
Posts Tagged ‘Federal Bureau of Investigation’

Former US Marine Brandon Raub Incarcerated in Mental Hospital Because Feds Didn’t Like His Facebook Political Statements

September 9th, 2012 No comments

On August 16, 2012, decorated US Marine combat veteran Brandon Raub of Virginia was detained and incarcerated in a mental hospital by the FBI, Secret Service, and local law enforcement of Chesterfield County acting on Federal government requests. The Rutherford Institute obtained his release after about a week of incarceration because the government had nothing to charge him with and could not show there was anything wrong with him.

Federal government agents, with police backup, showed up at Raub’s home to “interview” him. Below is a video of the cops hauling Raub away. Chesterfield police claim this was not an arrest, but the video shows what looks to any ordinary honest person to be an arrest. The video was reportedly filmed on the cell phone of a relative of Raub’s:

Raub Brandon arrested (fixed footage)

Raub was treated to what amounts to unwarranted arrest and incarceration because he posted controversial song lyrics and political views on his Facebook pages. In particular, the government claims he should be detained for psychiatric evaluation because he wrote “ominous” posts on Facebook on August 13 and 14, 2012.

Quoted from Outcry after military veteran detained for anti-government Facebook posts:

In one message earlier this month according to authorities, Raub wrote: “Sharpen my axe; I’m here to sever heads.”

Police — acting under a state law that allows emergency, temporary psychiatric commitments upon the recommendation of a mental health professional — took Raub to the John Randolph Medical Center in Hopewell. He was not charged with any crime.

That Facebook message is a paraphrase of the lyrics of the song Bring Me Down by the Canadian hip hop band Swollen Members who sang:

Sharpen up my axe and I am back, I’m here to sever heads.

On one of his multiple Facebook pages, Raub lists that he works for the “Ron Paul Revolution”, clearly referring to US Congressional Representative Ron Paul and his Libertarian political views. But the government interprets Raub’s Facebook post “The Revolution is about to start” as a sign that he is mentally ill.

Raub also questions how the government even learned about some of his posts because some of them were made on a private Facebook page he used to communicate with his relatives that was not visible to the general public.
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Bill Gore Is Poor Choice For San Diego Sheriff

April 20th, 2010 9 comments
Bill Gore
Bill Gore

We’re not ready to endorse a candidate for San Diego Sheriff yet, but we do believe that we have ample reason to advise voters to vote for somebody other than Bill Gore.

Gore is a member of the “good old boys’ network” of San Diego political corruption. His personal friend, former Sheriff Bill Kolendar, jammed through Gore’s role as interim sheriff with full support of the San Diego County Board of Supervisors when Kolendar retired in 2009.

From speaking with those familiar with Gore and the duties of the sheriff who benefit from a vantage point inside of the Sheriff’s Department, it is our understanding that there is little respect for Gore from many of the officers of the department. Gore reportedly hasn’t ever held a role in local law enforcement previous to becoming interim sheriff via backdoor political machinations. What experience Gore has in law enforcement comes from serving as an FBI agent for 32 years. Yet in this capacity, Gore did not have to manage large numbers of personnel, manage a budget, or perform many of the other tasks that the sheriff must handle. But management inexperience may be a minor concern compared to the others arising out of Bill Gore’s history with the FBI and his ties to the corrupt political machine ruining San Diego County.

Bill Gore And Ruby Ridge Government Murders

More concerning, Gore’s record as an FBI employee is fraught with problems. He was the agent in charge for the Ruby Ridge FBI assault on Randy Weaver’s family that resulted in multiple fatalities, including the death by shooting of a mother holding a baby and a child shot in the back as he fled law enforcement gunfire. The government settled out of court with a $3.1 million award to Randy Weaver for the wrongful deaths of his wife and son.
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Unsecured Wireless Networks Risk Being Framed for Crime

January 18th, 2010 No comments

Do you have an unsecured wireless network or wireless access point in your home or business? If so, you may think all you have at risk is somebody wasting your bandwidth. But there’s a lot more at risk than megabits per second here. If you’re running unsecured wireless networks, you may be setting up your friends, employees, family and yourself for being scapegoated as child pornography or identify theft criminals.
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Framed for Child Porn by a PC Virus

November 9th, 2009 2 comments

The Associated Press has recently published news of an investigation it conducted into people being framed for child pornography by the use of computer viruses and other malware. The results make it clear that innocent people are having their lives ruined by government witch hunts for child pornography after unknowingly becoming victims of computer viruses.

Michael Fiola: Victimized by Virus, then by Massachusetts Government

Michael Fiola’s computer was infected by a virus that cost him his job, his life savings, and nearly his freedom. His life was threatened repeatedly. Even his car tires were slashed by somebody who heard the accusations against him. All this happened because the virus downloaded child porn to his computer and the government persecuted him for years before finally admitting that they couldn’t prove their case.
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FBI Child Pornographers Persecute Innocent Citizens?

October 23rd, 2009 No comments

Writer Brian Rothery of website Inquisition 21st Century claims that the American FBI is one of the world’s foremost publishers of illegal child pornography in his article America devours its young. That might sound like a shocking claim, but to those who have seen American “law enforcement” operate, it is totally plausible.

American law enforcement makes a regular practice of violating the Constitution and civil rights by running persecution campaigns to frame, denigrate, and ruin people accused of crimes which they probably never committed. They do this to people who have never even been charged or given a trial, fair or not. Many of these people are in fact victims of crimes such as computer hacking, credit card theft, and false accusations made by people who have something to gain by hurting them. Yet too many cops think that their jobs are attacking and throwing people in jail and that somehow this means that complying with the laws themselves is optional.
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