Cole Stuart Arrested During Family Law Protest
In the wake of what appears to be a wrongful arrest of California Coalition for Families and Children co-founder and president Cole Stuart, the evidence is building that one of the primary culprits in this matter is the San Diego County Bar Association (SDCBA).
We’ve obtained copy of computer file containing a letter directed to Patrick L. Hosey, President of the San Diego County Bar Association. In the letter, Cole Stuart describes the events of the April 15, 2010, family law seminar sponsored by the SDCBA at which their staff and private security guards allegedly handcuffed and removed him from the event. This is despite the facts that he is a licensed attorney who paid for admission to the event, the arrest warrant for him was obtained in an irregular fashion that suggests judicial misconduct was involved, and the San Diego Police Department (SDPD) and San Diego Sheriff Department officers on the scene wanted to wait until after the event to make an arrest.
SDPD officers pointed out that it was highly unusual for an arrest warrant to be issued over a misdemeanor alleged violation of a temporary restraining order. Possibly even more unusual is that the TRO was not served on Cole Stuart until April 16, two days after the issue of the arrest warrant tied to the TRO and one day after he had already been arrested.
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| Bonnie Dumanis, California, California Coalition for Families and Children, CCFC, Child Custody, City Attorney Jan Goldsmith, Colbern Stuart III, Cole Stuart, Divorce, Domestic Violence, false abuse allegations, false accusations in divorce, family law court, Judge Christine Goldsmith, Judge Lisa Schall, Judge Lorna Alksne, Lyndolyn Stuart, Lynn Stuart, malicious mom, Patrick Hosey, police abuse, San Diego, San Diego County Bar Association, San Diego County Sheriff's Department, San Diego Police Department, San Diego Superior Court, SDPD, temporary restraining order, United States |
Kids and adults alike often are treated with dental braces to correct misaligned teeth. The options for such treatment have increased dramatically in recent years, including some that avoid the uncomfortable metal braces common in the past. One such recent development is the Invisalign dental aligner. It is a plastic device that sits inside the mouth to reposition the teeth. As it has no metal parts, people with allergies to metals and alloys including stainless steel, nickel, and chromium may find this a major advantage. While it is not suitable for all tooth alignment problems, it is suitable for many patients. Invisalign has distinct advantages in the areas of comfort and appearance over conventional braces. Its removable design ensures that dental hygiene will not be impeded. As braces typically are worn for a year or more and often interfere with flossing and other dental care, this is a major advantage. After all, who wants to spend thousand of dollars on braces only to get cavities as a result?
Invisalign – A Seamless Fit For Your Lifestyle and Your Teeth
Conventional vs. Invisalign braces
The Invisalign dental aligner is one of the newest and most innovative products on the dental market today. The Invisalign aligner is essentially a plastic retainer that is shaped to guide the movement of one’s teeth into the correct position. Many patients today are now opting for Invisalign instead of metal braces, which have been common in the past.
The Invisalign treatment is the same as metal braces, in that it slowly, over time, aligns the teeth into their desired positions. Patients will receive more than one Invisalign aligner in this process so that the teeth are moved in stages. This allows for the best success in tooth alignment.
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The US Supreme Court has denied issuing a stay to halt the imprisonment of jailed attorney Richard Fine. Fine has been kept in Los Angeles County jail in solitary confinement by Sheriff LeRoy Baca for more than 14 months due to orders of Judge David Yaffe, a judge who is intent on silencing Fine by abusing contempt of court powers as he uncovered and widely publicized the corruption of the Los Angeles courts and the illegal payments made by the county to the judges there. The corruption has resulted in the county winning almost without exception every lawsuit in which it has been involved since 2005.
In orders issued on April 26, 2010, the US Supreme Court declared:
(from US Supreme Court Orders of April 26, 2010)
09A827 (09-1250) FINE, RICHARD I. V. BACA, SHERIFF, ET AL.
The application for stay addressed to Justice Ginsburg and referred to the Court is denied.
