Petition to Support Equal Parenting Bill in Tennessee
Written by: Cameron
Use of Our Content (Reposting and Quoting)
Amanda Hutchings of South Carolina has started a petition In Support of the Tennessee House Bill 2916 to support the equal parenting time bill before the Tennessee House.
Please sign the petition if you support the idea that kids deserve significant time with both of their parents except in cases in which a parent is declared unfit by clear and convincing evidence.
We’ve previously discussed the bill in our article Tennessee House Considering Equal Parenting Bill. You can find the text of the bill there. It is very simple and anybody who truly cares about children should be able to see this is a bill that should pass.
Depriving a child of time with a parent should never be done without solid reason or agreement by the parents. This bill enshrines that ideal into law by raising the standard of evidence to that used in most civil courts in the US rather than the much weaker “preponderance of evidence” (sometimes called the 51% standard) used in many family law courts.
Even if you do not live in Tennessee, your support on this petition may help show those in other states that the time for equal parenting has come.
Equal Parenting legislation is not an option that Legislators should consider, it is a necessity. It is time to give both parents the fundamental right to parent.
I support equal parenting legislation.
Far too many parents suffer having their children removed from their lives due to the current ways of the Family Courts over divorce or separation.
Basic human rights are violated constantly over these issues and the fabric of our Country is eroded by continuing this destruction of separation of parent and child.
The founding fathers of this country would have never wished for what the Family Courts in the US are doing to families and children.
Please take up the cause and support Equal Parenting.
Join or
Equal parenting is a fundamental right of parents. It is unconstitutional what these family courts are doing across America; holding our kids hostage for profit.
A new petition for the exact same cause has been started for the 2011 Committee.
We at DADS of Tennessee would love to have your support and signature on our petition supporting Equal Parenting in Tennessee. Please feel free to pass this link along to any and all that may also be willing to show their support.
DADS of Tennessee:¬es_tab=app_2347471856#!/pages/DADS-of-Tennessee/366276263080
Thank you Cameron and angiemedia for your support!
Amanda Hutchings
DADS Administrator
I support equal parenting. The family law in the USA is a big scam to justify the existance of a bunch of family law attorneys and judges. They get rich off of our children’s future.