On MLK Day, Remember to Use Nonviolent Resistance Against America’s Family Law and CPS Systems
Written by: Chris
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After hearing yet another friend discuss how it is impossible to live happily or even function due the many years of continuing chaos being caused by his children’s mother and the parental alienation she inflicts upon them, I was alarmed but not surprised to hear him say that he’s about to give up on all his kids. I can’t say on blame him, he has been trying for years to simply be a part of his children’s lives and is attacked and persecuted relentlessly for simply wanting to be an involved parent. The damage caused by the combination of a parental alienator and the government bullies who support and reward this and other abusive conduct by bad parents, be they abusive mothers or abusive fathers, is immense. It eats away at your peace of mind, burns holes in your soul, and drains your finances to near bankruptcy over the years. You are left but a battered shell of a person with an empty wallet unable to enjoy anything in life, unable to even have a moment of peace and contentment.
Then I remembered something I just read from our friends at CopBlock, a great web site that discusses police brutality and misconduct across the United States. CopBlock suggested that we all spend some time on Martin Luther King Jr. Day to remember the travails and tactics of the African-American leader who put the nonviolent resistance and civil disobedience tactics of India’s Gandhi into action in the United States. Civil disobedience is a just and fair suggestion for a means of action for parents being afflicted by the American courts and law enforcement and their near universal support for parental alienation, family terrorism, false accusations, and many other crimes against children and families.
Parents who are being pushed to the limit like my friend should engage in civil disobedience and rally their families and friends to do the same. Simply stop cooperating with the government. Stop paying your taxes and stop funding a system that abuses and terrorizes millions of innocent children and their loving parents. Start protesting all you can against bully judges and corrupt politicians who do nothing to protect children and good parents who are being victimized by psychologically brutal attackers in the form of alienating parents, CPS social workers, family law attorneys, and the many other criminals who scheme to use and abuse children to make a profit. Or maybe just vote with your feet by leaving the United States as it increasingly appears to be an irredeemably sick nation that persecutes good parents and innocent children in the name of profit and power of the government and its friends.
It’s often been suggested by those who claim to have a broader geopolitical view that the United States is a menace to civilization and societies across the global. Some feel this way about what the United States does to citizens of nations all over the world with its wars, police actions, and threats to pummel other nations into submission if they do not do what Uncle Sam demands. But even if you don’t buy that line of thinking, it is clear that American family law policies that rewards parental alienation, child abuse, perjury, and false accusations are inflicting an astronomical amount of damage to children and good parents. My friend can’t take it any more and his children are about to lose their father because the government will not put a stop to the abuses inflicted by their mother. No amount of money or therapy can ever truly fix the damage they have already experienced and will continue to experience because of the failed policies of a government that encourages and rewards widespread crime by child abusers.
It’s time to put governments across the United States on notice. The huge problems that exist today with American family law and child protection systems are very similar to the problems that existed 40 years ago with reprehensible race politics and laws across the Unites States. Applying Martin Luther King Jr.’s thinking from the civil rights movement to the family law movement is a great idea. Thanks, CopBlock, for helping me to realize that.
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Further Reading
American Soldiers Persecuted by American Government
American Parents, Family Policy, and Courts Contribute to Poor Student Performance
Ben Vonderheide Exposes Pennsylvania’s Abusive Child Profiteering Racket
American Judicial Terrorism May Lead to Widespread Violence
Brothers and sisters–we face an enormous menace in county government. In the shadow of Dr. Martin Luther King’s “holiday”–a whitewashing perhaps of his assassination by a rigid-minded moron that would be proud to assist with divorce court’s abundant abuses–but an excellent reminder of Dr. King’s brilliance and courage, we might be reminded of the complete lack of compassion and intelligence in the divorce court that happily rips families apart for profit.
There is abundant evil and incompetence in our county government. How do we deal with incompetence and evil? Kill them? Perhaps. It would be fair. There was this guy named George W. (not Bush–the real George W.) and a bunch of his friends that said “fuck ’em. Let’s kick their asses.” But that gets you thrown in a government cage these days. “Protest”? Waste of time. “Beat the holy shit out of them”? Hmmm.
Somebody has to be the adult. “Family Court”–AKA Vultures–deserve that fate–and should be taught a lesson in compassion. In other words, be kind or I’ll kick your fucking ass.
It’s your county San Diego–take it back by any and all means.
Parental alienation syndrome is real. Here are some graphic scenes from my own marriage and divorce revealing the malignant personality traits that so often underlie parental alienation, but are so often missed by the so-called professionals and the family courts.
