
Posts Tagged ‘narcissistic personality disorder’

Talking with a Borderline

March 17th, 2009 32 comments

The way victims of Borderline Personality Disorder and similar personality disorders communicate is confusing and upsetting to many. If you’ve been living with such a person, you’ll find this animation to be a common, perhaps even a tame, version of things that often happen to you. If not, it may give you some insights into how miserable Borderlines can make the lives of their loved ones.
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Parental Lying About Children’s Medical Care

February 3rd, 2009 No comments

Being A Good Parent

As parents, we are responsible for caring for our helpless little newborns from birth through growingly capable toddler years all the way up to teenagers and young adults. For some of us, that care extends into adult years as our children encounter severe accidents and illnesses and possibly formerly unimaginable crises.

Sometimes we may sugar-coat an injury or illness to a child, trying to help him or her recover from feeling so badly a little more quickly. We hope the tears might stop a little sooner if we say “that bump doesn’t hurt so much!” when they fall down on the sidewalk and get a little scrape. Amazingly, it often works. Kids learn from their parents to brush off the small injuries, so long as we avoid teaching them that every little malady is a earth-shaking crisis and instead show them that yes, it might hurt, but it will go away faster if we don’t dwell on it.

Some of us have the misfortune of going through divorces or separations. To look out for our kids’ interests, we share custody of our children. Good parents put the children first. Suzy might get sick with the flu, and we share the temperature, medications, and other medical advice with our co-parent. Johnny might break an arm on the playground, and we share the news promptly along with care directions with our co-parent. Or at least most of us would do that, if we truly care about our children.

But Some Parents Can’t Or Won’t Be Good

But not all co-parents do this. Some simply lie about medical care, trying to hide any little problem the children may have. They go so far as to refuse to answer questions about injuries and illnesses, make doctor’s appointments to “prove” the other parent was wrong about an illness, and refuse to pass along medications. When confronted with proof of their egregious behaviors, then they lie even more in the ongoing attempt to over it all up.

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Governor Blagojevich Removed from Office

January 29th, 2009 No comments

Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich’s last-minute pleas to the Illinois Senate fell on deaf ears. He argued that he had done nothing wrong and there was no criminal conviction and therefore how could he be removed from office. Further, he argued that the Illinois Senate’s rules denied him a chance to defend himself and disallowed him calling witnesses to mount a defense. The Senate voted 59 to 0 to remove him from office despite his pleas. Click here for more written and video coverage.

Further reading

Obama says Illinois was crippled by Blagojevich

Illinois Governor may have Narcissistic Personality Disorder?

Illinois Governor may have Narcissistic Personality Disorder?

January 26th, 2009 1 comment

Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich’s impeachment trial starts next week. But the Governor plans to boycott it. It’s not fair to criticize him. He’s above it all. He can sell a Senate seat if he wants to! Rules don’t apply to him. He makes the rules!

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Study Finds High Correlation of BPD, NPD, and Schizotypal Personality Disorder

January 17th, 2009 No comments

(Click here for more coverage of Borderline Personality Disorder.)

In a previous posting BPD prevalence may be 6%, 3 times higher than previously thought, we pointed out a study that estimates 5.9% of the US population suffers from Borderline Personality Disorder. That study was based upon the Wave 2 National Epidemiologic Survey conducted in 2004 to 2005 using interviews of approximately 35,000 Americans. The study results were published in 2008.

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Why Good Lawyers do Bad Things to Good People

December 31st, 2008 No comments

(Click here for more coverage of Borderline Personality Disorder.)

If you are in the unenviable position of being forced into the abomination that is the US “legal” or “justice” system by a hostile divorce, baseless or harassing lawsuit, or false criminal allegations, perhaps you might wonder why a lawyer would take such a case in the first place.  Some people may be first inclined to believe that only money-grubbing scum lawyers would take such cases.

However, just because a lawyer took a case for a legally abusive client doesn’t mean the lawyer is unethical or is simply willing to work as a hired mercenary, attacking whomever the client pays to attack.  It could be the lawyer believes the client.  Some clients are liars and manipulators and are so very good at it that they can confuse a even a well-intentioned competent lawyer who really does want to do good. 

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BPD prevalence may be 6%, 3 times higher than previously thought

December 30th, 2008 No comments

(Click here for more coverage of Borderline Personality Disorder.)

DSM-IV (the “Diagnostics and Statistics Manual, 4th edition” — a reference book for those working in mental health care) estimates the prevalence of BPD is 2%, meaning that 2 out of every 100 people suffer from the disorder.  However, DSM-IV was published in 1994, a long time ago.  Since then, considerable research has shown the 2% rate may be a significant underestimate.

A telephone study in Iowa in the 1990s indicated that possibly 7% of the population suffers from BPD.

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BPD Distortion Campaigns

December 29th, 2008 97 comments

One of the classic behaviors of a person suffering from Borderline Personality Disorder is the vilification campaign. The target is the person against whom the perpetrator Borderline conducts the vilification.  The intent is to destroy the target’s reputation and thereby destroy the target’s relationships with family and friends, employers, co-workers, doctors, teachers, therapists, and others. The intent may even be to force the target to leave the community, put the target in prison, or even kill the target.  As with so many things involving Borderlines and their typical inability to understand or respect boundaries, there really are no limits. They will use basically any means available to them to cause damage to their target, including denigration, endless disparaging remarks, fabrication, false accusations, and even teaching others (including their children!) to lie on their behalf as part of their vilification campaign.

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