Los Angeles DCFS (CPS) Employee Arrested by LAPD for Prostitution

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Los Angeles Police Department recently ran a prostitution sting operation with its officers posing as prostitutes. As Crackdown on prostitution in Sun Valley leads to 16 arrests reports, the most interesting arrest on-duty Los Angeles County employee Mark Anthony Moton who works for DCFS (Department of Children and Family Services). Police say he was driving a county car while propositioning an undercover cop posing as a prostitute.

Quoted from Prostitution sting in Sun Valley nets 34 arrests in 20 hours:

Among those arrested was Mark Anthony Moton, a human services aide at the Los Angeles County Department of Children and Family Services. As part of his job, Moton has frequent interaction with both parents and children, according to DCFS spokesman Armand Montiel.

Citing agency rules, Montiel said he couldn’t comment on Moton’s current employee status. But in most cases like this, individuals are suspended during an investigation, he said.

County Supervisor Michael Antonovich said if the LAPD’s allegations are true, Moton should face immediate termination.

“It is very disconcerting for a DCFS employee – especially one who interacts directly with children – to be engaged in this type of criminal activity,” Antonovich said in a statement.

If DCFS employs people who allegedly engage in illegal sex trade as it appears by this arrest, can you really trust that your kids won’t be abused or used by a DCFS employee? Don’t let your child be alone with anybody from DCFS, CPS, or similar agencies.

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  1. Chris
    March 11th, 2012 at 04:52 | #1

    Get a life and stay outta othas,you f*cking up othas lifes just to make ya money.I hope ya life gets f*cked over so y’all know how it feels!!

  2. Truthseeker
    June 15th, 2012 at 22:03 | #3

    The truth will come out. Over zealous police and reporters don’t care whose life they mess up. Report the truth and facts.

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