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| California, contempt of court, Fred Sottile, Government Abuse, Judge David Yaffe, judicial abuse, judicial corruption, Legal, Los Angeles, Los Angeles Sheriff Department, Los Angeles Superior Court, police abuse, political prisoner, Richard Fine, Sheriff LeRoy Baca, United States, US Supreme Court, wrongful imprisonment |
The United States of America and many of its state and local governments are civil rights and human rights violators of large proportions. One recent case of such violations is getting a lot of attention. Richard Fine is a Los Angeles political prisoner who has been locked in solitary confinement in county jail for approaching 15 months without any charges, opportunity for bail, or due process. He’s there because he exposed a bribery scandal and challenged the corrupt judges and governments of Los Angeles and California to stop the bribery. The response was to shut him down at every attempt to get the problems corrected. When he wouldn’t give up, Judge David Yaffe threw him in jail to silence him with the full cooperation and participation of corrupt Sheriff LeRoy Baca who is enforcing the illegal imprisonment. Yet as much as many citizens are burying their heads in the sand and pretending judicial and government abuse can’t happen to them, it is not only happening widely but is poised to get much worse.
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| Barack Obama, California, David Vitter, family law court, Fifth Amendment, Fourteenth Amendment, George LeMieux, Government Abuse, James Inhofe, Jefferson Sessions, John McCain, John Thune, Judge David Yaffe, judicial abuse, judicial corruption, Legal, Los Angeles, political prisoner, Richard Fine, Roger Wicker, S.3081, Saxby Chambliss, Scott Brown, Sheriff LeRoy Baca, United States, wrongful imprisonment |
Protecting citizens from crime is a good goal. Technology has contributed many new tools to the effort such as burglar alarms, car security systems, and cell phones. But some technological tools have vast potential for abuse. GPS monitoring devices being used for family law and civil restraining orders are one such application fraught with serious abuse potential.
GPS Monitoring Raises Risks of Convincing But False Accusations
The potential for false accusations and harassment is aggravated dangerously if GPS tracking devices are used in family law and civil restraining order cases in which there has not been any conviction in a criminal court. That’s exactly the common case for many people falsely accused of domestic violence who have temporary retraining orders (TROs) slapped on them with no evidence, no chance to contest the false allegations, and no due process. This is business as usual for abusive judges like Lorna Alksne and Lisa Schall of the San Diego Superior Court as well as other similarly abusive judges across the United States. They issue such orders routinely without even a shred of evidence and no chance for a defense until much later.
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| Bonnie Russell, California, California Coalition for Families and Children, CCFC, Cole Stuart, dirty legal tactics, Divorce, Domestic Violence, false accusations in divorce, family law court, Government Abuse, GPS tracking, Judge Lisa Schall, Judge Lorna Alksne, Ken Newell, Legal, partner violence, perjury, police abuse, protective order, restraining order, San Diego, San Diego Superior Court, TRO, United States |
Bill Gore
We’re not ready to endorse a candidate for San Diego Sheriff yet, but we do believe that we have ample reason to advise voters to vote for somebody other than Bill Gore.
Gore is a member of the “good old boys’ network” of San Diego political corruption. His personal friend, former Sheriff Bill Kolendar, jammed through Gore’s role as interim sheriff with full support of the San Diego County Board of Supervisors when Kolendar retired in 2009.
From speaking with those familiar with Gore and the duties of the sheriff who benefit from a vantage point inside of the Sheriff’s Department, it is our understanding that there is little respect for Gore from many of the officers of the department. Gore reportedly hasn’t ever held a role in local law enforcement previous to becoming interim sheriff via backdoor political machinations. What experience Gore has in law enforcement comes from serving as an FBI agent for 32 years. Yet in this capacity, Gore did not have to manage large numbers of personnel, manage a budget, or perform many of the other tasks that the sheriff must handle. But management inexperience may be a minor concern compared to the others arising out of Bill Gore’s history with the FBI and his ties to the corrupt political machine ruining San Diego County.
Bill Gore And Ruby Ridge Government Murders
More concerning, Gore’s record as an FBI employee is fraught with problems. He was the agent in charge for the Ruby Ridge FBI assault on Randy Weaver’s family that resulted in multiple fatalities, including the death by shooting of a mother holding a baby and a child shot in the back as he fled law enforcement gunfire. The government settled out of court with a $3.1 million award to Randy Weaver for the wrongful deaths of his wife and son.
