Psychopathic Women Dangerous to Men and Children Alike

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There is a significant percentage of people who put their own selfish desires first, lack the capacity to have empathy for others, and have no grasp of basic principles of fairness or justice. Many of these people also refuse to follow laws and rules intended to protect the rights and safety of others. Collectively, these people are often referred to as sociopaths or psychopaths. Although many of the most famous psychopaths are male serial killers, in reality psychopaths come in both genders. But if you have heard the endless droning of radical feminists and “domestic violence advocates” (some of whom are violent women themselves), you may be under the mistaken impression that women are nonviolent and men are always the violent ones. To help correct this misperception, in this article we present a few cases where nonviolent men were murdered by women in their own homes to back up the point that women in fact are entirely capable of very vicious deadly violence and can quality for being psychopaths, too. In some of these cases, these violent women not only murdered their lovers, they also attempted to kill other relatives living in the same home including even their own children.

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Ronnie Tatad Allegedly Murdered Her Ex-Husband Via Boiling Water

In one of the most recent of these horrific stories, 39 year old Ronnie Tatad is believed to have boiled hot water and dumped it on her sleeping ex-husband, 36 year old Jesusa Tatad, in the Daly City, California apartment the two shared four years after their 2007 divorce. Two weeks later, Mr. Tatad died from infection contracted as the result of second and third degree burns over about 55 to 60 percent of his body. Apparently pouring boiling water over her ex hadn’t been enough for her. Reports are that she also assaulted him with a baseball bat to the head as he was in agony from the burns.

Woman scalds ex-husband with boiling water

If these allegations are true, Ronnie Tatad is a psychopath who belongs in prison for life. She is just one of what are probably many thousands or more female psychopaths who have committed horrific crimes against defenseless men while they were sleeping.

Teresa Spitz Shot Husband In Head Three Times, Murdered Mother-In-Law

Another stellar example of a crazy female murderer is Teresa Spitz. This psycho woke up in the middle of the night one day in 2004, took her son to a neighbor’s home in their Englewood, Colorado community, and then went back to shoot her sleeping husband Peter Spitz in the head three times after she put a pillow over his head. She then killed his mother who lived with them.

Peter Spitz on the night his wife shot him in his sleep

Peter Spitz on being told his wife was the one who shot him in his sleep

As you can see from the videos, Peter Spitz is doing amazingly well considering he was shot in the head three times and was blinded by the attack. Reports are that he was often not been allowed to see their son while the murderous mom still enjoyed ready access to the boy. Prior to the attack, nobody ever alleged Peter Spitz was violent, but afterwards Teresa, who was found to be criminally insane, has been leveling false accusations against Peter.

Quoted from Madness and murder didn’t kill Peter Spitz’s love for the wife who blinded him

At the moment, though, Teresa Lynn has more access to their son than Spitz himself does. The legal guardianship calls for Spitz to have up to four visits a month with Lee, but he hasn’t been allowed any visits for the past six months — because of clashes with the guardians over his son’s care, he says. False allegations from his criminally insane ex-wife haven’t helped.

The courts discriminated against Peter Spitz as they pampered a deadly psychopath, despite how prosecutors believed that she was not insane given how the murder plot was clearly well planned and premeditated.

Quoted from Madness and murder didn’t kill Peter Spitz’s love for the wife who blinded him:

In Colorado, a defendant is considered not guilty by reason of insanity if he or she is found to have been incapable of distinguishing right from wrong at the time of the crime or suffers from a mental illness that prevents him or her from forming a “culpable mental state.” In Miller’s opinion, Teresa Spitz fit the criteria.

Yet a person can be chronically mentally ill for years — and have the medical records to prove it, something the Spitz case lacked — and still not be considered legally insane under state law. A second doctor who evaluated Teresa at the state hospital disagreed with Miller about the degree of her psychosis or whether she was “powerless” to resist the impulse to kill. Indeed, the same list that Miller considered an example of her insanity was seized upon by prosecutors as proof that the woman had planned and carried out her crime methodically, knowing exactly what she was doing and what the result would be.

