Hey Kids, Your CPS Social Worker Wants Your Pipe Bombs!
Written by: Rodney
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I’ll be up front with my opinions about this story. I think it is a government spin job on what really happened. I personally consider it far more likely that the kid in the story below who brought a bomb into a CPS office was abused by CPS and got the idea of blowing up his social worker but backed out on it at the last minute out of fear or uncertainty.
Admittedly, I haven’t a shred of evidence for that guess. Then again, I haven’t a shred of evidence for the bizarre sounding government tale, either. Maybe somebody who knows this kid will chime in with a comment about what was really happening.
The official Santa Cruz County, California, government version published in the Santa Cruz Sentinal is that a 16-year-old kid was stupid enough to take his partially completed pipe bomb to his CPS social worker.
(from Pipe bomb destroyed at Santa Cruz County facility)
SANTA CRUZ – A teenager was jailed Wednesday after he turned over a “homemade pipe bomb without the pipe” to his social worker because he had to catch a flight and couldn’t take the explosive to the airport, sheriff’s Sgt. Paul Tashiro said.
The explosive was left at the K Building of the county office complex on Emeline Avenue around 9:30 a.m. and, as a precaution, the Sheriff’s Office Bomb Team was called out to destroy it.
Tashiro said there was no serious danger to anyone working in the building and no evacuations were ordered.
“It was very unexciting,” Tashiro said.
The boy, a 16-year-old county resident, was arrested on suspicion of possessing an explosive device, according to the Sheriff’s Office.
Perhaps the reporters at local station KSBW thought that version sounded like a government spin job, too. Their detail-starved coverage looks very dissimilar to the that of the Santa Cruz Sentinal.
(from Bomb Squad Detonates Device At SCC Agency
Child Brought Device Into Santa Cruz Agency)SANTA CRUZ, Calif. — Child Protective Services of Santa Cruz County had to call in the bomb squad on Wednesday after a homemade explosive device was brought into their offices.
Sheriff’s officials said a child brought the device into the agency, which is located in the 1000 block of Emeline Avenue.
The sheriff’s bomb squad detonated the device in the parking lot and nobody was injured.
The child was taken into custody.
If the teenager spent time putting together a bomb, you’d think he’d have assigned some greater-than-zero value to his effort. So why in the world would he hand it over to somebody who in all likelihood would destroy it and have him arrested? It makes no sense to me, hence my suspicions that this is a government spin job on something more unsettling.
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