10% Discount on TA-65 Supplement for Life Extension Members

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August 5th, 2009 Leave a comment Go to comments

In these doom and gloom financial times, most of us don’t have the money to give expensive new healthcare choices a try. TA Sciences is trying to help make such choices a little more affordable. The company has made an offer to Life Extension members for a 10% discount on their TA-65 services and products. TA-65 is used to lengthen telomeres in the hopes of improving health and lifespan. This discount is worth more than $900 just for the initial testing and 6 months of treatment:

(from Turning on Immortality: The Debate Over Telomerase Activation)

The TA Sciences Center is located in Manhattan, NY. The Patton Protocol with TA-65 costs approximately $2,500 for initial tests (including extensive blood work, telomere length measurements, and seven biomarkers of aging). The first six months of the protocol is approximately $6,725. Members of the Life Extension Foundation receive a 10% discount off of these prices. TA Sciences can be contacted at:

Toll Free: 888-360-8886
Office: 212-588-8805
Fax: 212-588-0058
Web Site: www.tasciences.com

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Further Reading

TA-65 Telomere Activation and Right to Healthcare Choice

Vitamins B12, C, and E May Increase Telomere Length

Chromosome Ends and Aging

Is TA-65 the Means to Immortality?

Vince Guiliano’s Anti-Aging Blog

TA-65 Telomere Lengthening Just One Part of Anti-Aging Healthcare

Turning on Immortality: The Debate Over Telomerase Activation

Is There A Secret To Eternal Youth? Some Laud Dietary Supplement TA-65, Some Question It

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The products mentioned in this post are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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