I am going thru a big injustice with The San Diego family court right now and I am so scared because I want to take my case to trial and I know those judges are corrupt. My lawyer is even manipulating me by telling me he doesn’t think he will win even though CPS does not have any evidence against me but merely hear say and gossip. I invoked my freedom of speech, not knowing that they would mix up my words and take my children from me. I am a medical cannabis card holder and now I am being prosecuted based on the possibility of my children eating med brownies. That is false they have tested my children and found NOTHING!!! On the report I am portrayed as a single minority mother that drugs up her children because I am so stressed out. I have a 11yr old autistic son and 5yr old daughter, yes I have been stressed for years do to all my responsibilities, but if their statement was true then there would have been evidence of it being concentrated in my children blood. I have had to move out of my home to allow my mother to care for my kids during this process. My life has been thrown up in the air and now I have to scrabble around in put back the pieces to my life. My children are so traumatized by being taken from me that I am afraid for their mental state. My son walks around the house saying ” I’m home and I never want to go back to that place again”. My daughter has also told me of abuse during her stay in Polanski center that is being funded by the government. My situation was not high risk enough to inflict more trauma stress anxiety and separation of a family. CPS don’t care about our children they only care about job stability and the money being made from taking kids and putting them thru the system, CPS workers clock out and go on with their lives. While family’s are in pain and hurt by the separation and all the lies and corruption. I need all the support I can get during my trial if anyone is out there that will help me fight these evil people. Please contact me [email protected] please e-mail me.
Hello all-more and more are waking up to the ongoing tyranny of the judiciary. Governor Ventura is but one of millions who have become aware of the complete collapse of faith in government that is spreading like wildfire. Witness Governor Ventura’s recent press conference here:
Your country needs you. Instead of watching or paying for a football game tomorrow, write your state and local representatives. Instead of blogging on ESPN about Monday Night Football, go stand in front of their offices. Instead of enslaving yourself to a mindless corporation, work for a public interest or civil rights group.
It will take sacrifice and courage, but you wouldn’t be the first to stand tall to protect liberty and freedoms earned by the blood, sweat and tears of millions.
The fate of the existence of a free America is in your hands people. Preserving it against those intent on its extinction is the cost, and meaning, of freedom.
God Bless All.
Support alienated parents and children at
Sponsored by: EG Amendements to the Rights of the Child
Dear United Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon,
email: [email protected]
Dear States Parties Members
All over the world there are millions of children displaced from their parents due to parental alienation.
There are abundant publication of empirical research and narratives detailing the dire consequences of parental alienation to children, targeted parents and society.
The mental and psychological injuries inflicted on children and parents last for years or even a life time. The damages tend to be irreversible.
We the undersigned are requesting United Nations to amend The Rights of the Child in accord with Article 50-1 to introduce,
1. Parental alienation as an act of violence against children
2. Remove the wording in “The best interest of the child” from Articles 9 and 18,
In order to prohibit, prevent and protect children from abuses of alienating parents, unscrupulous judicial and mental health systems, United Nations States Parties should follow the example of Brazil.
The President of Brazil signed the Law that defines and punishes parental alienation on August 26, 2010
Sincerely, lessDear United Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon,
email: [email protected]
Dear States Parties Members
All over the world there are millions of children displaced from their parents due to parental alienation.
There are abundant publication of empirical research and narratives detailing the dire consequences of parental alienation to children, targeted parents and society.
The mental and psychological injuries inflicted on children and parents last for years or even a life time. The damages tend to be irreversible.
We the undersigned are requesting United Nations to amend The Rights of the Child in accord with Article 50-1 to introduce,
1. Parental alienation as an act of violence against children
2. Remove the wording in “The best interest of the child” from Articles 9 and 18,
In order to prohibit, prevent and protect children from abuses of alienating parents, unscrupulous judicial and mental health systems, United Nations States Parties should follow the example of Brazil.
The President of Brazil … more
Good Lord–
Though I agree that alienation is child abuse and a very bad thing, the last thing we need is “World Government” involved in private domestic relations issues. The UN? Are you kidding me? You’re suggesting that a worldwide government organization (one far more corrupt than the U.S.) get involved in divorce?
With all do respect Sir, you’re not thinking clearly.
The answer people is pretty simple: Governments, local, state, national and especially worldwide should have no business whatsoever micromanaging domestic relations. 50/50 almost no matter what. “We done? Court adjourned.”
The President of Brazil doesn’t know jack about my child, and doesn’t frankly care jack about my child. Or yours.
As parents, we do.
We don’t need additional layers of government weirdos invading our lives. We need support for parents who know and love their children. Giving control to the UN just moves the problem to another forum–one far, far less invested than even the currently uninvested hysteriaocracy of state divorce courts.
Accusations of abuse only create more accusations of abuse. If “proving” abuse is the gold ring on the ferris wheel, everybody’s going to shoot for it. Create yet another forum for conflict, argument, and abuse. Sound like a good idea?
Solution: support and, perhaps, educate, both parents who love their children. If coperative parenting is the ring, maybe a few will try harder.
Folks, we need much, much more love, and much, much less government–goons with the (now) exclusive right to guns and shields. An _extremely_ dangerous thing. We don’t need more. We need much, much less in family matters. But the goons have already invaded. It’s already here–we let it slip.
Take it back.
Good luck people. Give love and get the hell out of the disaster of divorce court as quickly as you can.