
Posts Tagged ‘Vancouver’

Vancouver Police Brutalize Innocent Civilians

March 8th, 2010 No comments
Yao Wei Wu, Victim of Police Brutality
Yao Wei Wu After Police Beating

In our story Vancouver Police Beat Yao Wei Wu After DV Call from January 2010, we reported on the disturbing case of police abuse against Vancouver resident Yao Wei Wu who was assaulted without provocation by two plainclothes Vancouver Police Department detectives, Nicholas Florkow and Bryan London, as they responded to a domestic violence call from another living unit at the same address. They not only failed to determine if there was any actual domestic violence before acting with severe physical force, they didn’t even bother to determine if they even had the correct person at the door. When Yao Wei Wu answered the door of his home, the cops shoved the door in, hauled him outside, and proceeded to beat him in the face and back in front of his wife before handcuffing and arresting him. Only after all of this did they bother to ask his name and found out they had just assaulted a person who had absolutely nothing to do with the domestic violence call to which they were responding.
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Vancouver Police Beat Yao Wei Wu After DV Call

January 23rd, 2010 3 comments
Yao Wei Wu, Victim of Police Brutality
Yao Wei Wu After Police Beating

Here’s a story that illustrates just how out of control and violent police and law enforcement are regarding domestic violence calls. Vancouver police were called by a woman claiming she was being beaten by her husband and she was afraid for her child. Plainclothes cops with guns showed up at the address and knocked on the door. A man answered the door and opened it for the police. The cops say they identified themselves as Vancouver police, but the man says he complied not because he knew they were police but because they had guns. The cops then kicked in the open door, grabbed the man and pulled him out of the home, and proceeded to beat him bloody. They smashed in the bones around one of his eyes, badly bruised his back, and left him with abrasions and bruises all over his face, torso, and knees. The cops then arrested and handcuffed him.
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Father Imprisoned 20 Years on Fake Child Sex Abuse Charges

September 21st, 2009 10 comments

Clyde Ray Spencer spent 20 years in prison for crimes he didn’t commit. In 1984, Spencer was a police officer being investigated on false claims of child sexual abuse and was getting a divorce. His wife Shirley Hanson and her lover apparently decided they wanted him out of their lives to proceed with their relationship. They “finished him off” by having their children falsely accuse him of child sexual abuse. Since Shirley Hanson’s lover Michael Davidson was another sheriff department employee, the attack on Clyde Ray Spencer was made easier.

Sergeant Michael Davidson was the supervisor of Detective Sharon Krause, the primary investigator on the Spencer case. This should have raised questions about conflict of interest immediately, but apparently either didn’t or those questions were covered up. Therefore it was easy for him to push to introduce false evidence, twist the facts, and manipulate the system to obtain a false conviction to put an innocent man in prison to further his personal goals.

Americans mistakenly believe they can count on law enforcement personnel to tell the truth. The unfortunately reality is that far too many law enforcement personnel from street cops to prosecutors are manipulative, unethical, and even criminal. They are too often liars who are out to “win cases” even if it means pinning crimes, even fictional crimes that never happened, on innocent people. They are especially prone to doing this when they feel they have a personal reason to do so. Too often the primary differences between dirty cops like Davidson and criminals are that the dirty cops have badges, can wrongfully hurt people while getting paid to do it by taxpayers, and when caught are seldom if ever prosecuted for their crimes.

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Ashley Gonis to Return to Montreal, Placed in Foster Care

July 7th, 2009 1 comment

After months of living in foster care apart from both of her parents, parental abduction victim Ashley Gonis was to be moved from foster care in Vancouver to be placed in foster care in Montreal, the city in which her father Frank Gonis lives. Reports as to whether this happened or not still aren’t available, but the Canadian government promised the father in writing that it would be done by June 25, 2009.

Since Ashley was found by police after running away from her mother Araceli Bravo on April 10, 2009, she hasn’t had anything close to a normal or stable life. The manner in which Canadian authorities are handling the whole matter seems to show more concern for legal technicalities than for Ashley’s well-being.
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