San Diego Judge DeAnn Salcido Resigns Under Fire, Yet Shows CJP Is Corrupt

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November 11th, 2010 Leave a comment Go to comments

DeAnn Salcido

As we reported in our story San Diego Judge DeAnn Salcido Demeans Litigants and Justice to Create Demo Videos for Her Proposed TV Show a few weeks ago, San Diego family law judge DeAnn Salcido has been under investigation by the California Commission on Judicial Performance (CJP) for numerous corrupt and abusive practices including using her courtroom to jump-start a career move into television. It appears she’s realized she is the judicial equivalent of thoroughly burnt toast because as part of her misconduct, she angered other corrupt and abusive San Diego judges who have friends in the CJP by her attempts to pose as a “reformer” to draw fire away from her own actions. She aimed to position herself as a “reformer” against Judges Peter Deddeh and Peter Gallagher by taking advantage of the child molestation crimes against Amber DuBois and Chelsea King by John Gardner.

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Salcido Resigns

On November 10, 2010, Salcido announced she is resigning from her position. The resignation is part of a deal with CJP to avoid a public hearing on her misconduct in 2011. By resigning and accepting censure by the CJP, she avoids increasing the public embarrassment she already faces for her appalling conduct.

CJP Does Not Pursue Public Interests

California citizens, particularly those in San Diego, should accept that Salcido’s resignation is largely not the result of CJP’s actions itself. CJP hid the investigation of Salcido until after the election in June 2010, enabling Salcido to win re-election. This is a standard practice for CJP. The organization does not operate in the public interest, as is clearly evidenced by how CJP has failed to send judicial criminals packing in the past. For instance, both felony-plea-bargained-to-misdemeanor convicted criminal Judge Peter McBrien and convicted drunk driver Judge Lisa Schall remain on the bench despite repeated CJP investigations against each of them. What killed Salcido’s career as a judge is not her abuses, crimes, and misconduct. Such actions are routine for California judges. Her fatal offense was going up against other judicial officers by daring to file a lawsuit against them for their actions in a publicity stunt designed to deflect attention from her own behaviors.

CJP Cover-ups and Whitewashing Routine

CJP functions by hiding complaints except for a few ones that are particularly egregious and usually already quite public, as was the case for McBrien’s felony-level crimes in destruction of trees in a state park for his own financial benefit and Schall’s reckless drunk driving the wrong way on a high speed divided road. In most such cases, CJP engages in whitewashing judicial criminals and hiding their crimes from the public until after elections. Because CJP is composed largely of legal “professionals” and their family members and political allies, California’s entire judicial disciplinary system lacks any legitimacy whatsoever. Salcido herself has hinted at this, and while we believe she deserves far worse than what she is getting, we agree with her that she is being treated more harshly than many other judicial violators for political reasons. This should make it very clear to citizens who care about justice in California that in reality there is no justice for judges or the citizens they abuse.

(from Sacramento Judge Peter James McBrien Dismembers Park Trees and Families In Contempt for Law)

In McBrien’s case, he’s been “punished” twice now. The latest is a public censure for misconduct in a 2006 divorce trial. McBrien was up for re-election in November 2008. Even though this was a very clear-cut case of violations, CJP didn’t issue the public censure against him until January 2010, just over a year after the election. Undoubtedly this helped McBrien get re-elected. Imagine what the results might have been if the public censure had been issued six months to a year before the election. Similar timing can be observed in many other notices issued by CJP.

CJP should be paying attention to election timing. The public needs information to determine whether to re-elect a judge. By failing to timely handle judicial misconduct cases, CJP is impeding the public’s ability to make competent election decisions on judges.

CJP is clearly not operating in the public interests by its actions. Its composition makes this virtually certain to be the case. Traditionally, the majority of CJP members are current or former judges, attorneys, or relatives of a judge. These people have every interest in ensuring that judges can violate the law and people’s rights with impunity because they directly or indirectly benefit from it. In recent years, the number of “public members” who might not be so aligned has increased to provide the illusion of impartiality. But if you investigate the background of these members, it is clear that many of them are connected with the judicial legal community they are asked to police.

Californians Have No Confidence in Courts

The existing situation is part of why Californians should have absolutely no confidence in their courts, particularly those that lack juries (as do family and juvenile courts) to help reduce the impact of judicial bias, abuse, and corruption. It is common to see judicial criminals in charge of other judges to participate in violations of law and rules and then whitewash the misconduct of their staffs, claiming they are “doing a good job” while it is entirely clear that they are systematically violating the law. You can see this in the habitual dishonesty of Judge Lorna Alksne, one of Salcido’s former supervisors who has overseen widespread violations of rules for child custody evaluations and the use of minor’s counsel in San Diego courtrooms. She’s not alone — far too many California judges are essentially abusive and sometimes profiteering criminals with immunity from prosecution.

