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San Diego Superior Court Seeks New Grand Jury For 2011 / 2012

Each year a new set of 19 San Diego citizens is seated as the San Diego Grand Jury. Applications for the 2011 / 2012 Grand Jury are now being accepted through January 14, 2011. The Grand Jury could be hugely helpful to cleaning up the mess in San Diego’s courts, but despite the evidence of widespread misconduct particularly in the family law courts, the current and past Grand Juries have been stymied from going after judicial criminals. In this article I aim to point out how this could change if the right people get into the next Grand Jury and are willing to take some personal risks to protect the public from the out-of-control abusive judicial system in the county. If you and your family have been harmed by the government and courts of San Diego, I strongly suggest that you consider taking a year out of your life to get a seat on the Grand Jury and use it to pursue the government criminals who are harming and destroying so many families in the county.

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Grand Juries Stymied from Investigating Courts

California’s county Grand Juries are tasked with investigating and reporting on problems in county and local governments. However, the San Diego County Grand Jury has been effectively prohibited from investigating the San Diego Superior Court itself for a variety of reasons. Aside from whatever legal technicalities there may be for this, it is clear there is a strong motivation for the government officials who control the county to prevent investigation of the court system itself. The government wants naive citizens to believe that the courts in the county are fair and obey the law when neither is true.

The San Diego Superior Court is filled with abuse, corruption, illegal conduct, and disreputable judges such as drunk driver Lisa Schall [3], cover-up scam artist Lorna Alksne [4], abusive Christine Goldsmith with her nepotistic control over the San Diego City Attorney, and TV-star-wannabe DeAnn Salcido (who recently resigned over her misconduct) [5] that the Grand Jury would literally have to investigate most judges for misconduct and eventually verbally eviscerate the judiciary and file criminal indictments against many of them to even get a start on cleaning up the corrupt mess that these judges wish to remain hidden.

Many of these judges and court officials have ties to other “civil servants” such as San Diego City Attorney Jan Goldsmith, District Attorney Bonnie Dumanis, Sheriff William Gore, and others who use the courts and government offices as their personal playthings to harm their opponents and critics alike. Consequently, there is every intent by the government to hide the widespread judicial corruption and lawlessness. Aside from keeping secret their illicit plans and connections, they also endeavor to maintain their tyrannical grip on power by attacking and marginalizing their victims. They do this because if the public were to understand how many people have been badly harmed by the lawless tyrants seated in government positions throughout San Diego, there might be a public uprising against them.

Alksne and Goldsmith Significant Threats to Citizens’ Rights and Interests

Lorna Alksne and Christine Goldsmith are particularly frightening threats to San Diego citizens because of their abusive use of their political influence and ties to government officials to attack the family law reform movement in the county combined with their ability so far to evade disciplinary action for their misconducts. While we are more familiar with Alksne’s habitual misconduct and dishonesty given her highly public supervising role over the entire broken family law system of the county, Goldsmith is a big problem herself. Both are extensively involved in cover-ups and malicious abuses of power against family law reform advocates in the county.

Judicial Harassment of Family Reform Movement

Both Alksne and Goldsmith were apparently involved with a wrongful arrest incident on April 15, 2010. The arrest was apparently rigged by these judges and their allies and then executed by San Diego Police Department officers acting under malicious and improper orders. The intent was intimidate parents who have been abused by Alksne’s disgusting family law courts and have banded together as the California Coalition for Families and Children [6].

Members of this organization were peacefully picketing a family law seminar on April 15, 2010. The evidence we have collected suggests that when Alksne, Goldsmith, and many other San Diego Superior Court employees learned of the impending protest via an article on this website, these judges then fingered founder Cole Stuart for arrest based upon a temporary restraining order either Goldsmith or Schall had just issued days earlier based upon false and misleading claims of TV reporter Lynn Stuart (ex-wife of Cole Stuart) who is a known parental alienator and false accuser who has worked for years to keep their son from ever seeing his father again. The TRO was never served, therefore it could not have been violated. Further, the apparent “violation incident” was before the TRO was issued. But facts and the law matter little to judges like Alksne and Goldsmith, their own power is all that is at issue for them. It appears that Goldsmith had her husband, City Attorney Jan Goldsmith, issue an “arrest on sight” warrant manipulated to make it look like a felony warrant to help his wife quash demand for reform in the family law courts. Peaceful protesters who simply want to see their children again don’t like being arrested, and these judges knew that and knew they could intimidate them via attacking their leader.

Rightfully Protesting Government Abuse in San Diego Risks Wrongful Arrest

From what we have been able to determine, the truth of the matter is that Cole Stuart had at the time been prevented from seeing his son for nearly a year. It reportedly has now been well more than a year, since March 2009, since he last saw his son. This is happening due to malicious violation of court orders by his ex-wife Lynn Stuart, a TV news reporter in San Diego. Cole Stuart tried to set up phone contact with their son via email with mother Lynn Stuart, but she continued to block contact. At some point he referred to her as a “bitch” in an email (certainly understandable if you haven’t seen your child in nearly a year due to a malicious mother who is a parental alienator) and this was used as an accuse to have him slapped with a TRO. The wrongly obtained TRO was then used by Alksne and Goldsmith to have him arrested for political reasons at their urging and with the full cooperation of the San Diego County Bar Association over which they have much influence.

(from Cole Stuart Considers $10M False Arrest Suit Against SDCBA [7])

It’s still not entirely clear what the exact roles of Judge Lorna Alksne, Judge Lisa Schall, Judge Christine Goldsmith, and City Attorney Jan Goldsmith were in arranging for an arrest warrant in what appears to be an effort timed to harass and intimidate political protesters upset with the San Diego family law courts. Reports are that Alksne identified Stuart to Sheriff deputies on her security detail and then may have involved herself in the effort to arrest him. Judge Christine Goldsmith was also at the family law seminar. She reports to Alksne. Her husband, Jan Goldsmith, allegedly signed the arrest warrant. The nature and timing of events and connections between these parties causes there to be a distinct appearance of a conspiracy to cause false arrest for political purposes involving all of these parties in addition to the SDCBA.

