
Posts Tagged ‘Child Abuse’

1 in 4 Children of Divorce Suffer Parental Alienation Syndrome

November 3rd, 2009 No comments

Psychology researchers Jose Canton Duarte, Rosario Cortes Arboleda, and Dolores Justicia Diaz from the University of Granada have written a book on the psychological problems caused by parental alienation during child custody conflicts entitled Conflictos entre los padres, divorcio y desarrollo de los hijos (English: Marital Conflicts, Divorce, and Children’s Development). In much of the United States and of course in countries south of the border, there are a large number of families going through difficult divorces who speak Spanish as their primary language. While there is a wealth of English-language information on the form of emotional child abuse known as parental alienation, the selection of such titles for Spanish-literate populations has been more limited. If you know of a Spanish-speaking family with intense conflict between divorced parents, this title might be helpful for their extended family to read to understand what is happening to the child who used to love them but who now avoids and even lies about them after being brainwashed by the parent who has primary custody.
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False Child Porn Persecution: The Child Custody Scenario

October 27th, 2009 5 comments

Do you ever have guests in your home? Not to be antisocial, but your guests could inadvertently help land you in a heap of trouble, even if they do nothing illegal or immoral and have no ill intentions towards you. That’s because of America’s blatant disregard for its Constitution. If this doesn’t make sense to you, read on because you need to know about this threat to your family, your freedom, and even your life.
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Abusive Women “Acceptable” By Double Standards

October 26th, 2009 4 comments

Reading through Dr. Tara Palmatier’s excellent and entertaining website A Shrink For Men, one can see how men are frequently abused by mentally ill women. The women may have grown up in abusive homes, have hormonal imbalances, or just are “plain crazy” perhaps with a personality disorder (especially the DSM-IV Cluster B ones including Borderline, Narcissistic, Histrionic, and Antisocial) or two mixed in. Add in some other disorders, such as common co-morbid conditions including bipolar disorder, depression, obsessive compulsive disorder, and an eating disorder and you’ve got almost a purpose-built “killing machine” who can and will attack and ruin anybody who gets in her way. She’ll likely get away with it, too.

Our society enables and encourages women to abuse others. From domestic violence to child abuse to psychological terror, women are treated as if they are authorized to ruin the lives of others with no repercussions on themselves. Amazingly, they often are able to recruit “professionals” to help them conduct their abuse campaigns against men. Besides the typical gender biased CPS social workers and other government servants, one of the most notable of these abuse allies are incompetent mental health professionals.
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Website: Equal Parenting British Columbia

October 7th, 2009 No comments

While researching my recent article Gun Collection + Malicious Mom + Government = Life in Ruins, I found a very interesting website focused on governmental abuses against families in Canada. The Equal Parenting British Columbia website discusses the corruption and abuses of the Canadian judicial system, the large number of pedophiles and child sexual abusers in social services and other agencies that come into contact with children, and the war against families trying to replace the notion of biological parents with the state being the parent. The site is definitely worth a look for victims of the government war on families in Canada and other so-called “established democracies” like the United States, Australia, and United Kingdom.
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In US, Baby Bath Pictures Yield Living Hell for Family

September 23rd, 2009 13 comments

Did you ever see the baby pictures of you as a little kid playing in the bathtub that your parents took? What about the pictures of you learning to use the potty? Most of us have such pictures of ourselves. At most perhaps we felt a little embarrassment. But according to American law enforcement employees, we’re supposed to feel upset and know that our parents are sex criminals who sexually abused us as children.

According to terroristic American government law enforcement agencies, if your parents took such pornographic photos, then your parents are child sexual abusers and pornographers who should be put on sex offender lists without trials. You should have been taken away from your parents for months or permanently until they could prove their innocence, something that is often not possible to do to the government’s satisfaction. Meantime, you as a child should be treated as confiscated contraband subject to whatever treatment the government wants to do to you, even if it damages you for life or kills you.

