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Puritan’s Pride carries a huge variety of dietary supplements, vitamins, amino acids, skin care formulas, and other products for your well-being. Some of our favorite Puritan’s Pride products useful to a lot of people are their Vitamin D3 5000 IU softgels and 5-HTP 100mg mood and sleep aid capsules.
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| 5-HTP, Alli, antidepressants, buproprion, calcium, cardiovascular disease, Celexa, chitosan, citalopram, depression, diabetes, fiber, flu, fluoxetine, glucomannan, ground flax seed, influenza, L-tryptophan, lipase-inhibitor, magnesium, multiple sclerosis, niacinamide, oat bran, orlistat, paroxetine, Paxil, pectin, Prozac, psyllium, Puritan's Pride, pyridoxine hydrochloride, serotonin syndrome, sertraline, sleep, sleep disorders, SSRI, St. John's Wort, Valerian, vitamin B3, vitamin B6, vitamin D, Vitamin D3, weight gain, weight loss, Wellbutrin, Zoloft |
Statins are a now famous (or infamous, depending upon your viewpoint) class of medicine used widely in American medicine. While studies do show they help reduce total and LDL (Low Density Lipoprotein) cholesterol and triglyceride levels, there are serious side effects to these medicines. They can lead to lethargy, headaches, muscle weakness, confusion, memory loss, and other side effects. More ominously, a recent study of Crestor (a statin drug) showed an increase in type 2 diabetes rates for those using the drug versus the control group using a placebo.
High Cholesterol Just Small Part of Cardiovascular Health Risks
Many people have the mistaken impression that high cholesterol is the biggest risk to your cardiovascular health. This isn’t likely true. There are a large variety of risks that are likely to be even more significant than high cholesterol levels. Many of them are not commonly tested for by doctors. Too many in the medical establishment have bought into “big pharma” pushing of statin drugs as the ultimate solution as they inaccurately believe high total and LDL cholesterol are the exclusive risk factors for cardiovascular diseases. As cardiovascular surgeon Dr. Michael Ozner points out in his book The Great American Heart Hoax: Lifesaving Advice Your Doctor Should Tell You About Heart Disease Prevention (But Probably Never Will)
, many of the therapies and surgeries for cardiovascular disease that are common in the United States are probably unnecessary, raise health care expenses, and don’t really improve overall outcomes. Much better than surgeries would be to prevent cardiovascular disease in the first place. But there are many risks that must be managed.
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| anxiety, artichoke, beans, beta-glucan, catechins, cholesterol, CoQ10, depression, fish oil, flax, glucomannan, green tea, guggulsterones, HDL cholesterol, Health & Nutrition, Idebenone, LDL cholesterol, mercury, Michael Ozner, oat bran, pectin, plant sterols, psyllium, red yeast rice, statins, stroke, triglycerides |
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