New York Times has offered up further coverage of Borderline Personality Disorder in the mass media this month via their newspaper and web site. The newspaper published a story An Emotional Hair Trigger, Often Misread that is a basic overview of the personality disorder. Unfortunately, it seems that even a newspaper journalist can’t quite get the story straight. For instance, the article mischaracterized BPD as a “mood disorder” rather than a personality disorder. That inaccurately implies it is more like depression (which is a mood disorder) which can be treated fairly well in most patients using psychiatric medications, something that so far hasn’t been successful for many people with BPD.
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Harmony DBT in St. Louis, Missouri, offers nine free audio tracks for people to learn about Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT). DBT is a mainstay in psychotherapy treatment for people with certain personality and mood disorders. It was developed by Marsha M. Linehan for use in treating Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) patients.
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(Click here for more coverage of Borderline Personality Disorder.)
This author’s site is really impressive for his bravery and insight. He’s a Canadian man suffering from BPD and other mental illnesses who is trying to recover. His illness started to show up severely shortly after his son was born. His particular “flavor” of BPD involving a lot of suicidality and self-mutilation, but he discusses many other aspects of BP behaving such as the rages, problems with medication, and more. What makes his site so remarkable is that he is a former mental health care counselor and therefore has a lot of especially interesting insights that challenge some of the popular notions of what drives BPs to behave the ways they do.
A inside perspective into living with a multitude of mental disorders from Depression to Borderline Personality Disorder to Post Traumatic Stress Disorder to Generalized Anxiety Disorder. The thoughts and experiences of such topics as suicide, self harm, psychotic episodes, flashbacks, hospitalizations, therapy, medication, society in general and many more.
(Click here for more coverage of Borderline Personality Disorder.)
Early Sea Changes in Borderline Personality Disorder, Robert O. Friedel, MD, describes the progress that is being made on understanding the biological and social causes of BPD. He describes the growing awareness of BPD and wider investment in research to understand its causes. He mentions some of the psychiatric medications (
SSRIs and mood stabilizers) and nutritional supplements (Omega-3 fish oils) that have been found to reduce BPD symptoms. Finally, he cites logistical and organizational challenges to treating BPD which include the lack of Medicare billing codes, refusal to diagnose patients with BPD even after a decade or more of treatment, and the lack of adequately trained psychiatrists and therapists who are capable of treating BPD patients.
The end of the article includes references to additional sources of information and assistance.
Psychiatrist Leland Heller says he’s got unique and effective psychiatric medicine plans for victims of BPD and other mental health disorders that are hard to treat. He’s also got a wealth of information posted on difficult-to-treat mental health disorders. Take a look at his book and also his website at Biological Unhappiness for more information.
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