Why San Diego Grand Jury Investigations Don’t Target and Indict Sitting Judges

Fortunately for the crooked judges, California Penal Code Section 888 outlines the functioning of county grand juries and requires that they are tasked primarily with investigating county and local governments:

(from California Penal Code 888 to 892 [8])

888. A grand jury is a body of the required number of persons returned from the citizens of the county before a court of competent jurisdiction, and sworn to inquire of public offenses committed or triable within the county.

Each grand jury or, if more than one has been duly impaneled pursuant to Sections 904.5 to 904.9, inclusive, one grand jury in each county, shall be charged and sworn to investigate or inquire into county matters of civil concern, such as the needs of county officers, including the abolition or creation of offices for, the purchase, lease, or sale of equipment for, or changes in the method or system of, performing the duties of the agencies subject to investigation pursuant to Section 914.1.

With the changes in the legal definition of local courts making them into subdivisions of state courts that occurred in the 1990s, San Diego Superior Court and all other county courts in the State of California are to a great degree immune from investigation by county grand juries because they are considered state agencies. This is despite the exposure that JudicialWatch and Richard Fine have given to the the illegal payments being made by nearly every California county to the judges in their area with the apparent intent of influencing them to rule favorably to county government.

Furthermore, it appears that the Grand Jury members have been manipulated to avoid issuing criminal indictments even when they are warranted. Instead of indictments, year after year they issue reports that are largely ignored by the governments being criticized. The typical response of many of these agencies is to deny responsibility for their misconduct and refuse to correct the shortcomings cited by the Grand Jury. This is why future Grand Juries need to strongly consider issuing criminal indictments against government officials. Merely writing critical reports generally accomplishes nothing at all to improve the problems the Grand Jury has uncovered.

However, California Penal Code Sections 917 to 919 may provide an opening for investigating criminal activities and misconduct by Alksne, Schall, Salcido, and many other San Diego judges:

(from California Penal Code Sections 914 to 924.6 [9])

917. The grand jury may inquire into all public offenses committed or triable within the county and present them to the court by indictment.

918. If a member of a grand jury knows, or has reason to believe, that a public offense, triable within the county, has been committed, he may declare it to his fellow jurors, who may thereupon investigate it.

919. (a) The grand jury may inquire into the case of every person imprisoned in the jail of the county on a criminal charge and not indicted.
(b) The grand jury shall inquire into the condition and management of the public prisons within the county.
(c) The grand jury shall inquire into the willful or corrupt misconduct in office of public officers of every description within the county.

The San Diego Superior Court has attempted to hide a lot of its misconduct by keeping internal communications and records hidden from public view. However, the Grand Jury is entitled to access to those records according to California Penal Code Section 921:

921. The grand jury is entitled to free access, at all reasonable times, to the public prisons, and to the examination, without charge, of all public records within the county.

But being a Grand Juror comes with a price — the price of staying quiet and helping to hide the government’s dirty secrets under threat of prosecution:

924. Every grand juror who willfully discloses the fact of an information or indictment having been made for a felony, until the defendant has been arrested, is guilty of a misdemeanor.

924.1. (a) Every grand juror who, except when required by a court, willfully discloses any evidence adduced before the grand jury, or anything which he himself or any other member of the grand jury has said, or in what manner he or she or any other grand juror has voted on a matter before them, is guilty of a misdemeanor.
(b) Every interpreter for the disabled appointed to assist a member of the grand jury pursuant to Section 939.11 who, except when required by a court, willfully discloses any evidence adduced before the grand jury, or anything which he or she or any member of the grand jury has said, or in what manner any grand juror has voted on a matter before them, is guilty of a misdemeanor.

924.2. Each grand juror shall keep secret whatever he himself or any other grand juror has said, or in what manner he or any other grand juror has voted on a matter before them. Any court may require a grand juror to disclose the testimony of a witness examined before the grand jury, for the purpose of ascertaining whether it is consistent with that given by the witness before the court, or to disclose the testimony given before the grand jury by any person, upon a charge against such person for perjury in giving his testimony or upon trial therefor.

924.3. A grand juror cannot be questioned for anything he may say or any vote he may give in the grand jury relative to a matter legally pending before the jury, except for a perjury of which he may have been guilty in making an accusation or giving testimony to his fellow jurors.

924.4. Notwithstanding the provisions of Sections 924.1 and 924.2, any grand jury or, if the grand jury is no longer impaneled, the presiding judge of the superior court, may pass on and provide the succeeding grand jury with any records, information, or evidence acquired by the grand jury during the course of any investigation conducted by it during its term of service, except any information or evidence that relates to a criminal investigation or that could form part or all of the basis for issuance of an indictment. Transcripts of testimony reported during any session of the grand jury shall be made available to the succeeding grand jury upon its request.

924.6. If no indictment is returned, the court that impaneled the grand jury shall, upon application of either party, order disclosure of all or part of the testimony of a witness before the grand jury to a defendant and the prosecutor in connection with any pending or subsequent criminal prodeeding before any court if the court finds following an in camera hearing, which shall include the court’s review of the grand jury’s testimony, that the testimony is relevant, and appears to be admissible.

Obviously this presents a problem for Grand Jurors with ethics. If they know of abusive and corrupt conduct of government officials but cannot get the Grand Jury to vote for an indictment, they must stay quiet to avoid potential prosecution. This helps the government keep its dirty secrets. That’s bad, but the real situation is actually much worse because of the composition of typical Grand Juries.

Current Grand Jury Polluted by Former Government Employees

Legal technicalities are hardly the only obstacle to ensuring the Grand Jury can fight crime and corruption in the government. Perhaps a bigger obstacle is how the Grand Jury is typically stacked with former government employees and their relatives.