CJP Should Be Replaced

CJP should be sacked and replaced with a citizens’ commission composed entirely of people outside the legal/political community and tied to a state office devoted to prosecuting government criminals, being able to request investigative assistance from that office and recommend criminal prosecution of the worst of the judges. Such a revised CJP should also include rotating short-term advisors from the legal community who get no vote whatsoever but do get to provide their input on complaints and investigations to the citizen members via written public opinions that all citizens can read. Transparency should be the goal as we have amply seen what the failure to be transparent and public has done in the state’s courts. California’s secretive family law and juvenile courts routinely seal records and hearings and then proceed to abuse citizens and their children to reward friends of the court, even going so far as to threaten and persecute people they are illegally harming with even more harm if they discuss the crimes publicly. Families and citizens are routinely abused by these criminals dispensing their version of “justice” that is often far from just and often outright illegal and abusive in an of itself. Short of such a major overhaul, CJP will continue to be an organization of criminally-minded abusers policing their friends.

Further Reading

San Diego Judge DeAnn Salcido Demeans Litigants and Justice to Create Demo Videos for Her Proposed TV Show

San Diego Custody Evaluators Generate Cash Flow by Victimizing Families Using Restraining Orders

Sacramento Judge Peter James McBrien Dismembers Park Trees and Families In Contempt for Law

Judge Lorna Alksne On The Way Out After Home Picketed

A Judge’s View of “Best Interests of the Children”

Cole Stuart Considers $10M False Arrest Suit Against SDCBA

CCFC Family Law Protest in San Diego Results in Arrest of Group Leader

Judge Lorna Alksne Eager For New Weapons For Judicial Abuse

Why Is San Diego Judge Lisa Schall Still On The Bench?

Eileen Lasher on San Diego CPS/Family Law Court Misconduct

Flyer Protest in San Diego Family Law Courts

San Diego Courts Cover Up Missing Forms and Psych Evals

Stephen Doyne and San Diego Family Law Courts Under Fire

Judge Salcido to resign after public censure

Curtains Fall on San Diego Judge’s Bid for Television Career

Judge’s Attempts at Humor Leave Judicial Commission Stone-Faced

Judge Salcido sues Superior Court and Judge Deddeh

  1. one of thousands
    November 12th, 2010 at 06:08 | #1


    In 100 years, people will quote >you<.

    My best always.

  2. Janette M. Isaacs
    November 16th, 2010 at 13:27 | #2

    Dear Chris:

    Your articles are always so truthful and accurate. I simply wanted to validate your position that the CJP is corrupt. I agree that it should be sacked and replaced with a citizen’s commission comprised of people outside of the legal and political community.

    I have been filing formal complaints substantiated by evidence and witnesses to support all of my allegations which include: custodial timeshare kidnappings; obstruction of justice; malicious prosecution; fraud; extortion; impersonation; and now embezzlement since February, 2007.

    The CJP is good for one thing and one thing only. That is, burying their heads in the sand. Here is a copy of my most recent complaint to them. Enjoy the last paragraph! Take care and thank you again for exposing the corrupt California Commission on Judicial Performance.

    10464 Larwin Avenue ● Chatsworth, CA 91311
    Home / Fax: 818 -772-6974
    E Mail [email protected] / [email protected]

    November 5, 2010

    Ms. Sonya Smith
    Attorney at Law
    State of California
    Commission on Judicial Performance
    455 Golden Gate Avenue, Suite 14400
    San Francisco, CA 94102-3660

    Re: In re Isaacs LASC Family Law Case BD 403 783 – Follow up on my complaint regarding Judge Thomas Trent Lewis – guilty of embezzling $53,342.54 of my money in the guise of a Child Support Security Deposit Account, intimidating me with incarceration, manipulating CSSD and Title IV transactions, writing bogus court orders and declaring me to be a vexatious litigant simultaneously with said grand theft, bogus orders and intimidation.

    Dear Ms. Smith:

    In the spirit of transparency and accountability, I am updating you with new information and documentation which shall serve to supplement my existing complaint with the CJP. Accordingly, enclosed please find the following documents:

    ● Letter dated October 5, 2010 from Court Counsel, Frederick Bennett

    ● Last hour of the Clerk transcript of proceedings of September 28, 2010

    ● Request for Production of Records – OSC filed 10/22/2010 for hearing on

    As you read Mr. Bennett’s letter, please note that he begins paragraph 3 by stating “You make the contention that Judge Thomas Trent Lewis embezzled or misappropriated funds that had initially been designated for a child support security Deposit Account by issuing an order reallocating those funds”. Ms. Smith, the Judge never made a subsequent order to reallocate those funds nor have I ever made that contention. Mr. Bennett’s letter is complete misstatement of the facts and my contentions as well.

