New Evidence Stephen Doyne Violated Child Custody Evaluation Laws
Written by: Chris
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We’ve recently received a FL-325 document for a San Diego family law case involving ill-reputed custody evaluator Stephen Doyne. The source, Dr. Emad Tadros of the California Coalition for Families and Children, states that he has verified the authenticity of this document. Apparently the party who provided him this document does not want the names of the family members disclosed at this time.
According to the family law rules for custody evaluation as expressed on this form, Doyne was to have signed and filed the FL-325 form no more than 10 days after appointment and before beginning work on the case. He was appointed to this case on August 27, 2008, but the information on the form indicates he did not sign it until more than a year later on September 30, 2009. If this document is legitimate as is claimed, it appears to be further evidence of misconduct by Doyne and the San Diego family law court system.
Previously, we reported on the systematic cover-up of failure to file legally required FL-325, FL-326, and FL-327 forms by the the San Diego Superior Court and its judges and clerks. While there was some appearance of them trying to correct the problem going forward, the facts appear to show that there continues to be disregard for the law by Doyne and complicit court staff.
Often custody evaluators are used to help the family law system extort vast sums of money out of a family and to try to “pick the better parent”. Instead, they frequently succeed at abusing the children and parent who is willing to share the children, often siding with an emotionally abusive parental alienator who is completely unwilling to share the kids and is willing to resort to a campaign of terror and intimidation to destroy the other parent. The custody evaluation process often results in suppression of legitimate evidence, refusal to talk with parties who have deep insights into the long-term abusive nature of the alienating parent, and thereby often creates a false impression that the abuser is the better parent. Such impressions are then used as justifications to strip the target parent and children of their rights without affording them the protection of an impartial jury of peers and true due process.
We have observed that frequently San Diego parents who are being abused by the courts and/or an abusive ex-spouse can point to plentiful bias and violation of family law policies by judges who believe they, not the law, are the ultimate authority. Such parents justifiably mistrust the courts and particularly certain judges.
In desperation to get help for their children, these parents may publicly disclose evidence of the judicial and professional misconduct being perpetrated upon their families. As retaliation, the judges involved frequently punish these parents for talking about the matter publicly. By doing so, the courts show clear intent to violate both the First Amendment and Fourteenth Amendment rights of parents and children. As a result, they severely undercut any moral and legal authority they have and reinforce their well-earned reputation of bias and self-interest.
Such judges often make rulings that flout the basic civil rights of Americans. They issue orders that parents may not “blog” or “write publicly” or “discuss the case” or “reveal the names of the children” claiming that this somehow is “in the best interests of the children.” But often the real purpose is not to protect the children as they claim. Instead, they aim to protect themselves and their friends and associates from being held accountable for their abuses and misconduct. Victimized parents and children are thereby held hostage under threat of severe punishment if they dare disclose the judicial and governmental abuses they are experiencing.
Frequently parents try for years to get the courts to stop aiding and abetting in the abuse of their children without any success. They often go bankrupt in the process. Many suffer disastrous impact to their careers and health. Such parents often come to realize that the only legal option they have left to protect their children and families is to try to shine the light of public scrutiny on the reprehensible abusers and profiteering parasites involved in the disaster.
Secrecy and suppression of free speech are common problems with both family law and juvenile courts that often prevent such accountability. Punitive sanctions, jail time, and violations of civil rights are common means the San Diego courts use to quash the rights of children and parents and silence those who dare criticize the courts, judges, or their many friends such as the disreputable Stephen Doyne.
For this to change, San Diego parents must be willing to open up about the atrocities they are facing at the hands of the San Diego family and juvenile courts. We believe that the full disclosure of the widespread criminal and abusive conduct of the judges and “professionals” in this system is absolutely necessary to protect innocent children and parents from further abuses. That the courts are willing to threaten and severely penalize many who dare to challenge their abuses simply goes to show just how criminal these black-robed thugs truly are.