The current San Diego County 2010 / 2011 Grand Jury consists of these 19 members:

Name Dist. Location Occupation
Bingham, Joseph 5 Carlsbad Retired Lifeguard Captain
Bingham, Robert 3 Del Mar Retired Technology Executive
Blakney, Lynette 4 San Diego Retired Educator/Counselor
Carlson, Richard 3 San Diego Retired Law Enforcement-SDPD
Dell’Acqua, Anne 1 San Diego Retired Registered Nurse
Deluna, Jose 2 El Cajon Retired Real Estate Director-US Navy
Dwyer, Lauraine 3 San Diego Retired Registered Nurse Executive
Ferrara, Jim 1 San Diego Retired Small Business Owner
Forsberg, Patricia M 2 El Cajon Retired Educator
Foster, Michael 5 Carlsbad Retired Educator/Counselor
Gale, Sydelle 5 Oceanside Retired Management/Administration
Hobson, Nekita 5 Vista Retired Public Affairs Consultant
Jessop, Edward 2 El Cajon Retired Technical Writer
Lawless, Blake 1 San Diego Retired Scientist and Executive
Lawrence, Sr. Nathaniel 4 San Diego Retired Law Enforcement-SD Sheriff
Malinoski, Thomas 3 San Diego Retired Public Relations/Management
Phillips, Rick 1 Bonita Retired-SDGE
Travis, Patricia 2 Lakeside Retired Pharmacy Technician
Wagner, Lil 4 San Diego Retired Public Relations/Writer

Of these 19 people, it appears at least half of them were government employees as of when they retired. This is not unusual as past Grand Juries have been similarly coopted by such people.

Furthermore, some of their occupation titles don’t make it entirely clear whether they were or were not government employees as certain titles could be used either way. Others may have ties to government officials that are not disclosed publicly even if they did not work for the government recently. It is likely that much more than half of the Grand Jury is aligned with the government by history and affiliation.

In the defense of the few government employees who actually do believe that government criminals should be exposed, removed from office, and prosecuted, it is possible to work for the government and later be willing to fight against it when it violates the law. As proof of this, Richard Fine is a former US federal government employee who pursued the County of Los Angeles government for its role in illegal payments to judges in that county. He was then illegally imprisoned for a year and a half as retaliation by one of the judges who was receiving the illegal payments.

The matter is a textbook example of the rampant abuse of power by California judges and county government officials and how one person gave up so much to expose and fight it. But keep in mind that Fine was a former US federal employee who went after state and county governments. Would a person who had worked for corrupt local or county government be willing to challenge the government in a similar fashion?

In my mind, it’s open to debate as to whether some former government employees such as teachers will side with government or citizens. Some teachers are social activists and clearly side with the oppressed against government tyrants.

But it is clear that many other government jobs are far more authoritarian than education. Particularly disturbing is the frequent presence of multiple former law enforcement employees from the San Diego Police Department and San Diego Sheriff’s Department. These are agencies which have conspired with San Diego Superior Court to violate people’s rights and the law and want their roles covered up, too.

For instance, consider the abusive actions of the Sheriff’s Department bailiff assigned to Judge DeAnn Salcido in her rude remarks and involving her husband in video recording in Salcido’s courtroom in session to help get Salcido a job as a TV judge. This same bailiff was involved in improper discussed of the use of violent force against a public defender:

(from San Diego Judge DeAnn Salcido Demeans Litigants and Justice to Create Demo Videos for Her Proposed TV Show [10])

Salcido Denigrates and Discusses Violent Threats Against Public Defender

Salcido participated in insulting and denigrating Deputy Public Defender Richard Longman and discussing having her bailiff use a Taser against him.

Similarly, on July 28, 2009, near the end of the court day, during a discussion in open court not connected to a particular case, you repeatedly referred to DPD Longman as “Mr. Federal Case” and complained that you never get out of court early when he is in your department. And, on May 1, 2009, while waiting for DPD Longman, the bailiff jokingly asked if you wanted her to Taser him; after responding in a joking manner that you did not want her to Taser him, you asked either the bailiff or someone else present in the courtroom, “Do you want to Taser him?”

As it is the bailiff who brought up the mockery and discussion of violence, the bailiff should be subjected to disciplinary action for this misconduct. But if these reports are accurate, Salcido played right along with it and she is not simply an innocent bystander. If you read the full text of the complaints, it is clear she routinely ridicules Longman in her courtroom and encourages others to do so, also.

Also consider the inappropriate arrest of one of Judge Lisa Schall’s victims [3], a distraught parent Joanna Slivka who was greatly upset by the treatment she was receiving in family court including denying her right to tell her side of the story. The Sheriff’s Department bailiff did not consider that he was being given an illegal order and should have refused to execute it. Later Schall was disciplined for abusing her contempt of court powers in this incident. But she was not the only one at fault, the Sheriff’s Department has a responsibility to train their officers to refuse to obey illegal orders issued by a judge and to report such judges for misconduct.

Also consider the highly inappropriate involvement of San Diego Sheriff’s Department and San Diego Police Department in the abusive arrest with goals of political intimidation against CCFC founder Cole Stuart at the influence of San Diego family law court judges Lorna Alksne and Christine Goldsmith who wanted to silence opposition to the divorce industry abuses in which they participate and benefit.

Police Abuse Hidden By Stacking Grand Jury With Former Cops

The three incidents mentioned above are issues of police abuse with family law court complicity. But there are many other police abuse incidents in San Diego that are executed apart from illegal orders from San Diego’s abusive family law judges.

Despite the role of law enforcement agencies in abusing and coercing the public on behalf of the corrupt San Diego judiciary, it is fairly common for former law enforcement officials to have dominant roles in the Grand Jury, typically as foreman, much like current foreman and retired SDPD police officer Richard Carlson does:

(from San Diego County Grand Jury Members [11])

Mira Mesa resident, Richard Carlson has been selected to lead the 2010/2011 San Diego County Grand Jury. Carlson and 18 other Grand Jurors officially began service on Wednesday, July 7, 2010. Carlson, 63, retired from the San Diego Police Department in 2004. During his 35-year career, he served in Patrol, Crime Prevention, Child Abuse, Homicide, Special Investigations and as a SDPD Spokesperson.

Carlson says he is honored to serve on the Grand Jury, “I always like to give back to the community because the community has given me so much and I believe people should get involved. I am especially honored to serve as this Grand Jury’s foreperson.”

