
Archive for April, 2009

Parental Alienation Book For Middle School Kids: “I Don’t Want to Choose!”

April 12th, 2009 1 comment

(Click here for more coverage on parental alienation.)

Psychologists Dr. Amy J. L. Baker and Dr. Katherine Andre have written a new book entitled “I Don’t Want to Choose: How Middle School Kids Can Avoid Choosing One Parent Over the Other”. This work is targeted for an audience of middle school children who want to keep both parents involved in their lives. It teaches children to use their critical thinking skills to avoid being duped or pressured into picking one parent over another.

What is Parental Alienation?

Parental alienation involves the systematic and frequently repeated denigration of one parent by the other and blocking of access to the parent who is the target of denigration. This is not just a simple and occasional comment such as “mommy can be so annoying sometimes” or “it is frustrating that daddy doesn’t keep his schedule”. While those comments are inappropriate in front of children as they tend to make children anxious and feel like they might have to take sides, infrequent comments like these probably do not constitute parental alienation.
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Massachusetts Illegally Forcing Families to Pay for GALs

April 11th, 2009 No comments

Massachusetts family law courts routinely violate the state’s laws requiring the state to pay for Guardian Ad Litem (GAL) representation for children. The position of GAL is much like so-called “minor’s counsel” in many other states. Parties filling these roles are to look out for the interest of minor children by such actions as investigating abuse claims, working with psychotherapists to ensure that parents and children will receive treatment necessary for the well-being of the children, and other such tasks.
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Murderous Mentally Ill Mothers and Government Negligence

April 8th, 2009 3 comments

Marie Moore Kills 20-year-old Son

On April 5, 2009, 44-year-old mother Marie Moore killed her 20-year-old son Mitchell Moore by shooting him in the back of the head at point blank range while at a shooting range. She then turned her rented gun on herself. He died at the scene of the crimes in Casselberry, Florida, about 10 miles north of Orlando. She died later at a local hospital.

Marie Moore had been previously banned from the Shoot Straight gun range after a previous suicide attempt there several years earlier. Additionally, she had two DUI (Driving Under Intoxication) convictions and had been involuntarily institutionalized in 2002 for about a year for mental illness under Florida’s Baker Act.

In Marie Moore’s suicide notes and audio recordings, she denies being mentally ill. She had previously stated that God had told her she had to kill her son to send him to heaven and kill herself to go to hell “so there can be a thousand years peace on Earth.” She stated that God had made her the Antichrist, referred to the Bible, and that she must die to save the world from violence. From her comments, it appears her institutionalization didn’t do much to help her long-term mental health. Her words and actions also make it clear that religion can be a tool of the mentally ill to justify their bizarre actions, even homicide and suicide, in their own minds.

This case is another example of the many violent crimes committed by women against their children and current or former family members that should make it clear that domestic violence and child abuse are not exclusively committed by men. It is also yet another case of the “rights of the mentally ill” trumping the “right to life” of others, including innocent children.
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Loads of Info on Parental Alienation

April 7th, 2009 No comments

(Click here for more coverage on parental alienation.)

Parental alienation involves the persistent behavior of an alienating parent making a strong effort to cause the children to hate the target parent. Bad-mouthing the target parent in the presence of the children is nearly always involved. But it is not just occasional — it is a consistent pattern. Often the alienating parent will recruit other people to join in bad-mouthing the target parent. What these people likely fail to realize is that they are committing emotional child abuse.

Parental alienation is a huge problem, especially in divorce cases involving personality disorders such as Borderline Personality Disorder and Narcissistic Personality Disorder. When parental alienation is involved in personality disordered divorce cases, it can often include the alienating parent fabricating child abuse allegations and training the children to repeat them. Even if it doesn’t succeed at making the children hate the target parent, such tactics can literally land the target parent in jail and bankrupt him or her with legal fees mounting a defense against false allegations.

We stumbled across the web site mentioned below in this posting that offers literally dozens of links to very good information on parental alienation (also known as “Hostile Aggressive Parenting”) and PAS (Parental Alienation Synrome). If you’re interesting in learning more about these topics, the reading could keep you busy learning for hours.

Click this link for more information:
F.A.C.T. Information: Parental Alienation

How to Spot a Girl with Borderline Personality Disorder

April 5th, 2009 25 comments

Mrs. Treasures’ article on “How to Spot a Girl with Borderline Personality Disorder” might help some of you avoid unknowingly getting involved in a relationship that is almost certain to be a very difficult one.

How to Spot a Girl with Borderline Personality Disorder
You just met the girl of your dreams. But you feel some level of discomfort in the situation. The article spots the red flags. She might have Borderline Personality Disorder.

Click for full article:
How to Spot a Girl with Borderline Personality Disorder

The article does a really good job painting the progressive phases of the relationship with a Borderline.

Unfortunately, many of us don’t know what BPD is until we’ve had children with a Borderline. Having children with one seems to often trigger abandonment issues, and that leads to really nasty divorces including being harassed by false accusations and other dirty tricks that are part of the classic BPD distortion campaign.

If you think a friend or family member might be dating or have married a Borderline, please let them know about this article. It may literally save a life.

Parental Alienation Awareness Day on April 25, 2009

April 4th, 2009 1 comment

(Click here for more coverage on parental alienation.)

The Fourth Annual Parental Alienation and Hostile Aggressive Parenting Awareness Day is coming up on April 25, 2009. Visit the Parental Alienation Awareness Day web site for more information.

Spreading Awareness of Parental Alienation

We think it’s really important to the well-being of our children and future generations to spread awareness of parental alienation and its destructive effects. Below is a brief explanation of what parental alienation involves, the harm it can cause, and steps that may be taken to help recover from it. We’ve also included links to books that may help you understand and deal with the problems it causes.
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Free One-Year Subscription to Life Extension Magazine

April 2nd, 2009 No comments

Life Extension Foundation is a non-profit organization that funds research studies and public educations campaigns. It does this in part by selling nutritional supplements.

One of their publications we enjoy on a regular basis is their monthly Life Extension Magazine. It’s a mix between health and diet news and production information. It generally features three or four major articles on particular health topics plus news tidbits on recent medical research. Information on Life Extension’s products is mixed in as advertisements.

Recent articles have covered topics such as stopping and reversing age-related bone loss, the link between autism and vitamin D insufficiency, and a summary of research on quercetin which is another compound found in red wine that in conjunction with resveratrol may help explain the “French Paradox” of how the wine-drinking French live a little longer.

Since it’s free, the worst case is it is like getting a dietary supplement catalog delivered to your home every month. Best case, it may help you save a life — yours, or that of a family member or friend.

We’d encourage you to sign up for your complimentary subscription to Life Extension magazine today!

Free Subscription to Life Extension magazine