
Posts Tagged ‘UK’

Alienating Grandparents Hurts Grandchildren

November 28th, 2009 6 comments

Newsweek writer Sharon Begley’s recent piece An Evolutionary Edge: How grandmas may play favorites touched off some debate about the merits of her understanding of genetics. While complaints about oversimplified explanations of genetics may or may not be accurate, what’s more important to me is that Begley points out that grandchildren can benefit from the involvement of their grandparents in their lives in a measurable and quantifiable way, even if the exact causes are controversial.

Parental Alienation Leads to Severing Grandchild/Grandparent Bonds

If grandchildren can benefit from grandparental involvement in their lives, this implies that these relationships should be preserved despite parental separation and divorce. It is not just a “social nicety” to do so, it is fundamental to the well-being of the grandchildren.

Unfortunately, some research shows that 1/4 of children of divorce suffer from parental alienation syndrome. Children alienated from a parent not only suffer the loss or impairment of that parental relationship, but also tend to suffer the loss or impairment of all family relationships on that parent’s side. This means grandparent/grandchild relationships are also negatively impacted. Government policies in many locations fail to recognize the importance of preserving these relationships and often wrongly help alienating parents cut some or all of their children’s grandparents out of their lives, usually to the children’s detriment.
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Framed for Child Porn by a PC Virus

November 9th, 2009 2 comments

The Associated Press has recently published news of an investigation it conducted into people being framed for child pornography by the use of computer viruses and other malware. The results make it clear that innocent people are having their lives ruined by government witch hunts for child pornography after unknowingly becoming victims of computer viruses.

Michael Fiola: Victimized by Virus, then by Massachusetts Government

Michael Fiola’s computer was infected by a virus that cost him his job, his life savings, and nearly his freedom. His life was threatened repeatedly. Even his car tires were slashed by somebody who heard the accusations against him. All this happened because the virus downloaded child porn to his computer and the government persecuted him for years before finally admitting that they couldn’t prove their case.
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FBI Child Pornographers Persecute Innocent Citizens?

October 23rd, 2009 No comments

Writer Brian Rothery of website Inquisition 21st Century claims that the American FBI is one of the world’s foremost publishers of illegal child pornography in his article America devours its young. That might sound like a shocking claim, but to those who have seen American “law enforcement” operate, it is totally plausible.

American law enforcement makes a regular practice of violating the Constitution and civil rights by running persecution campaigns to frame, denigrate, and ruin people accused of crimes which they probably never committed. They do this to people who have never even been charged or given a trial, fair or not. Many of these people are in fact victims of crimes such as computer hacking, credit card theft, and false accusations made by people who have something to gain by hurting them. Yet too many cops think that their jobs are attacking and throwing people in jail and that somehow this means that complying with the laws themselves is optional.
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