Not infrequently, we receive reports regarding how SDPD and the Sheriff’s Department conspire with abusive CPS social workers to harm children and parents who have done nothing wrong. We have also learned of cases in which malicious parents work with CPS and law enforcement to deprive their children of one of their parents with the full cooperation of the San Diego Superior Court by using lies, perjury, and harassment executed by not only the malicious parent but also CPS and law enforcement agencies, particularly “child abuse units” that want a good relationship with CPS and are willing to go so far as to execute their own distortion and intimidation campaigns against parents who file rightful complaints against CPS.

Grand Jury Fails From Corruption By Retired Government Employees

If the intent of the Grand Jury is truly to force broken and abusive government agencies to clean up their acts, then the Grand Jury itself is clearly ineffective at its purpose. I’d suggest this has less to do with the intentions of most of its members and more to do with the presence of former government officials in their midst. These people have personal reasons to continue to help the government agencies to which they have allegiances avoid disclosure of their misconduct. After all, they worked in these agencies and continue to have friends and associates whose secrets (abusing children, perjury against innocent parents, etc.) they must protect.

Making the San Diego County Grand Jury Work for Citizens

If there is any hope for citizens to be properly represented by the Grand Jury, the foremost task is to rid the organization of influence by the county’s corrupt and abusive governments. The Grand Jury should be comprised of people who have no ties to government officials and no recent or long-term employment in the government to ensure that it is fully independent of government control.

For that to happen, there must be many more applicants for Grand Jury positions and pressure on the government to select people who are not beholden to the government.

As our readership includes many who have been extensively abused by the San Diego courts and government, it is likely that many of our readers would make ideal candidates for Grand Jury members. We strongly encourage those of you who have experience being victimized at the hands of San Diego government to apply for a seat on the Grand Jury and to use that seat to pursue the abusers in local governments and courts.

If you want to apply for a seat on the Grand Jury, visit San Diego County Grand Jury Application Form [12] to read the instructions and get the application form.

Further Reading

San Diego Judge DeAnn Salcido Resigns Under Fire, Yet Shows CJP Is Corrupt [5]

San Diego Custody Evaluators Generate Cash Flow by Victimizing Families Using Restraining Orders [13]

Richard Fine Complaint Against Judge David Yaffe, Sheriff Leroy “Lee” Baca, and Others Filed with US Attorney [14]

Judge Lorna Alksne On The Way Out After Home Picketed [15]

A Judge’s View of “Best Interests of the Children” [16]

Cole Stuart Considers $10M False Arrest Suit Against SDCBA [7]

CCFC Family Law Protest in San Diego Results in Arrest of Group Leader [17]

Judge Lorna Alksne Eager For New Weapons For Judicial Abuse [18]

CCFC Protests San Diego Family Courts on April 15, 2010 [19]

Bill Gore Is Poor Choice For San Diego Sheriff [20]

San Diego DA Bonnie Dumanis Attempts to Pervert Justice [21]

Reader Feedback on San Diego Judge Lisa Schall [22]

Why Is San Diego Judge Lisa Schall Still On The Bench? [3]

Corrupt Judge David Yaffe Jails Political Prisoner Richard Fine [23]

Eileen Lasher on San Diego CPS/Family Law Court Misconduct [24]

Flyer Protest in San Diego Family Law Courts [25]

San Diego Courts Cover Up Missing Forms and Psych Evals [4]

Stephen Doyne and San Diego Family Law Courts Under Fire [26]

Superior court seeking 19 new members for grand jury [27]

San Diego County Grand Jury Application Form [12]

8 Comments (Open | Close)

8 Comments To "San Diego Superior Court Seeks New Grand Jury For 2011 / 2012"

#1 Comment By Linda Burleson On December 16, 2010 @ 9:20 pm

This is a national issue. I think parents who sue states for depriving their right to parent illegally need attorneys who will do a better job of their defense.

#2 Comment By Never_Hire_A_Family_Law_Attorney On December 18, 2010 @ 1:42 am

Here’s a whopper. San Diego’s Family Law Specialist leader, Bob Lesh of [28], advises in an email to the SD Family Law Community to break the law! To be clear, Family Law forms FL-326 and FL-327 are to be filed within 10-days of appointment of a Custody Evaluator when the appointed Evaluator signs under the penalty of perjury that they meet the education and training requirements of the State under Title 5, CA State Rules of Court. Again, it is mandated that the appointed Evaluator MUST file completed form FL-326 within 10-days of appointment to a custody evaluation or they cannot perform the work as a 730 Code Evaluator for litigants that they have been appointed to by a Judge with form FL-327.

Bob Lesh advised the entire Family Law Community that was on the list-serve to make sure these forms were filled out and filed with the Court, post-haste, if they were not in their clients’ case files already. Bob Lesh of [28] should have advised them to NOT file these forms (if he were any kind of a true, ethical professional, and FL Specialist) as they were to be filed within 10-days of appointment in the first place! So he’s advising them to break the law when it has already been broken in the first place by Evaluators who NEVER filled them out in the first place because of an inept and corrupt San Diego Superior Court that FAILED to adhere to law — failed to administer the Rules of Court CRC 5.225 relating to the forms, in the first place! This is Mr. Michael G. Roddy’s responsibility to administer these rules of court, he’s the SD Superior Court Executive Officer who voted on the creation and amendment of CRC 5.225 (FL-326/FL-327) back in 2001, 2004, and 2006 at Judicial Counsel Meetings, but NEVER administered them for a reason!

See Mr. Bob Lesh email below… isn’t it the Evaluators’ responsibility to make sure these are filed, the forms are for them, oh, but oh, it is the lazy, greedy, corrupt, inept, uncaring Attorneys who NEVER cared to follow the Law in the first place and do their job well by counseling their clients about these forms when they went into Evaluation with the Evaluators, and the corrupt circle goes ’round and ’round… BTW—the rules are in the Bench Books beside every FL Judge in San Diego…see Bob Lesh email below…

—– Forwarded Message —–
From: jvandoorn at cox.net
To: tadrosmd at pol.net
Sent: Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34:31 AM GMT -08:00 US/Canada Pacific
Subject: Email from Robert Lesh to Family Law Community


Below is a forwarded email I received from an anonymous source who is a member of the San Diego Family Law community. I was told that this email was sent as a mass emailing to all members of the San Diego County Bar Association who practice in family law. I had originally received this email in early October of 2009 and as you recall, had forwarded it to you and various other members of the ‘Doyned’ community at that time.

