Will Mass Media Build Awareness and Opposition to State-Sponsored Child Abuse?

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August 20th, 2010 Leave a comment Go to comments

Until you’ve been through a divorce in a child abusing nation like the United States or United Kingdom, you likely have no clue of the extortion and abuse families are put through by the courts and governments of such nations. But that may change as more and more fathers with ties to the entertainment and mass media industries start to open up about their experiences, particularly how their children and they are blocked from contact with each other with the full cooperation of the courts in what amounts to state-sponsored parental alienation child abuse.

Noted writer Louis de Bernieres, author of Corelli’s Mandolin which was later turned into the movie Captain Corelli’s Mandolin starring Nicolas Cage and Penelope Cruz, has recently experienced state-sponsored parental alienation himself. He seldom gets to see his children Robin and Sophie, all of five and two years old respectively, as the courts engaged in the usual sexist practice of marginalizing the father. He’s now joined UK’s shared parenting group Families Need Fathers to fight against the ongoing abuse by UK courts and government against children and families.

My battle for dads’ rights by Corelli author: Family break-up left him ‘suicidal’

He said the pain of rarely seeing his two young children, Robin, five, and two-year-old Sophie, left him in a state of ’emotional desolation’ and repeatedly drove him to the brink.

The experience has prompted him to become a champion for fathers’ rights and he has been made patron of Families Need Fathers (FNF).

In the charity’s newsletter he said that mothers do not have a ‘divine right to own the children’ and called for equal parenting to be the normal arrangement for parting couples.

His comments are likely to provoke fierce debate over the custody rights of British fathers.

In the interview with FNF, to be published this month, de Bernieres described his despair when his 11-year-relationship with Miss Gill, an actress and theatre director, broke down.

He claimed that he was restricted to seeing the children for one weekend each fortnight when they stayed at his Georgian rectory in Norfolk.

De Bernieres is hardly the only well-known father to be affected this way. Actor Alec Baldwin has also experienced the abuses of the family law courts and wrote about it in his book Book Review: “A Promise To Ourselves” by Alec Baldwin. He’s also spoken repeatedly on his experiences as a target parent of a parental alienation campaign. He has observed that the corrupt courts use children as the means to create life-and-death battles between parents to extort their assets and income from them. If you own a home, have some retirement savings, and/or are employed, you are a prime candidate for this extortion and abuse.

The judges and lawyers have enshrined the tools for extortion and determining ideal targets for extortion into the court process. Parents must disclose their finances to salivating criminals in robes who can proceed to rob them blind by ordering custody evaluations, therapy, minor’s counsel or Guardian Ad Litem attorneys for the children, and more — all of this coming out of the pockets of the parents who go along with it because they fear if they don’t, they will never see their children again. Make no mistake, it is government sponsored terrorism and extortion using children as the government’s tools for evil. It is sociopathic and abusive yet is routine practice in the US, UK, and many other nations.

Widespread anti-male sexism usually causes courts to marginalize fathers out of children’s lives if there is no other significant factor at work, but mothers can be and are similarly disenfranchised. Tyrannical officials of corrupt nations like the US and UK use children as pawns to maintain their power and influence at any cost, so long as it is paid by somebody else’s family and somebody else’s children. So when the father is a friend or associate of a corrupt and abusive judge or government official, it is common that children may find their mother, not their father, limited to seeing them a few hours per month or even banned from contact entirely.

If you don’t believe that courts can and will side wrongly against fit mothers for corrupt reasons, read some of the many comments on our site from mothers who have had such experiences. Also see Eileen Lasher on San Diego CPS/Family Law Court Misconduct for links to a video interview of a mother who was banned from contact with her children because her well-connected ex-husband, a San Diego Police Department employee, could use his influence and that of his government employee to control the corrupt San Diego courts to get the results he wanted despite it being bad for their children and a gross miscarriage of justice. Cases like this one prove that parental alienation child abuse is not just a problem for fathers as it adversely affects children and mothers, too.

