Advances in BPD Awareness and Treatment
Written by: Rob
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(Click here for more coverage of Borderline Personality Disorder.)
In Early Sea Changes in Borderline Personality Disorder, Robert O. Friedel, MD, describes the progress that is being made on understanding the biological and social causes of BPD. He describes the growing awareness of BPD and wider investment in research to understand its causes. He mentions some of the psychiatric medications (SSRIs and mood stabilizers) and nutritional supplements (Omega-3 fish oils) that have been found to reduce BPD symptoms. Finally, he cites logistical and organizational challenges to treating BPD which include the lack of Medicare billing codes, refusal to diagnose patients with BPD even after a decade or more of treatment, and the lack of adequately trained psychiatrists and therapists who are capable of treating BPD patients.
The end of the article includes references to additional sources of information and assistance.
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