You’ll have to act quickly if you want to catch these savings. Affordable Supplements is offering 10% off the price of 1FAST400 products until midnight on September 1, 2009. You can use the coupon code FAST4 at checkout. Look in the lower left of the checkout screen for the “redeem coupon” field.
If this does not work for some reason, you can enter your order and get ready to submit it and then call their 877-478-3678 toll free number and coordinate getting the discount over the phone.
Some of the 1FAST400 products we’ve mentioned in past articles include:
1FAST400 N-Acetylcysteine Powder, 1000 grams for $54.99
1FAST400 L-Theanine Powder, 20 grams for as little as $7.22 each in quantity 9+
1 FAST400 Acetyl-L-Carnitine Powder, 1000 grams for $47.99
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Further Reading
N-Acetylcysteine (NAC) Reduces Hair Pulling Compulsion and May Also Be Useful for OCD
L-Theanine for Anxiety, Insomnia, and Depression
Idebenone, a Better CoQ10
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These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The products mentioned in this post are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Life Extension’s Mega EPA/DHA fish oil
is on sale through September 14, 2009, at 65% off regular price. It is a very good quality fish oil supplement and also very well priced at $6.98 per bottle of 120 softgels. It is a double strength formulation with reduced cholesterol, meaning that it is equivalent of 240 typical fish oil softgels. As you may know, fish oil is well-reputed for managing blood lipid levels, particularly helping to lower LDL cholesterol and triglycerides. What you may not know is that many common brands of fish oil supplements contain a considerable amount of cholesterol in each softgel. Mega EPA/DHA has twice the EPA and DHA (the primary beneficial Omega-3 fish oil compounds), half the calories, and 80% less cholesterol per softgel versus Costco’s Kirkland Signature Fish Oil Concentrate that is regularly priced at $9.69 (plus tax) for 400 regular strength softgels.
Life Extension Mega EPA/DHA Fish Oil
is useful for improving your health in many ways. In addition to helping cut down unhealthy blood lipid levels (LDL cholesterol and triglycerides), it is also helpful for reducing the risk of depression, blood clots, inflammation disorders, heart attacks, and strokes. Fish oils containing significant quantities of DHA in particular are believed to improve brain and nervous system health.
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| Alli, anti-inflammatory, arterial calcification, atherosclerosis, blood clots, cholesterol, depression, DHA, EPA, fish oil, folic acid, HDL cholesterol, Health & Nutrition, inflammation, Irvingia, LDL cholesterol, life extension, lipase, mercury, nursing, omega-3, orlistat, pregnancy, thrombosis, triglycerides, vitamin B12 |
Child social workers like to talk about how they are wonderful people because they protect and help children. Christopher Hardman from West Yorkshire, United Kingdom, likely thought of himself that way. He was a child social worker for at risk youth working as a team leader for the Kirklees MBC’s Youth Offending Team. He used his job to gain contact information for minor children and dupe them into posing topless or nude for photo shoots for him, thereby “helping” them earn a little extra money. He offered them 60 to 80 British pounds for topless shoots, and 80 to 120 for full nudity. He convinced at least five teenage girls as young as 15 years old and at least one adult woman over age 20 to engage in pornography with photographer David Hemingway who was working with him. During a search of his home, police found evidence that Hardman is also a drug user.
Despite his apparent crimes that were investigated by the police and the social services agency for which he worked, he hasn’t been prosecuted. The only action taken against him was to ban him from being a social worker again.
Apparently child pornography is acceptable conduct when promoted by social workers in UK, but it’s not OK to be caught doing it because it embarrasses the agencies. Hardman’s known child pornography and related misconduct occurred in 2005 and was discovered in early 2006 when photographer David Hemingway was arrested and police searched his home.
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In my previous article How to Win Custody by Framing Your Ex for Child Sexual Abuse, I discussed how a significant number of malicious moms in divorce and child custody battles resort to framing their ex-husbands for child sexual abuse. While good mothers won’t stoop to such destructive stunts, malicious moms will often do this after the failure of other false allegations and attempts at parental alienation, harassing, and scaring their ex-husbands to gain sole custody of the children. This means that the defense against false child sexual abuse allegations must start long before the allegations are ever made as they are but one highly damaging step in a much longer escalating series of attacks.
