ACFC Seeking Ideas for Graphics and Slogans for Campaigns to Support Shared Parenting
Written by: Cameron
Use of Our Content (Reposting and Quoting)
We recently received notice that the American Coalition for Fathers and Children is working on putting together graphics and slogans for signs, banner, brochures, flyers, and other literature to support its goals of enacting shared parenting legislation and reform of child support and domestic violence laws across the United States. They are putting together working groups to create this content and have some people with professional backgrounds in graphic design already on board. They would like to get more skilled volunteers involved. They are also seeking ideas to develop into signs and other materials to help parental rights and family law reform groups get their messages out to the general public.
We’ve seen some of the signs and banners similar groups have created (California Coalition for Families and Children comes to mind) and would like to encourage them to share their work and ideas with ACFC. ACFC aims to build a library of such content and share it with like-minded groups and individuals.
Your Ideas Wanted
A professional graphic artist, and dad, recently contacted ACFC and offered his services to assist reform family law efforts. Mark’s desire is to help the movement enhance its public image by providing access to downloadable, professionally created signs, banners, brochures, reports and other printed materials our affliates, members and activists can use and inexpensively reproduce. The initial component of this project is to produce a ‘catalogue’ of signs and banners which can be used for rallies and demonstrations. The plan is to have a standard catalogue of materials which can be easily modified with your logo’s and event specific information.
As a first step in the process we’d like your input on the kinds of messages you think would be good to include on signs and banners. The catalogue will be segmented into categories by topic. Initially we’re looking for mottoes, slogans and verbiage related to Shared or Equal Parenting, Child Support and Domestic Violence. Please use this form and send your ideas.
If you have a professional background in graphic arts and copy writing or publishing and would like to volunteer as a participant in this endeavor please send an email to [email protected] with some details related to your relevant experience and we’ll connect you with others interested in this working group.
ACFC has “father” in its name, recognizing that most parents who are discriminated against are fathers. However, they recognize that an increasing number of mothers are also falling into the same family destruction abyss traditionally inflicted upon fathers. The group aims for equal rights for parents regardless of gender. They describe their position as follows:
Children thrive with the active involvement of both parents. Children and parents should be encouraged to spend substantial time with each other regardless of the parents’ present marital status. The undersigned recognize that absent issues of abuse, neglect or abandonment, social and government policy must be structured in such a way as to promote and maximize the opportunity of all parents to contribute to the social, emotional, intellectual, physical, moral and spiritual development of their children.
If you think similarly, you may want to sign their shared parenting petition.
Unbelieveable that on this age of supposed progressive awareness and so much education, something as simple as shared parenting is still not a given. Shared parenting makes a lifelong difference in a child’s well-being– as children and into adulthood. It seems it will take the voices of so many sounder individuals to make this fact heard. Thank you for all your good efforts.