
Archive for October 28th, 2009

Vitamin D3 Products For Kids

October 28th, 2009 No comments

Many children (and adults) often can’t or won’t swallow tablets or capsules, but they still need vitamin D supplements. A couple of interesting options that Costco is now selling include a vitamin D3 liquid product and “gummy vitamin” style vitamin D3 supplements with or without calcium. For kids, I would recommend they take 1 a day, rather than the suggested dose of 2 a day for adults. Some of these are available in certain stores, but for many customers they must be ordered on Costco’s website and shipped to the customer. Here are links to the products:
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Best Deals on Vitamin D3 Supplements

October 28th, 2009 No comments

New Vitamin D3 Supplements Provide High Doses

Until recently, it was cumbersome for people who don’t like to take a lot of pills per day to be taking high doses of vitamin D3 because many products provided only 400 IU to 1000 IU of vitamin D per capsule or tablet. That is changing rapidly now that the word of high-dosage vitamin D3 supplementation has spread and affected the products being released by dietary supplement manufacturers.
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Do Nutritional Supplements Really Work?

October 28th, 2009 No comments

Last week, I posted an article on N-acetylcysteine (NAC) that mentioned a number of health conditions for which it is believed to be helpful. I also discussed my experience with the supplement and how and why I’ve used it. As is usual with articles, some of the feedback I got was along the lines of “so does it work?” That’s a good question.
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