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| 9/11 terrorists, Bonnie Dumanis, California, City Attorney Jan Goldsmith, FBI, Federal Bureau of Investigation, Judge Christine Goldsmith, Judge Lisa Schall, Judge Lorna Alksne, Randy Weaver, Ruby Ridge, San Diego, San Diego County Bar Association, San Diego Police Department, San Diego Sheriff's Department, San Diego Superior Court, Sheriff William Gore, United States |
The Richard Fine case is a clear-cut modern example of how American government imprisons people over political issues in which the target of imprisonment has not committed a crime or been charged, tried, or sentenced for any crime. In this case, it is the California courts and the government of Los Angeles County that are engaged in violating the law and seeking to silence a political opponent who has raised legitimate questions in a court case about the legality of payments made to judges of the Los Angeles Superior Court and their apparent bias towards those illegally providing those payments. To silence him, Richard Fine has been subjected to more than a year of jail time in solitary confinement without any due process.
US Supreme Court To Discuss Fine Case
US Supreme Court Justice Ruth Ginsberg has scheduled a meeting on April 23 to discuss the court hearing Richard Fine’s case.
(from Supreme Court to Consider Richard Fine’s Petition for Release )
On April 23rd, therefore, the nine ultimate guardians of American’s right to due process, the justices of the U.S. Supreme Court, will consider whether corrupt California judges and county supervisors will finally be brought to heel. Will the justices be able to rein in any inclination to protect their embarrassing and felonious brethren? Will they be able to look past the arrogance of the unindicted judges who cavalierly assume the justices will compromise their own principles and legacies just to keep some crooks in robes out of jail? They knowingly stole taxpayers’ hard-earned dollars and granted themselves retroactive immunity from criminal prosecution and civil liability when they were finally caught. Yet who goes to jail? The one person, obviously, who refuses … on principle … to violate his sworn oath or kowtow to the faux muckety-mucks who’ve somehow fooled themselves into believing they are superior to their employers, We the People. Luckily, November is just around the corner.
Protests in Los Angeles and Washington, D.C.
With the news that the US Supreme Court is considering taking on the case and is meeting on April 23 to discuss it, citizens outraged by the government abuse have planned to show their support of Richard Fine in demonstrations against court and government corruption in Los Angeles at the county courthouse and Washington D.C. on the steps of the US Supreme Court on April 20.
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| California, County of Los Angeles, Government Abuse, Judge David Yaffe, judicial corruption, Legal, Leslie Dutton, Los Angeles Sheriff Department, Los Angeles Superior Court, political prisoner, Richard Fine, Sheriff LeRoy Baca, United States, US Supreme Court, wrongful imprisonment |
On April 15, CCFC co-founder and attorney Cole Stuart was arrested in what appears to be a stunt staged by San Diego family law system employees, possibly including Judge Lorna Alksne and Judge Lisa Schall. It appears incontrovertible that the impending CCFC protest at the San Diego County Bar Association family law seminar on April 15 was well-known to court employees starting on April 14, the day on which an arrest warrant was issued for Cole Stuart.
We have observed there was a spike in activity on our web site by employees of the San Diego Superior Court on that, less than two days after we posted our article discussing the impending CCFC protest at the SDCBA family law seminar. While this doesn’t prove judicial bias on its own, it shows these judges were likely aware of the impending protest. It is also consistent with the opinion that San Diego judges viewed having Cole Stuart arrested as an opportunity to quash vociferous political opponents by abusing their authority.
