
Posts Tagged ‘Lilia Garibay-Sanchez’

San Diego Courts Cover Up Missing Forms and Psych Evals

November 19th, 2009 2 comments

I’ve been getting feedback on my recent article Stephen Doyne and San Diego Family Law Courts Under Fire from quite a few people. I’ll be sharing some of these comments and stories with readers. While verifying the accuracy of all of these comments is probably impossible given the amount of lying in courts and confidentiality rules and judicial gag orders, they sound at least plausible. Some have included details that lend added credibility to the reports. Please keep the reports coming. You can email them to [email protected] or leave them as comments on any of my articles and note whether you’re OK publishing the comment as-is or would like it to be anonymously contributed to the ongoing coverage of corrupt family law courts.

Judge Lorna Alksne Orders Court Staff to Obtain Missing FL326/327 Forms

There have been many reports of missing or never filed FL326 and FL327 forms for psychological evaluations in San Diego County. It’s been common practice to ignore the requirements for these forms. Now it appears that the court staff may be attempting to remedy or cover up (the appropriate phrase depends upon your viewpoint) this missing information by going through files and asking the evaluators to send the forms for psychological evaluations that may have been filed months or even years previously.
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