Framed for Child Porn by a PC Virus
The Associated Press has recently published news of an investigation it conducted into people being framed for child pornography by the use of computer viruses and other malware. The results make it clear that innocent people are having their lives ruined by government witch hunts for child pornography after unknowingly becoming victims of computer viruses.
Michael Fiola: Victimized by Virus, then by Massachusetts Government
Michael Fiola’s computer was infected by a virus that cost him his job, his life savings, and nearly his freedom. His life was threatened repeatedly. Even his car tires were slashed by somebody who heard the accusations against him. All this happened because the virus downloaded child porn to his computer and the government persecuted him for years before finally admitting that they couldn’t prove their case.
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Child Abuse, Child Custody, Civil Rights, Courts, CPS, Crime, Divorce, Federal Government, Government Abuse, Legal, Police, Politics |
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