Children need both parents. People are supposed to be treated equally, without regard to gender or nepotism, according to the propaganda promulgated by the dishonest governments of the US and the UK. Yet reality is far from the lies spread by these governments intent on covering up their abusive and corrupt behaviors.

William Stoneking, author of The Diary of a Patient Man, A Father’s Struggle, is also an actor with a career including voice-over work as well as live characters in movies. He’s written and is now directing and acting in a movie entitled Divorced Dudes planned for release in mid-2011. While the description of the movie is as a romantic comedy, it may include material inspired by high conflict child custody battles. Besides his own traumatic custody battle regarding daughter Alexis in the corrupt and abusive court of Missouri Judge Kathryn Davis involving his reportedly mentally ill ex-wife, Shirley Ann Stoneking, Stoneking is aware of the travails of many other similarly abused parents as he has has been supportive of groups such as Illinois Fathers that are working for family law reform to ensure that children get substantial and continuing contact with both their parents. Filming is in the Chicago area where Stoneking lives.

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Further Reading

American Judicial Terrorism May Lead to Widespread Violence

Stopping Parental Alienation Requires Family Court Reforms

Tonya Craft’s Ex, Parental Alienator Joal Henke, Shows Kids Will Lie About Sexual Abuse To Hurt Target Parent

A Judge’s View of “Best Interests of the Children”

Moms Discredit Themselves by Denying Parental Alienation

Eileen Lasher on San Diego CPS/Family Law Court Misconduct

Book Review: “A Promise To Ourselves” by Alec Baldwin

William Stoneking’s Blog on Family Court Violence & Corruption

Alleged Family Court Abuses by Missouri Judge Kathryn Davis

The Diary of a Patient Man, A Father’s Struggle

British Conductor Hillier: ‘My rights as a father have been comprehensively trampled into the ground’

Author Louis de Bernieres: ‘Deep, Bitter Anger at Being Treated so Outrageously’ by Family Court

Divorced Dudes Movie Website

Divorced Dudes Movie Facebook Page

  1. desperate mother
    October 12th, 2010 at 16:05 | #1

    Now I have read this article, what to do for a mother who is not guilty of alienating the father but has unjustly gotten my child taken away? The father is preventing any contact. Where do we go to get help? Everything is out here for fathers but where do mothers go? Especially mothers who are struggling and are now becoming homeless and broke because we don’t even have enough money to live and pay for lawyers. Where do we go to get help? It is not just mothers, it is an injustice in the court system that is suppose to be fair and unbiased to one particular parent and do what is in the best interest of the child.

  2. one of thousands
    October 14th, 2010 at 01:48 | #2

    @ Desperate Mother:

    You’re not alone. Millions of Americans — both moms and dads — have been victimized by the very broken and tyrannical family court system. I’m a father but know of many mothers in your situation as well. It’s less about gender than it is about government incompetence and illegal intrusion into private familial relationships. In short, family court judges have far too much discretion yet are encouraged to make (mostly wrong) decisions by the more aggressive parent — usually perpetuating the abuse you likely endured in the relationship. Unfortunately the way the system is set up the only way to combat hostile litigation tactics from a spouse is to go on the offensive. It’s a very sad state of government, which is why so many parents are infuriated over the abuse.

    I would suggest speaking with an attorney at the Men’s Legal Center — I know it says “Men’s” but they also represent many women. They seem to have a more balanced view for people like you who are victims of alienation and manipulation. Craig Candelore, the head atttorney at MLC is an excellent attorney. You can also contact Harry Crouch of the National Coalition for Men — again don’t be mislead by “men”–they’re more about equal parenting than gender and work with many women. They’re very familiar with the broken status of the system and can direct you toward help.

    Good luck and God Bless.

  1. September 14th, 2010 at 05:36 | #1

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