“We would not have proceeded to trial if we believed that she was legally insane,” says John Franks, a chief deputy district attorney for Arapahoe County. “We argued that the evidence showed a rational, planned course of conduct to take her husband’s life that was inconsistent with a legal finding of insanity.”

Franks notes that Teresa not only removed her son from the house before her rampage, but looked up the address of the Englewood police headquarters so she’d be prepared to turn herself in — a good indication that she was aware of the criminal nature of her actions. “This was not someone who was acting psychotically, who doesn’t have reality testing,” he says.

But in this case, you can’t blame just the courts. Peter Spitz for some reason believed that Teresa must be insane to commit such crimes and argued in favor of her insanity plea. This is a common problem with victims of abuse as they often defend their abusers.

When you examine Teresa’s past, you find that she was an abused child with her father a registered sex offender and one of her step-fathers dying in a way remarkably similar to what happened to Peter Spitz:

Quoted from Madness and murder didn’t kill Peter Spitz’s love for the wife who blinded him:

One of Teresa’s earliest memories was of discovering the man’s nude body in a pool of blood. He was dead from a gunshot wound to the head, which police ruled an accident or suicide. Teresa wasn’t yet three. The next-door neighbors found her there, like a gore-stained toddler in a scene from Dexter, trying to wake him up.

In August 2011, Peter Spitz finally regained custody of the couple’s son.

Quoted from: Peter Spitz, blinded by wife who had more access to their son than he did, regains custody

In recent months, Lynn has had supervised visits with her son while Spitz has had very limited ability to spend time with him. At one point, his visits were cut off entirely, based on a therapist’s recommendation that the move was in the best interest of the child. But that therapist never observed Spitz’s interactions with the boy — an omission that was sharply criticized by Arapahoe County District Judge Timothy Fasing last week when he dissolved the guardianship and granted full custody to Spitz.

“Judge Fasing said the Reynolds had exercised poor judgment in letting [our son] spend time with Teresa while preventing him from bonding with me,” Spitz says. “That’s what I’d been saying all along.”

The decision was hailed on the website of Fathers and Families, a fathers’ rights organization that has taken a strong interest in the case. Spitz is now preparing his son for the end of the summer vacation and preparing himself for another round in Denver family court, as he and Lynn work out other aspects of the custody battle. He’s relieved to have his son home, he says — and so is his service dog Jersey.

Amazingly, as bad as an experience Peter Spitz has had, his is probably the best situation out of the cases of murderous female nutcases discussed in this article.

Wendi Davidson Drugged and Poisoned Husband Michael Davidson

Men living with a psychopathic woman are not at risk just when they are sleeping. Any time they eat food or drink prepared by a psychopath, they are risking their lives. In 2006 in Texas, wife Wendi Davidson poisoned her husband Michael Davidson and then dumped his body in a pond. She had poisoned his beer with Phenobarbital, causing him to pass out, and then injected him with drugs used to euthanize animals in her veterinary clinic in order to kill him. But that wasn’t enough. She later stabbed him 41 times as she was busy disposing of him in the pond in the hopes that the extensive punctures would prevent gas pockets in his decomposing body from floating his corpse to the surface. To help keep the body at the bottom, she attached about 150 pounds of weight to it.

A Poisoned Passion

Stacy Castor Killed Husbands Michael Wallace and David Castor, Attempted Murder of Daughter Ashley Wallace

Stacey Castor of New York is a psychopathic murdered who first killed her husband Michael Wallace in 1999 by poisoning him with antifreeze. She got the idea from learning of this poisoning technique from a video about psychopathic murderer Lynn Turner who killed two of her husbands using ethylene glycol.

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In 2005, she killed David Castor by the same method using antifreeze. When police got suspicious, she then attempted to murder her daughter Ashley Wallace with an overdose of alcohol and drugs and pin the blame on her for the deaths of her two husbands by leaving a typed “confession and suicide” note near her comatose body.

