
Archive for July 28th, 2009

CPS and Police Abuse Wrongly Removed Children

July 28th, 2009 12 comments

Daniel Weaver is a father who spent five years of his life fighting CPS and family law courts against false abuse allegations. He was finally exonerated. But the damage to his children and him have made him worried for all children and parents.

It is far more common than the public realizes for CPS and police to swoop in and terrorize a family with no evidence or due process. In the process, CPS and the police become child abusers who create extensive psychological damage in children that may take years of therapy to correct, therapy that the government will not pay to provide.
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DSS Threatens to Destroy Family Injured by Car Crash

July 28th, 2009 3 comments

Lawson Baby Hospitalized After Car Accident

On July 6, 2009, one year old baby girl Noblely Lawson was hit by a car in Charlotte, North Carolina. The driver of the car lost control, claiming that something was in his eye. The car jumped the curb and crossed a sidewalk, slamming into the stroller in which the baby was being walked by her parents, Shane Lawson and Summer Brown. The car struck both her parents, too.

Police suspect that the driver, Bhagwan Sawroop Gagrani, hit the accelerator rather than the brake. After ruling out involvement of drugs or alcohol, they haven’t charged him with any crime. Maybe his involvement in these tragic events was accidental, but this doesn’t solve the problems now faced by the Lawson family due to the crash.
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