
Posts Tagged ‘La Porte Police Department’

Mom Arrested Over Neighbor’s Alleged False Report of Child Abandonment In La Porte, Texas

September 18th, 2012 1 comment

As the government continues to treat citizens as guilty upon accusation without evidence, even mothers who have been traditionally favored in all matters of family are being faced with arrest when falsely accused of crimes against their children absent any supporting evidence. This is a familiar but disturbing occurrence for many fathers, but mothers should realize that they may face the same offense of being treated as guilty by accusation and arrested without evidence simply because of a malicious allegation.

Tammy Cooper was arrested by the La Porte Police Department after her neighbor Shelley Fuller reported that she had “abandoned” her children, ages 6 and 9, by letting them play outside. She claims she told police that she was home the whole time and her children were merely riding their scooters in the cul-de-sac outside their home.
They then went to talk some more with the neighbor.

Mother Arrested for letting kids play outside

Police then say that the neighbor alleged she had hit one of the children playing in the street with her car. This prompted the police to arrest Tammy Cooper, despite there being no evidence of either child being hit by a car and Cooper and her children saying it is not true.
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