
Posts Tagged ‘emotional abuse’

Jason Fontaine Speaks Up About Child Custody Murders

January 4th, 2010 8 comments
Catherine Fontaine, 4 and Julia Fontaine, 2
Catherine Fontaine, 4 and Julia Fontaine, 2

If you’re aware of the December 2009 child custody murders described in our article Killer Bonnie Hoult Made False Abuse Allegations Against Ex, you might have been wondering just what father Jason Fontaine has to say about the tragic events. Jason has started to write some about his feelings and thoughts on the horrendous death of his two beautiful little children in what appears be the murder-suicide plot of grandmother Bonnie Hoult and her daughter Catherine Fontaine. One of his recent postings can be found at Dreamcatchers For Abused Children on their coverage of the story. I’ve excerpted it and edited it for typographical errors below.

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Killer Bonnie Hoult Made False Abuse Allegations Against Ex

December 18th, 2009 3 comments

Bonnie Hoult

News station KTLA has reported new details in the San Clemente, California, murder/suicide on December 14, 2009, involving two little girls, their mother, and their killer, grandmother Bonnie Hoult. Investigators believe that Hoult used her .357 handgun to shoot and kill first her 2 year old granddaughter Julia, then her daughter Elizabeth “Liza” Hoult Fontaine, next her 4 year old granddaughter Catherine, and finally herself after Orange County Sheriff’s Department showed up at the home where they were staying. OCSD believes that Elizabeth was holding Julia on her lap as Bonnie put the gun in her mouth and pulled the trigger, meaning that Elizabeth was a willing participant in the murder of both her children and herself.

KTLA interviewed Hoult’s step-son, Howard Hoult, who lives in Culver City, California. He told reporter Chris Wolfe that Bonnie Hoult tried to use false child sexual abuse charges against her ex-husband decades ago. He doesn’t believe the sexual molestation accusations against Jason Fontaine. Howard related how Bonnie Hoult was a negative force who exerted toxic influence on his half-sister Elizabeth Fontaine and likely encouraged her to use false sexual abuse allegations against Jason Fontaine.
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Dr. Warshak Discusses Parental Alienation on 20/20 Tonight

December 18th, 2009 No comments

Parental alienation expert Dr. Richard Warshak will be featured on United States ABC Network’s 20/20 program on Friday, December 18, 2009, at 8pm CST or 9pm EST/PST. See 20/20’s schedule for more information, to read related stories, or to view the program after it has been broadcast.

Stories on 20/20 during this special 2-hour episode related to child custody battles and parental alienation include:

Bringing Pietro Home: One Dad’s Epic Custody Fight
Brandon Henry Was Told His Child Was Dead. To Get the Truth He Headed to Italy.

Fighting for Liam: Michael McCarty Journeys to Italy in Hopes of Regaining Custody of Son: Abducted by His Mother, Liam Remains in Orphanage Due to Legal Delays
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Unjust Delays in San Diego Family Law Courts

December 5th, 2009 1 comment

In yet another symptom of the diseased San Diego Family Law courts and State of California, an illness on the bench is causing months of delays in trials and hearings. Judge Lorna Alksne is filling in for an ill judge in El Cajon (East County) court from Tuesday to Thursday, leaving only Monday and Friday for her to hear her own cases. The result is that hearings and trials are being pushed back, sometimes for months. In today’s broken courts, it’s not unusual for San Diego divorces to take more than two years of legal warfare. It’s a far cry from anybody’s concept of a “fair and speedy trial”. Sometimes, it is more like government-assisted child abuse.
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California Men’s Centers – San Diego

November 19th, 2009 No comments

Are you a guy whose wife or girlfriend is abusing your children and you? Have you been falsely accused of child abuse by you ex as a tactic to keep you from seeing your children? Have you had a falsely obtained restraining order used on you to kick you out of your home, ban you from seeing your children, defame you as a violent person, and to emotionally and financially rape you? Is your boyfriend or husband being attacked by his ex-wife using such aggressive manipulations of the legal system?

Californians who can answer yes to any of these questions can find more help at the web site of California Men’s Centers.

Based upon the group’s support of shared parenting and stance against the use of false accusations, women who are partners of an abused man or who themselves are in a such an unfair situation could also find advice and help from them.
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Borderline Mom: Emotional Self Defense for Children

November 14th, 2009 7 comments

Borderline Mom: A Quick & Dirty Manual of Emotional Self Defense for Children is a new title by Georgiana Wright for people dealing with a mother suffering from Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD), whether formally diagnosed or simply suspected. One of the key decisions children of Borderlines eventually must make is whether the destructive relationship with their mother can be fixed by setting boundaries or whether it is better to cut off all ties and write their mother off. Author Georgianna Wright explores both choices in her new book.

