
Posts Tagged ‘police abuse’

Vancouver Police Beat Yao Wei Wu After DV Call

January 23rd, 2010 3 comments
Yao Wei Wu, Victim of Police Brutality
Yao Wei Wu After Police Beating

Here’s a story that illustrates just how out of control and violent police and law enforcement are regarding domestic violence calls. Vancouver police were called by a woman claiming she was being beaten by her husband and she was afraid for her child. Plainclothes cops with guns showed up at the address and knocked on the door. A man answered the door and opened it for the police. The cops say they identified themselves as Vancouver police, but the man says he complied not because he knew they were police but because they had guns. The cops then kicked in the open door, grabbed the man and pulled him out of the home, and proceeded to beat him bloody. They smashed in the bones around one of his eyes, badly bruised his back, and left him with abrasions and bruises all over his face, torso, and knees. The cops then arrested and handcuffed him.
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False Child Porn Persecution: The Child Custody Scenario

October 27th, 2009 5 comments

Do you ever have guests in your home? Not to be antisocial, but your guests could inadvertently help land you in a heap of trouble, even if they do nothing illegal or immoral and have no ill intentions towards you. That’s because of America’s blatant disregard for its Constitution. If this doesn’t make sense to you, read on because you need to know about this threat to your family, your freedom, and even your life.
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FBI Child Pornographers Persecute Innocent Citizens?

October 23rd, 2009 No comments

Writer Brian Rothery of website Inquisition 21st Century claims that the American FBI is one of the world’s foremost publishers of illegal child pornography in his article America devours its young. That might sound like a shocking claim, but to those who have seen American “law enforcement” operate, it is totally plausible.

American law enforcement makes a regular practice of violating the Constitution and civil rights by running persecution campaigns to frame, denigrate, and ruin people accused of crimes which they probably never committed. They do this to people who have never even been charged or given a trial, fair or not. Many of these people are in fact victims of crimes such as computer hacking, credit card theft, and false accusations made by people who have something to gain by hurting them. Yet too many cops think that their jobs are attacking and throwing people in jail and that somehow this means that complying with the laws themselves is optional.
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Defending Against False Child Sexual Abuse Allegations (Part 1)

August 13th, 2009 7 comments

In my previous article How to Win Custody by Framing Your Ex for Child Sexual Abuse, I discussed how a significant number of malicious moms in divorce and child custody battles resort to framing their ex-husbands for child sexual abuse. While good mothers won’t stoop to such destructive stunts, malicious moms will often do this after the failure of other false allegations and attempts at parental alienation, harassing, and scaring their ex-husbands to gain sole custody of the children. This means that the defense against false child sexual abuse allegations must start long before the allegations are ever made as they are but one highly damaging step in a much longer escalating series of attacks.
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CPS and Police Abuse Wrongly Removed Children

July 28th, 2009 12 comments

Daniel Weaver is a father who spent five years of his life fighting CPS and family law courts against false abuse allegations. He was finally exonerated. But the damage to his children and him have made him worried for all children and parents.

It is far more common than the public realizes for CPS and police to swoop in and terrorize a family with no evidence or due process. In the process, CPS and the police become child abusers who create extensive psychological damage in children that may take years of therapy to correct, therapy that the government will not pay to provide.
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More Debate Over California AB 612 Parental Alienation Bill

July 5th, 2009 No comments

As of July 4, 2009, California Assembly Member Jim Beall continues his attempt to deceive the public and satiate the blood-lust of his political supporters such as Nancy Lee Grahn who want immunity for mothers to abuse their children by parental alienation brainwashing. Even though Beall’s AB 612 bill to do this was gutted by other legislature members, he continues to represent that it says something it does not in an apparent attempt to maximize his political gain by deceit.
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How to Win Custody by Framing Your Ex for Child Sexual Abuse

July 3rd, 2009 46 comments

This article discusses how malicious mothers can frame fathers for child sexual abuse. It is based upon real cases. Malicious moms sometimes share this kind of information to help each other abuse their children and frame the fathers. Other times they or friends or family aligned with them work out these tactics on their own, especially if they have medical backgrounds. The first step to figuring out how to defend against this kind of malicious false accusation and the child abuse involved is knowing how these crimes are committed.
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Governments and Rent-A-Cops Harass Photographers

June 29th, 2009 No comments

Readers of our website know we’re concerned about the erosion of Constitutional rights in the United States. It’s commonplace for American governments to violate Constitutional and federal law protections for due process, equal protection under the law, unreasonable search and seizure, and innocent until proven guilty in cases involving alleged child abuse and divorces with contested child custody. But the erosion of civil liberties is spreading far beyond family law.

While researching another article I’m writing, I ran across an article from the Washington Post which really disturbed me. Whether you’re an architecture student or common citizen, you now have reason to be fearful of government oppression if you snap a picture of a building while taking a walk on a public sidewalk or a drive on public streets. Taking such pictures is in no way unlawful. First Amendment rights and court cases have established that taking photographs from public areas, especially outdoors, is lawful. But that doesn’t stop law enforcement and especially security guards who sometimes illegally impersonate police officers for intimidating and even assaulting photographers who are not breaking any laws.
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The Shock Doctrine: Naomi Klein’s Aid to Abusive Governments

May 21st, 2009 No comments

In her book The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism, author Naomi Klein unveils her opinions on the perhaps not so surprising tactic of abusive governments everywhere: the use of coups, regime changes, and disasters to push radical agendas that could not be pursued during normal circumstances. She coins the phrase “disaster capitalism” to refer to this pattern of destruction or distraction paired with policies designed to transfer power or wealth to corporations.

Klein cites examples from regions and disasters across the world, including the United States and the 9/11/2001 terror attacks, the Southeast Asian tsunami, and the Hurricane Katrina destruction of New Orleans. She also covers examples of economic disasters created by government changes in countries all over the world, including Argentina, Chile, Poland, Russia, and China. Throughout her book, she lays the blame for nearly all of these messes used to spread bad government policies on economist Milton Friedman and his theories.
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Lying is America’s Favorite Pastime

February 27th, 2009 2 comments

Fink vs. Charney

The recent web site and web advertising campaigns citing Los Angeles lawyer Keith Fink for various alleged misconducts, improprieties, and court sanctions appears to be part of an ongoing battle between Fink and American Apparel and its CEO Dov Charney. Fink has represented client Mary Nelson in a law suit against American Apparel alleging sexually harassing conduct by American Apparel and Dov Charney. The alleged harassment includes weird claims about how Charney conducted business meetings in the nude.
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