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Further Reading
Files outlining the misconduct of Psychologist Stephen Doyne
San Diego Custody Evaluators Generate Cash Flow by Victimizing Families Using Restraining Orders
Judge Lorna Alksne On The Way Out After Home Picketed
A Judge’s View of “Best Interests of the Children”
Cole Stuart Considers $10M False Arrest Suit Against SDCBA
CCFC Family Law Protest in San Diego Results in Arrest of Group Leader
Judge Lorna Alksne Eager For New Weapons For Judicial Abuse
CCFC Protests San Diego Family Courts on April 15, 2010
Reader Feedback on San Diego Judge Lisa Schall
Why Is San Diego Judge Lisa Schall Still On The Bench?
Eileen Lasher on San Diego CPS/Family Law Court Misconduct
Flyer Protest in San Diego Family Law Courts
Child Custody, Children, Civil Rights, Courts, Crime, Divorce, Family, Government Abuse, Legal, Politics, Psychology |
Doyne isn’t the only custody evaluator violating these rules. Stephen Sparta has done the same failure to file legally mandated forms for years.
F*cking stupid web site.
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We hope that Entropic Communications will take appropriate action against whatever employee, consultant, or other person who used their network to provide moral support to the broken and abusive family law system of San Diego.
Custody evaluations usually do more harm than good. Consider this telling quote from Court Ordered Forensic Evaluations and Existing Autism Diagnosis:
The only way to challenge a forensic report is to go through a full trial and then cross-examine the evaluator; parties can also hire their own experts to critique the court-appointed forensic, but generally cannot have the family evaluated by someone else.
In the meantime, judges are reading evaluators’ reports and making decisions based on them, with no way to know whether the observations and conclusions are correct, said William S. Beslow, a prominent matrimonial lawyer in Manhattan.
“In eight years, I have not participated in a case with a forensic report that was not substantially erroneous in one of its major conclusions,” Mr. Beslow said. “And some are so wrong that they have disastrous consequences for families.”
As a former client of Dr. Doyne in Family Court, I would describe the man as evil who has a total disregard for the value of Fathers in the lifes of their sons. Dr. Doyne only focus was on generating massive fees. Dr. Doyne caused my two sons great harm that can not be corrected.
Doyne has a bogus Diplomate certification from the same organization that gave a Diplomate certification and PhD title to a pet cat named Zoe who is owned by Stephen Eichel. Google “thecredentialingcon” to read about Zoe.
Doyne has falsified his teaching experience on his resume, the proof is online at
Doyne teaches the very Rules of Court that he has violated for years. Title 5 CRC 5.225 – 5.230. These are stated on his resume and he never used the mandated forms that are required to qualify an expert witness to legally serve as one over litigants. He’s never used these forms until the Public caught him and the San Diego Superior Court in the gross negligent act of violation of these rules. This makes Doyne the worst teacher imaginable. These rules of court are very serious, but apparently the Court and Doyne don’t take them seriously as they work to hide, oppress, ignore, and deny any complaint from litigants that they are in on-going violation. The Court and Doyne fail to recognize they have seriously erred, and fail to take responsibility for their negligent actions, and fail to provide any sort of correction to those they have violated over “due process of law”, HIPAA violations, and general illegal acts of negligence. Shame on the Court, shame on Doyne, and shame on every other Custody Evaluator in San Diego County for their failure as well, and shame on every FL Attorney in the County as well, and shame on every FL Judge — the bench books are by their side, in their libraries, and they are now smeared with corruption and violation wholesale as a local Judiciary community.
I agree with the above (substantive) comments: From the many parents I’ve spoken with who have paid thousands or tens of thousands for Doyne-like evaluators or mediators, they’re almost always highly destructive, universally make many errors (sometimes serious ones), and are mis-interpreted or otherwise mis-used by the courts. If you’re a parent and have an option–insist on not using them. The only workable solution is to find ways to work with your spouse to share custody–regardless of the hurt, anger, or other destructive emotions you may be experiencing. Courts are beginning to understand that “evaluations” are not hepful anyway and frequently ignore them. It’s a tragically sad fact, but peoples lives are regularly destroyed by the whim of a dishonest, biased, or otherwise incompetent evaluator. Resources that encourage cooperation are far, far more productive and stablizing–see for just one excellent and free program.
