The FDA misled consumers for years about the protection conferred by sunscreen products. Their flawed SPF rating system disregarded the risk of skin damage from UV-A light, the type of UV light most likely to penetrate deep into the skin and cause damage. Old product labels usually disclosed only UV-B protection, mentioning nothing about UV-A and UV-C light. While new product labels on many sun protection products have recently started to disclose the type of UV light against which protection is effective, fundamental weaknesses with sunscreens remain. Consumers often do not apply enough sunscreen or fail to apply it to areas that will receive significant sun exposure. For instance, a white T-shirt may let through a large amount of UV light yet many people will only apply their sunscreen to exposed bare skin. Even when properly applied, perspiration and water exposure can cause the protection to be uneven and incomplete.
In recent years, a few companies have introduced products that allow consumers to gain the benefit of significant sun protection from oral supplements that cause protection to be distributed throughout the skin. One such product is Life Extension’s Enhanced FernBlock with Sendara
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| astaxanthin, Beta Carotene, FDA, FernBlock, Food and Drug Administration, SPF, Sun Protection Factor, sunburn, sunscreen, UV radiation, UV-A, UV-B, UV-C, Vitamin A |
California Assembly Representative Jim Beall is back with another attempt to shut down destructive use of child custody evaluations. This new Assembly Bill 2475 has grown out of his failure in 2009 to pass his Assembly Bill 612 that wrongly aimed to ban discussion of parental alienation in family law courts. This time around, AB 2475 is on more solid ground as it aims to strip quasi-judicial immunity from private family court appointed experts such as psychological and custody evaluators. This would provide a legal fallback for civil suits for egregious cases of misconduct by these professionals.
Failed AB 612 from 2009
Last year, Jim Beall wanted to outlaw the discussion of parental alienation in family law cases. We and many other organizations that support shared parenting and protecting children from abuse and neglect vehemently opposed the AB 612 legislation he introduced. AB 612 was nothing but whitewashing of emotional child abuse to enable abusers to get away with hurting children and in many cases rewarding them for doing so. That bill, AB 612, was gutted by legislators who understood that parental alienation is a real phenomenon. Beall later withdrew the bill.
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| Child Custody, Children, Courts, CPS, Divorce, Family, Government Abuse, Legal, Parental Alienation, Politics, Psychology |
| California, California AB 2475, California AB 612, California Coalition for Families and Children, Child Abuse, Child Custody, Child Protective Services, Children, CPS, Divorce, Domestic Violence, emotional abuse, false abuse allegations, false accusations in divorce, family law court, Government Abuse, Jim Beall, Judge Lisa Schall, Legal, National Organization of Women, Parental Alienation, personality disorder, shared parenting, Stephen Doyne, United States |
On the night of April 23, 2010, Houston police noticed a car driving without a license plate. The car did not stop and opened a gate and pulled into the Chinese consulate parking garage. Officers reportedly followed and arrested, handcuffed, and somehow injured the driver on the head and heck requiring him to be transported to a hospital.
Prior to the arrest, the driver told the police they were breaking the law by being on Chinese consulate grounds. The driver was a deputy consul named Yu Boren. Reportedly one of his family members, Ging Hua Deng, was in the car and observed the police brutality.
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We sometimes get emails from our readers asking about the mix of information on our web site. Some readers wonder why we write about topics that seemingly have nothing to do with each other. Many of our readers are interested in the family law abuse and judicial corruption stories, others appreciate the coverage of health topics, and yet others find the stories about police abuse tactics match their own experiences. But what do they all have in common? The answer is they are all tied together by the involvement of government in abusing its duties to the public to uphold the law, avoiding conflicts of interest and bias, and staying away from corruption. In this article, I’ll be comparing examples of what I’ve learned about the abusive conduct of the FDA with the abusive conduct of family law courts. They are both excellent examples of how the United States has strayed a long distance down a very dark road that leads to becoming an abusive totalitarian state that views its citizens as slaves to be controlled for its own profit and power.
Violating Civil and Human Rights For Job Security, Power, and Profit
We prominently feature stories of abuse, corruption, and persecution by out of control government intent on building job security and power by crushing opponents and inventing fictional “crimes” and “crises” to “justify” their abuses and budgets. They commonly do all of this and more not only in violation of the law but also against any reasonable norm for moral and ethical behaviors for governments and government employees. While our readers may be familiar with the pattern of government abuse and corruption in their own experiences or those of family and friends who have been badly harmed by it, they may not be familiar with similar trangressions in other areas.
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| Books, Civil Rights, Courts, Crime, Government Abuse, Health & Nutrition, Legal, Police, Politics, Prosecutor, Reviews |
| Books, California, Children, City Attorney Jan Goldsmith, Colbern Stuart III, Cole Stuart, dirty legal tactics, family law court, FDA, Food and Drug Administration, Government Abuse, Health & Nutrition, Judge Christine Goldsmith, Judge Lisa Schall, judicial abuse, Legal, life extension, Lyndolyn Stuart, Lynn Stuart, police abuse, San Diego, San Diego Superior Court, United States |
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