
Archive for May 18th, 2009

Joe Biden’s Blabbering Blubberhead Blunders

May 18th, 2009 No comments

US VP Joe Biden is well known to our readers as the proud anti-father architect of the Violence Against Women Act, one of the single biggest blows against the US Constitution and equal rights in the history of America. It makes it easy for women to falsely claim abuse with no evidence, eliminates many due process rights for men, and encourages the government to provide no assistance to abused men and their children.

Biden, a father himself, was all so happy to sell the means to send other fathers into family law hell for votes from the extreme feminists who backed this legislation.

But besides being a pandering politician, Biden is apparently so stupid he recently thought it was perfectly OK for him to blabber the secrets of a bunker built to protect the VP.
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