
Posts Tagged ‘police abuse’

Dirty Divorce Tactics: Theft by Car Loan

February 5th, 2009 No comments

We’ve all heard of divorcing people who financially victimize the ex by draining bank accounts and maxing out credit cards. Another frequent tactic is the fraudulent restraining order complete with a kick-out order to remove the victim from the house. That allows community and personal property to be seized by the liar with little to no recourse for the victim. And that is frequently accompanied by financial orders for the victim to keep paying for the home in which he or she can’t live any more.

Recently, we heard of a new and innovative financial abuse tactic, the car loan. How this works is that a lying fraud-perpetrating divorcing party gets a car loan on a car that has already been fully paid and was awarded to the other party.

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What is the Cost of BPD to Society?

January 11th, 2009 7 comments

(Click here for more coverage of Borderline Personality Disorder.)

I’d like to encourage people who are aware of Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) to start spreading the news about how devastating this illness is not just for those who have it and their family members, but for the entire United States economy.

I wrote this post to explain to people who may not have the ability to understand how horrific BPD is from personal experience dealing with an afflicted person. Such people can still likely understand the economic impact of this illness and how it would be far more cost-effective for US mental health care policies to be overhauled to raise awareness and get most of the victims into treatment. The increased government spending appears that it would be entirely offset by savings in government expenses (in such areas of courts and law enforcement) and increases in tax revenues due to a significant improvement in worsened productivity harming families affected by BPD.

Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) is a devastating but very common mental illness that until recently has been believed based upon DSM-IV (Diagnostics and Statistic Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th edition — a widely used reference book in the mental health field) to affect about 2% of the US population or about 6 million people in the US. Common belief is that it afflicts women about 3 times more often than men.

Recent research published in April 2008 suggests that 6% of the population may be affected and the difference between rates for males and females may be little. If this research is accurate, the United States with its population of about 300 million people has 18 million victims of BPD.

The result of BPD is a catastrophic cycle of child abuse and mental illness that runs for generations. The economic impact of this illness is worse than a 9/11/2001 terror attack each and every year. US mental health care policies are badly in need of an overhaul to deal with BPD and similar personality disorders and the drastic economic impact they have on any tens of millions of US citizens.

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Personality Disorders and Police Abuse

December 2nd, 2008 No comments

Often in the course of a relationship with a victim of a personality disorder, the victim will resort to false reports to the police. They do this to establish control over the people around them. They don’t see it as a wrong in their own minds. They believe anything that helps them is right and anything that does not is wrong. They may be unable to determine the reality or truth of a situation as they are so caught up in their mental illnesses and internal pain. So they use others to help them. Police are one of the first targets to be misled and used to attack and control others.

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