RationShed: Equal Parenting Blog/News Site
Written by: Cameron
Use of Our Content (Reposting and Quoting)
RationShed is a Christian group in New Zealand promoting the concept of “equal parenting” involving the whole biological family, including both parents and all four grandparents. Its website at http://rationshed.wordpress.com hosts a mix of original content and repostings from other news and opinion sources, including angiemedia .
RationShed is also sponsoring an “equal parenting petition” to show support for shared 50/50 parenting as presumed default. Click here to view and sign it.
The site collects an interesting mix of content from around the world. For instance, here’s a recent posting highlighted on RationShed from the American Coalition for Fathers and Children regarding a Canadian parental alienation symposium held March 27 to 29, 2009:
Dear Reader,
This just in from ACFC Advisor Dr. Jayne Major about the phenomenal success of her presentation on parental alienation at a recent Canadian Symposium on Parental Alienation. It seems the Canadians are ahead of most of the American legal profession on this issue. Many Canadian judges get it and have ruled appropriately to contain the disturbed parent…at least there have been some landmark cases. Go to http://www.cspas.ca/ and read about them.
Also read a summary of her presentation, The Macabre Dance of Family Law, which describes a three tier mediation protocol for reform of family court practices. It begins with a presumption of 50-50 shared parenting to “level the playing field” and thus make real mediation possible, as opposed to the inherently inflammatory “winner-take-all” sole custody model that all too often is the spark that ignites conflict that then explodes out of control in our currently dysfunctional family law system.
Dr. Major reports that an attending American judge asked her to train judges in America. Is it possible that reform could be coming to America through enlightenment of judges, despite the benighted opposition of bar associations pandering to the dysfunctional ideology of sociopathic radical feminism?
We suggest our readers print out The Macabre Dance of Family Law, and hand it out in courthouses, and anywhere else where some folks might benefit from a dose of its eminent common sense.
Child Abuse, Children, Courts, CPS, Divorce, Family, Government Abuse, Legal, Marriage, Parental Alienation, Police |
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