
Archive for the ‘CPS’ Category

Deadly Divorces: Bonnie Hoult, Bruce Pardo, and Many More

January 7th, 2010 6 comments
Elizabeth Hoult Fontaine
Elizabeth Hoult

With the December 14, 2009 murder/suicide by sociopathic grandmother Bonnie Hoult and the December 24, 2008 murders by “shooting Santa” Bruce Pardo, one might wonder if holiday season is time for family murder sprees sponsored by California family law judges. Bonnie Hoult murdered her two grandkids, Catherine and Julia Fontaine, shortly before killing her daughter Elizabeth Fontaine and then fatally turning the gun on herself. Bruce Pardo shot into and burned down a home, killing his ex-wife Sylvia Pardo and 8 members of her family. Hours later he killed himself after being severely injured during his attack.

Recently I ran across an article by Lary Holland about family law conflicts, murders, and suicides that makes it clear that child custody and divorce related conflicts are involved in a substantial number of murders and suicides year round. America’s broken family courts and mental health care systems are causing the deaths of a large number of people via injustice and inadequate treatment driving them to commit shocking crimes. Lary updates the article periodically with news about more family court related murders, his latest updated being December 15, 2009, the day after Bonnie Hoult’s crimes. He’s listed about three dozen widely publicized murder and/or suicide cases involving divorces and child custody battles in the last two years.
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DCF Poaching on the Tiger Woods, Elin Nordegren Kids?

December 16th, 2009 1 comment

Tiger Woods is being called a hound, woman-chaser, slut, scoundrel, disgrace to golf, adulterer, etc. There’s no end to the insults some could fling at him. Probably there will be no end to the equally slutty bimbos trying to make a buck off their stories of “bedtime with Tiger”, too.

But what does that have to do with Child Protective Services (CPS), or DCF as they call them in Florida, showing up at the Woods residence? DCF should stay out of this mess.
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Hey Kids, Your CPS Social Worker Wants Your Pipe Bombs!

December 13th, 2009 No comments

I’ll be up front with my opinions about this story. I think it is a government spin job on what really happened. I personally consider it far more likely that the kid in the story below who brought a bomb into a CPS office was abused by CPS and got the idea of blowing up his social worker but backed out on it at the last minute out of fear or uncertainty.

Admittedly, I haven’t a shred of evidence for that guess. Then again, I haven’t a shred of evidence for the bizarre sounding government tale, either. Maybe somebody who knows this kid will chime in with a comment about what was really happening.
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Gender Polarization Impedes Family Law Reform

December 9th, 2009 5 comments

Today I viewed a disturbing website. It’s called Justice4Mothers. The idea that mothers deserve justice is not disturbing. I believe that everybody deserves justice regardless of gender or sexual orientation. And it’s not that every one of the articles on the site is alarming, either. But one particular article riled me up a bit. The article is reposting of a twisted reposting entitled Attention Judges and Lawmakers: This is the REAL AGENDA of the Father’s Rights Movement.

I don’t consider myself a father’s rights activist, so the reason the reposted articles bother me is not that they put down father’s rights groups and I’m somehow personally offended by this. I’m an advocate for the rights of parents and children of both genders. There’s no question in my mind that sometimes its the mothers who are shafted by the courts, sometimes it is the fathers, and usually it is both. And usually, the children are victimized right along with one or both of their parents.

The main two reasons I’m alarmed by this article are:
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Eileen Lasher on San Diego CPS/Family Law Court Misconduct

November 20th, 2009 17 comments

Eileen Lasher, San Diego Mother

I’m having a surreal feeling at the moment — almost like I’m an assistant scriptwriter. Let me explain. I just watched a video interview of Eileen Lasher, a mother whose children suffered at the hands of San Diego County’s CPS, family court, police, and DA “organized crime” syndicate for 15 years until her youngest child turned 18. The interviewer, Fred Sottile, used my article San Diego County Grand Jury Cites Further CPS Misconduct as the outline for his interview. I had no idea this was going to be the case when I started watching. It was truly odd to hear him reading the first paragraph of the story and thinking that sounds just like a story I wrote a few months ago. So I looked up the story and compared the words — it’s the same. That’s fine with me, I’m glad my article helped him with his interview.
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Stephen Doyne and San Diego Family Law Courts Under Fire

