
Posts Tagged ‘War on Families’

CCFC Press Release On Stephen Doyne Corruption/Fraud Case

December 13th, 2009 9 comments

The battle against alleged fraudulent child custody evaluator Stephen Doyne is heating up as the California Coalition for Families and Children (CCFC) is expanding its involvement in the Emad Tadros v. Stephen Doyne lawsuit (San Diego Superior Court Case 37-2008-00093885-CU-BT-CTL) involving the alleged fraud and misconduct of Doyne in a psychological evaluation in San Diego in a child custody dispute. CCFC points to Doyne’s attempts to silence its criticisms of his allegedly extortionary practices, perjury, and fraud. CCFC counsel Cole Stuart is concerned that the corruption goes far beyond Doyne himself and may extended to political contributions to the campaigns of San Diego Superior Court judges.
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Website: Equal Parenting British Columbia

October 7th, 2009 No comments

While researching my recent article Gun Collection + Malicious Mom + Government = Life in Ruins, I found a very interesting website focused on governmental abuses against families in Canada. The Equal Parenting British Columbia website discusses the corruption and abuses of the Canadian judicial system, the large number of pedophiles and child sexual abusers in social services and other agencies that come into contact with children, and the war against families trying to replace the notion of biological parents with the state being the parent. The site is definitely worth a look for victims of the government war on families in Canada and other so-called “established democracies” like the United States, Australia, and United Kingdom.
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