Good luck parents–a destructive battle with your ex will damage or destroy both of you. Stay strong through the hurt and keep the wolves that predominate family court (including your own attorney sorry to say) at bay.
These allegations against Dr. Doyne are unsubstantiated and vicious. Without hesitation, I stand behind Dr. Doyne as one of the most effective, fully aware and highly experienced child advocates in the San Diego court system. I have two girls who were age 4 and 7 at the time of my divorce. Dr. Doyne was assigned as the custody evaluator in the case. His grace and wisdom not only made the process comfortable for my girls, but also for me. They bonded with Dr. Doyne, in fact looked forward to the visits. I highly recommend Dr. Doyne for any family that goes through high conflict or any divorce where children are concerned. After careful evaluation, he created a custodial plan that was child centric and provided a sense of predictability and calm for my girls. It is shameful what has been written about him. It’s an obvious attempt at character assassination which appears to have been fueled by an irate parent who didn’t get what he/she wanted. From the start, Dr. Doyne put my girls interest first and as a result, 6 years later, they are thriving, healthy and hardly feel the impact of the divorce. I will always be thankful that Dr. Doyne was our custody evaluator.
Very glad you had a good experience with Stephen Doyne. Youre among the few.
For the rest of us he was a catastrophe, a conduit for the atrocity of women’s jealousy, insecurity, anger and hysteria fueling an extremely voracious divorcd industry.
Good luck to all.
Divorce has become a form of legalized theft. Should not be a surprise given the fact that governments, state, local, and federal, take money at the point of a gun far, far more frequently than petty thieves. They should all be shot dead.
San Diego–your government is illegitimate, immoral, thieving, stinky bums with guns and shields. Doyne’s just one of many.
People, you’re getting raped by most of your government officials. You’re their bitches, sorry to say. Ancient greeks, founding Americans, and millions of those terrorized by the governments they were allied to knew the dangers of government far, far better than we do. We’re so far across the line of tyranny in the U.S. that I’m not sure we can recover.
There was once a guy named George Washington who was said to have been “drug from the plow” to lead an oppressed nation toward peace and freedom from such tyranny. We’ve allowed our great nation of liberty, peace, and freedom to slip back into the hands of evil, incompetent people intent on imposing their impeded consciences on everyone they can get their hands on.
Solution: If any one of them–any one of them–fails to uphold their oath to protect and defend our Constitutional freedoms from oppression, dead end road. And I mean “dead end road.”
Blessings to all.
@Christine C To the contrary.Our children were 4 and 7 years old and felt very uncomfortable forced to see Dr. Love and Dr. Doyne. They shared their honesty and pain, fell on deaf ears, no regard to their tears or their best interests. They have changed and they are scarred. Money was #1 and the one who had it won. I too have spoken to hundreds here in San Diego who experienced this corrupt and horrific experience. Dr. Love and Dr. Doyne do not care what is best for the children. The one who has the money to fill their greed, wins.
@Christine C
You are unsubstantiated Christine, though I am happy to hear you had a good outcome with ding-dong Doyne. Go to or read the evidences about him here at angiemedia to see SUBSTANTIATED proof he is a danger to society.
I’ve posted a detailed review of San Diego Famil Court Evaluator Stephen Done and opened a discussion forum at http://croixstuart.blogs…. Parents are welcome to join the discussion and exchange tips/advice/experiences about Doyne or any of the other problematic San Diego Custody Evaluators. Please: Parents Only and focus on positive suggestions/advice rather than trashing Doyne even more. There’s plenty that exists already online.
Best! (Sorry for posting this on several threads Angiemedia! It’s not spam (I Hope???)