November 18th, 2009 54 comments

County of San Diego Judge Lorna Alksne

What started with a dispute over allegedly fraudulent credentials and work history of San Diego County, California, family law section 730 child custody / psychological evaluator Stephen Doyne is expanding to encompass the entire family law court system in the county. Flying about are accusations of corruption, irresponsible conduct, law violations, and other problems committed by judges, judicial staff, lawyers, and the large community of “professionals” associated with the San Diego family law courts who make their living off the conflict and misery of divorced families from which they profit and in some cases encourage.

Psychological Evaluator Stephen Doyne, Ph.D. Sued for Fraud

Local TV channel KGTV (channel 10) news aired a story about the problems with psychological evaluations in the county and with Stephen Doyne in particular. Doyne is being sued by father Emad Tadros who is deputy head of psychiatry for Scripps Behavioral Health Services which is a large health care organization in the area.

Tadros is suing Doyne in relation to a psychological evaluation he performed connected with a child custody dispute. Based upon court records, the problem case involves both Tadros and mother Yvonne Leijen. Leijen filed a paternity claim in 2004. In 2009, she filed domestic violence actions against Tadros. Oddly, she filed actions on the same day in two courts — both Central San Diego and North County Vista courts. Such filings are routine tactics in California child custody battles, even when no domestic violence exists.

Doyne is claimed to have misrepresented his credentials and work history. To pump up his reputation, he lists a diploma-mill certificate from an organization that has even issued such a certificate to a pet cat.

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Foster Mom Jennifer Montag Charged With Child Molestation

November 16th, 2009 No comments

That disturbed mug you see to the left is foster mom Jennifer Ann Montag. Montag, a 40 year old Weber County, Utah foster mother, is another of the very caring foster moms chosen by the careful selection process used by a CPS agency. You’d think this process should be a snap in Utah. As you may know, Utah feels like a throwback to the days when crime didn’t pay and streets were safe. The citizens have strong family values and widespread involvement in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, commonly known as the Mormon church. Personally, very nearly every Mormon I’ve ever known has been a polite, responsible, and decent person. Many of them are very devoted to community service, too. So you’d think that in Utah, finding good foster parents would be easier than in much of the United States.

Profile of a Caring Foster Mom: Jennifer Montag

The government did find a very caring foster parent in Montag, but not of the sort you might expect in Utah. Montag cared so much about her 14 year old foster son that she bedded him, allegedly had sex with him repeatedly, and when discovered threatened to kill herself if she was exposed and couldn’t be with her young love any longer.
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Framed for Child Porn by a PC Virus

November 9th, 2009 2 comments

The Associated Press has recently published news of an investigation it conducted into people being framed for child pornography by the use of computer viruses and other malware. The results make it clear that innocent people are having their lives ruined by government witch hunts for child pornography after unknowingly becoming victims of computer viruses.

Michael Fiola: Victimized by Virus, then by Massachusetts Government

Michael Fiola’s computer was infected by a virus that cost him his job, his life savings, and nearly his freedom. His life was threatened repeatedly. Even his car tires were slashed by somebody who heard the accusations against him. All this happened because the virus downloaded child porn to his computer and the government persecuted him for years before finally admitting that they couldn’t prove their case.
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Luzerne County Bribes 7 Year Old Boy for Arson “Confession”

October 30th, 2009 No comments

Not even a 7 year old child is safe from law enforcement persecution. At least that’s the case when you have Luzerne County, Pennsylvania, involved and Judge Mark Ciavarella was on the case. You may remember him from the $2.6 million (revised estimates are now pegging it at $2.8 million!) “kids for cash” rule of cruel and illegal injustice by him and his buddy in crime Michael Conahan.

Here’s another story from about four years before the discovery of the thousands of cases of judicial corruption that justify the death penalty for Ciavarella. In this one, cops bribed a 7 year old boy with candy and pizza to get a confession for a fire he couldn’t have possibly set. Further, the victim of the fire, elderly Mr. Benjamin Morris, was known to burn yard waste and debris in his backyard and may have started the fire himself.