If required, I can and will testify under oath as to the conditions that I received this communication under and the integrity of the individual who forwarded this document to me and his/her professional affiliation (a practicing member of the family law section of the San Diego Bar Association) in order that you can legally establish the veracity of this document with the courts.

John van Doorn

Robert Lesh [mailto:wrl@leshlaw.com]
Sent: Thursday, October 01, 2009 5:19 PM
To: SDCBA Family Law Section
Subject: [sdcbafamilylaw] Important Custody Evaluation Forms/Orders

SDCBA Community Message Sent by: W. Lesh. To reply privately to W. Lesh,
Click Here

Note: By replying to this message, your response will be e-mailed
directly to the individual sender. Click “Reply to All” in your e-mail
client to send your response to all SDCBA Family Law Section members
instantly. This is a PRIVATE list for members of the SDCBA’s Family Law
Section. Do not forward messages or post confidential case or client
data on this list server. For a list of SDCBA list serve guidelines,
click here.

To permanently unsubscribe from this listserve, Click Here

I have been advised that a press conference occurred today (October 1)
which involved the issue of custody evaluations and the submission to
the Court of the attached Family Law Forms 326 and 327. As you may be
aware from a prior e-mail I sent to all of you, these forms are
mandatory and have been now for some time. Whenever you are involved in
a custody evaluation matter, you need to make sure that your custody
evaluators sign form FL-326 and that that gets filed with the Court, as
there is a strong possibility that the custody evaluator will not be
paid for work that they perform prior to the form being signed and
submitted to the Court.

As to Family Law 327, that also needs to be signed and contained in the
case file.

It seems apparent that there is going to be a tremendous amount of
scrutiny being placed upon these forms and if you have any old cases
still pending where these forms have not been used, please make sure
that they are filed appropriately as you risk claims from your client
that the matter was not properly handled, if they later disagree with
the recommendations from the evaluator.

If you have any particular questions regarding this, feel free to
contact me.

Bob Lesh
CFLS Chair


You are a receiving this email as a member of the San Diego County Bar
Association’s Family Law Section. This email was generated through a
listserve, and does not represent the views of the San Diego County Bar
Association, or the San Diego County Bar Association’s Family Law
Section. To adjust your list delivery settings and subscription options
for all SDCBA list servers and communities, Click Here.

NOTE: By replying to this message, you will be replying to the
individual sender. Click “Reply to All” to send your message to all
members of the Family Law Section

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#3 Comment By California Coalition for Families and Children/CCFC On December 18, 2010 @ 7:45 pm

September 15,2010
San Diego

Dear Senator Boxer:

The pleadings that are screamed aloud by the violated San Diego Families are real, and are of extreme concern. Our San Diego County Judiciary now fits the criteria of a Fascist establishment that operates in conjunction with a specific group of the private industry, who constantly and illegally fund judges’ election campaigns, all to collude and rip off the families and grandparents of their assets while using the suffering children as PAWNS. “Pay for play,” otherwise the financially capable parent cannot be able to see his/her children. The San Diego Court professionals have been unprofessional thugs violating California Rules/CRC of Court for the last 9 years. The CRC were made Mandatory for a reason! As a result parents and their children have been constantly broken down financially, professionally and as a human being stripped off their basic rights.

The California Administrative Office of the Courts/AOC (which employs the California Judicial Council that establishes California Rules of the Court/CRC), has been cleverly represented by Mr. Eric Pulido. He is, in my opinion, specifically “hand-picked” to be as diplomatic as he can, absorb, waste time and frustrate the complainants from the “clear as day” violated families! By doing so, families feel hopeless, go no further and throw in the towel. All in my opinion, at the hands of the top of our state, the AOC that is located in San Francisco. The Public is not allowed any formal communication with these public officials. Their email is held “confidential.” The one thing allowed is 866-865-6400 with only a recording and very limited time to leave a message for a maximum of 30-45 seconds or so.

Repeated Phone calls and pleadings to the AOC have not been returned to many of our citizens for a reason! And when AOC does (with much prompting) The documentation is left up to the interpretation and bias of the AOC listener or complaint taker, Erik Pulido. Nobody knows how and what AOC exactly writes when they take such a phone complaint. They have taken some of our email addresses or contact information and said that they would send us a confirmation of our complaints. So far, AOC has done nothing.

This is exactly what happened in my case, total silence from the AOC. I met with the Senate Judiciary Committee at the State Capital in Sacramento, they expressed that the AOC is the “Fox in the Hen-House.” Is it true?

AOC very cleverly established a masked “Performa” Complaint Process. They refuse to give their email out and they tell you to locate their physical address off the internet, but they will not give it to you over the phone and God only knows why the AOC behaves this way?

The AOC only allow a general fax (never a personal one) and this never confirms whether or not they received anything and how many pages they received to start with? Therefore, the AOC has created a complaint process whereby there is no formal way of documenting anything. The AOC makes sure not to have it formal for a very good reason!

The thievery, lies and deception all in the name of Justice is atop our nose. We are a group of committed high-functioning San Diego parents numbering in the 100s, and on their behalf, CCFC is NOT going to keep quiet with those local and state corrupt officials who are all conspiring “wide eyed,” ripping off family assets, all in the name of justice.

We are ready to fly to the White House. Whom should we ask to arrange a meeting with our President? Can you help us out?

