    I was in front of Lisa Schall in 2010, haven’t seen my kids since that date, she strips children from loving parents with no regard for the law. She abuses her power and refuses to look objectively at the facts. My heart goes out to anyone that has had their case heard by her.

  50. Justsomeone
    September 22nd, 2024 at 23:38 | #51

    I knew Lisa when I was a kid. She was an awful human being, cruel and elitest. So reading this as an adult, it does not surprise me in the least that she has cause so much pain and suffering for so many with her reckless and selfish behavior. I was friends with her twin daughters briefly. They were bratty and elitist. One of Lisa’s daughter’s is an attorney in San Diego. I hope she is a better, more caring attorney than her mother.

  1. January 25th, 2010 at 17:55 | #1
  2. April 13th, 2010 at 16:15 | #2
  3. April 16th, 2010 at 04:31 | #3
  4. April 20th, 2010 at 15:35 | #4
  5. April 30th, 2010 at 03:40 | #5
  6. May 5th, 2010 at 01:41 | #6
  7. June 18th, 2010 at 20:34 | #7
  8. July 6th, 2010 at 05:56 | #8
  9. October 24th, 2010 at 01:50 | #9
  10. October 28th, 2010 at 23:29 | #10
  11. November 6th, 2010 at 18:42 | #11
  12. November 11th, 2010 at 23:29 | #12
  13. November 23rd, 2010 at 05:19 | #13
  14. December 14th, 2010 at 01:16 | #14
  15. November 9th, 2011 at 01:52 | #15
  16. February 25th, 2014 at 03:12 | #16
  17. February 25th, 2014 at 03:32 | #17
  18. February 27th, 2014 at 19:24 | #18
  19. March 11th, 2014 at 04:11 | #19
  20. April 21st, 2014 at 23:42 | #20
  21. April 30th, 2014 at 06:54 | #21
  22. April 30th, 2014 at 16:45 | #22
  23. May 10th, 2014 at 23:01 | #23
  24. May 25th, 2014 at 14:54 | #24

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