Recognizing Borderline Women

Borderline women are generally abusive to those around them, particularly to their husbands, boyfriends, partners (including women partners — lesbians and bisexuals can be Borderlines just as heterosexuals can), and children. It is important to realize that many Borderlines were abused as children, some have genetic tendencies for extreme emotional behavior, and some have both characteristics. Recognizing a Borderline often depends upon noticing how they affect the people who are their close family and friends. These people often are afraid of the Borderline and can spend years being manipulated and controlled via abusive tactics, rages, and false blaming. The Borderline will often have endless complains about all of these people, seemingly justifiable unless you have actually met and seen them and therefore know that they are not the source of the problems.
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Are Sarah Palin and Family Serial Parental Alienators?

November 4th, 2009 No comments

Although they may seem strange bedfellows, former Governor of Alaska and US VP candidate Sarah Palin (Republican) and smallfry pandering child abuse proponent Jim Beall (Democrat – California Legislature) may have more in common than meets the eye. Both appear to have attitudes towards fathers that suggests they regard denying them contact with their children via access blocking and false accusations. They believe these should be tactics vicious women can legally use without regard for their children. Both think that this form of emotional child abuse known as parental alienation should be ignored and not considered in child custody decisions. Yet child psychologists consider parental alienation of great harm to children.

Palin Family: Serial Parental Alienators?

Sarah Palin and her family have been accused of alienating her daughter Bristol’s child Tripp Johnston from his father, Levi Johnston. Levi Johnston and his sister Mercede claim that the Palin family blocks his attempts to see Tripp. He is contemplating legal action against them to regain time with his son. While detractors point to Johnston being a high-school dropout with a variety of family and personal problems, it looks very likely that the Palin family really does have a problem with parental alienation against ex-relatives they want kicked out of the family and are willing to go so far as using defamation campaigns and frivolous restraining orders to accomplish their despicable goals.

(from Bristol Palin’s Bitter Split!)

“Levi tries to visit Tripp every single day, but Bristol makes it nearly impossible. She tells him he can’t take the baby to our house because she doesn’t want him around ‘white trash’!” Bristol won’t even allow him to watch the baby for a few hours — unless he’s babysitting!

The worst part, Mercede continues, is that the former vice presidential candidate supports Bristol’s treatment of Levi, 19. “I used to love Sarah,” Mercede says sadly. “But I’ve lost lots of respect for her.”

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1 in 4 Children of Divorce Suffer Parental Alienation Syndrome

November 3rd, 2009 No comments

Psychology researchers Jose Canton Duarte, Rosario Cortes Arboleda, and Dolores Justicia Diaz from the University of Granada have written a book on the psychological problems caused by parental alienation during child custody conflicts entitled Conflictos entre los padres, divorcio y desarrollo de los hijos (English: Marital Conflicts, Divorce, and Children’s Development). In much of the United States and of course in countries south of the border, there are a large number of families going through difficult divorces who speak Spanish as their primary language. While there is a wealth of English-language information on the form of emotional child abuse known as parental alienation, the selection of such titles for Spanish-literate populations has been more limited. If you know of a Spanish-speaking family with intense conflict between divorced parents, this title might be helpful for their extended family to read to understand what is happening to the child who used to love them but who now avoids and even lies about them after being brainwashed by the parent who has primary custody.
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False Child Porn Persecution: The Child Custody Scenario

October 27th, 2009 5 comments

Do you ever have guests in your home? Not to be antisocial, but your guests could inadvertently help land you in a heap of trouble, even if they do nothing illegal or immoral and have no ill intentions towards you. That’s because of America’s blatant disregard for its Constitution. If this doesn’t make sense to you, read on because you need to know about this threat to your family, your freedom, and even your life.
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Abusive Women “Acceptable” By Double Standards

October 26th, 2009 4 comments

Reading through Dr. Tara Palmatier’s excellent and entertaining website A Shrink For Men, one can see how men are frequently abused by mentally ill women. The women may have grown up in abusive homes, have hormonal imbalances, or just are “plain crazy” perhaps with a personality disorder (especially the DSM-IV Cluster B ones including Borderline, Narcissistic, Histrionic, and Antisocial) or two mixed in. Add in some other disorders, such as common co-morbid conditions including bipolar disorder, depression, obsessive compulsive disorder, and an eating disorder and you’ve got almost a purpose-built “killing machine” who can and will attack and ruin anybody who gets in her way. She’ll likely get away with it, too.

Our society enables and encourages women to abuse others. From domestic violence to child abuse to psychological terror, women are treated as if they are authorized to ruin the lives of others with no repercussions on themselves. Amazingly, they often are able to recruit “professionals” to help them conduct their abuse campaigns against men. Besides the typical gender biased CPS social workers and other government servants, one of the most notable of these abuse allies are incompetent mental health professionals.
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