
Posts Tagged ‘Rady Children’s Hospital’

CJP Investigation of Judge Lisa Schall Heats Up, Citizen Input Sought

November 9th, 2011 6 comments

Drunk driver Judge Lisa Schall of San Diego is being investigated yet again by the California Commission on Judicial Performance. She’s been repeatedly admonished by CJP in the past for her drunk driving conviction involving driving the wrong way down a divided freeway while intoxicated and for abuse of process and violations of civil rights of litigants. As is typical for judicial criminals, all she got was a hand-slap. But as the number of complaints against Schall grows, CJP is looking into her alleged violations of law once more. We’re left wondering — just how many abuses and crimes will it take to remove her from the bench?

If you’ve been abused or harmed by Judge Lisa Schall, please read the following comment we recently received about how you can provide input to CJP to assist in their investigation and hopefully forcing her removal from office much as happened to Judge DeAnn Salcido who resigned when she was on the verge of being removed from office for abuse and using her courtroom to advance her “TV judge” career aspirations.


I have just spoken with the investigator for the Commission on Judicial Performance handling Judge Schall’s case, Mr. Brad Batson. He was unable to provide specific comments regarding the investigation of Judge Schall, but mentioned it was “complex”–i.e. ‘serious’ a la DeAnn Salcido’s resignation ‘serious.’ He also encouraged others with complaints re: Judge Schall to submit them in writing. As there appear to be many just on this site, the CJP is requesting your cooperation as well as the cooperation of others of whom you may be aware. Submit specific complaints in as concise a format as possible to:

Mr. Brad Batson
Commission on Judicial Performance
455 Golden Gate Avenue, Suite 14400
San Francisco, CA 94102

(415) 557-1200

(415) 557-1266

Good luck and blessings to all.

CJP Action Against Judges Often Weak and Timed To Rig Elections

Salcido deserved being forced out of office. But in all fairness, she got worse treatment than other judges simply because she dared to speak out against court practices she saw as problems. This made her a target for persecution by the “justice” system as the worst offense anybody can commit in their eyes is to criticize a judge.
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Why Damon Moelter Is Being Abused

August 10th, 2010 8 comments

Cindy Dumas is the San Diego mother who has been flooding the media for years with claims of child sexual abuse against her son Damon Moelter. On July 15, 2010, Judge Lorna Alksne gave full custody of Damon Moelter to his father, the person Dumas continues to insist sexually abused him, with minimal contact with his mother. You might think the title of this article implies we’ll be joining in the woe-is-me chanting of her supporters. Perhaps refreshingly, we won’t waste your time with that — you’ve read enough of it already if you have followed this case. Instead, I’m going to explain to you why Damon Moelter and his entire family are victims of the corrupt San Diego courts and that Damon in particular is experiencing court-ordered parental alienation child abuse. The primary driver of the corrupt and abusive decisions in this case is a biased and incompetent Judge Lorna Alksne. The type of corruption and bias that are occurring in her court are little different from that in many other family law courts. As a result, many children are being seriously harmed. Damon Moelter is just one of these many.

Perhaps ironically, this child abuse that is truly occurring is the parental alienation emotional abuse that Damon’s mother staunchly denies exists. But the chief motives and methods involved in the abuse occurring now are not the usual malicious mischief of a parent who can’t separate her or his own needs from those of the children. Instead, they involve the collusion of Judge Lorna Alksne and her friends pursuing their own purposes by violating the law and harming a child and a family.
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Tonya Craft’s Ex, Parental Alienator Joal Henke, Shows Kids Will Lie About Sexual Abuse To Hurt Target Parent

July 22nd, 2010 12 comments
Tonya Craft
Tonya Craft

False sexual abuse allegations are an appalling mainstay in child custody cases today. They cause immense damage to the falsely accused parent and to the children. The false accuser usually doesn’t care who they hurt so long as they get the kids as a result. The courts and government are quick to side with the false accuser, demanding that a careful investigation be done and in the meantime the children will live with the parent making the accusations.

These “investigations” are often nothing but a witch-hunt that takes multiple years to fizzle out. By that time, the children involved are often suffering badly from the lack of a parent who loves them. The falsely accused parent has often not only lost years with his children but has lost his job, career, home, savings, reputation, and quite possibly a new marriage, too. Usually none of this is remedied. The falsely accused parent doesn’t even receive an apology from anyone. Some “mother’s rights” groups don’t care about any of this and view false sexual abuse allegations as a sure-win strategy of choice because they are willing to do anything to get children away from their fathers, even when it results in psychological damage to the children. But the recent case of Tonya Craft may give reason for them to change their positions. That’s because it is a case in which the mother was falsely accused of sexual abuse by her ex-husband, a malicious parental alienator of the most vile sort named Joal Henke.
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San Diego County Grand Jury Cites Further CPS Misconduct

July 19th, 2009 15 comments

Despite more than two decades of repeated investigations by the San Diego County Grand Jury of misconduct by the County of San Diego Child Welfare Services (aka San Diego CPS) agency, the abusive agency and its illegal and harmful actions continue unabated. Safeguards to fix errors and abuses have been perverted into meaningless mechanisms to cover up wrong-doing and insulate the County of San Diego and individual social workers from criminal prosecution and civil litigation. The agency is unrelenting in its refusals to correct its own problems, and continues to run roughshod over the law, civil rights, and best interests of children. The County of San Diego and its derelict Board of Supervisors also avoid taking necessary actions to correct the problems.
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