Ashley reported that her mother was “her best friend” and she trusted her. Comments about such “best friend” relationships are sometimes made by a child and a psychopathic or sociopathic mother. These comments suggest that the child may have been abused via emotional parentification, also known as emotional incest. This is a common form of child abuse committed by parents with personality disorders. Often these psycho moms are able to appear “normal” and have been able to fool many into thinking they are devoted to their families and kids with misleading comments such as:

Quoted from Exclusive: Mother and Daughter Face Off in Murder Mystery:

“I would die for my kids,” Stacey said. “I could never hurt them like that. Ever. My kids were my life. I could never do that to Ashley.”

For such people, “I would die for my kids” is a projection that actually means the psycho parent expects the kids to die for her or him.

Psychopathy runs in families, often because of the generational cycle of child abuse combined with genetic or epigenetic transmission of mental health problems. In this case, there are hints of this in how Judie Eaton, Stacey Castor’s mother, is willing to side with her daughter against her granddaughter to blame Ashley for the murders. This suggests that whatever is wrong with this family may go back generations. If as a society we want to reduce the incidence of psychopathy, we must find ways to get kids out of homes where they are abused, whether that abuse is physical or emotional.

Female Serial Killers

Although the best known serial killers (a subset of psychopathic murderers) are men such as Ted Bundy and Jeffrey Dahmer, there are also cases of female serial killers such as Aileen Wuornos who murdered seven men in Florida in 1989 to 1990.

Families of Psychopaths In Severe Danger

People need protection from psychopaths. Often those who need the most protection are those living with the psychopaths. But the victims of psychopathic women are not only the husbands, boyfriends, and exes — they also often include children and elderly people living in the same home. Living in a home of a psychopath means the psycho has frequent access to abuse, manipulate, frame, and even murder you with most of what happens going unseen to the outside world.

This is part of what is so wrong with the gender bias in today’s domestic violence system. The rabid feminists have concocted a system in which it is assumed that men are the only violent ones despite monumental evidence that is not accurate and that the vast majority of families experiencing violence feature violent women. And so, as happened to Michael Davidson, Jesusa Tatad, Peter Spitz, Michael Wallace, David Castor, and Ashley Wallace, the men and children in the lives of a psychopathic woman tend to suffer severe harm ranging from chronic abuse all the way up to death. Psychopathy and violence are not male traits, they are traits of damaged people of both genders. If there is any hope of stopping the cycle of abuse, violence, and murder in dysfunctional families, society has to stop pampering psychopathic women and vilifying men who are frequently not the cause of the abuse and violence.

For many more stories and videos of psychopathic women murderers, visit Deadly Women and Female Domestic Violence Killings In Colorado — 1996-2000.

Further Reading

Sociopaths In Our Midst Hate the Truth and Its Advocates

Jason Fontaine Speaks Up About Child Custody Murders

Killer Bonnie Hoult Made False Abuse Allegations Against Ex

NFL Football Star Steve McNair Allegedly Murdered by Girlfriend

Breaking Mental Illness, Violence, Divorce, and Murder Cycles

Canadian Wife Assaults Husband Who Later Dies

Murderous Mentally Ill Mothers and Government Negligence

False Feminists and Abusive and Murderous Women

Woman stands trial for murder after ‘killing her ex-husband by pouring boiling water on him while he was sleeping’

Woman charged with murder for allegedly pouring boiling water on ex-husband

Outrage–Father Who Was Shot 3 Times by Mother Can’t See Their Son, But Mother , Who Also Shot, Killed Grandma, Can

Madness and murder didn’t kill Peter Spitz’s love for the wife who blinded him

Airman’s wife gets 25-year sentence: San Angelo veterinarian enters plea in killing of husband based at Dyess

Exclusive: Mother and Daughter Face Off in Murder Mystery

Female Domestic Violence Killings In Colorado — 1996-2000

10 Most Cruel Wives

Deadly Women

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