
Archive for July 8th, 2010

Judge Lorna Alksne On The Way Out After Home Picketed

July 8th, 2010 18 comments

Recently, we heard from a reliable source that embattled San Diego Judge Lorna Alksne spoke at yet another family law seminar in June 2010. She speaks at many of these events to rally her friends and associates in the family law profession to keep the courts humming with the profitable business of financially victimizing and violating the rights of children and families. There was talk both of her being furious over her home being picketed by an increasingly angry public and a job change she is planning. She anticipates being out of the San Diego family law system by the end of 2011.

Alksne Planning to Bow Out Under Fire

Apparently the bad reputation Alksne has earned and the increasing public animosity towards her has finally had some effect on her career plans. She reportedly mentioned that she plans to stay in control over the San Diego family law courts for another year before she moves to another position.

There have allegedly been death threats made against her. There is public chatter about law enforcement investigations of the threats on web sites of those upset at Alksne’s abusive and biased conduct.

Picketing of her courthouse on Sixth Avenue has become routine as more and more parents understand that she aids and abets the ongoing abuse, corruption, and misconduct of family law courts and “professionals” in the county.

Hundreds of parents and concerned community members have signed a petition calling for the recall of Judge Lorna Alksne.
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