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| Child Abuse, Child Custody, Children, Civil Rights, Courts, CPS, Crime, Domestic Violence, Family, Federal Government, Government Abuse, Parental Alienation, Partner Violence, Police, Restraining Orders |
| borderline personality disorder, Child Abuse, Child Custody, child sexual abuse, Children, contempt of court, contested child custody, Divorce, Domestic Violence, false abuse allegations, false accusations in divorce, family law court, Government Abuse, Legal, malicious mom, narcissistic personality disorder, perjury, personality disorder, police abuse, restraining order, verbal abuse |
In these doom and gloom financial times, most of us don’t have the money to give expensive new healthcare choices a try. TA Sciences is trying to help make such choices a little more affordable. The company has made an offer to Life Extension members for a 10% discount on their TA-65 services and products. TA-65 is used to lengthen telomeres in the hopes of improving health and lifespan. This discount is worth more than $900 just for the initial testing and 6 months of treatment:
(from Turning on Immortality: The Debate Over Telomerase Activation
The TA Sciences Center is located in Manhattan, NY. The Patton Protocol with TA-65 costs approximately $2,500 for initial tests (including extensive blood work, telomere length measurements, and seven biomarkers of aging). The first six months of the protocol is approximately $6,725. Members of the Life Extension Foundation receive a 10% discount off of these prices. TA Sciences can be contacted at:
Toll Free: 888-360-8886
Office: 212-588-8805
Fax: 212-588-0058
Web Site:

Further Reading
TA-65 Telomere Activation and Right to Healthcare Choice
Vitamins B12, C, and E May Increase Telomere Length
Chromosome Ends and Aging
Is TA-65 the Means to Immortality?
Vince Guiliano’s Anti-Aging Blog
TA-65 Telomere Lengthening Just One Part of Anti-Aging Healthcare
Turning on Immortality: The Debate Over Telomerase Activation
Is There A Secret To Eternal Youth? Some Laud Dietary Supplement TA-65, Some Question It
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The products mentioned in this post are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
In the August 2009 issue of Life Extension Magazine
, there is an article Turning on Immortality: The Debate Over Telomerase Activation
written by two researchers in the field of telomere aging in which they debate the merits of using TA-65 derived from Chinese astragalus herb by TA Sciences to rebuild telomere length and improve health and lifespan.
Read more…
| alcohol, astragalus, FDA, Food and Drug Administration, healthcare reform, life extension, life extension magazine, Obama, pyridoxamine, T.A. Sciences, TA-65, telomerase, telomere, tobacco |
(NOTE: Updated some of the products and vendors mentioned on July 25, 2010.)
N-Acetylcysteine is an inexpensive and highly absorbable form of the amino acid cysteine which has numerous health benefits. Previously, I’ve mentioned NAC for use as a preventive measure against the common cold and flu infections (see Preventive Measures for Swine Flu), to help prevent liver damage from Tylenol (see Health Risks from Tylenol, Acetaminophen, and Paracetamol), and to detoxify your body of the mercury in dental fillings, predatory fish, and high fructose corn syrup (see High Fructose Corn Syrup is Dangerous for Many Reasons).
NAC Also Useful in Mental Health
It turns out that NAC also has uses in mental health and psychiatry, too. There is now clinical trial evidence that it can be used to treat trichotillomania, an impulse control disorder involving pulling the hair out of one’s head, eyelashes, eyebrows, or elsewhere on the body. This disorder affects somewhere between 1% and 5% of the world’s population and is strongly female predominant. Estimates are that 70% to 93% of trichotillomania patients are female. There is a belief that the disorder may have genetic origin, but so far the related genes found don’t explain all cases of the disorder.
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Researchers recently reviewed medical data collected as part of the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey from 2001 to 2004 for 6000 children and young adults ages 1 to 21. Low levels of vitamin D were found in about 70% of children. Vitamin D deficiency, typical of very low levels that cause rickets and severe bone degeneration and weakness problems were found it about 9% of children. Insufficient levels of vitamin D were found in another 61%. These levels are associated with a wide variety of health problems including type 1 and 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, depression, autism, multiple sclerosis, tuberculosis, cancer and many other health problems.
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| African-American, Asian-American, bacterial vaginosis, Children, dark skin, diabetes, H1N1 flu, health, Health & Nutrition, high blood pressure, Hispanic-American, Indian-American, influenze, Mexican-American, pregnancy, pregnant, premature birth, rickets, vitamin D, vitamin D deficiency, vitamin D insufficiency, Vitamin D3 |
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