Dirty Divorce Tactics: Theft by Car Loan
Written by: Rob
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We’ve all heard of divorcing people who financially victimize the ex by draining bank accounts and maxing out credit cards. Another frequent tactic is the fraudulent restraining order complete with a kick-out order to remove the victim from the house. That allows community and personal property to be seized by the liar with little to no recourse for the victim. And that is frequently accompanied by financial orders for the victim to keep paying for the home in which he or she can’t live any more.>
Recently, we heard of a new and innovative financial abuse tactic, the car loan. How this works is that a lying fraud-perpetrating divorcing party gets a car loan on a car that has already been fully paid and was awarded to the other party.
The particular story we heard went like this:
Unhappy wife wants a divorce and wants to keep kids, so she falsely alleges spousal and child abuse to get a restraining order with kick-out provisions.
Sheriff’s deputies show up to serve the order and kick the father out of the house. They note that the kids are hanging on to his legs and don’t want him to leave. Doesn’t seem too likely there was any real abuse in this household.
Father is put through months of expensive and unnecessary supervised visitations in order to see his kids.
Mother decides she hasn’t hurt father enough, so takes out a loan on his fully paid for $100,000+ Porsche. She gets $8000 for the face value of the loan.
Mother doesn’t tell father about the loan, nor does she make payments on it.
Loan goes into default. Mother informs repo guys to find the car outside the supervised visitation center.
Father finishes visit with the kids, then goes outside to find his car has been stolen!
Father calls police to report his car has been stolen and is told it’s been repossessed due to defaulting on a loan.
And of course the police, being the sexist female crime assisting government stooges they are, apparently don’t think this is a big deal because it’s just a crazy women in a divorce. This is felony fraud, but they don’t care.
The man is out his car, the female criminal got money that didn’t belong to her, and the government which is supposed to be protecting us from criminals apparently thinks that is all fine because women in divorces are routinely allowed to do anything from false police reports to identity theft to fraud with zero repercussions.
The incompetent police department in this particular story is located in San Diego County, California. But it’s likely that other similarly incompetent police departments can be found throughout the United States.
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