Referenced Google sites are:

Angeimedia Stephen Doyne and San Diego Family COurt Under Fire

Channel 10 blog Custody Evaluator’ credentials questioned in a lawsuit

Stephen Doyne City Search Reviews

Emad Tadros, M.D.
Cofounder/California Coalition for Families and Children

—– Forwarded Message —–
From: “Emad Tadros”
To: “benjamin palmer”
Sent: Wednesday, September 15, 2010 7:29:12 AM GMT -08:00 US/Canada Pacific
Subject: Fwd: [33]

—– Forwarded Message —–
From: “Emad Tadros”
To: “Saskia Kim”
Cc: “Equalparenting” , “cole” , “Eileen Lasher” , “Maureen Miller” , “Harold Rose” , “John Van Doorn”
Sent: Wednesday, September 15, 2010 7:22:19 AM GMT -08:00 US/Canada Pacific
Subject: Fwd: [33]

Dear Senator Saskia:

On the behalf of San Diego Parents, we are obligated to respect your office and your person as long as your office serves and does not mislead the public! Any silence on what appears to be Organized-Crime, will be carried forwards and WE will go to the White House and IT IS A MATTER OF TIME.

Please allow me to express to you that I do not appreciate your silence which clearly conveys unprofessional approach, corresponding with my serious concerns, in regards to our County Parents who have constantly been ripped off all her assets by our court Personnel, for many years, conducting illegal activities and flat out violating California Rules of the Court. I do not believe that there should be an iota of any government official who should dream that he/she will ever be “Above the Law.”

Please take a note that we are documenting any and all email communications with your office. And that we so far, have received nothing from your office.
Emad Tadros, M.D.

.—– Forwarded Message —–
From: “Emad Tadros”
To: “Saskia Kim”
Cc: “cole staurt” , [34] , [35]
Sent: Thursday, August 26, 2010 3:45:07 PM GMT -08:00 US/Canada Pacific
Subject: Fwd: [33]

Dear Senator Saskia:

Did you receive my May 21 2010 earlier email and its same attachments? If you did, we at California Coaliton for Families and Children/CCFC would appreciate your office’s professional reply.. We have a lot of the ripped off families who lost their shirts because of our San Diego county’s court derelict and unprofessional behavior! You reply is pivotal. Our San Diego County Courts, BAR and judges continue to use Doyne who is the solid CA Rules of the Court CRC/Violator and total fraud as their number one referral source and lecturer to our judges and lawyers. I find this to be quite frustrating and is clearly building more anger in our county and our families…. Are you going to do anything here?
Thank You..
Emad Tadros MD

—– Forwarded Message —–
From: “Emad Tadros”
To: “Saskia Kim”
Cc: “cole”
Sent: Friday, May 21, 2010 3:13:29 PM GMT -08:00 US/Canada Pacific
Subject: Fwd: [33]

Dear Senator Kim Saskia:

My name is Emad Tadros, MD, Diplomate American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology. Your email was sent to me from my previous attorney, Mr. Michael Aguirre who used to be the San Diego City Attorney for many years. I accidentally found your email and discovered that I totally forgot to send my requests to you.

Mr. Aguirre was handling my case as a plaintiff before the San Diego Superior Court accusing Court officials of Fraud. Mr. Aguirre and I both mutually gave up on his further involvement as long as my case stays in San Diego county Courts. Mr gruirre concluded that a BROAD San Diego formal investigation of our county courts would reveal fraudulent and illegal utilization of state funding by our County Courts.

We have discovered that San Diego county Superior Court had undertaken unusual and unprofessional steps for the last nine years would mount to serious State and Federal Felony Tax Evasion. Please investigate and I attached My Internal Revenue Service Letters for your convenience.

Emad Tadros, MD
San Diego
office 619-291-4808
cell: 858-775-2122

Attorney Cole Stuart
“cole” ;

—– Forwarded Message —–
From: “michael aguirre”
To: [37]
Sent: Tuesday, December 22, 2009 4:13:21 PM GMT -08:00 US/Canada Pacific
Subject: [33]

Michael J. Aguirre

Aguirre, Morris & Severson

444 West C Street, Suite 210

San Diego, CA 92129

(619) 876-5364


#4 Comment By California Coalition for Families and Children/CCFC On December 18, 2010 @ 8:20 pm

—– Forwarded Message —–
From: “Emad Tadros”
To: “eric”
Cc: ……………………………………………….
Sent: Wednesday, September 22, 2010 4:18:41 PM GMT -08:00 US/Canada Pacific
Subject: Formal email communication to request a Formal Investigation against San Diego Judiciary filed CCFC


Dear Mr. Pulido:

We sincerely appreciate your professional approach handling our San Diego matter. While we will try our best to put restraints on our frustrations to your office, we ask your administration to realize the fact that the parties are at immediate harm, and who have been and continue to be at a total loss are the helpless and “silenced” Children.

For clarification purposes, the court professionals who for decades put legal “duct tape” on the children mouths to make sure never to allow them to vent their frustration and the truth about who those court professional are, have been those same court professionals mostly Minor’s Council and the Illegal 730 Evaluators, sheltered by our judges fostering such behavior! Some of our honorable county judges are also Family Law Lawyers part-time! This is a gross conflict of interest. One of whom has been a total fraud ripping off parents and putting liens on their homes. Yes, this is done by some of the Family law Honorable, whom 33 (out of total 36) are in the habit of not reporting Election Campaign Funds, when in-fact it is the law to report to the public by filing Form 700 and report it in all relevant court hearings.

Our San Diego CEO Mr. Michael Roddy is well respected and honored to the point he received medals of some judicial and special recognitions. Mr. Roddy was advanced to be one of the most respected executive members of the California Judicial Committee/CJC and this has been the case already for many years. This CJC is the one that is supposed to sincerely listen to the public, act on behalf of the public, and execute CRC as requested, voted and mandated by the Public.

These CJC Executive members owe us back Honesty, Integrity and Professionalism. As a result Mr. Michael Roddy being one of the CJC Executive members, was the guard on the Hen House, the state of California in general and San Diego specific.

Mr. Roddy is getting annual salary ~ $185,000.00 and to my understanding with “incentives”, he gets paid around half a million more or less annually. As for donation to him or his office and who donates to him, this remains to be a secret?