Demaree Family Abused by Government

These are among the lessons that the Demaree family of Peoria, Arizona, found out in 2008 to 2009. Parents Lisa and Anthony took 144 family photos during a vacation in San Diego, California, in August 2008. Eight of the photos depicted their small children, ages 5, 4, and 1.5, while the kids were playing in or around the bathtub without being fully clothed. When they returned to Arizona, they went to get the pictures developed at a Wal-Mart. Big mistake. A Wal-Mart photo developing employee reported the family for child pornography. Very soon thereafter, the police and CPS swooped in to take all three children away from their parents for more than a month as the government investigated and turned innocent photos into an excuse to abuse and terrorize the family.
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Father Imprisoned 20 Years on Fake Child Sex Abuse Charges

September 21st, 2009 10 comments

Clyde Ray Spencer spent 20 years in prison for crimes he didn’t commit. In 1984, Spencer was a police officer being investigated on false claims of child sexual abuse and was getting a divorce. His wife Shirley Hanson and her lover apparently decided they wanted him out of their lives to proceed with their relationship. They “finished him off” by having their children falsely accuse him of child sexual abuse. Since Shirley Hanson’s lover Michael Davidson was another sheriff department employee, the attack on Clyde Ray Spencer was made easier.

Sergeant Michael Davidson was the supervisor of Detective Sharon Krause, the primary investigator on the Spencer case. This should have raised questions about conflict of interest immediately, but apparently either didn’t or those questions were covered up. Therefore it was easy for him to push to introduce false evidence, twist the facts, and manipulate the system to obtain a false conviction to put an innocent man in prison to further his personal goals.

Americans mistakenly believe they can count on law enforcement personnel to tell the truth. The unfortunately reality is that far too many law enforcement personnel from street cops to prosecutors are manipulative, unethical, and even criminal. They are too often liars who are out to “win cases” even if it means pinning crimes, even fictional crimes that never happened, on innocent people. They are especially prone to doing this when they feel they have a personal reason to do so. Too often the primary differences between dirty cops like Davidson and criminals are that the dirty cops have badges, can wrongfully hurt people while getting paid to do it by taxpayers, and when caught are seldom if ever prosecuted for their crimes.

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Child Social Worker Solicits Kids for Pornography

August 13th, 2009 No comments

Child social workers like to talk about how they are wonderful people because they protect and help children. Christopher Hardman from West Yorkshire, United Kingdom, likely thought of himself that way. He was a child social worker for at risk youth working as a team leader for the Kirklees MBC’s Youth Offending Team. He used his job to gain contact information for minor children and dupe them into posing topless or nude for photo shoots for him, thereby “helping” them earn a little extra money. He offered them 60 to 80 British pounds for topless shoots, and 80 to 120 for full nudity. He convinced at least five teenage girls as young as 15 years old and at least one adult woman over age 20 to engage in pornography with photographer David Hemingway who was working with him. During a search of his home, police found evidence that Hardman is also a drug user.

Despite his apparent crimes that were investigated by the police and the social services agency for which he worked, he hasn’t been prosecuted. The only action taken against him was to ban him from being a social worker again.

Apparently child pornography is acceptable conduct when promoted by social workers in UK, but it’s not OK to be caught doing it because it embarrasses the agencies. Hardman’s known child pornography and related misconduct occurred in 2005 and was discovered in early 2006 when photographer David Hemingway was arrested and police searched his home.
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Defending Against False Child Sexual Abuse Allegations (Part 1)

August 13th, 2009 7 comments

In my previous article How to Win Custody by Framing Your Ex for Child Sexual Abuse, I discussed how a significant number of malicious moms in divorce and child custody battles resort to framing their ex-husbands for child sexual abuse. While good mothers won’t stoop to such destructive stunts, malicious moms will often do this after the failure of other false allegations and attempts at parental alienation, harassing, and scaring their ex-husbands to gain sole custody of the children. This means that the defense against false child sexual abuse allegations must start long before the allegations are ever made as they are but one highly damaging step in a much longer escalating series of attacks.
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Teach Your Children: Government is Dangerous to Their Lives

July 29th, 2009 No comments

While web-surfing today, I ran across a web site called Kidjacked created by Annette Hall, a former victim of child abuse at the hands of CPS. She and other authors on her site are attempting to educate the public about the atrocities committed by CPS across the United States. We as parents need to protect our children by educating them about the dangers of abusive government, how it can harm them, and what they may have to do to protect themselves from it.
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CPS and Police Abuse Wrongly Removed Children

July 28th, 2009 12 comments

Daniel Weaver is a father who spent five years of his life fighting CPS and family law courts against false abuse allegations. He was finally exonerated. But the damage to his children and him have made him worried for all children and parents.

It is far more common than the public realizes for CPS and police to swoop in and terrorize a family with no evidence or due process. In the process, CPS and the police become child abusers who create extensive psychological damage in children that may take years of therapy to correct, therapy that the government will not pay to provide.
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