Maine Mom Puts Her Kids on Her Live Internet Porn Show

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Remember our story about the Canadian mom and her baby and dog bestiality and porn show on the Internet? (Click here for more.) This time around, it’s an American mom who has allegedly used her kids for Internet porn broadcasting. Between recent parental alienation, child pornography, child sexual abuse, and child murder stories, 2009 is shaping up to be a banner year for defective women harming children in their care.

Julie Carr
Julie Carr of Maine, USA

Julie Carr, a 30 year old mother of 4 kids ranging from 18 months to 5 years of age, was arrested for child pornography and sexual abuse. Someone in U.K. who claims to have seen a 18 year old British man watching Carr’s live Internet child porn show featuring her own children reported it to the police. U.K. law enforcement arrested the man and found evidence of Carr’s alleged videos. They passed tips on the perpetrator to US law enforcement. The information made its way across the Atlantic to Mars Hill, Maine, where police arrested Carr on June 12, 2009.

Authorities allege that Carr was making child porn videos as recently as June 10. They say this kind of Internet porn using young children in live videos is increasingly common. Sexually abusive mothers like these know that their kids can’t testify against them as they are too young to speak in some cases and too young to understand what is happening in many others. The public mistakenly believes that women aren’t capable of such crimes, further enabling these disturbed women to do a lot of damage with little suspicion.

So far there are no reports for a motive for Julie Carr’s alleged crimes. Speculation on possible motives includes monetary or other compensation (drugs?) for providing the child pornography to others. Many web comments have revolved around either she’s not 30 years old or she has a methamphetamine addiction to cause her to look as she does. We may not find out more about that until she appears in court next on September 18, 2009.

Carr apparently has a web presence both on MySpace and MyYearbook. Her MySpace web page includes the following poorly written drivel that doesn’t match police reports about the ages of her children:

(from Julie Carr’s alleged MySpace web page)

Note: We removed the children’s alleged names and ages, even though they may be fictional given how they do not match government reports.

About me:

i’m 30 and weigh in at 119 my height is 5’6″ and thin but i like the way i am and i don’t care if no one else does if you want to be friends then talk to me and get to know who i really am not this person from years ago cause i’m not her any more i have four kids which are my son [name and age removed], [name and age removed], [name and age removed] and [name and age removed].

She apparently also goes by the names of Julie Bragdon, Julie Bragdon Carr, and the rather provocative screen name “wetpussycat” on these web sites. One can’t help but wonder how long it will be until her social web “friends” de-friend her and if some of those “friends” were really customers of hers. Maybe they’ll notice her last MySpace login was June 9, 2009, and wonder what happened to her.

Carr also apparently has a password-protected PhotoBucket album at Perhaps some enterprising police officers have already discovered if there are any more perversions lurking there or on her other web sites.

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Further Reading

Canadian Mother Webcasts Self and Toddler Bestiality with Dog

Female Sex Offenders Escape Detection Due to Sexism

Maine woman broadcast live child porn of own kids

Child Porn Tip From U.K. Leads to Maine Woman’s Arrest

Julie Carr Webcasts Her Perversion Live

Mars Hill woman appears in court on child porn charges

Female Sex Offenders: What Therapists, Law Enforcement and Child Protective Services Need to Know

For everyone responsible for the well being of children, this book explains one of the hardest to detect threats to their safety.

Female sex offenders have victimized an estimated two to three million people in the United States. As a society we find it nearly impossible to believe that females, usually seen as nurturing, are capable of sexual abuse.

The result is that, each year, hundreds of thousands of youth are not protected, not believed, and not treated for the trauma associated with the abuse. Through her detailed analysis of the currently available literature and her own research, Dr. Hislop describes what is known about female sex offenders: identification of abusers, estimates of the number of abusers and victims, the methods of abuse, the types of trauma seen among their victims, and what is known about the developmental histories of female sex offenders.

She also provides therapists with directions for treatment and prioritized treatment goals, including exploring the victimization and patterns of offending, the relationship between the offender’s own victimization and her offending, precursors to offending, and methods to stop offending.

  1. Rand McDaniel
    June 19th, 2009 at 08:19 | #1

    It is irresponsible, if this story is true, to put the names of the kids and ages. One doesn’t want them to suffer any more then necessary later in life. Please remove their names and ages.

    • Chris
      June 20th, 2009 at 01:30 | #2

      I did obscure the names and ages given your concerns, but the cat was already out of the bag before my article and there’s likely no way to undo that, even if it is appropriate to do so. The names and ages may not be accurate as I stated, but they remain publicly available via the original source.

      It’s a tragedy these kids are in such a mess. However, they are going to suffer more unless they get help to recover from their situation. Hiding what happened to their mother and them isn’t going to help them get that help.

      What will help the most is if people focus on fixing the child abuse / mental illness cycle and become well aware of tragedies like this one, what the warning signs were, and how they could have helped fix the problems before they got worse. Hiding information may not serve this purpose. Acknowledging the ugly facts and treating the kids with compassion and therapy may do so, however.

      Unfortunately, mainstream media doesn’t typically go into much depth on the why in cases like these. It may turn out that drugs or money were behind the immediate motivation, but what created such a messed up person in the first place? That should be a major focus, but unfortunately we may never find out unless people close to the case speak out about it honestly and publicly.

  2. Jessica
    August 6th, 2010 at 02:40 | #3

    I happen to know that she did meth. She also had her oldest — her son — bathing, feeding, and otherwise raising his sisters. Nothing was done in public to my knowlege, however she is a very disturbed person. Even without having found out about this. She is a very irresponsible person who deserves every bit of punishment that can be doled out to someone of her experiences.

    Thankfully, the children don’t have contact with her or their father(s) and are being cared for by people who love them.

  3. Shawn
    March 25th, 2011 at 16:06 | #4

    She is a sick b*@%h that needs to have her head knocked off her shoulders!

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