Mr. Roddy has been travelling to San Francisco on a regular basis (average twice a year or so since ~~ 2000). Mr. Roddy noticed, approved and seconded the CRC 5.225 to:

1- Establish FL 325, 326 (both are serious forms and they both are signed under the penalty of perjury from day one for a reason to protect the Public) and 327 as strongly recommended in each CA county. To our Knowledge every CA county has been compliant in using those forms as strongly recommended by our CJC Executive members except San Diego County Superior Court where Mr. Roddy is actually the Court CEO! Why?

2- Every year thereafter these forms are more and more appreciated and detailed for a reason. Yet Mr. Roddy would travel regularly, but somehow as soon as Roddy lands in San Diego, he suffers from “Selective Amnesia” as to what was being strongly recommended under the penalty of perjury in his own San Diego County where he sits as Court Executive Officer.

3- Starting January 2005 these forms, besides being under the penalty of perjury and being more detailed annually, had become MANDATORY and again in every CA County. Yet, Mr. Roddy somehow continues to suffer from this “Selective Amnesia” Process especially when they become Mandatory.

Was there a reason or financial incentive for the churning caused by the illegal 730 evaluations who were constantly ripping off and committing frauds on the naive trusting parents and their helpless children? These Evaluators in San Diego County alone have been charging upwards of $350 per 45-minutes, or an average of $15,000 per Evaluation. This is grossly excessive.
Each and every Evaluator is a multimillionaire, drives a $100,000 Mercedes funded by the stolen and illegally seized college funds, at the court order. To our knowledge many of them take months vacations “around the world” and are cleverly fraudulent that you do not really know where they invest their illegally stolen property at?

Those mostly led by the fraudulent Evaluator (who also illegally take on other roles by chameleon the same parents case, with different professional colors, at the court order, such as Mediator, Supervisor, Therapist, Reunification Therapist, Case Manager, Special Master) are not held accountable for any of their fraudulent billings that continue on a day to day basis. This is a custom to keep ripping off families with fraudulent work hours, fraudulent phone calls and fraudulent contacts. Judges would not move an inch or ever allow the public any chance to formally expose such a fraud! It is a custom not to make any court orders of any inquiry or allow any details ordering such frauds who “IN REFUND” constantly and illegally fund the Judges’ Election Campaign. Why is that?

Most of our county judges have been sitting there for years and they un-contested with, in the first place? I learned that it is unspoken language to never dare to challenge a judge on his/her re-elction. The statistics are very low to challenge any judge and strongly speak against any judge losing re-election! Therefore , why do our San Diego County judges (FL 327 repeated Violators and passive violators of both FL325 and FL326) still allow parties at different attorney/evaluators’ homes held for their re-election Campaign Funds? Is this called Money Laundry or Bribery, committed by our San Diego County Judiciary?

In late 2009 I advised Jaqueline Hernandez MFT who was one the captives in the Riverside Family Court(70 miles away from San Diego). She gave due diligence over Roy Bradbury, Phd credentials claimed expertise, being taught by Doyne’s own CLE courses and his verified status as a 730 Custody Evaluator. Ever since, Dr. Bradbury has been under the Credentials Microscope. When he was due to formally file his credentials and expose them to the court as mandated by the CJC, he shot himself committing suicide in a parking lot in Riverside County on 5-21-10. It was discovered that Bradbury never filled out the mandated CJC forms, same as Doyne, since 2003. Also records confirm that Bradbury actually never fulfilled the legally required CLE hours, to start with. Clearly such unchecked Bogus Credentials taught by Doyne were ripping off and controlling thousands of families. This is totally expected when CRC were violated. This is FRAUD! Fraud by Mr. Michael Roddy, fraud by the Evaluators!


We are not just parents who have been violated. We are speaking on the behalf of many intentionally kept silent suffering children. For that, we have been spending much time and finances uncovering every deceptive and fraudulent Court-Professional who dares to mess up with the Children. Seeking immunity and shelter behind the judges’ robes and granting it to those violators, have been the bread and butter practice, fostering Fraud in the name of Justice in our San Diego County.

As long as I refused to keep quiet and or settle earlier with the Fraud Doyne, I am now ordered to pay the Fraudulent Doyne $80,000 in Attorney fees by the Honorable Bloom who makes sure to hold on to the case personally and never let it take a breath out of our corrupt San Diego county, FOR A REASON. The order to pay the “clear as the sun” Fraudulent Doyne $80,000 is nothing more than “Spread the Fear and Terror” in the hearts and minds of San Diego County parents who dare to speak up and uncover the San Diego Superior and Family Court Chronic Judicial Fraud.

So far, we have been stopping at nothing. We sincerely thank you and your office for taking us seriously. We are sincerely hoping that you would help us to stop at your office and go no further.

Emad Tadros, MD
Diplomate American Board of Psyhciatry and Neurology
California Coalition for Families and Children/CCFC

Attached Hereto is my Petition for Writ of Mandate, to Recuse Judge Bloom in Tadros V. Doyne.
Due to email limitations, Petition by the 92 members of the public to Recuse judge Bloom off Tadros V. Doyne filed by the public and filing with the State Supreme Court to recuse judge bloom will be follow on another email.
Thank you again for your patience and professionalism with us.

—– Original Message —–
From: “Eric Pulido”
To: “Emad Tadros”
Cc: “Equalparenting” , “cole” , “Eileen Lasher” , “Maureen Miller”
Sent: Tuesday, September 21, 2010 4:46:54 PM GMT -08:00 US/Canada Pacific
Subject: RE: Emad Tadros Reply Brief from CCFC

Dr. Tadros,

At this time, today, I am in receipt of four messages with attachments from you with timestamps of 3:27p, 3:31p, 3:39p, and 3:40p.

I am still reviewing all the documentation that both you and Mr. Siegfried provided on Friday. As you know the volume of those submissions is also very high. I am reviewing the information on a first-in-first out basis.

At the suggestion of Mr. Siegfried, I am carefully reviewing the documents. In addition to a full workload before your group’s complaints and the high volume of documents submitted so far by members of your group, it will take me some time to get through the information submitted so far. This office is not staffed to handle this volume so I respectfully request your patience and consideration.