Luzerne County “law enforcement” didn’t bother to question anybody who was taking care of the boy that fateful day. Why bother when you are criminal thugs with badges who already have somebody you can easily blame for a crime and can be cheaply made to self-incriminate?

Can’t Punish Dead Man, So Punish Little Boy

Dead Benjamin Morris of course couldn’t be punished for the fire, so the government targeted a 7 year old boy instead. They wanted another arrest and conviction on their score cards, and since building the case for the prosecution could be paid for largely via twenty bucks of candy and pizza, it was a a cheap and easy “win-win-win” for the police, prosecutor, and corrupt judge. Ciavarella ripped him away from his family and sent him away for “treatment” for a “crime” that not only was probably not committed by him but was quite possibly an accident caused by the dead victim. That these wrongful actions by the government harmed a little boy and his family does not matter to the corrupt officials of Luzerne County.
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Crimes Against Children: “Zero Tolerance” and “Kids for Cash”

October 29th, 2009 No comments

Our nation’s children are no longer safe in their homes, schools, or anywhere they go. Far too often, the threat is not from traditional miscreants such as school bullies, class-cutters, and neighborhood drug-dealers but rather from the adults entrusted with the care of our children. Intolerant and extremist teachers, school administrators, police officers, district attorneys, and judges are a serious and growing threat to our children. They believe that children who make a minor mistake or dare to express an opinion or personal preference that is not in compliance with government thought control and anti-free-speech policies should be treated like felons. Even having to attend to basic bodily functions like using the bathroom and eating in schools controlled by these extremists can be a threat to the safety of our children.

Our friendly faced jackbooted government goons have made up euphemisms for their agendas. Given their limited intelligence, their choice phrases must be succinct.

“Zero tolerance” is one catch-phrase invented by “safety minded” school employees. No tolerance for dissent, suppression of individuality, banning freedom of speech, enforcement of dogmatic thinking, and criminalization of opinions that are counter to the teachers unions is what it objectively means. Coming from a more sensible age in which I could chose the color of my clothes and a pocket knife was not a weapon of mass destruction but rather a basic tool that many kids carried to school, it seems to me that kids today should be raising civil disobedience groups and learning guerrilla warfare tactics after they have been exposed to this extremism. But oddly it seems to be gradually zapping many of them into mind-numbed drones. Or maybe they are too busy playing Grand Theft Auto and Halo to know that sometimes criminals and conflicts are real.

“Kids for Cash” is another catch-phrase invented by somebody in the government, quite possibly by thousands of them at about the same time. They realized that when they see smiling little kids, they think of $$$ MONEY $$$ in their pockets, so it was a natural expression of their intent to use other people’s children for their own economic security. Although it’s not clear which government agency invented it first, many of them, from the courts to “CPS” to schools, are living by it. Seldom is anything done to distract the government from viewing our children as money sources and pawns for profit except in the most bizarre and extreme cases that even the goons are embarrassed by it. I suspect when something is done to temporarily divert the greedy goons from monetizing our children, it is only because these extreme examples are getting so far out there that it’s amazing that parents and grandparents who love their young ones are not storming courthouses with automatic weapons to protect their offspring from true evil. You’ll see some of these cases below.

Teacher Will Kick In Your Face If You Use the Potty!

If you’re a kindergartener in Miami, Florida, and go the the bathroom without permission, you might get your face kicked in by your teacher.

(from From Sex to Assault: What’s Up With America’s Teachers? Teachers Busted for Kicking Students, Showing Up Drunk, Having Affairs With Pupils)

For a 5-year-old Miami student who came home from school with a cut lip from being kicked in the face, the bully wasn’t a playground menace — it was, she alleges, her teacher.

The preschooler’s offense? Using the restroom without permission during naptime.

Miami police arrested Head Start teacher Jean Dorvil, 56, on child abuse charges. Miami-Dade Schools Police Sgt. Ivan Silva told that detectives found during the course of their investigation that Dorvil had allegedly kicked two other students during the school year.

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