    Judge Lewis hijacked my entire Judgment proceeds of >$53,000 and said that he was using them to open a Child Support Security Deposit Account. He never oversaw that the account was opened and then he threatened me with incarceration if I complained about the bogus court order and theft of my money. Mr. Bennett continues by stating “there is no evidence that those funds were embezzled.” Notice that Mr. Bennett left off the words “or misappropriated”.

    As you read the Clerk Transcript of Proceedings for September 28, 2010, I accused the court and Mr. Kolodny of embezzling my money. Judge Lewis evaded my question twice “Where’s my money”. Judge Lewis had no answer.

    The Petitioner, James J. Isaacs was in contempt of the Judgment, which ordered that my $53,342.54 be paid to me forthwith. Had he done that, I would have paid the child support simultaneously ordered with the Judgment, maintained my expenses and enrolled in paralegal school for purposes of employment and maintenance of the support order.

    On 5/23/2008, I was forced to file an extension (30 days) of my appeal because Judge Lewis had sequestered my records and deprived me of the opportunity to review them for purposes of completing my records designation log. Then, Judge Lewis cut me off at the knees by interfering with my ability to collect on the Judgment (which I was in process of accomplishing) so that I could not even afford to purchase the transcript of proceedings let alone buy my life sustaining medication.

    Judge Lewis’s action of signing this bogus court order on 6/25/2008 also caused me to lose my Appeal. Please refer to my Appellate Court docket where you may see that my Appeal was filed on 5/14/2008. I am also enclosing excerpts of the Appellate decision which pertains to my argument that I was rendered indigent by the court and unable to afford my reporter’s transcript.

    Judge Lewis’ actions of cutting off every last dime to my name were in the spirit of collusion and complicity of contempt on two counts: (1) the Judgment and (2) his own order reallocating those funds into a bogus account. Even if the account had been opened, Judge Lewis’ discretion was limited to one year’s worth of child support payments, which would have been $14,676.00 vs. the $53,342.54 he illegally hijacked.

    I would also like to remind you that my younger children were legally kidnapped due to fraud upon the court which dates back to January 2007. I should never have lost custody of them to begin with. The support order is based on fraud as is, my entire case. Please refer to my historical complaints regarding the fraud Dr. King and the unethical paid off Gary Chase M.D.

    Judge Lewis continues to obstruct justice in my case and has now prolonged my custody evidentiary hearing for the 3rd year in a row. He enables and permits Mr. Kolodny’s malicious prosecution of me by hearing these bogus contempt of court proceedings.

    As past performance predicts future performance, I fully anticipate that this biased dishonest judge’s next move will be to incarcerate me again next year as he rules on “preponderance of evidence” standards relating to this most recent bogus contempt of court action filed by his buddy, Mr. Kolodny.

    Ms. Smith, I am disappointed that you and our California Commission on Judicial Performance has neglected to act on any of my complaints. Your failure to act gives the appearance that you are complicit with this corruption. Are you all complicit with this corruption? If not, why is Judge Thomas Trent Lewis still presiding over my case, or any one else’s case for that matter? I look forward to your reply.


    Janette M. Saba
    aka Janette M. Isaacs

  3. Lisa
    January 3rd, 2011 at 14:00 | #3

    Judge MCBRIEN, has now lost judicial immunity in Federal Court, ULF CARLSSON v PETER MCBRIEN findings and recommendations, on PACER.

  4. One of thousands
    October 31st, 2011 at 12:30 | #4

    These judges have gone to great lengths to prove their character. How dare we deny them that opportunity to show that they are …

    … complete lying talentless scumbags. Look-if you were a cruel idiot who could make a living only by destroying the lives of your fellow neighbors-wouldn’t you??? Don’t be stupid-of course you would. I don’t care if America is headed for the dumper-as long as me and the judges are on top of the sinking pile of feces, I’m ok with that…

    ‘People get ready, there’s a train a comin’
    You don’t need no baggage, you just get on board
    All you need is faith to hear the diesels hummin’
    Don’t need no ticket, you just thank the Lord’

    People get ready- YOU are the train. Get on board and REFUSE to be oppressed!

  1. December 14th, 2010 at 01:17 | #1
  2. November 9th, 2011 at 01:55 | #2
  3. August 9th, 2012 at 23:18 | #3
  4. April 29th, 2014 at 21:23 | #4

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