You and your colleagues will receive acknowledgement letters soon. You and others in your group have stated your individual and collective frustration. Considering this, I implore you and others not to misinterpret the language in the letter as my office ignoring your complaints. Due to the sensitive nature of any complaint process not much information is provided.

The information submitted thus far will be reviewed and if needed further contact will be made. You are still welcome to submit more information; I do want you and your colleagues to be aware it is taking time to get through the information.

Eric Pulido
Supervising Internal Auditor
Internal Audit Services
Judicial Council of California – Administrative Office of the Courts
455 Golden Gate Avenue
San Francisco, CA 94102-3688
415-865-8030, Fax 415-865-4331, [39]

“Serving the courts for the benefit of all Californians”

—–Original Message—–.
From: Emad Tadros [mailto:tadrosmd@pol.net]
Sent: Tuesday, September 21, 2010 3:40 PM
To: Pulido, Eric
Cc: Equalparenting; cole; Eileen Lasher; Maureen Miller
Subject: Fwd: Emad Tadros Reply Brief from CCFC


Dear Mr. Pulido:

I appreciate you looking into this serious Public matter. Please take a note of this PUBLIC document (Reply Brief to change Venu filed for 6-11 hearing that never took place) as a part of my formal complaint against what appears to clearly corrupt and unprofessional San Diego Superior Court. This document among many serious concerns outlines the flat outright violation of CRC since 2001 and that only 3 out of 26 judges reported election campaign funds in San Diego County.

Please let me know that if you do not consider this as a formal document without my signature. I will be glad to sign the last page and send it to you.

We at California Coalition for Families and Children/CCFC appreciate your candor and professionalism approaching this serious matter. Please maintain this email for your records.
Emad Tadros, MD
Cofounder California Coalition for Families and Children
CC: Some Members of CCFC.

CONFIDENTIALITY NOTE: The information transmitted in this e-mail message is intended to be confidential and for the use of only the individual or entity named above. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that you are in possession of privileged information, also, you are hereby notified that any retention, dissemination, distribution or copy of this e-mail message is strictly prohibited. If you have received this e-mail in error, immediately notify us via return e-mail at the address above, & discard, remove, delete, & destroy any trace of it.

#5 Comment By Victim of Corrupt San Diego Judge On December 19, 2010 @ 7:40 am

Dr. Tadros mentions the failure of judges to file their financial reports according to law.

This is not a case of them not filing income disclosure reports and not having any conflict of interest from payments they are receiving.

In fact, every San Diego judge has been receiving illegal payments from the county government in violation of state law that says only the state pays judges.

This is just like what has been happening in Los Angeles County and was uncovered by Richard Fine. It was ruled as unconstitutional, but the LA judges benefit so they continued to violate the law by accepting these payments and attack the messenger (Richard Fine) just like the San Diego judges have done to people who have caught their bribing San Diego County violating the law and rules. LA judges threw Fine in jail with no charges to silence him. SD judges make false accusations against parents who catch county employees engaging in child abuse and failing to protect abused children who report it.

There’s a lying judge named Lorna Alksne who covers up the misconduct of San Diego County employees by blaming their victims and lying about them. It’s defamation by a judge.

Why does she do this? Maybe because she is illegally paid to do so by the county, to ruin people who might expose their crimes and file a civil suit for millions. Maybe because she helps her friends in the divorce business make money off victimizing children and parents.

Lorna Alksne is chief fraudster of the San Diego family law system. She fails to have custody evaluators file required forms (the FL326 and others that Tadros mentions) and fails to have minor’s counsel attorneys file required forms and reports.

Many of these people who benefit from her disgusting acts are her friends or friends of friends. They can break the law and rules because she doesn’t care if they do.

Alksne won’t obey the law and the rules. She should be removed from the bench and prosecuted for her role in the widespread fraud, extortion, and money-grubbing attacks on capable parents in the county.

#6 Comment By One of thousands On October 7, 2011 @ 10:57 pm

San Diego-speaking as a lawyer and former prosecutor of felony crimes in our nation’s capitol, I suggest that you should have no-zero-confidence in the existing judiciary. They appear to be more interested in protecting their incompetent and illegal friends than protecting citizens.

It’s hard to imagine a worse us of public resources.

Solution? Kick them out. April, 2012 is the date- please vote and vote against every incumbent. If they won’t patrol themselves they need our help.

God Bless all.

#7 Comment By kgauss On April 4, 2014 @ 9:42 pm

April 7,8 My brother’s divorce case goes again before judge Christine Goldschmidt. She has been totally biased and unjust. She is taking all his property even property before the marriage and selling it holding it in an acct, by the ex-wife’s lawyer and giving the interest to charity when he is now unemployed and out of unemployment benefits! he is charity1 hIS EX MARRIED HIM TO GE INTO THE COUNTRY AND GET HER PAPERS THEN WHEN HE HAD TWO HEART ATTACKS SHE WENT ON HIS CREDIT CARDS TO south Korea and had a face lift and put 50k on another for her divorce attorney’s retainer fee. She, the judge fails to enforce her own orders, while giving the ex-wife all his personal property held before the marriage. He is 60 and trying to find work at that age is next to impossible not to mention trying to start all over. He worked for everything unlike his ex who marries and takes. He is an orphan, no family to rely on. You guys should go to the court and report on what’s happening and wakeup San Diego; this isn’t justice at all.

#8 Comment By Christina shockley On June 23, 2020 @ 10:05 pm

Police are using Nueral Remote Monitoring on me to drive me crazy to supstansiate their Restraining order and to cover up ex-husband abuser stocking me for 4 1/2 five years while he’s been protected with a criminal protective order we both violated protective orders but they only violated me and find me and then I became the perpetrator when I have never been arrested for domestic violence against him that was substantiated and he was been arrested and called out for arrested twice for domestic violence once for sought off shotgun and numerous other domestic violence calls but yet the city is protected him with a criminal protective order because he used to manage their network charges DOJ and the cities infrastructure library‘s fire department and police departments