
Posts Tagged ‘Fred Sottile’

US Supreme Court Denies Richard Fine Appeal Stay Request

April 26th, 2010 No comments

The US Supreme Court has denied issuing a stay to halt the imprisonment of jailed attorney Richard Fine. Fine has been kept in Los Angeles County jail in solitary confinement by Sheriff LeRoy Baca for more than 14 months due to orders of Judge David Yaffe, a judge who is intent on silencing Fine by abusing contempt of court powers as he uncovered and widely publicized the corruption of the Los Angeles courts and the illegal payments made by the county to the judges there. The corruption has resulted in the county winning almost without exception every lawsuit in which it has been involved since 2005.

In orders issued on April 26, 2010, the US Supreme Court declared:

(from US Supreme Court Orders of April 26, 2010)

09A827 (09-1250) FINE, RICHARD I. V. BACA, SHERIFF, ET AL.

The application for stay addressed to Justice Ginsburg and referred to the Court is denied.

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Corrupt Judge David Yaffe Jails Political Prisoner Richard Fine

January 9th, 2010 7 comments
Judge David Yaffe
Los Angeles Judge David Yaffe

Judicial failure to file financial disclosures can be an indicator of a serious problem. The judges involved may be attempting to hide payments they received that could bias them. This at the heart of the controversy over judicial corruption involving allegedly illegal payments by the County of Los Angeles, California, to judges in the county. In that case, judges are being paid money directly by the county as “bonuses” in a manner viewed as subverting their objectivity. Despite the payments of around $46,000 per year per judge, the judges in Los Angeles County have allegedly systematically failed to file financial disclosure form 700 required by state law. One of these judges, David Yaffe, has also jailed Richard Fine, a leading critic of corruption in California courts. He’s been in jail for nearly a year, without any charges or trial, in apparent retaliation for his campaign to clean up the Los Angeles courts.
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“Support? System Down” Film Documents Evils of Family Law

January 7th, 2010 3 comments

At the recent California Coalition for Families and Children (CCFC) meeting in Del Mar, film producer Angelo Lobo was in the audience. He discussed his film Support? System Down which documents injustices in the family courts and child support systems in the form of interviews of 38 parents involved in custody and child support disputes. Also interviewed are a number of other parties and relatives, including family law attorneys, family rights activists, and grandparents.
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Eileen Lasher on San Diego CPS/Family Law Court Misconduct

November 20th, 2009 17 comments

Eileen Lasher, San Diego Mother

I’m having a surreal feeling at the moment — almost like I’m an assistant scriptwriter. Let me explain. I just watched a video interview of Eileen Lasher, a mother whose children suffered at the hands of San Diego County’s CPS, family court, police, and DA “organized crime” syndicate for 15 years until her youngest child turned 18. The interviewer, Fred Sottile, used my article San Diego County Grand Jury Cites Further CPS Misconduct as the outline for his interview. I had no idea this was going to be the case when I started watching. It was truly odd to hear him reading the first paragraph of the story and thinking that sounds just like a story I wrote a few months ago. So I looked up the story and compared the words — it’s the same. That’s fine with me, I’m glad my article helped him with his interview.
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