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| California, California Coalition for Families and Children, CCFC, dirty legal tactics, Divorce, false accusations in divorce, family law court, Government Abuse, Judge Lisa Schall, Judge Lorna Alksne, Legal, police abuse, San Diego, San Diego Police Department, San Diego Sheriff's Department, San Diego Superior Court, Stephen Doyne, United States |
CCFC co-founder Cole Stuart was recently wrongfully arrested due to what appears to be manipulation of the police by his ex-wife Lynn Stuart and possibly various elements of the San Diego family law system. While malicious alienating parents using courts and police to abuse their children’s other parent is commonplace particularly in a broken family court system such as that in San Diego, she has been aided at this by a particularly dirty San Diego lawyer. Lynn Stuart hired Jeffrey Fritz. He has earned a reputation as an attorney who is a “shark” who will resort to all manners of abusive and unethical tactics to “win” cases for his clients while driving up huge billings that severely damage the finances of all but the very wealthiest. He typically attracts high-conflict clients such as Lynn Stuart.
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| Bill Eddy, borderline personality disorder, California, Child Custody, Cole Stuart, dirty legal tactics, Divorce, Domestic Violence, false accusations in divorce, family law court, high conflict personalities, Jeffrey Fritz, Legal, Lynn Stuart, narcissistic personality disorder, perjury, personality disorder, police abuse, San Diego, San Diego Superior Court, United States, William Eddy |
This is breaking news with little information available from the mainstream media. We clearly don’t have all the details yet, but we’ll let you know what we have learned so far.
Some updates from information we’ve been receiving:
The protest was peaceful and reasonably calm except for the interruption caused by the arrest. One of the protesters reported the officials at the site said they were being “great protesters”.
Cole Stuart was in good spirits despite being arrested. He complied with officers’ requests. CCFC group members photographed the arrest, in part to keep the police in check. After being released, Stuart said the officers “were extremely cool and supportive of our cause” and talked about how some of them had spoken of being harmed by stunts like this in their own previous relationships.
CCFC co-founder Dr. Emad Tadros posted bail for Cole Stuart. Bail was $25,000 for misdemeanor charges of stalking and annoying telephone calls.
Given that the protest was peaceful, it appears that somebody with an agenda against Cole Stuart must have called the police to report his presence and request that he be arrested. Possible suspects include:
- Judge Lorna Alksne: supervising family court judge, she has her fingers in the court harassment against many parents and reportedly recognized Cole Stuart at the protest (she was present)
- Stephen Doyne: ill-reputed psychological evaluator under fire from CCFC members (he was present as a speaker at the event)
- Judge Lisa Schall: has an axe to grind against Cole Stuart as he’s reportedly filed a CJP complaint against her for her alleged bias and misconduct in his divorce case (attendance not confirmed)
- Lynn Stuart: allegedly malicious ex-wife and San Diego CW Channel 6 News reporter (attendance not confirmed)
- Jeffrey Fritz: family law attorney for Lynn Stuart (attendance not confirmed)
Also see these related articles:
Internet Evidence of Suspicious Timing of Court Awareness of CCFC Protest and Arrest Warrant For Group Leader
San Diego Lawyer Jeffrey Fritz Increases Conflict and Costs
Cole Stuart Arrested During Family Law Protest
At the April 15 protest against the corrupt San Diego family law courts the San Diego Police Department arrested one of the leaders of the group, Colbern Stuart III, an attorney and vocal critic of the California family law courts. The arrest appears to possibly be an attempt at intimidation and harassment against San Diego parents who are fed up with the abuses they are facing at the hands of the local family law courts. It may also be part of the alleged parental alienation campaign being conducted by Lynn Stuart, San Diego CW6 News Reporter and ex-wife of Cole Stuart. She and many in the San Diego family law community, including specifically Stephen Doyne, Judge Lisa Schall, and Judge Lorna Alksne, have personal reasons to want to attack and harm Cole Stuart and other CCFC group members.
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| Children, Civil Rights, Courts, Crime, Divorce, Domestic Violence, Family, Government Abuse, Legal, Parental Alienation, Partner Violence, Police, Politics |
| California, California Coalition for Families and Children, CCFC, Colbern Stuart III, Cole Stuart, David Yaffe, Jeffrey Fritz, Judge Lorna Alksne, Lisa Schall, Lyndolyn Stuart, Lynn Stuart, malicious mom, Richard Fine, Robert Basie, San Diego, San Diego County Bar Association, San Diego County Sheriff's Department, San Diego Police Department, San Diego Superior Court, SDPD, Stephen Doyne, United States |
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